Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gitter Done! ~ volume 2

Welcome to

"Gitter Done!" - volume 2!

I gave you permission HERE to walk away from the computer to get some overdue DIY or non DIY tasks done and over with so you could blog allll about it.

Today's the day to reveal all your hard work! I can't wait to see what you've got. :)

This round I chose to work on a loooooong overdue project.  Let me just say, I'm grateful for the long expanse of time we had on this one!

You've seen this apparatus everywhere. It's just pine wall type storage meant for the garage. I recently acquired this from my mom's place. I started priming it fully assembled the day after it got here, but then it sat in front of my house for... oh... around 2+ months. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the city on me.

 I kid you not about the city thing.  It even gathered friends over time. The watermark on the pic says it all. This was one reason I started the Gitter Done event. I needed to get this done!

Then I bought a new computer and the whole world changed. It was time to get on with the new plan!

 When I realized painting it fully assembled was a dumb idea if I ever wanted to move the shelves around...

I took it all apart and pretty much started over. Not fun. Very tedious in fact. I painted the top AND bottom of EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE.

I first sanded and primed all the wood with Kiltz latex bonding primer, then went over it with 2 coats of semi gloss exterior. I honestly never thought this part was going to end.  But I did it in 2 days. WITH it raining. I know. I'm amazing.

Paint Tip: stack'em up

If you have a hundred thousand posts such as these, stack them side to side with edges up, and paint the edges all at the same time. Then lay them down and paint the flat sides. When dry, do the other remaining sides the same way. Just saves alot of edge work time.

Next, I glazed all the pieces, with a barely there tone as I desired the shelves to still look white, but to also show abit of character.  Brush on, wipe off with an ever so slightly damp cloth.

Install Tip: use a drill

Next came the big build. Using your cordless drill with the right tip is the ONLY way to do this! I staggered the shelves on the bottom to accommodate a file shelf etc. And instead of the normal metal back supports the shelves came with, I used sanded old palette wood for some added character. Can you get a feel for what's going on yet?

 I then used the window frames to mount the unit against the wall. With only 2 screws, this unit is not going anywhere, plus it's very easy to simply unscrew, pull away from the wall and adjust shelf height if I desire. Predrilling your holes makes this job painless.

Next I worked on the old farm table I had. I'll show you my trials and tribulations in an upcoming post soon. Oy... glad it's over!

Updated links:

The wall unit staging reveal is HERE.
Final reveal with the NEWER pallet desk is HERE.

 Here's a post on how to build this kind of unit from the ground up. 


Next Gitter Done Event is
~ Wed August 4th ~

Rules for the Gitter Done Challenge:

1.This is an exclusive linkup event. Please link up only if your project was inspired by GD.  
Please bring your general linkups to SNS (on every weekend) as we'd love to have you join in then!

2. In your post, please tell us how GD inspired you.  
This will help me determine which are GD linkups vs general DIY linkups not suitable for this event.  (which will be deleted.. sorry!)

3. Your linkup does not have to be DIY related, just something you've been stalling on. You'll thank me later. :)

4. Please include a before and after pic, so we can appreciate all you did!

5. Please link back to the event by text or button. (see BUTTONS section in header area if you desire)

6. Please keep the 'jest of your project' new to the net until your GD reveal. (teasers or shoot off posts are fine!) This will give us all a reason to wish to tune in to see what's brand new!

Linkups that follow all of the above guidelines will have the chance to be featured, so watch the sidebar during the event! The link feature will be active for one week, so keep linking and checking in. :)

Your thoughts.. did the time gap between the two events seem about right or abit too long?

I can't wait to see your stuff!


  1. I'm excited to see what everyone has done. I have actually been secretly working on my project, careful not to say anything until I knew I could finish it. I have to wait to morning to photograph it since I just now finished it!

    I can't believe you took on such a big project after all of those things you did for SYTYCD. You're either worn out by now or you just have endless energy. I wish I could get even half as much done as you do.

    I love the wall to wall shelving!

  2. Nothing got done around my place (and this time I can't even blame you :-) ). But your shelving unit looks wonderful! Is it in the same spot as the old trunk? I couldn't figure that one out, but I think you moved to a different spot because there are no windows in the old set up.
    New comp. looking great, Oh the blogging you will be doing on that one!

  3. Love the new/old shelving unit!! WTG!! That was a lot of work for sure. I have several GD projects...hmmmmm! Which one should I chose?

