Friday, February 18, 2011


 Remember the book proposal?

The 2nd call came. They want it.

AND. They loved my designwork so much, there may be an option for paid designwork in the mix.

Oh my gosh.

I cannot tell you how much I look forward to finally having the opportunity to meet so many of you. Because speaking engagements are a part of this. I may be heading into a town near you once all is written and settled.


Contract arrives in 2 weeks. I need to go cry or something. :)

Blogging is alot of work, isn't it? Yes, it is.

Just make sure you blog about what you love, pray you're doing the right thing for the right reasons and keep going. Because if this can happen to me... well, you know the rest.

And know, this is way more than all about me. That's only 5% of it This is my opportunity to share the story of how I got where I am. I hope those that helped me along the way are ready for abit of good publicity.

More to come! I have to go letter up a rig today. You know.. my old job that pays my bills. So far...

All book newsworthy posts are HERE.

"Son, I hope you like staging, because you're my new assistant."



  1. OH WOW!!!! Yes, I'm screaming for joy for you. How exciting. Congratulations, you definitely have created an incredible style for yourself. You deserve this. Woo Hoo!

  2. Hi Donna,
    congratulations. I'm so happy for you. You deserve this.

    Lisa x

  3. Congratulations, Donna! Celebrate with joy!

  4. So thrilled for you! Looking forward to seeing your name in print!

  5. That is sooo awesome! Congrats to you!!

  6. YAY!!!!
    I am so PROUD for you! You work so hard and it really pays off. I can tell that you put yourself into your work-- they will not be disappointed. Neither will I~~ when I get your book!!! YAY!

    BE blessed!

  7. Congrats!!!!! I love when good things happen to good people :)

  8. YYYYEEEEAAAAAA CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! That is totally awesome. I am so excited for you:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vinrtage vixens

  9. Awesome!!! YES!!!! Glad to see all your hard work is paying off. Keep up the great work and have a great weekend ... break out the wine and time time to CELEBRATE. :)

  10. oh my junk junkity junk junk goodness! I'm LITERALLY jumping up and down for you! You'd think I got a book deal or somethin. I'm SOOOO excited for you! ahhhhhh go girl go!

  11. Donna---So fantastic...and of course, in my mind, there was no doubt they would want to do to do your book! So, when you get on the lecture circuit, maybe you could come to Springfield, MO, or someplace close. Would love to meet you in person!
    Again, KUDOS!
    Best regards,

  12. Congratulations Donna .... you were ready when the opportunity presented itself .... Good for you!!!!

    See you when you come to Toronto.

  13. Donna, I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations on getting your book deal, I know it will be amazing!!!

    Kat :)

  14. Yay! I'm so excited for you! This is so exciting for all of us, really. If you come to Toronto, I'll be there!

  15. Congratulations! Of course they wanted it. I never had any doubt. Very, very exciting. I hope the deadline won't be too stressful.

  16. I'm so HAPPY for you!!!!!! This is by far the bright spot of the year!

  17. Congratulations...that's so exciting :)

  18. So well deserved! Can't wait to have the opportunity to purchase a copy. A big thank-you for so graciously sharing your talent & time with all of us out in blogland!

    I haven't blogged in quite sometime, hope to return soon!

  19. Yay! This is so awesome! You earned it and you'll be very successful! I'm not surprised they said yes. Congratulations and can't wait to read it.

  20. CONGRATULATIONS! It is so much fun seeing someone who has offered so much and worked so hard get such an amazing opportunity and well deserved recognition!!!

  21. Congrats - I am SO very proud of you, and can't wait to follow along on your continuing successful funky-journey!! How fun and exciting this must be! -Tammy

  22. Donna,

    Cartwheels, cartwheels! So, so excited for you!! Tell your publishers to add Salt Lake City to the book tour (and in all your "free" time, I'd love the point-n-shoot tutorial.)

  23. BIG congratulations! Coke floats all around!!! So, so happy for you! xo :)

  24. I had no doubts!
    Congo-rats to you Donna, this is so wonderful.
    Good things REALLY DO happen for good people!

