Friday, July 9, 2010

Picket tablerunner idea

I have a dark island top which happens to be metal. While it's really cool, I've been on a rampage to get more whites into the mix, so I came up with a quick fix table runner to better highlight the area.

Find some dream pickets from an old fence, clean them up abit, and there you have an instant table runner, rustic fence style. :)

I trialed this one before showing you because I wanted to report if it functioned well or not. And I'm pleased to say, I love it! It's a great place to put items you'd use for mealtimes as well.

 As my island is large, these massive pickets fit the bill nicely! And they tie in wonderfully with the...

... kinda picket like home office right next to it, as well as the...

... living room old gate screens. It finally feels like this place is making sense and slowly coming to completion! Until I change things again of course. :)

Would oversized pickets be too large for your own table? How about some little self made pickets?

Smack'em on random like and you get the same kind of result.

Something else fun that could also work would be an old shutter. I did something similar on my tablescape cow sign corner.

Some cool projects don't have to take weeks to dream up. Just mess around with what you have and create something uniquely thought up by you!

I can see it now. Every neighborhood that has a picket fence is in grave danger...

What have you used for a table runner that was out of the norm?

~ ~ ~ ~

I'm going to link up to my own party over at:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

See you tonite! And remember to bring your old drawers with you. (that sounded weird)


  1. Love it! It gives a great dimintion and isn't permanent, if you wanted to change it up! For a forth of July party I've used those red trimmed rattan like mats, used for sunbathing down the center of my table, it was really cute, and they cost about a dollar! Lezlee

  2. Absolutely AWESOME idea! Looks great with the crate and plant, too!

  3. Really neat ideas! I've made shutters in my livingroom that flank my front window out of fence pickets!

  4. Hi Donna-

    Your pickets are perfect. Say that a few times fast... They are the perfect additon to your home... your style... and balance the "white" color throughout your room. I like the fact that you can make your runner skinny or wide to fit what ever happens to be on the island. You are so creative!
    My best- Diane

  5. Love your picket fence table runner, Donna!! It looks great on that awesome island of yours!
    What about just using a large, but low-lieing, rustic crate or box and fill it full of pretty collectibles? What you have looks awesome already, why change what ain't broke?! :)
    Look forward to your SNS party...see ya later!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  6. Donna, What a novel idea!
    Although I really think it looks good
    and I would do such a thing.. Mr would
    laugh and tell me to 'get those old
    boards off the counter/table!
    He does not appreciate 'old stuff'!
    He makes me laugh,,, I do things like
    this anyway!

  7. That's just to cute!!! What a great idea and I wouldn't have thought of that one at all. Thanks for sharing as you always inspire me :) Have a great evening!! ~ Laura

  8. LOL Sandy!!

    The criteria for any new potential 'husband' for me would be, he's gotta like my junk. :)


  9. LOVEEEEE IT! My man would be gutting the boards for me! He's all up for saving the $!

  10. I don't have an island, but I love the wood on your metal table.

    It fits just right, of course.


  11. that looks great! i love the white against the dark countertop. for a while i had an old white chippy windowbox that i used on my dark stained dining table and i loved the look! it was similar to this.

  12. My family would just accuse me of not clearing the stuff off the table before we sat dwon.
    You do make the shabby look chic.

    Only unusual thing I have used as a runner was a scarf.

  13. Oh man... Now I want some picket fence pieces!!

    Looks great Donna!! Very creative thinking!!

  14. Love the pickets!

    I did use tree branches as a table runner for Christmas one year...I think *that* qualifies as "out of the norm"!

    You can see some pics here...

  15. You are just too clever! I love the way your brain thinks 'outside the box'! Or 'fence' in this case!!!

  16. You are just too clever! What a great idea... cool looking and could also protect countertops instead of using something ordinarily ugly.

  17. That's very cool! You are so good at thinking outside the box!

  18. Another funky creative idea from Donna. I was speed reading through my dashboard and thought it said pink table runner. No way is pink in Donna's vocabulary....

  19. Nice, very nice. Glad you said it was kind of an old project, because I am always eyeing the flowers in pictures too, and I was thinking 'what the hack does she still have "snowbells" blooming in july!". Glad you shared it with us after all.

  20. Oh my! I might just be guilty of coveting your AWESOME island! Did you build that yourself? If so - PLEASE share...

    Love your blog and style. Been a follower for a while but think this might be my first comment... I apologize! =)

  21. Marianne, this is a newish project, a couple weeks old. The snowdrops are fake. :)



  22. #20 Lori, just because of that, I'm gonna prove you wrong! I actually do like pink, but the prob is, it clashes with rust. LOL I'll see what I can do!

    #22 Us Four, I meant to do a post on my kitchen island many moons ago! Thanks for the reminder! I'll do that.


  23. Love the pickets on your dark table. Perfect!!
    I have a small round table in the kitchen and I used a framed square tile as a runner of sorts. Works perfectly!

  24. That picket runner is great. I love it and am definitely adding it to the to-do pile. You're so creative. I'm loving your island, too!


  25. Girl, you are so creative and smart. I LOVE the things you do. I mean LOVE LOVE!

  26. You are so creative and they just look great!

  27. You rock, once again! I'm stealing, I mean, borrowing this idea right away!!! Wanna know why????

    Cuz I can put the wood on my wooden table and place hot pots/pans/dishware right on it and it won't damage the table!!! kiss kiss! I love you!!!

    Also I can do this on my formica kitchen table and place cake pans and the like right on it!!!!

    You are a junk genius!!!


  28. I am just looking at some of your creations for the first time today and can I say ... You are a Goddess! Your creativity is the absolute best.

    Can't wait to review more of your posts, and as much as I hate to copy others I may just have to steal one or two of your ideas.


  29. I wish I could have a flat screen tv in my shop that would just runs pics of your fabulous ideas. This is just so simple and sweet and easy. My clients would love it, your creativity is endless and continues to inspire me. Ive always had an out of the box kinda of outlook, glad to know Im not the only one. lol

    Lucky 7 Design


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