  4. You are so inspiring...while I didn't get a "specific" project done, I did finally get moving on some nagging and mundane to do's. You did inspire my trip around our warehouse district a few weeks ago with 4 kids in tow to find a pallet...I didn't find a pallet but I did find a huge wooden packing crate that is now my little raised garden bed. Have a good day and I hope you are feeling better.

  5. Wow! Your project is amazing, as usual! Thanks for that great time saving painting tip it will definitely come in handy with my trim painting. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Gitter Done Series! I need the motivation because there is so much to do around here it all gets overwhelming and stops me dead in my tracks at times. If it weren't for you, I'd keep putting things off!

  6. I need to buy a sander! What do you recommend? I want to sand a table, desk, oh boy my list is getting longer as I type. Any suggestions out there in Bloggie Land?

  7. #2 Marianne, the setup is in the same place. You just can't see where the windows are in that armoire picture due to the angle I took it.

    #4 Green Gracie Home, I'm in active treatment for something new, so my days flipflop from good to not so good. Thanks for thinking of me!

    #6 Boston Bee, when I do my refinishing post on the table, I'll explain what I would suggest you get. I can't remember what it's called right now and I'll send you to the store like a junkin' fool only to have you return with the wrong thing. :)


  8. I tell.. you.. I've been horribly busy at work.. and have left all DIYs for later..

    But I am super excited to see what everyone else has done... :-)

  9. Is it Wednesday already??!!???
    What I "got done" was litter boxes, and I am not going to post pictures.
    Maybe I'll have something more exciting before the end of the week.
    I also sorted blue jeans into sizes! (woo hoo)

  10. Patricia, your project does not have to be DIY pretty stuff. Just anything you NEED to get done. Non pretty is very welcome in these parts. :)

    But I do understand... with summer happening, it's hard to focus on stuff we should do. It's more fun to do stuff we want to do. Maybe I should bypass the rest of summer and start this up in the fall again... what do you think, all?


  11. I say keep the gitter done series this summer. So many projects need to be done in the summer, and this is spurring us on to get to it. We may not all be able to participate in every one, but if we even hit a couple of them, it will be a huge blessing!

    My project is still in progress. It's just been almost impossible to work on it in the 90 - 100 degree heat wave we've been having, in Northern Michigan no less! We are not used to that kind of heat here and the humidity is awful. Today is a little cooler, so I'm hard at it. Will post as soon as I gitter done!

  12. Oh boy do I got a Gitter Done for August. This is the kick in the pants that I needed.

  13. I love it. I think you've given yourself more room to grow and the space is flexible too! Bonus: It looks fantastic.

  14. I didn't think I was ever going to get my post up! Whew! I had to play taxi to my son and his friend today. I dropped my camera the other day too and now I'm having issues. Ack! But it's up.

  15. I missed the GD date again. However, just about everything I am currently doing inside and out is inspired by GD and you. Yes, you.

    I was sick as a dog yesterday. I even barked a couple of times.

    I couldn't move. So I didn't make it. Again. But I will. Cause I've got tons of pics and some serious projects that have been completed. My hubby is so proud!

    Thanks for the tip on painting the edges! Brilliant!!!

    I love that you actually took the time to prime, paint and wipe and you took all of the shelves apart. I would want to go the lazy route, but now, because of you I find myself really not being too lazy anymore!!!
    (is that enough inspiration for you???)

    How's that Mac treatin' ya?


  16. You have inspired me! I have been wanting to change my office area and have been wanting the large expedit IKEA system, because I need the vertical storage space. I've spotted some several times in online classifieds and yet just couldn't commit because the desk jets too far out on the side. I love your approach to refurbishing items, and actually I think this has much more function and personality than "their" system. Thanks, now I'm on a new hunt. And I am now motivated to paint the kitchen that has 4 different colors of "try me" splotches on it. Every time the kids are playing with the video camera and tape something in the kitchen, I just cringe when I see it. (And, it's been about a year....eeeek!) IT'S TIME!!I WILL gitter done!

  17. i had to laugh at the call the city comment. i often worry about the same sort of thing when i have a big awkward project at the side of the house for a while.

    thanks for sharing tips along the way, it's quite the project.

    p.s. nice bike! :)

  18. I have a HUGE gitter done, maybe this was just what I need for August. I look at my project and walk away, I swore I would do it this summer, it really needs to be done when the windows can be open....

  19. I am finally having a garage sale this weekend!!! It's only been coming a year now!!! (OK maybe it's been two years in the making...)

  20. I spied your chandelier...may I ask where you purchased it from? I've been looking for something like this one....Thanks,
    patti pkendall1(at)frontiernet(dot)net


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!