  25. Crazy, jumping up and down, peeing in my pants happy congratulations dance for you!!! Way to go!

  26. Congratulations Donna! That is wonderful news! I am so excited and happy for you. Blessings!

  27. You know what's one of the many great things about your blog? I feel like I know you. Like an old friend. And like an old friend, I am soooo super happy for you! One big, warm hug from me to you. Congratulations, dear friend!

  28. Oh Congratulations!!!!!! This is absolutely fabulous. I am thrilled for you. Hugs, Marty

  29. Oh Donna, I couldn't be more thrilled for you... I told you that you were well you are going to be soon.

    This is just the beginning of something wonderful. Next your own TV show.

    Don't forget us when you get really big, k?

    Congrats my friend... I can't think of anyone more deserving. You make us Canadians proud.

    Hugs, Deb

  30. No doubts....but did your son have to pry you off the ceiling when you heard? LOL! SOOOOOOO excited and happy for you.

  31. Way to go Donna Congrats....can't wait to see it,So happy for YOU !!!!!!


  32. Don't know if they say "Praise the Lord" in your neck of the wooods, but HEY! "Praise the LORD"!
    Lovin this for you. And yes, I am acting like I know you for real, cause that's how it feels. Carol in Az.

  33. Congrats!! Can't wait to see the end result, althought I'm sure it is only the beginning! :)

  34. WOOHOO !!!! That is so very exciting !!!
    Congratulations !!


  35. I am so happy for you Donna. One night I found myself reading your backround story. (I usually don't dig so deep!) I can see this means so much for you! God's blessings!

  36. Congrats to you! Tell them Michigan is on the tour list or you just won't take the deal! LOL! Seriously, I hope you post where you will be and when. I would love to come and meet you! I'll bring chocolate and coffee!

  37. Whoa, Donna!!!! That's fantastic! We're all so happy for you! Can't wait to see your book when it finally comes out....wowowowow!!
    Mel's Cabin is so happy for you.

  38. Never had a doubt! :)
    YOU are fabulous, Donna.

  39. AMAZING NEWS!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see it!!!!

  40. WAHOO! That is sooooo exciting, but not unexpected. :-D Congratulations a thousand times over!

    Any chance your book tour might bring you across the Pacific to little old Brisbane?! Hehe!

    :-) Cassie

  41. I am so very thrilled for you Donna! It is so beautiful to see someone succeed doing something they love!! You deserve nothing but the best doll!

  42. I am absolutely overjoyed for you! I'm crying with ya right now!

  43. How exciting is that?!? I'm so happy for you and can't wait to read the book! I'll buy for sure! Congratulations!

  44. how exciting! congratulation to you!! have a great weekend! susan

  45. YEEHAW!!! if I had on mascara right now, it'd be streaming black runny-ness down my face! ok, I have to admit I have been stalking your blog for a loooong time, then I got brave and started my little one, continued to stalk and {finally} made a few comments and then notice YOU, you! visited me!! (insert a big ole excited yipee or yeehaw now) So girl, I've been lovin' ya for for a while - and honestly, I NEVER doubted that 'they' wouldn't ink a deal with you!!! Never did!
    Congrats! and stop by again - when you have time!!

  46. Boo-Yah!!!! Congratulations doesn't EVEN cover it. I'm so excited for you!!!

    Btw, if you want a funny/realistic/slightly obsessive account of what it's like to publish a book, you can go search for "publisher" or "editor" at the Yarn Harlot's blog, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is an excellent writer, funny, honest, yet an ordinary person. She's a knitter, so that's her spin and main topic, but she's a great one to read, especially if you've got an American publisher.

    Best of luck on this journey . . . it's going to be quite the ride!

  47. Yay!!! Big CONGRATS to you!! xo Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  48. I am so very happy for you and blessed to have followed your blog. You go girl-----so proud!

  49. YAY YOU!!!! Congratulations...just a little secret; we knew all along they would love your work. Dah...your awesome, original, true blue and passionate.

