Sunday, February 6, 2011

Completely blown away with YOUR junk

rusty heart source HERE

Your links for the Copy Me Challenge have truly left me speechless. 

Allow me to explain why.

It's a complete honor you'd think I'd have some of these wonderful treasures in my own home.

Homemade trinkets created with your hands in an effort to emulate what you think I'd make.

Trust me. I wouldn't have thought of 30% of some of your amazing creations.

And then there's the one of a kind finds with the most delicious chippy textures everywhere you look.

I'm truly in love with so many new ideas I have on my to do list that YOU created!

Everyone at this party has played a special part in inspiring ME. I truly think I'm the winner here.

I mean, you've never met me. Yet you're getting me!

Some of your replications are near identicals to what I've had in my mind's eye forever and haven't even made yet. Wasn't I just talking about old white vintage doors for desks in my office?!?

And you've brought out your rusty finest, even when it wasn't 'you'. Just for me.

And you've shown me so many things that I haven't thought of making, yet I'd have in my home in a heartbeat.

Know what rusts my bucket the most? That you've created things that others have told you they DIDN'T like. However you decided to step beyond that and be proud of what you do love. No holds barred.

Some of you found the challenge difficult. Yet you pushed through it and kept trying. And succeeded! With flying vibrant colous I might add.

Oh my, did you have me envying so very many of you! Those junky objects of desire had me reeling. You just hit the nail on the head countless times.

 The first place and first date for Mr. and Mrs. Crafty Chic

You're even creating junk pieces that offer you memories.

And you're re purposing things to make newer cooler things. All in the name of a junk style only a junker could love.

Didn't see you up there? Do NOT despair. Those selections were random loves. There's a whole lotta goodness in that link party I didn't even touch yet! Wish I had the time to feature all of you.

But I think you get where I'm coming from. I've visited all your links and I've enjoyed all your stories. And can I just say...

All your junk deserves to win. Every single rusty chippy bit of it! :)

Thank YOU for the incredible inspiration you've given me this weekend.

And thank you for taking the time to challenge yourself to try something new. And even for being honest enough to admit it wasn't you!

Copy Me Challenge

Keep on junkin, friends! And adding your links. Deadline is Friday, 7pm Pacific.

The button on the sidebar is linked to the party.

So... did you find the challenge rewarding? Fun? Difficult? Did you learn anything from the experience?


  1. I was blown away by all the cool links! I'm still going through them, and really enjoying them.
    BTW, I referenced you in a my blog post today (How DO they do it?). If you could read it and share the "secret" I'd much appreciate it. ;)

  2. So much the plaque "The Best is Yet to Come" sweet!

  3. Wowzers!! I am totally inspired anew with all the "funky junk" entries! They are amazing. I particularly liked the ladder with the lanterns! Wow did she ever pack it with deliciousness!!

  4. They are all amazing! You're missin' one...hint,hint....
    I must travel on to parts unknown to find the perfect junk for my home.

  5. I thought this was so much fun and I keep coming back to check new link ups so I don't miss anything and can get new ideas. Your latest facebook post asked how long did the display last...mine is still up since it's a way of living and not done just for this challenge. By the way, "rusts your bucket" just cracked me up. That's great.

  6. Thanks for the sweet comment on my Mr. & Mrs. pillows. I know it's a tad "refined", but that burlap just junked it up enough for my own tastes. :) You asked about the fabric -- it's actually an old microfiber pillow from our beige couches. It's "aged" alright -- 11 kids and all their smudgy fingerprints saw to that. Not in the traditional sense, though -- only about 5 years old, but pre-dirty is just my style, so I didn't really bother to scrub it ahead of time.

    Anyway, thanks a million. I'm just loving what all your copy-cat-ers are comin' up with, and, as always, your awesome, inspiring blog.

  7. Oh my, on the front page! Thank you so much for the shout out for my little ol' light. I too have loved "getting to know" so many new, to me, blogs. Can't wait to see the winner!

  8. Love them! (Matter of fact, after seeing all the entries, I'm a little shy about putting my vignettes together. But, since I already have a plan in place for both MMS and you, I'll move forward!)

    How much time do we have?
    When will you be closing the contests?
    Inquiring minds, want to know!

    Thanks to everyone for sharing - your ideas are so inspirational.

  9. Wow - these are all so fab. Off to find out how they did it.

  10. I love everything. This is by far my favorite link party. I love checking out everyones links. Thanks for placing my Barn Door table on the front page.

  11. I have been totally inspired! I did some more inspired decorating this weekend!! I can't be stopped! :)

  12. This was such a cool idea you and MMS came up with. I am totally enjoying it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Just stumbled upon your blog for the first time. Very nice! I love finding a purpose for my old junk! Great ideas!

  15. I am taking an online course and one of the assignments is describe your ideal environment. I could take any or all of these photos and projects and add them to my IDEAL environment.

    I need to start another inspiration file to save all these wonderful projects and creative visions.

  16. I just love all the post and have to admit that I really love the wooden sign by inspired charm. BTW can you tell me why my internet explorer won't let me open the page for crafty chic? It bounces me right out....Is there something that I am doing wrong?
    I will add you link to my blog. Just love junk ask any of my family members especally the ones who are in the car with me and I do quick jerking stops in the car when I see some wonderful curb cast offs


  18. THANK YOU for featuring my rusty sign.
    Yes, ma'am....I did it all for YOU but Mr. Sweet and I liked the mantel so I am going to get my sign back out and....go for it.
    'Thanks for a fantastic was so fun.
    hugs, bj

  19. I can't even tell you how much fun it was to participate in this challenge!

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