Friday, February 12, 2010

Improving your blog - breaking through writer's block

Ever draw a blank when you know you need to update your blog? Coming up with new fresh blog post ideas can be daunting at times.

I think we've all been there. Know what stifles me the most? When a deadline of some sort looms ahead. Silences me right quick like because all my thoughts revert to the deadline, rather than the task at hand. Like, over thinking something. Hate that!

How to snap out of writer's block? Here are a few of my own strategies I use myself when needing to draw fresh inspiration from elsewhere.

Write when inspiration hits

Something that really helps me think of new topics is, when I'm inspired to write, I open notepad and type away. Even if I can't finish a potential new post, I have a good start. And sometimes one post can lead to three. If you're a writer type, love a keyboard and can type nearly as fast as you think, you'll love this technique. Writing it down by hand is work. Keyboarding it is fun. :)

Make Lists

One of my fav all time tips is, writing down topics with stars beside them. As soon as I think of something, it gets written down. I have a loooong list of these to revert to when in a pinch for a fresh topic.

Go for a walk.

I kid you not. Whenever I go on a morning walk with my dog along the dyke path beside the river, yes, I hear the crunch of gravel, but alot more transpires. No interruptions allow me to think of things I don't when at home. Best to take a notepad and pen with you. You'll need it. :)

And the above pic? That was during one of my walks that turned into a post called Neighborhood Walk Pics. Who knew going for a walk could be so interesting and inspiring? I was also pleasantly surprised when reading the comments, that someone was disabled where she couldn't go for walks, so this little jaunt meant alot to her. Wow. Powerful.

Answer questions

One of the very best techniques for creating a new post is answering someone's question. That's exactly how I created this post about newbie blogger tips, titled, "I wanna know how to ________. The response was tremendous. Think about it. Someone asked you a question so obviously that question hasn't been easily addressed out there. Be the first to do so. And flip this one to your advantage. Do YOU have a question? Put it out there, investigate it abit so you have a sound base to write on, and invite input.

Look through your pictures

Take a look at the picture above. This happens to be on an outdoor character building I created last summer. But I've already written about that. So what else could this photo be about?

photo techniques, tools, antiques, antique tools, how to find great stuff, rusty metal love, decorating outdoor areas, photography enhancement in Picasa

See where I'm coming from? Grab your theme of choice and build on it.

Google it.

Try googling a subject. It can be intriguing (and frightening) what comes up! Take a look at this hilarious post by Tales from the Coop Keeper. Jayme googled creepy vintage valentines and found loads of creepy vintage valentines. Google can be your friend or enemy so click accordingly. :)

Online smartypants help

Google 'ideas for blog posts.' Take a look yourself. This is what came up for me.

The very first post that shows reads,

You'll be there for days. :)

Write from the heart.

This one is downright scary. However, something that touches your own heart can help others going through something similar.

I've written a couple doozies in this realm and nearly didn't press POST. But that voice within spoke to me and told me to do it. Because deep down, I knew some fragment in my story would help someone else in a similar situation. I don't do it to become popular, or to have others fawn all over me or feel sorry for me. I do it to help. And in the process, it generally helps me too.

You don't want to overdo this one unless you want your blog to turn into a self help type, however, this method does several things. Creates a wonderful post with true life meaning, can help someone else, and shows that aside from all the shiny parts others tend to see about you first, there's real behind that virtual mask. People like real. Drama and real are two different things, so recognize the diff and give it a try.

If you have some time on your hands, these are two I created.

(a story about my lean Christmas and how I overcame it)

(what was meant to be a simple profile piece led to much more)

And my #1 tip:

Get offline and just do.

I don't plan alot of what I write about. I just get offline and live life. Carry your camera around. So much of what I post I've just created moments ago. Really. Just do it.

Hey.. know how I came up with this blog post idea? I didn't know what to write. :)

Do you like blog tips? There's alot more HERE.

~ How about you? ~

Do you struggle with writer's block?  What sure fire method do you use to create interesting and insightful new posts?


  1. Writer's block isn't really my problem. Finding the time to do the projects to blog about is. For me the problem with a home/decor/craft blog is that you have to have project done to write about. I do not like the 'pictures from home and garden' posts on other blogs personally, so I don't want to do that. Where do you find the time to finish all of your projects? And have a kid and a job (I have the job, not the kid unless I consider my love a big kid).

  2. I do sometimes struggle with blogging every day. What I now do is when inspiration strikes - I may write 5 or 10 blogs. Then I save them. Sometimes I schedule those out, sometimes I save those so when I have an empty day, I already have one out there. They may not always be finished, but like you said - I have a really good start! I have also opened it up to my followers where they can ask anything & I answer openly and honestly - that's always fun!

