Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thinking out loud about the new desk design

Over the last little while, I've had my work office every which way possible. The only configuration I didn't try were the work tables upside down. :)

My rule when implementing anything new is to ensure it's productive first, so I live with alot of strange setups until I deem it so.

The dilemma?  I've been attempting to figure out how to build the desk against the window. Should I use wood palettes for the top? Or two vintage doors?  I'd have to have a glass top for either of these options... still debating.

And then I tried out a real sign. As kinda cool as it was, the busy made my head spin. And let's not even talk about how it talked to the existing carpet. Just couldn't deal with THAT much wrong doing for the long term.

I'm glad I tried it out for a day. When I first put it in, I was ready to dial for a custom glass topper order. By the end of the day, I couldn't concentrate on my work with all the colours and paperwork nattering at each other. FAIL.

So I wandered out back to the backyard boneyard. All these cedar planks stayed right where I threw them awhile back. Remember the great dumpster day next door? Well, I simply chucked these guys over the fence. Shipping rates were pretty reasonable that day. :)

Ya know, I may be onto something. I think I'll clean them up in case this flies. Wait.. it's freezing out. I mean, for real. Everything's frozen and they'd be wrapped up in a coat of ice if I attempted now. Delays once again!

So, lemme think here. If I did use them, how will I mount them?

And should I leave them wood tone...

... or coat them out in a half hazard style of white? Thinking...

Honestly? I think I'm going to be doing an upcoming tutorial on building two 6' farm tables from scratch. It can't be THAT hard, can it? 2x4's for the framework are pretty cheap. And a big chunka something for the legs. I think it's do-able...

Did you hear that? I may BUILD it. From scratch! From NEW materials. Made to look old. I rather like that idea. I haven't tried it yet... and we need a good sturdy farm table tutorial on FJI don't we?

I'll let you know when I know. :)

 In other news, my son finally okayed an idea I have for his room. Major breakthrough past his initial "I just want black walls!" mode. YES. This working on 4 rooms at one time (better than the initial 6!) is making me a little crazy...

My point?

Sometimes deciding WHAT you want is just as much work as MAKING what you want. But investigating options and trying things helter skelter as a trial for productivity is very important. Trust me, I'm the most impatient decorator on earth. But I can't afford to make costly mistakes. Only cheap easy to move myself ones. :)

Are you hashing out a decor decision that you can't seem to solve?
How do you work through it?
Who listens to you while you work through it all?


  1. Well, I'm not hashing out anything right at this moment. But when I am, I do lot's of Googling, talking, rearranging, and tossing and turning at night. I get input from everyone who has enough patience to listen. Eventually a satisfactory outcome is reached. Regarding desks, I'm loving the wood tone, but alas I also love a white washed finish. Looking forward to seeing the results.

    Lisa x

  2. I like the planning stage even though as you said, it is as much work as making the final product. I love the hunt, the finding, searching, and then hunting some more till I have every piece of the puzzle. Sometimes it is on paper, most often it is saved on my computer.

    I actually have spent weeks hunting and gathering and then never making an item. Maybe that is why I loved research in school.

    I am partial to the white-ish for a work area. It just helps me if I have less visual stimulation when I'm on a mission.

  3. I completely agree! Making the decision on what to do is often harder and takes more time than actually doing the deed!
    I LOVE the idea of you showing us how to make a farm table. I want a new computer dest myself and it's funny, I've thought the same thing..."It can't be that hard!" And I don't have NEAR the woodworking skills you have!

  4. Ha! Donna you nailed it on the head for me.
    I am ALWAYS PLANNING. I have a book, I keep handy to make notes and sketches and lists and lists and lists... what to buy, where to check for good prices, where I've checked already, lists of blogs...everything thought and every bit of my plan goes into this book...
    my problem IS THE PLANNING! I can't stop planning and make the FINAL DECISION to. move. forward.
    You get me? I PLAN for so LONG, and NOTHING GETS DONE! I'm INDECISIVE; I TELL YA, I need help.

    Can't wait to see your farm table-- so far I like you plans... but ALL YOUR FINISHED PROJECTS... I live VICARIOUSLY through you.
    Just sayin'

  5. As you said "when implementing anything new is to ensure it's productive first" that is exactly what drives me to rearrange, build, buy or change something for our space. As life evolves, needs change and so to must our home. My ideas just happen while doing other things, in the middle of a conversation with George, while showering, changing the garbage, sometimes even during moments it shouldn't. Out of my mouth comes "I have an idea". When something isn't working around the house it starts to naw at me in the background so I assume I'm always working the problem thru not really realizing it. Usually within hours of the "I have an idea" the idea has been executed.
    When there is a problem to work out George knows I will talk myself thru it, to him, thus finding the solution in that conversation. I'm from Venus, he knows he's from Mars.

  6. I love your style too and I can't wait to see what you decide on. I love the planing stage too :) yet I am fortunate enough to have a handy guy to create what ever I dream up...lol...poor guy, but he is a good sport about it.

  7. Who listens to me. Well no one. My Love just zones out for the first 20 of my crazy ideas and then when my doubt and question mark has left my voice he will zone in. And yes I do fret and anguish over things like this too. It's the researcher in me, I must have the 'theory' down first before I can hit the practice. Oh and we definitely need a farmhouse table tutorial here!

  8. I just thrash it about in my own head. I try something and then take pictures and view them on my computer. Then if it passes, I move on to the next. If fail...then back to the drawing board! I thrash a lot! Ha!
    Like the wood plank desk idea! And I think white washed would be cool!!

