Thursday, March 31, 2011

March review, will I ever sell stencils, changes and more!

March was an exciting yet rather weird month for me. Here's what I mean...

Exciting! I flaunted my mag and online features and even added a little silliness of my own. :)
Know what I finally did when I found Flea Market Style on the shelves? I opened every cover along the front of the stand to...

this... and walked away giggling. I'm so bad. :)

 And then there was the one about the wild and crazy pallet desk I created for a whoppin' $3. You wowed me with 100 comments! Whadda way to make a junk chick smile. :)

I'm still loving the desk, but I officially announce here and now that I want to do some additional playing with the top boards. Soon! Right...

A boat load of questions answered on the farm table desk

Caption kinda says it all.

SNS #71 brings you ~ benches and a giveaway winner

And then we went and had a bench link party.
Know why I'm showing you the above one? I'm kicking myself! I found one exactly like this at a thrift a couple days ago and I LEFT it. But I left it because it was a mini bench. If it had been full size, I would have proudly toted it home. I just need to get a handle on the strays that wander in this house at this point...

Inspired by Pinterest

Weird but cool. :) Someone over at Pinterest has an AWESOME sense of humor. They flipped the works upside down for April Fool's Day. :) Quick, go look HERE.

Aside from that, I blurted my source for incredibly inspirational photos which turned many of you into Pinterest addicts. Join the club! :)

A workshop photography kind of DIY

My buddy Dan held a creative workshop in which I was hired on as the resident photographer for 2 evenings. Warning... picture heavy post! Moving targets are tricky to photograph and do well. Dan was pleased so that made me pleased.

Play "Name that book!" and you're entered to win Flea Market Style!

144 comments helped me with some possible names for the possible book that I may be writing.

And here's the deal on the book. Many of you are congratulating me and offering your kudos 'as I write'. Thank-you!! Truth be told, no contract has arrived as yet so I'm not sure where the book deal is at this point. No contract = no writing so we shall see what happens. You'll be the 2nd to know. :)

SNS #72 is ~ bringing the outdoors in and mag winner!

We then had a fab link party with the theme being bringing the outdoors in. Boy did this one give me spring fever!  The sweet photo above is by That's My Letter.

Do you decorate girly?

The chat about our girly decorating ways was intriguing! The funniest comment ever when was someone said they decorated girly in order to repel men! LOL Go Nita! :)

How to decorate... for YOU. See where I'm hosting today...

And then there was the one about the guest post I did over at Yanet's on decorating with the things YOU love, no matter what. Guess you could say I was rather qualified for that topic, eh? :)

STRESSED out? Maybe this can help.

So... who's been stressed out lately? I'm holding my hand HIGH up in the air. I fully admit I needed to write this post for myself at the time. So I did in hopes that it helped others in similar situations.

Goodbye Secret Garden Cottage. You will be missed!

One of my alltime fav blogs, The Secret Garden Cottage bid us farewell. But so many of you came by and offered amazing support, that Jo decided to keep it online and add her incredible photography when she could at her own leisure. I'm so glad. Every one of her photos belongs in a mag.

A birthday, a passing and finally, a sale.

A rather sad and mixed up time for my family arrived when my mom's birthday came upon us. And then her house sold. And then the anniversary of her passing came. Just... alot.

85 wonderful comments later of support and offering prayer really lifted me up. Thank-you! 

Fabulous kitchen ideas came from all over for this shindig! The above ultra rustic and creative idea for shelving is from Inspired by Charm. LOVE Michael's style in most everything he does.

When spring break broke out, so did the sunshine in our land of rain, so we hit the great outdoors with a little putzing around. Can you find any pretty flowers in this pic? I mean other than my son's pj's. :) The post shows you a few hidden gems in the mix of dried leaves and broken twigs.

Dream yards... with a challenge for you

And then after all my sticks and twigs cleaning, I got inspired for pretty and grabbed a ton of photos off Pinterest, encouraging you to dream up some wonderful new thing for your yard this year. Cuz later in spring we're gonna have a Dream Yard linkup! So read this and see what's up!

SNS #74 highlights ~ wall decor

The wall decor theme on SNS was awesome! I mean, check out this hen coop turned indoor shelving, housing the most wonderful treasures ever. I gasped when I saw this piece. I have the same one in my garage holding tools! I must change that... :) The awesome photo above is  from Buckets of Burlap.

Farmers Market sign reveal with a story

My newest creation came with a touching story that related to one of my favorite guys ever.

Will I EVER sell stencils?

And I recieved quite a few emails on asking if I'd consider selling the stencils I create.

At this time, selling decals is not something I desire to pursue. I require the time to further develop where I'm heading. Should my decision ever change, I will definitely let you know!

However, I've come up with something even better and more price efficient in the longrun for you, so stay tuned for some new upcoming ideas.

