Friday, February 4, 2011

Copy Me! Challenge LINKUP, FJI style

 Copy Me 

It's finally here! The official Copy Me! Challenge linkup, FJI style. :)

This is your time to shine with your own version of my salvaged junk decor style!

How to play?

Simply link up a post that you feel emulates my decor style, and you're in! Your linkup may be an older post as well.

How does one win?

 I will be selecting what I consider the top 5 entries that I feel resemble my style the most accurately, then Miss Mustard Seed will deem who the winner is!

What's up for grabs?

The winner gets to customize their own Funky Junk styled prize. :) Now... what could that consist of?


Perhaps it could be a similar version of a custom sign....

 Custom kit?

And then there's always a custom kit I can create for you so you can stencil something in a much grander scale on your own...

Junk grab bag?

Maybe you'd enjoy a collection of carefully chosen vintage style junk that I'll surprise you with?

So many options. :)

I'll be chit chatting with the winner and asking what they desire to have for their own space, so the win is custom made for them.

Link Rules

1. Feel free to link up a new or past post you feel emulates my style.

2. Please ensure your linkup is for the Copy Me Challenge and not general SNS type linkups.  If you notice your linkup removed, please relink next weekend when SNS returns. 

3. Please link up back to the party so others can see what you're up to!

4.  MMS and FJI  are two separate parties. If using the button below, please make sure you use the right one for the right party, as they are coded differently.

Linkups will be open for one week and a winner will be deemed soon after.

Good luck and have a blast! 
Can't wait to see what you came up with. :)

Did you create a Miss Mustard Seed style project as well? 
Head on over there to link that one up too!

Copy Me Challenge


  1. All linked up! Thanks for the great party!! :)

  2. I hope someone copies your twig/branch chandelier! :)

  3. I'm linked and have never had such fun decorating. haaahhhaaa...thanks for a great party.

  4. Hi Donna! Sorry, I don't have any rust, but I had a lot of fun doing the video and the post - hugs! Kim

  5. Can we link something we've linked previously on Saturday Nite Special?

  6. Hi Donna! I have to tell you, this was such fun! You know I love your style and your words of wisdom!

  7. With the weather here, we haven't been able to work on any projects so I am thrilled beyond words to see that we could link up a previous post. I have a few that are very similar to your style because I like the same kind of thing. I'm going to pick out my best because I would just about anything to win a sign from you or any of the other things that could be won. How exciting!

  8. I haven't linked anything yet but I guess I am waiting to see...LOL. Donna you are so awesome and full of original ideas so this is hard. I will be back, lol.

  9. Love both videos and both blogs. Great idea for a party.

  10. Can I just say how much I'm enjoying wading through the links?!? I'm not even half way through yet and I'm having the greatest time ever! YOU are inspiring ME. :)


  11. I love this! I linked up one so far but if I have the time would like to link up more. You are the better than a rock star, I want to be you when I grow up!!

    :) Michelle

  12. having a blast reviewing the entries. How cool is it to see how you've inspired an admiration of rust and junk!

  13. I so love this blog. I remember last year you had a blog about using doors and my cottage wasn't quite done yet, men can be soo slow when following a woman's vision. (Roof pitch disagreement) Anyway, I did it linked up and it was so fun and easier than I thought! It was also so sweet of you to visit my blog!!!!

  14. Hi Donna,
    I couldn't resist joining your link party, even though my project doesn't truly meet the FJ criteria - we purchased the lanterns. But they are rusty, so I hope we can just let that other technicality slip by...! thanks :)

  15. Love this party! I linked some old posts, and I know you've seen some of them before, but they're still good, right? :)

  16. Donna,I'm loving going through all the copycat links. I need to go find something to link up to join in the fun! Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge!

  17. I linked up my ladder rack post, love all the neat stuff I'm seeing with this challenge. Too cool!

  18. Oef I am number 96, I sure am late to the party. But heck I was still painting this morning so I guess I did allright. Except this one is truly yet not exclusively FunkyJunk inspired. I hope that it still qualifies me to play

  19. Donna,
    This was a great party!!!

    Love your work, so of course loved seeing all the 'copy cats' treasures as well.

    barbara jean

  20. Thanks for your comment on my MMS footstool wannbe. You are always amazing me with your creativity and ingenuity! I'm having a blast looking through the Copy Me party.

  21. Thank you Donna for visiting my Blog that trunk was my Mother's when she came over on the Andrea Doria for Italy. Thank you for the nice comment you left me. Have a good evening.


  22. Having a great time checking out all these. So much inspiration.

  23. These are just great links, you must be proud to inspire so many people, Donna!

    I think the Copy Me challenge should be a yearly event.

  24. I always knew I LOVED your blog and all your projects. I didn't know how much we were alike in our style until this. I hope you feel the same way!

  25. This is such an awesome challenge. Donna you are an inspiration to me. My next project will be a pallete entertainment stand for our playroom. Thank you my Canadian friend. We're both BCers too!! Im in Mission!

  26. Girl you have challenged me, and I LOVE it! I thought there was no way in heck I could join your party, I have nothing...well than the wheels started turning..and BAM..I just was so excited. I only have a portion ready, but hoping at the end of the week I have it all pulled together. Thanks so much for this challenge, it was a lot of FUN!!~ XO

  27. Well it's a wrap Part II is done...I am tired and happy!!~ XO Thanks for the challenge..I needed that.

  28. Well I entered two more times! I just love this, I have been trying to copy you for at least a year and now I get to show off the fruits of my labor. Love the other link ups too I have even more ideas and have found soooo many more great new blogs that I had never been to before!

    :) Michelle

  29. I finally got my act together and linked up today! Thanks for doing this, I have seen a lot of great stuff! I do love junk!


  30. Wow! Loved this was one of the funnest things I've done! I have enjoyed looking at all the others who love their junk and how many people you inspire!

  31. I would love to play I have already copied one of your ideas. I would love to share but I am very new to this. How do i link up? Someone please help!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!