Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cupcakes, a clean garage, and an SNS #16 Rusty WINNER.

I was a good girl this weekend, and didn't start anything new to create more havoc in my already havoc-ed environment. I kept up with SNS #16, cleaned, and baked. Hey, I'll pretend I'm the Funky Pioneer Woman today and will cover it all!


Do you like chocolate cupcakes? I mean, like I do?!?

Tell me these pics don't make you drool. And yes, you have tuned into the right channel. I've never chatted about food before but I felt since this had to do with chocolate, that it would be ok to share a chocolate icing tip. :) This is an emergency share-the-love moment here!

When I make chocolate icing, I whip together butter, a splosh of milk and your icing/powdered sugar (called either/or depending if you're in Canada, eh? or the US of A).

BUT, for flavouring, I add a wallop of powdered cocoa. Just dump it in to taste. The cocoa totally takes away the intense sweetness of the powdered sugar and adds such a wonderful shot of.. you know it.. chocolate! And, there's a standard schmandard rule around these parts when making cocoa icing...

#1. You must make extra.
#2. It must be frozen.
#3. So you can dip your spoon in any old time and moan away.

This stuff is incredible frozen! Just one tiny spoon will do in a pinch. Call it your new after dinner mint. You are welcome. (No hate mail from dieters please.)

Thank-you for your kind attention to this urgent matter.
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If you've been tuning in to the Workshop Series, you'll know we've been busy creating a workshop. I'm here to report, I did it. It's clean! IT'S CLEAN!!

Isn't it purdy?!?!? Note: the Stanley red balances in conjunction with the Makita blue bringing in a friendly primary vibe to the... yeahhhh whadever. I can't wait to fire up some of those tools and make it all dirty again. :)

This Wednesday, I'll be showing you a photo shoot of special this's and thats I have implemented to make it work and some things that don't work. You'll be sure to get loads of tips for your own work areas. Not a full reveal quite yet but pretty darn close.

I'll totally admit, I'm really excited to have this seminar behind me so we can move on and learn how to make pretty things!

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SNS #16ing

Wasn't SNS #16 amazing?!? I'd like to direct your attention to my immediate right. Have a look for yourself, at some stunning highlights that left me gah gah. Thanks for making this weekend a very inspiring one indeed! For the subscriber readers, you'll only grasp what's all here on the actual blog.

I mean... hello? Made from 3 different components, it doesn't get much more crazy creative than this! Flea Market Trixie, you so make me smile! I LOVE highlighting a whole buncha ya during the event, so I hope you enjoy watching them pop up while you are partying as much as I do.

I kept up with SNS #16 soooo well this weekend, I knew by 11pm, I could name our winner!

Thanks to Beki with The Rusted Chain...

... our winner chose ...

Who won?!?





Dawn from Whacky Whimsy!

Congrats Dawn! What a gorgeous piece you've chosen! Love how you can incorporate your entire family on this one. Such special meaning attached. And what a cute blog you have! She loves all things... wacky!

How fun! Dawn plays around in photo shop with designs and then goes for it. Brilliant!

Hey, did you check out Beki's blog at all? She's a wonderful writer. Very deep thoughtful reading. And funny unexpected zingers! I couldn't even pick one post I liked best. They all entertained me. And she yaks about her latest creations there too. Check her out.

The Rusted Chain BLOG.

The Rusted Chain ETSY.

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So, let's chit chat this fine Sun nite - Monday morning.

Got a choc icing tip of your own to share?
Did you work on your workshop project this weekend?
Are you going shopping at Beki's place since you didn't win? (I just ducked!)

Sorry. Peace offering?!?

It goes extremely well with...




  1. Fabulous...fabulous!! And congrats to Dawn!!!! I am so jealous! Love the bookcase! And that dresser is TDF!! Now let's have some of those cupcakes and a nice cup of coffee!!

  2. you are funny. and that chocolate looks yummy for my tummy!!!

  3. Wow, I have never won anything before!!! I have wanted this necklace so badly since the first time I saw it, I have someone very special to put on it. Thank you SO much Donna, from the bottom of my heart, for this chance. :) PS. Your workshop looks amazing, I would not want to sawdust it up again!

  4. The shop looks great. Unfortunately, it is too clean. You really should dirty it up... Can't wait to see what you come up with out of there.

  5. OK, the garage looks so good that I thought it was another one of your "fooled ya" photos and the real garage was gonna be in the next shot!!! It really looks amazing. So how long do you stand out there and stare at it???

    My work spot is almost done!! Screaming, I am!!! And I'm in love!

    Oh, and the chocolate cupcakes? A splash of orange flavor in the frosting is something we like here! Love the cocoa idea! I'll let you know how they turn out! It's Valentine's Week here in our house!

    I'm gonna run over to Dawn's blog right now! Congrats to her!

    Have a super day, Donna!

  6. yay for dawn! yay for donna, and a BIG yay for chocolate!
    My workspace MUST wait till spring. :( but chocolate.. love it!
    My icing is similar to yours. I melt some margarine, add enough cocoa powder to make a paste, then add powder sugar and boiling water until it is "lick the spoon" yummy!
    Do I put it on cupcakes? nah... I put it on pillsbury cinnamon rolls (instead of the vanilla glaze)
    I also use it on scrumptious homemade donuts!
    But... only on the weekends....m-f I try to be good and have my cheerios.
    sorry for rambling! I love, love, love your new clean space. I'm very envious! ;)

  7. Congratulations to the winners! And your workshop looks wonderful! Hmm maybe I should go organize something, that always makes me feel better! Nah, I'll just make some chocolate cupcakes instead, that will really make me feel better!

    Kat :)

  8. I might die if I don't make frosting like that asap. It looks just like the chocolate buttercream my mother always made when we were growing up. MUST LICK BEATER! Thank you for what you do :)

  9. Okay, so now I'm really hungry AND jealous of your workspace. My new worktable is still sitting in it's box in the garage..
    Have a great day!


  10. Hi I am a new follow. Found you through THe little Green Bean.

    Love your stuff. Wanted to see if you were interested in our current Blog Hop.

    And possibly sharing your projects in an upcoming Magazine we will be premiering this fall. I am looking for unique projects to add to it.

    If you are interested please visit the link below to learn more.

    Have a wonderful week!!! Tara @ Trend Treehouse

  11. You are cracking me up.

    Thank you for hosting such a fun giveaway!!

  12. Love your blog!
    This is a question from a December blog entry-- which hardware store carries the burlap sand bags? I've looked everywhere-- so many uses, but can't find them...please help! :)

  13. I just happened upon burlap by the yard at Walmart. Dirt cheap. $2.30/yad or something like that. Comes in different shades of beige/cream/ochre/brown/greens.

    I didn't find an email for Anne. Hope it's OK to suggest this to her here.


  14. Thanks for the tip, Kolein! :)
    If I don't find a source for the burlap bags, I'll definitely check out Walmart for it by the yard.

  15. ohhh yummy! I want to eat that cupcake! Looks desish!

  16. Hey Donna! It all looks fabulous! But really, the chocolate threw me off. Pass me one, will you?
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  17. Kolein, thanks for answering that one!

    Anne, our local yokel hardware carried them during flood season. No idea if the big box stores carry them but I highly doubt it.

    As for sharing the cupcakes? They'll probably be gone by tonite so you'd better get on over to igloo country right this moment. :)

    FJ Donna

  18. Hi Donna, I looked at my blog list and do you know what I wanted to see? - yep - your clean garage. It must feel great. The white pegboard makes it look extra clean.


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