Monday, February 8, 2010

Livingroom reveal! (for today)

Welcome to my living room!

I have a confession. I change my rooms alot. One new thing brought in a room can transform the entire space. Because I will fluff and puff until it feels right. So let's just see how long this room will stay put as you see it today, shall we?

Ripped out carpets and a fresh coat of paint served us well for a few years, until we could do it right.

A fireplace revamp, new floors, paint, and windows turned into...

... the warm, eclectic mix of everything you see here, that is casual and very very us. :)

More details on fireplace redone, and floors put in.

An oversized cushy sofa takes center stage, begging you to chill! The lighter neutrals on the darker sofa along with the antique white coffee table truly create sunlight in the woodsy surroundings. Original post on how the coffee table was refurbished is HERE.

The blue and white ceramic tile tray is a new addition, recently found at a local thrift. The dusty blue is an unexpected refreshing pop of colour to an otherwise monochromatic environment.


The earthy textures of the tone on tone pillows really casual up the room. My very favorite Espresso one is from The Little Green Bean's Etsy shop. :)

And then there's the ever eclectic UP seating area first announced HERE. Two very different chairs for two very different personalities with another zap of unexpected toned down colour. But something I REALLY love about this little arrangement?

Love these guys too, but I also like...

... this amazing little round drop leaf table. It's the perfect place to display yet keep the one you actually use free and clear. And on a whim? Turn both chairs inward, bring up the table leaf and play a game. How cool is that? The finish has been left flat, the way it came. The lack of sheen gives it a true rustic organic quality.

This kitchen office sits directly behind the two easy chairs.

Next to the fireplace, a wood enhanced antique trunk holds loads of firewood due to the circular top. The gate came from a kind friend tearing down a barn and immediately thinking of my love for old. The other side of the gate is weathered red, which can be simply turned around if more colour is desired in the room.
Sorry for the poor picture. I'll retake one day with more lighting.

No room of mine would be complete without some funk! This is the stereo cabinet. The black box is a trunk turned on it's side with the main components inside. The smaller box fits over the two speakers. You can see how it's done HERE.

These are the window treatments for the massive picture window. I have some future plans to turn them into rustic wonders one day. The onion paper on the privacy screens allow light to penetrate through even when closed. And if I desire more window, I simply collapse and lean them against the wall. Love the clean lines, and it's 'different!'

The coat tree is a special gift given to me by a favorite local restaurant right before they closed down. Before, coats forever landed on the side of the sofa, and now they have the perfect place. And I love the look of it too! No repaint on this one. Ever. The patina of both hooks and distressed woodframe is perfect. This tree stands right next to...

... a layered basket stand. The baskets provide a wonderful dumping station. The top is reserved for office do dads, middle for truck trips, and the lowest for the garage. Totally functional and blends in well with the surroundings.

This shot is to give you a better perception of how open floor plan the upstairs is now. This one large room use to be two, with the kitchen VERY boxed in.

And that concludes the living room  tour! We adore our cozy wide open upstairs retreat and I'm thankful every day for the kind folks that helped us get it to this stage.

A confession. My truck has something in the back of it that has the power to change the room yet again. Hence, me throwing the reveal on here now before it's too late.

I KNOW what will happen when I bring that thing in! I'll need a week off work is what will happen!

Hmm.. good idea. The new truck load can wait. Nitey nite!

How about you?

Does one new thing equate an entire revamp for you too?!?


  1. I absolutely love the privacy screens in front of the windows! It is great that they let the light in while still affording privacy. You definitely have an eye for interior design.

  2. You have such a distinctive style. The pics definitely have "funky junk" written all over it!

  3. I love your room!! It is cozy and fabulous!! The fireplace really adds to the feel!! Very cool! Now you have my curiosity...what is in the truck??? I am still looking for that inspirational piece. I am so ready to change my room up!!

  4. *sigh* You have such beautiful spaces Donna. The more I see of your space, the more I see stuff I LOVE....I think I'd need some florals in there somewhere, but I love the funky juxtapositions you come up with for your walls and corners. Eclectic goodness, I tell ya :)

    And yes, bringing in an new (generally old) piece makes me itch to change everything. Heck, even taking out an old piece makes me change everything. Or even getting outta bed makes me change everything. *grin*

  5. I just love visiting you... everything makes me feel so comfortable!

  6. Oh, it looks so good! I love how you used all of your accessories so creatively. You really have a good eye for that sort of thing. And I love your little pillow from The Little Green Bean. It looks just perfect!

  7. I love that it's all open, Donna! Love your coffee table {probably because mine is next on my project list}.

  8. I have you listed in my faves and I am a follower...I love your home and decorating style! Always something interesting to see or read on your blog.

  9. I love it! The chairs are my favorite, Wish I was sitting in one right now having a cup of coffee with you! Your room lloks great and I love the open floor plan. That pillow looks just stunning on your couch! :) Thanks! You know me, any one thing can change an entire room, remember the dresser??

