Friday, February 25, 2011

Pallet Farm Table Desk ~ Part 2, the build

Don't miss Part 1 - gathering the goods

Continuing on...

Remember all that pretty wood I found?

While pretty, it sure was in rough shape as all pallet wood is. However no fear, that's what palm sanders are for!

This is another reason I love working outdoors. Wide open spaces for that dust to escape.


I'm personally NOT in love with this clamp style palm sander. The sand paper always flips out just when you don't want it to. However if you get the right size sand paper kit, it does work better. The local hardware doesn't carry the kit so I hand cut larger sheets. It really doesn't work all that great.

I know. The more I build, the pickier I get. I may end up high maintenance yet! :)

Anyway, I hear orbital is the way to go. I'll be checking into it. Oh. And did I tell you I want to also write a chapter on must have tools if the book flies? And why I like them and why I don't? Ohhh yes. All I need now is a good solid tool sponsor and we're off. :)

Isn't this leg the coolest? :) No piece was the same as the other, just the way I like to stir the pot. :)

This guy is gonna be 12 feet long!

 Rock steady. I couldn't budge it.

I had the most fun EVER making this up as I went along all with wood I had collected. I could have purchased new for some portions in order to make the build easier, however I didn't desire to. I wanted the scrappy look of reclaimed as much as possible.  I received one small bit of advice on how to attach the legs but the rest was all me. It was just like putting blocks together and understanding why something went where. I do believe the world of framing is starting to click... YES.

The Pallet Farm Table Desk

All 3 parts are HERE.

Part 2 - the build

Part 3 - the reveal

A boat load of questions answered on the farm table desk


  1. Looking forward to the reveal Donna!


  2. Donna ~
    I cannot wait to see
    how it turns out!!
    Isn't it wonderful when
    the weather gets better
    and we can work outside ~


  3. ROS (random orbital sanders) are the way to go for sure. The only negative about them is that the sandpaper is quite expensive. Your desk is coming along great and very YOU!!

  4. Loving what I see so far , can't wait for the "reveal"!

  5. i am SO with you on the palm sander! the desk is LOOKING GOOD so far. love that stamped element on the funky junkified perfect!

    i thought spring was coming...heard birdies singing a few days we're expecting another 6-12 inches. we've already hit a national record with 151 inches this winter! oh i SO want to get some projects done, like you said...outdoors so the dust can fly!


  6. Donna, I use to have that kind of sander. After burning up several these past years, I switched to velcro sander and paper !! Soooo much better. I buy the sand paper in bulk.
    Good luck on the table.... love you're posts ! Tammy

  7. I thought of you today when I was loading some free firewood with my kids. It was at a house that will be demo'd and the (deceased) guy who built the house years ago used salvaged materials. I spied old wood trim that his son gave me and I asked him to call me before the demo so that I can salvage some faded white wood that's on the side of the house! At one point I told my 13 year old son that he sure was strong and he said, "I have to be with a mom like you." Ha!
    J in WA :)

  8. I am working on a pallet project as we speak and need some advice. Do you do anything to the wood besides sanding? Any treatments? I am making a bench {some awesome bench theme party happening later this week, lol} and was thinking maybe I should use some type of varnish for the wood. Also since it IS old pallet wood there are a few pieces that have split...would you still use them? Anything you can do to help with that? Thanks so much in advance and for being my inspiration!


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