    What a thrill for you and your son. I'm so happy for you and I would definitely stand in line to meet you and get my books signed...I could finally say that I met a celebrity! :) *sweet*

  50. Told ya! You're gonna blow the SOCKS off of everyone! I smell book tour and TV!

    I also want to tell you that you've inspired me to tackle something new on a troublesome table. You'll LOVE IT.

    Congratulations; it couldn't have happened to a more talented person. And you deserve the design pay, as well.

  51. Doing the happy dance for you here in Ontario, Donna! Congratulations sweet friend!

  52. congrats - it couldnt' have happened to a more deserving or better person..
    can't wait to buy one signed by you at a book neat.

  53. Congrats, BIG TIME, Donna! That is awesome news.

  54. Congrats so deserve it!!~

  55. That is awesome. If you're not crying -- I'll cry for you!!!!!

  56. WoooHoo!!! You go girl. What fabulous news for you...we all knew they would love the idea.
    Congrats and hugs,

  57. Congratulations!!!
    I usually just lurk and never comment but I LOVE your blog and I just think you are so amazing. I am SO HAPPY for you!
    You so deserve this!
    :) - Cindi

  58. Oh Donna congrats to you!! I am so happy for you and I hope you make your way to Tennessee.


  59. A silent observer until now! Woohoo! your blog and know I will love your book. Best to you and your son!

  60. Hooray!!! I am so happy for you! Not that i doubted for 1 second that they would want the book. So exciting!!!!

  61. I've said it before and I will say it again, it could not be happening to a nicer person! I wish HGTV would come calling so we could see you weekly! By the way if that son isn't interested, give me a call! I love junk!!! My house is filled with it! ;) CANNOT WAIT TO COME ALONG FOR THE RIDE!!! Blessings to you friend!

  62. Congratulations, Donna!!! I knew this day would come for you... you so deserve this!!!
    Enjoy my friend!
    Jo :)

  63. I am soooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!! You have been (and still are) an inspiration for me.

  64. Sooo very excited for you!..congradulations!

  65. Congrats Donna!!! I'm so happy, you deserve all of the recognition in the world!!

  66. Congrats Donna! I was so stoked when I saw the title of this post!! I knew the book deal would work out for you! You inspire, challenge and motivate us every day. You deserve a huge pat on the back!!! big hugs!

  67. Woo! Hoo!
    Um, Ree, the Pioneer Woman was just talking this week about a great antiperspirant she uses - you know, like for the Today show and stuff.

    Just sayin'

  68. Oh my gosh! I'm soooo happy and excited for you!!!! You go girl!

  69. Woo-hoo Donna! I hope you come to my town or nearby so I can meet you. Remember, Leanne at Organize and Decorate Everything or at least pretend to when I introduce myself to you. Congratulations! You're awesome!

  70. Dear Donna, I am so happy for you! You truly deserve it! I am always cheering for you. C

  71. That's fabulous Donna! I'm thrilled for you! Enjoy!!!

  72. Congratulations, Donna! It couldn't have happened to a sweeter, more deserving person!

    Enjoy the ride!!!!!


  73. Congratulations! You have been a major source of information for improving my blog postings AND the photos that accompany them. I'm still using my cheapo point and shoot, but getting a little help from Picassa editing - thanks for the many tips. If you are in need of a smile tonight, checkout my newest post. :@

  74. you are rocking!!!!!am so darn happy 4 u!!

  75. Omg Donna! You must be doing the happy dance right about now! How fantastic. I'm so excited for you. So well deserved :))

  76. awesome!! Congrats, can't wait to buy the book.

  77. Congratulations, Donna! I can't wait to see the book! :)

  78. I'm thrilled for you, Donna. When I think of how much you share with all of us and how valuable I've found your tips, I know it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

  79. CONGRATULATIONS, DONNA!!!!! Woot! I am so happy for you and have enjoyed watching your dream unfold.
    I want an autographed copy! lol

    Hugs and a pat on the back,

  80. Congrats darling!!! This is great news and you deserve it for sure!

  81. WOO HOO! doing the happy dance in your honor! so can you contain yourself!?

  82. Congratulations Donna! I am so happy for you, I could just spit! And, that is a great thing! I definitely want your book and I hope to meet you in person at a signing!