  10. Donna,

    Thank you for sharing your living room. It clearly looks like a spread from Country Living Magazine. You have a wonderful eye - from removing walls to the muted hues with punches of color. The fireplace and mantel are the crowning glory of the room. We have the exact antique folding table in our home.
    In answer to your question; yes, one piece can equate to an entire revamp. Hence decorating is a never ending process.

    - Deborah

  11. Wow, girl, you are gooood! I can't believe the transformations you can make in a room. What a gift!

    I think it's high time you came and did that for your very official manager's house too. That would make me feel better when we head to Hawaii and all.

  12. I love your stuff! Now I'm following along.

  13. I love it - so comfy-cozy with great style! :)

  14. Your room is just gorgeous and I love all the transformations that have taken place. Everything is just beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  15. This is the perfect combination of warm, cozy, and creative. It begs you to sit and stay awhile.

  16. It is perfect! And golly-g ! What a transformation. You give all DIY-ers such inspiration and encouragement. Thanks!

  17. I LOVE when you let us peek into your house!

  18. Gorgeous...amazing changes! Love it!

  19. Donna, I really love your blog, decorating ideas and have recently added my name to follow along. You're clean lines & easy, but funky design elements are so cool & refreshing. I love the use of the old trunks, crates and barn door!
    ~judi ;)

  20. It's beautiful! That fireplace really is gorgeous - great work. And I love how the island is at an angle - definitely more interesting and I think it flows better with the living room. And I don't need to say anything about the floors - they speak for themselves!


  21. Thanks all! IMO these are not the greatest photos... they turned out much darker than I thought they would so I had to enhance them till there was nothing left. Never NEVER do a photo shoot without your lamp tree, me! :)

    FJ Donna

  22. I love everything you have done! I could stare at your pictures for hours soaking up so much inspiration! Everything looks so warm and inviting. Love it.

  23. What a great room! Love your style. I change my rooms around all the time... I just can't help myself.
    Now WHAT is in the back of your truck???
    Can't wait to see!

  24. Absolutely love it! Makes me just want to settle in among your squishy pillows on the couch, have a coffee and gab. Love it so much!

  25. Looks so cozy Donna. I still can't get over how great your kitchen turned out too.

    Does Cody get in on decorating with you or does he just go with the flow?

  26. Looks beautiful! I LOVE the tin corbels on the fireplace! Can you give me any info on how they were made? Thanks.

  27. #26 Polly, thanks for the great post idea! Upcoming soon. :) Cody dabbles but for the most part, isn't all that interested. UNTIL the mood hits. Then he drills stuff onto his walls making lotsa nice holes...

    #27 Livingston, good question! I've updated my fireplace link to better explain that part. Thanks!

    Info on fireplace corbels and all metal touches:

    FJ Donna

  28. Yep,always!

    Espresso..... I want one!

  29. So pretty, and so many details to love! I love how you used the trunk for your electronics and how you also covered the speakers! And the coat rack from your favorite restaurant is really special, I would never want to paint that either!

    Opening up your kitchen made a world of difference it looks so good, and I bet you love how open and airy it makes your whole house feel.

    And of course I love your "UP" chair and your beautiful kitties seem too as well!

    Thanks for sharing, I love getting glimpses into other people's houses and seeing all of the cool things they use to make it their own!

    Kat :)

  30. oh my gosh.....i LOVE it!!!!! i have looked at your pictures 3 or 4 times!!!!!

  31. Everything looks gorgeous. I love every little detail. =]

  32. Oooh, love this! So glad I found your blog!! :) I am marking it a favorite right now! I love the baskets and the fireplace! Heck, I love all of it! :)

  33. What a great transformation and so inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  34. I am getting a ton of ideas! I had computer problems last week and it had to go to the shop. So I did not get to thank you for the gift I won from your big give away! I have been in communication with treasuresfromtheheart and am so excited to receive the package! Thanks!

  35. The space looks amazing! I might steal some!

  36. Donna, Looks so wonderful!!

    Enjoyed the tour.

    and yes, one thing always leads to another.
    hugs and blessings

    barbara jean

  37. Wow what a makeover. I love the fireplace. Makes me want to start ripping mine down and putting some stone up. I can't get over that.

    Great job....


  38. Well done! Wow!

    Stop by my blog as I have some "kudos" for you!

  39. I love that room. It is so comfy looking and elegant as well. My question is what you do about cat hair. We have a King Charles Spanial and his hair just keeps me running.

  40. I love the changes! It really does look comfy and inviting and your precious cats add the perfect finishing touch.

    ~ Tracy

  41. That was fun! I think I'll do it again. :) I love the screen idea as well. I have huge windows that I hate to dress. I love to see the arches at the top, so screens would do it. Shutters are my dream, but not in my budget for these babies! Maybe someday when my ship comes in. Or not.

  42. I did do it again, and it was just as much fun the second time. I recommend it. :)

  43. #40 nanab, cat hair really isn't that much of an issue for some reason. They sit in certain spots and it's a breeze to take the vaccuum to whatever that may be.

    I think it has something to do with the type of surface as well. That brown sofa? I pile it high with pillows so the cats WON'T sit on it! THAT one grips cat hair like glue. The other surfaces nearly blow off.

    Thanks for the kudos, all!

    FJ Donna


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