Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An interview that's all about yours truly

Don't you love finding out more about people and what makes them tick?

I admit I really do. While I'm not exactly a tabloid lover, I do love blog posts that reveal some wishes and dreams revealed by the blogger. I like to tap a little deeper because perhaps I will learn something I can implement in my own life.

Well, there's a great new series in blogland I think you'll really enjoy that caters to exactly this!

In my own Style

I did an indepth interview with Diane over at In My Own Style.

And she didn't exactly ask what just my favorite colour was. (or did she... ) She asked a whole lot more. They were the kind of questions where I really had to dig deep and think, and in many cases, come back and answer at a later time.

I haven't viewed what pictures she chose for the writeup either.

I hope I wasn't wearing my purging best. :)

 And I wonder if she featured my fav colour after all...

This interview was actually tough. Very thought provoking questions where I wasn't even sure I knew the answers to.

Wish to check out the interview? Hop on over here for Diane's new series...

Once a month Diane will be featuring a blogger who she feels possesses a true personal style of their own and shows originality in the way they live, think and decorate. Perhaps they will inspire you to search for what is unique about YOU and the way you do things? Tune in and find out!

Now, Diane is an interior designer and it completely threw me when she desired to interview me. I'm slightly intimidated by *real (*doing it for a living) decorators, but know what made me feel more comfortable? Check out this quote on her blog...

Woa. What do I have to say about that? Here's mine...

 "Did Thomas Edison know me?!?" - Donna, Funky Junk Interiors

 You'll find the interview secrets here. :)

See ya there!

 my own Style

And watch for a new post tonite back over here. It's one you've been waiting for. :)

Is there anything you wished to know about me? 
Go ahead and ask. I may even answer. :)


  1. Congrats. A great article for such a splendid lady doing her own passions. Hugs.

  2. Congrats on that! You and your style deserve to be featured. Personally, I think it takes a lot more talent to create beautiful spaces with junk, rust, and rescued pieces. I'm glad your being recognized for your talent. I'm going to head on over and read the post but I'll be back later today because I can't wait to see what you did!

  3. Donna!

    As usual you truely inspire. Your creations don't come from your head (although that helps), but rather from your heart. I think that is why we love you.

    About your office - I think you need a table top that goes the whole length of the wall with the window in it. Under the table you could create a ton of storage. I am a little worried about the wood top that you chose, because you have used the wood beautifully before, but I wish you could challenge yourself to go a different direction. I know you can do it.

    I hope that wasn't rude. :-) Isn't meant to be!


  4. Oooooo! I forgot, per your invitation to ask you any question - what is your favorite color? ;-)

  5. Such a great idea! I'm on my way to check out the link. thanks

  6. What a fantastic interview Donna. You are such an inspiration to so many and I'm always happy to visit your blog.

    Hugs to you and your son ~ FlowerLady

  7. Donna, what a fantastic interview ANd Diane did do a great job. Those were great questions! It was also good to see how someone was pulled in just like I was the first time I found your blog. I was drooling over everything and telling my husband to come and check it out! I've told you before, you are just one of "those" people who draw people to you, your interview helps to understand why. Great interview, continued blessings my fried!

  8. What a wonderful interview and the questions were great! I love that you are you period, no exceptions. We should all be able to feel comfortable in out own skin, abilities and mind. Thank you for sharing!

  9. I am trying to pack, to race to the airport, but I had to check on Funky Junk. What a great writeup and you were the first one! I want to know: what size shoe and clothes you are. I am trying to lighten my load here. And, what IS your favorite color? I would say red, gray, or white. I like Little Red Hens idea of a huge desk. One end could be a photo studio. Can you teach us how to get the wreath out of your hair with picasa or whatever on the picture at the top of this post? Fondly, Ann

  10. I loved your "interview" and you have great style.

  11. Big things are happening for you Miss Donna!!! How exciting! Makes my heart smile. Headed over to read your interview. BTW...absolutely love your fashion show ~

  12. Ok I'll be watching tonight's post for sure, Donna...I'm ready to show mine off, are the others ready too?

  13. OOO, I'm lovin' this..going over right now to check it all out.
    See ya tonight.

  14. FAB interview!!!
    Just more reasons to love ya! :)

  15. I stopped over and read your interview! It was and is fabulous! She asked some great questions and you had wonderful answers. So pleased to get to know you even better!!

  16. I like her Own style ,originality,thinking and decorate...She is really a inspiration to all who just love to live their life in thier way... Interesting and usefull interview!!!Thanks!!!


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