  9. Well Donna I see a white wash onplanks for your fab desk...word of advice on the son who wants black walls. I had a son who wanted black walls, he was 13...I said sure why not...but I have to say it began a depressing period for him, and I sure the black walls had something to do with it...so while it may seem cool I think it is a bad idea. Fast forward 12 years, he is fine now, but if your kid is sensitive, don't let him have black walls.

  10. I really need to redo my son's room - he's 12 and it's stuck in his 6 year old stage - so I'm dying to see what you're doing for your son's room. I'm still at the trying to find some ideas phase. Once I know what I want I tend to just do it and live with the consequences though. I don't usually have time around here to try a few options.

  11. If you have any woodworking related questions please don't hesitate to ask me, I'd love to help.

  12. Hey Donna,
    I have to tell you this quick story...
    My husband's relatives have a 200 acre farm in Texas, and we found an old shack out there. It was made of old chippy hardwood, so we tore it down to use the old wood!! OH MY, it is fabulous. And I thought of you... how you'd love this old wood :) A farm table would be awesome out of this wood!
    We need a tutorial for a farm table. Well, Mr. Buckets of Burlap would never have to know that I read your tutorial so I could help him :)
    Always love your thinking, my friend
    Becky C

  13. Go ahead make the tables out of reclaimed and new materials. I just made my first piece of furniture ... a bookcase with an old window as the door ... and I feel EMPOWERED. I want to build everything!!!!

    I love the white finish from your old gate as a finish ... it would keep the room light.

  14. Well, You had me at Junk~ I found you through your post today at She's Got Style...and now I gotta go tell her to put a link to your main blog line (or whatever you call that thingy). Anyway, I have walked in your shoes a bit in the past...You are doing a good job of balancing single motherhood and being true to your soul's calling. I am your newest follower and you are stuck with me now- Yes.You.Are.
    Back to work for me now..I am at the job until 9 pm tonight but I WILL be back when I have time to go back and play "catch up" on your blog. Hugs-Diana

  15. WE are working on a million projects and rooms too :0) We run out of money here, and because we still want to be productive you start to get creative with the other projects around the house. Im pretty sure I drive my poor, sweet boyfriend a tad crazy with it all haha

  16. oooo... liking those cedar planks!! Now if only the weather would cooperate! I'm the world's worst at making decisions though!! New/Old? But I know anything you do will be fabu!!

  17. I am glad I am not the only one with several projects going at once. I think the dry brushed white treatment works best. And I look forward to your farm table tute. I built one last month and despite the delays (wet lumber that had to be stacked in the house to dry)I enjoyed it thoroughly and blogging about it. I envy you your backyard stash!

  18. I like the white on the boards but then it depends on how the rest of the room looks/feels. I'm in the middle of redoing all or parts of 4 rooms as well. I research online and mags, talk it over with the hubby (sometimes he has an opinion, sometimes not) and try out what I can.

  19. constantly. I am so indecisive. And then, I'll decide, and something will delay it from happening, and I'll change my mind or start to doubt myself.

    Picked out our exterior colors last summer, and then the siding got pushed to this spring. Doubting myself and "shopping" for colors again.

    Decided on a color scheme for Baby Brudder's room - navy and white. Waiting for it to get renovated and saw a beautiful green and brown room that would be great with all our john deere tractors.


  20. I really like the warm tones of the natural wood planks. I know you'll come up with something great.
    I've been working on our house for 4 years, the husband phased himself out after year one. My problem area is our back hall/laundry area. It was once a storage room with the hot water heater and washing machine. We took out the back wall and opened it up to the attached guest cottage (now hubs office). We also had the plumbing moved for the washer and the electric put in for a dryer. And it has sat unfinished for going on five years. I haven't a clue what to do with the long narrow ugly space.

  21. I'm eagerly awaiting your design solution! Someday I'd love to build my own giant worktable/desk.

    I'm sure whatever you decide will be great!

  22. I am LOVING your blog!! Will look out for the tutorial!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I chuckled when I read about your son wanting black walls because mine did too. We compromised and went with light grey walls, black furniture with black and grey linens. Sounds dark but it actually ended up looking very nice. I have several projects but two of the biggest ones (for me) are my master bedroom floor and my guest bathroom. First and foremost is the flooring. I have been thrashing flooring ideas about in my head for several months but I am running out of time and need to get it done ASAP. I have tried to get ideas and to bounce my ideas off of a few friends but they were of no help. So I still need to figure out what to do with the MB flooring that is currently cement. I do not want carpeting because of all the animals. I also need to do it with little to almost no cost and little to no knowledge or tools. Yeah, I know... not possible.

    ~ Tracy

  25. I saw corregated galvanized rusty metal sheets in that pile..What if you put a wood top on for strenght and then put the galv. sheets on top with a glass top over. I am in my metal period so anything metal is great for me ..I think it would be one of a kind.

    Lynnie in Minnie..sota :)

  26. If you haven't seen all of the plans for farm-style tables over at www.Ana-White.com, you need. to. Yesterday. She's got great plans drawn up, with materials lists, cut lists, the whole nine yards . . . all for free. I think she has at least three, if not four, farmhouse-style tables.

    I just love that she has the cut lists and dimensions all figured out for me. ;o)

    Can't wait to see what you do!

  27. Are you going for the rustic wood top because it's free? I would think a metal top would be more your style. Be truly careful about getting into a glass top table situation. We have an old door as the top to our bar and glass on top. It got popped by accident and now its a $300.00 glass top with with clear packing tape for now. Plus it has to be cleaned for fingerprints all the time. I have a metal desk top and another one for work table. You can stick notes right to it- also use magnets- cleans easily and looks better with age.


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