    My hardest struggle is my blog is about my family & my home, but I don't always have new things to show in my home. I am very busy with 2 little ones & our furniture business. I often forget to take pictures of my home projects until after the fact. I'm working on getting better at that!!

  3. Your blog is always such a source of information and inspiration~! Imagine my surprise when I saw the Valentine teeth....LOL...great ideas. i often hear 'crickets' when I sit down to blog. I'll be coming back to this post for sure.

  4. Those suggestions, including the ones from comments are so helpful for me. I'm am brand spankin' new to this...following as well as blogging. I need ALL the help I can get! Thank you for this post! Do you have any suggestions for carving out time?? I'm trying to put blogging in on my daily calendar so that it remains fun and not a chore. I'm going to check out some of your suggestions on-line.

    What about blog etiquette? I know there are obvious things, like being kind but what about other things. I need help here too!

    Btw, the room is almost complete. I'm so excited about it. I know I've already told you. But I wanted to tell you again!!!

  5. Helpful suggestions. Thanks! I use the Notepad method. I just have a list of ideas and write them down.

  6. Thank you so much for the suggestions...I really want to keep blogging and not let myself get stuck. I'll definitely be looking back at this post. :) Thanks again.

  7. #5 KolentyePoppy,

    Blog Etiquette

    You'll get an eyeful at the following link. Read the posts and the comments. You'll soon see what to do and what not to do etiquette wise. :) It's a long but great read.

    Could be a good post to focus on just that though... hmmm...

    Carving out time?

    Try being a single parent/sole earner on top off all other things that life dishes out. I have to bite my tongue alot when someone walks in on me and sees stuff undone and actually says something about it. Don't even get me started. :)

    We all suffer from lack of time. Prioritize is the key. A little of this and that and keep balance in check. I'm lousy at this myself but am slowly getting it. I have to remind myself that it's ok to not finish something.

    #4 Jayme, your google idea had me googling all night last night, so thank YOU. :)

    #1 Marianne,

    Time to finish projects

    Remember, alot of bloggers are doing this fulltime. And even the fulltime ones don't post daily. What helps me is to offer advice on pics already taken (see the picture tip in the main post) and diversify abit. I haven't picked up a hammer since Christmas but somehow I have alot to say. LOL

    There's alot more to blog about than our projects we complete. Soooo much more. Go to that online link and read the list. Amazing what you can weed out of there to flip into an informative post.

    Not everyone wants just show and tell. Substance in something you know about I find equally if not more intriguing myself. I love to learn, not just look. Let us tap into your mind on how you design, implement ideas, etc. Bring us in and teach. :)

    FJ Donna

  8. I do the writing when it hits me. I have a few posts in draft and some projects I've been completing in my living room redo will set me up for a few weeks. My problem comes with trying to get them to work with the linky parties. I love participating in them and sometimes am disappointed that I have nothing to link up.

  9. Thank you Donna for all your helpful suggestions on blogging. You are the best!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Thanks for the great post! Totally what I needed.

  11. My best ideas seem to come just as I'm drifting off to sleep before a big day. Naturally I have to compose the entire post and commit it to memory before I can sleep!

    Your blogging suggestions have already helped me--can't wait to check out some of your recommendations. Excuse me while I go to 101 GPI's...

  12. I often start with a photo then tell a story. Sometimes the photos are even related but they somehow come together to tell a tale :)

  13. I love that you just wrote this! perfect timing! I promised when I startet this whole process I wouldn't post just to post, it needed to be something I loved, had passion for, some days I don't post for that reason. Today I took a huge risk, I didn't write about decorating, I wrote about something from the heart, I hope you too will share those posts that you still have sitting in your "draft" file :)

  14. #9 Kathy, I hear ya! However, all the parties come again the following week. It's kosher to link up abit late to work with a party. They will not kick you out for it. :)

    #13 Felicia, a picture telling a story? So right on! And in some cases, MANY stories but which to choose for today?!?

    #14 Kristin, no heart drafts to be seen. THOSE I have to post right away. :) Most posts in draft form are the ones that take intense time to write. Blog tips with html and screen shots? HOURS. Now, I'm off to read your heart post. :)

    FJ Donna

  15. Ummm, I think you know my problem is finding something to talk I go on and on and on.......

    For me, I'm never without something to write on and with. When I find the time to sit down for a few hours, I'll pll out all of my notes and open up blogger. I'll put my topics in the blog title spot and then save it as a draft. If I have something to say about, I'll write something then. I can always pull them up and fill them in later, but it keeps me from having to keep up with a lot of notes.

