Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Copy Me Challenge continues ~ with 3 honorable mentions!

 You guys are awesome.

You completely overwhelmed me in a very good way with all 151 of your Copy Me entries!

I really enjoyed how you viewed my own individual style. You celebrated junk in a way like I haven't yet seen and I loved seeing what you came up with! So creative and inspiring!

Because there were so many we wished to highlight, tonite MMS and I are both sharing 3 honorable mentions. And here are mine!

How I loved this!  The piece is so functional, rustic and very reminiscent of my own horse gate coat hook area. I positively LOVE the natural lines of this authentic piece of wood and real deal antique door knobs. Isn't that metal grating behind the picture totally clever? I need to borrow that! :)

Missy knows me well. Palette wood is near and dear to my heart. And when I work with it, I attempt to leave it alone as much as possible, the way I did with my own palette TV stand. Missy took this piece, left it in it's natural state and embellished it in her own style. This piece was unique and totally rocked. While I've never made an art piece quite like this, I think you'll agree the style screamed me in every way. Cool headboard idea... :)

When I saw this one, I wore the biggest smile. :)  Chic Mommy built this gate from scratch, just as I did. This is a perfect illustration of how one of my extreme rustic pieces can be revamped into a more refined style. The gate also came with an awesome tutorial. Spacers were used in between the wood slats to create uniform gaps which was a really cool idea. Nicely, done CM!

I'm totally honored that all of you felt your awesome projects emulated my own. You brought your own twist to the mix in a way I couldn't. Bravo!

Next up: the five I personally chose will be announced Sunday night, and the winner announced Monday night! See ya then. :)

Furniture Feature Fridays

Miss Mustard Seed is also showing her honorary three tonite within her Furniture Feature Friday post. Bring a furniture link along while you're there!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

And, bulletin boards are all the rage on SNS this weekend. I totally need a new one in my kitchen, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you bring!

Need one more fix?

The Copy Me FJI linkup is HERE.

MMS's take on FJI with her hilarous video is HERE.

My musings and additional highlights are HERE.

Thanks for playing along, everyone!
Did you take in any lessons from the challenge yourself?


  1. They were all so darned good! It was so fun to see them!

  2. The sign created from the wooden palette is amazing! Your horse gate coat hook is beautiful in so many ways - the color and it's great function!

  3. Such great projects and so much inspiration! Well done!

  4. I logged in to read your post, as I always do and boy, was I flabbergasted to see my blog ''The Vintage Bag Lay'd featured! Thanks so much for the honorable mention!

  5. That should be The Vintage Bag Lady...first time using my laptop! Sorry!

  6. Well, hooooray! I'm so honored to be spotlighted with an honorable mention!!! Thanks bunches! I truly think we have a very similar "take" on what we consider eye candy and your challenge helped me get that project ON THE WALL!

  7. AHHHH I am in LOVE
    with all of the challenge projects!

  8. What great honorable mentions. The Vintage Bag Lady used such great "copy" elements. I just love the worn wood with the knobs. Have a great weekend, Donna!

  9. Oh, I learned a lot!
    First, I learned that I don't know how you ladies do it! I never even got my pics taken...

    I gathered a huge amount of materials, made lists of things I had that were similar to MMS or FJI and I made grand and glorious plans for vignettes.

    I learned that I actually have more in common with MMS than I would have ever dreamed.I started paging through her stuff and i kept thinking, "Wow, I have something just like that!"

    Now, of course, that happened with Donna, too. But, I wasn't as surprised. I love her style.

    Ultimately, I chose to spend the time on other things (revamping my shop) and I ended up leaving all my FJI and MMS props laying out all over the place. Actually, I kinda LIKE having these things out. :)

    Loved all the entries!
    So glad you all participated. It's a blast to see your stuff. So many ideas, so little time.

  10. Wowzers!! They all totally rock!!

  11. OMGosh, these are all so awesome and so good, I can't imaging how a winner could be chosen. They are all NUMBER ONES.
    This has been a blast!!
    xoxo bj


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!