Building your own storage in a jiffy!

And then I took you along on a tour of creating instant shelving for your home, thanks to some wonderful affordable shelving from Ikea. If you fear installing, you need to check out this tutorial. It's DEAD EASY to follow.

In other news:

BlogHer/giveaway changes

I have some great news for those with Etsy shops and viewers alike!

BlogHer hosted blogs such as mine can now do reviews and giveaways right on the main blog itself with fewer restrictions! If you have an item you'd like reviewed or have always wondered about the wonderful world of offering a giveaway or sidebar sponsorship, you can read up on

Funky Junk's advertising terms  HERE.

So that was March in a nutshell here on Funky Junk. I also invite you to ask any questions you desire to know in comments. I'll be answering questions in the comments area, so if you ask something, please check back.

Thank-you for a very enjoyable March! It's been a blast, as always. :)

See you Friday 7pm Pacific with your BURLAP projects on SNS!

And then on Monday for the start of the Parade of Homes, with the first stop being right here at FJI! Goodness... if you think my posts are long, wait til you visit THAT one!


  1. Oh! The eye candy!! That chicken coup shelving thingy is absolutely fabulous! I want one too!!
    I have enjoyed celebrating March with you!! Now it is April and things are starting to grow in the garden...I am excited!!
    Hugging you

  2. i love your month in reviews... because i don't always make it over to see everyone one... thanks : )

  3. You are one busy lady, when do you eat? Whoa couldn't use more storafge...Can't wait to see what's next :)

  4. Pintrest had me worried lol. I was on my iPad and I was like, " If I turn it the words will still be upside down. How am I going to pin?!" then I seen the 'go back to normal' button. ;)


  5. What a great, and reflective, post, Donna/ I know how hard those "anniverseries" are...they kind of set you back momentarily...I am in awe of all you do and that you take the time to blog it so that all of us can see and enjoy it. Thank you...and I hope your path of self-discovery becomes crystal clear! xxoo Diana

  6. oh my. it's 8am and i already have goosebumps. thank you so much for featuring my crate shelving. it's such an amazing honor. really.

    wait till you see the headboard i'm making/made. ;)

    and congrats on a such an exciting march! you're one busy gal!

  7. Having coffee with you and your blog this morning was a great way to start my day. Great post, love the re-cap and the quick links to go back a refresh my memory or catch a couple that I missed.

    Have a happy day!

  8. I get so much joy out of your blog. You are truelove inspiring. The things you have created out of every day items, who would have knew... I know i see things in a different light. Love your blog, Thank you so much!!

  9. Donna, what a great post enjoyed everything about it. And you made me laugh when you said you opened all the magazines to your page... Sounds like something I would do .....LOL... I did what you told me to do with the old signs I found and I think it worked.. Thanks You for your help. have a great weekend.

    The Shabby Chick

  10. Love the recap Donna. But seriously...send me a stencil. I need bad.

  11. Wowwwwzaaa girlfriend!!
    That was one crazy busy month!!
    But awesome :)


  12. Welcome April!
    Can't wait 2 C what U have planned 4 this month.
    I know it'll B good.
    Do U ever take time to ENJOY these things?

  13. It was so fun to see you in Flea Market!! I know That Girl!! (reminds me of Marlo Thomas!) lol

  14. Good morning, Donna...

    Happy April!

    Cheers.... :-)

  15. You are one talented lady! This month review would be a year in review for most of us! Enjoyed it all! Thanks, Donna, for being a constant source of inspiration and "you can do it"ness for us all!

  16. It's a good thing I follow along pretty closely~ because, when you put it all out there in a bundle like this it makes my head spin!

    Gosh! you're a busy gal.
    and as ususual-- your long posts and pictures are wonderful.
    Lots of great stuff Donna.


  17. Do you know how wonderful you are?? I think the world of you! You amaze me at your talents, your creativity, blogging know-how, and your gift for words. But most of all, how you celebrate others. You have such a gracious heart, Donna. And that's why you are so successful. I know published books are in your future, and so much more.
    Hey, thanks for the shout out about my coop! And I love how you did this month-in-review post.
    Hope all is great in Canada ;)
    Becky C

  18. Awesome month! Very inspiring...I can't wait to see your article ( I am a winner with Miss Mustard Seed & will receive my copy any day now!)
    So much fun to see you in print!
    Heres to a new great will be busy again I am sure!

  19. Oh my gosh! Valerie Bertinelli is so your celeb look alike!

  20. In a nutshell? That was the biggest nutshell I have ever seen! You continue to amaze me with how much you can accomplish in a month! Are the days longer in Canada? Seriously!

    Can I just say that you deserve every great thing that comes your way! <3

  21. Nice idea.This is a good review about the product. I do not have much exposure on the subject you are dealing with but I could get the essence of what you are trying to speak in particular.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!