    Even when I put the topic idea in the title area, I'll write a little about what exactly I want that particular post to cover so that I don't forget. It really does help me a lot.

    I so strongly agree with you that not everyone wants to see only B&As or your latest project, or even a post full of pictures. Last night I read through about 10 posts on a blog that was new to me, and then I realized I had only seen 2 pictures. That alone made me look at how important the content of our posts are. I couldn't stop reading her posts even thought there were no pics to guide me through them. Her writing style was such that I felt like I could be sitting in her kitchen listening to her tell me these things. It was so engaging.

    Another great post.

  16. Oops, I meant to say NOT my problem.

  17. Yep, I am a newbie and I am so thankful for your post. Frankly, I do not have something new, earthshattering or original to say every day. I wonder how important it is to post frequently?

  18. I just went back and read your "heart posts" are a real woman who has learned to bloom where you are planted. Isn't that the basis for most of our DIY projects? Thankfully, some are able to see the hidden beauty and train the rest of us to look.

  19. Donna

    Once again, your post has hit the target for myself and so many others! I am going to finally fess up here and say it like it is, I AM CHICKEN LITTLE when it comes to putting photo's and posts on my very (and completely) neglected blog spot! I guess you could say I am afraid people just won't be interested in what I have to say! Talk about a lack of confidence! Just wondering if you had the same difficulty in "the beginning" when you started your blog. I have seen you say a few times you have a hard time clicking on "post" when you are done writing/typing. I confess now to having written close to fifty post and have saved every one of them (in notebook)for fear of inadequate info and somewhat less than perfect photo's.
    How on earth do you get over this fear?
    As a physiotherapy assistant and nurse I have no issues dealing with the critical "stuff" in my life and my work. Am I thinking this (my blog) may not be important enough or am I just (as I said earlier).....CHICKEN LITTLE!!!! BAWK! BAWK!! Thanks for allowing me to vent to my "HOME AWAY FROM HOME" and ultimate blog rock :-D

  20. #20 Sue,

    Everytime I hit post I wonder if it's interesting enough. But how I pep talk myself is, if I found it interesting, surely someone else might??

    Just be yourself and you'll eventually build a gathering for what you enjoy delivering.

    I just checked out your blog. Good for you! Now plant some pics with your words and you'll be off!

    The eye takes a picture before the eye reads. Pics are pleasing to the eye and help convey your story, chopping up the words to bite sized pieces. So, just have fun and go for it. :)

    #18 Kelly,

    How important is it to post frequently?

    Depending on your reason for blogging. I have an off topic blog I forget about all the time. The low amount of followers amazingly enough stay. They know it's not a highly active place I frequent. But when I do post, it's obviously an interesting enough read to not ditch me I guess. :)

    If you want to grow followers, that's a whole other post topic.

    Do things the way you want to on your own time and you'll grow the type of followers that are cool with that. If you want followers to come by frequently, simply up your post frequency. Build it and they will come. :)

    FJ Donna

  21. I am new to blogging so any tips are going to be helpful to me:)

  22. Donna,

    Thank you for the immediate response....WOW!'re good ;-) Okay! I'm getting off my keister and heading to my friendly printer/scanner to download some pics from my old puter. I should have something resembling a somewhat functional (and hopefully fun) blog by the end of the weekend. Wish me luck :-Z ..............

  23. This is a great post. I look forward to reading you lean Christmas story next. Thanks for all your great ideas. Your blog is one of my favorites and I would love to link up to SNS if i can figure it out lol!!!

  24. #23 Sue, way to go! I'll be by and check you out. :)

    #24 Michelle, linking up to an SNS party is easy! We'd love to have you.

    1. create your post with a link
    2. click on the title of your post
    3. cut that address from the title bar and paste it in the Your Next area within the MckLinky.
    4. Go back into your post, and add a link back within your post to the party. (click on MY title to cut that address and link it to a word within your post, OR you can cut and paste the html button on my sidebar)

    If you need help on the weekend, shoot me an email and I'll guide you through it. It's high time you learn this I say! :)

    FJ Donna

  25. Thanks for sharing your tips. I have come up with all of my post by looking through pictures. I am still new blogger so I haven't had THE BLOCK yet, but I am sure I will need these tips in the future.

  26. You always have the most useful blogging advice...Thank you!
    Since I'm fairly new to blogging, I have alot of blogging topics, B & A's and thrifty finds to share. My biggest problem is TIME. With two preschoolers vying for my attention, I can only blog at night. My goal is to do one-two posts a week.


  27. Wow Donna, thanks for the FB link to this post! I don't know how I missed it first time around, but it's just what I needed today. We'll see what I come up with. Obviously your tips work for you - your blog is wonderful!


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