    WooHoo! You are rocking now!

  83. Yay!!!! I am so happy, excited, thrilled for you!! Your success is much deserved!

  84. YA HOOOO, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!!!

  85. Congratulations Donna! I am so happy for you!!!

  86. I don't know how this happened but WAY TO GO AND Congrats to you! I see that huge smile on your face! Yes I do!

  87. We all knew they would say YES or they would not be the kind of people who know real talent!! This is so know we will all be checking your speaking engagements and can only hope you come to a town near us!! You are going to INSPIRE so many more ppl, and touch lives and homes with happiness! WONDERFUL stuff Ms FJI Donna!! :)

  88. so awesome! your style is one of a kind and it's wonderful to see all your hard work and dedication (and obvious love for what you do) get a big fat nod!! hope you come to south carolina!

  89. I'm so excited for you--congratulations!!!

  90. YES!!! I'm so stinkin' excited for you!!

  91. Congrats! How exciting for you! I've always wanted to do a book but I'm no where near ready for that. Maybe someday someone will say YES to me!:)

  92. Congratulations!! That is wonderful! Validation is a beautiful thing!!!

  93. There was no doubt in my mind! The only possible answer was "yes!" Congrats, Donna! Now, get to work!!

  94. Oh congratulations Donna! That is so, so exciting. I am so overjoyed for you! :)

  95. Congrats!! And to think "I knew you when".

  96. What absolutely fantastic news!!!!! Have your feet touched the floor yet?

  97. Congratulations! You had them at name is Donna! I am so excited for you...dreams DO come true! Hugs- Diana

  98. Congrats--so excited for you. Trying to share my excitement with hubby, apparently not as excited as me. but I am thrilled.

  99. oh my gosh!!! that is so awesome, I just knew they'd say yes!! :-) I have always wanted to write a book someday. love this blog party, too.

  100. A-MAZE-ING! So well deserved Donna, I could not be happier for you.

    You were so ready and that is why this is the new direction of your path.

    I can't believe you found out so quickly, you must have amazed them so much that they had no hesitation. And, a design option to boot! That is so perfect, your image is so specific that it best managed in your own capable hands!

    Bask in the glory of it and I hope you come within traveling distance of me on your tour! Congrats, Laura

  101. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I always knew you were talented...and your style is so unique! I'm so excited for you...and hope that you come to my town to talk! Boy, would I love to meet you in person!

    You rock girlie!!!!!! (My hero!)

  102. YEAH!!! That is so awesome Donna! I hope you come visit So. Cal. I'd love to meet you!!!

  103. Oh, Donna!!!!! I'm over the moon happy for you! No one deserves this more than you! Happy Dance!!!

  104. AWESOME!! Fantastic news Donna, congratulations. You've worked very hard to be where you are, so enjoyed every moment.
    Take care and try not to stress too much. :)
    Anne xx

  105. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!WooHoo! Woot! Woot! YaY!
    So happy for you Donna!

  106. Thank you SO MUCH, everyone! It's been one crazy mixed up day. I still don't know whether to laugh or cry! So I'll just add a smile and do all 3. :) Your support is worth a million bucks to me right now! You're so awesome.


  107. Congratulations Donna, I dont often leave a comment, I guess I am one of those lurkers but I do love reading your blog and if anyone deserves an opportunity like this it is YOU. Well done :)

  108. That is fantastic Donna!!!! I am uber happy for you, and I am happy for me...because that is one book I know I'm going to want.

    Congratulations. All your talent and hard work is paying off in a BIG way!


  109. Woot! Woot!! Congrats! That is so exciting and very very cool! I sure hope they send you to Albuquerque!! I would love to meet you for sure!!

  110. And There was doubt ~ they'd have to be crazy not to see your talent! Thrilled for you Donna, Enjoy this new journey ~ xo WOO-HOOOOOOOOO

  111. Congratulations Donna!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see your book, you must be on cloud 9! Have fun, enjoy the process! Theresa xoxo

  112. Double Woo-hoo!!!! You are awesome and inspiring! Congratulations!

  113. Congrats!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! YOU SO DESERVE IT! I'M SCREAMING FOR YOU!

  114. Hi Donna-

    I knew it from the first time I landed on your blog - You Got Style girl and that it was just a matter of time for an editor to find you and see what the rest of your readers have know. I am so happy for you. You better book a signing event in the Philadelphia area - I will be the first in line. :)
    My best- Diane

  115. How incredibly wonderful! We can all say "we knew her when" Congratulations! Well deserved

  116. Congratulations!!!! Your blog is definately my favorite, you inspire me and I'm even thinking of painting my own cabinets after I've seen what you have done!!!Now I know you will be coming to Portland, on that book tour! I only hope I can go so I can meet you personally! I just got my first drop cloths and they are in the washer as we speak! Donna, God has truly blessed you (and those of us who follow you!) Thank you for sharing your talent! I appreciate so much, how willing you are to share ideas and most of all the HOW TOO'S, You are so giving, and I guess as it its said, the more you give so shall you recieve! Again, my congratulations!
    PS I'd still love that personal consultation in Bend, OR!!!!

  117. YEAH Donna!!! I am jumping for joy for you and so proud of you. I read what you submitted and it was EXCELLENT - definitely funky junk style. I loved it. I hope Orlando and Biglerville are on your tour! Bet that later town will be on it. I am so excited for you. MMS's Mom

  118. I better get an autographed copy!! You go girl!

  119. Hot damn! They are lucky they signed you before someone else did. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to follow you into your new life!

  120. Wicked cool! I hope you come my way! They should also hire you to do design work :).

  121. I am very happy for you Donna!! That is terrific news and you will do a wonderful job because you love doing what you do. Soon you will be hanging up your day job and concentrating 24.7 on what you love! How awesome is that. If you come to Boston, I will definetly be seeing you at your book signing!

  122. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome, amazing, I am so excited for you!! Are you going to sell autographed copies? If so, mark one down for me!! I can't wait to check it out because I know it will be totally awesome! Congratulations, this is awesome!

  123. Is it inappropriate to say "Funkin' Eh!!??" I want to be in charge of your wardrobe for the book tour. Ladies all over North America are kvelling (a yiddish term having to do with bursting with pride, from my Revlon days)over you. You have a pure heart and a gentle spirit. Enjoy your success. Ann

  124. I'm so glad I get to do this with all of you! Goodness... don't know who'd I'd talk to otherwise. :)

    Melissa, I have the option to purchase books for resale which I will be doing. So yes, autographed copies (is this for real?!?) will be available!

    Giving my head a shake...


  125. I'm just catching up on this post. All I can say is congratulations!! I'll be looking for you at a book signing!!

  126. Not at all surprised, but very happy for you!

  127. That is very awesome, congratulations. What a way to continue to be such an inspiration =)

  128. That is AWESOME, Donna! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you, and will be one of the first in line to buy your book! :)

  129. I'm so sorry, I'm a few days behind on posts. I am SO very happy for you! You did the work and they called. Bravo!

  130. I have been behind on my blog reading, but I wanted to say Congrats!!! I am so happy for you! They made a good decision! :) I can't wait for it to come out!

  131. So excited for you Donna, you so deserve this!

    I'm thinking... we need a book signing at my store in Canton Texas! :)

    Congrats a hundred times!


  132. Oh my! Congratulations!! Oh the smile I have.. xo

  133. Donna, I'm SO sorry I missed this HUGE announcement! I've been so busy at work and home that I've been reading very little online. I was just doing some catching up and I saw this! I am THRILLED for you. No one works harder at this than you do and you are sooo deserving. I can't wait to see what you put together. I'm very happy that things are moving forward for you and quite quickly too.
    Congrats again!

  134. Oh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you!!You are motivating me to get out there and go for my dreams too!! Thanks Donna~can't wait for the book- I know it is going to be FANTASTIC!! Hugs, Courtney

  135. Congratulations! I will definitely be keeping an eye out for you possibly popping by my town. :)


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!