Friday, January 29, 2010

SNS #15 brings you a week's worth of giveaways!

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #15!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a *DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can share your moment with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts, so make sure you check the sidebar while the party is in full swing. You may be next. :)

This weekend we're ending the 1000 Followers Event Giveaways with *Sunday Jan 31 being the last day.
(*giveaways extended 1 more day to work with SNS) 

So if you haven't yet, HERE is the best place to throw your name in each of the 7 draws before then. I cannot wait to deem the winners!

(winners to be announced early next week)

How about we kick this party off right with some SNS#14 inspiration?

Most of you know my passion is thinking outside of the DIY box. Is this real rust, AMY?!?!? EEEEE!

CLEVER flower arrangements. This last one is so outside of the box I gasped! A great shot, by The Lemon Cottage.

This is one of the coolest projects ever and something I really want to try for my own fireplace, or for a clock face. A Ballard knockoff that sent me into a frenzy! Full tutorial and place to download this print by  No Minimalist Here.

Take a good hard look at this image. You will NEVER believe what that side hutch is made from. Never. You walk by them in thrifts with your nose in the air all the time. Now you won't! The Little Brown House, this is brilliant! And gorgeous too.

This is SO COOL. It's a zipper bracelet. With a tutorial to boot. A bracelet with EDGE. LOVE this, Craftaholics Anonymous. 


There isn't anything this girl does that I don't adore. And this hutch is no exception. Flea Market Trixie, you amaze me. Look at those lines!

This side table created from a shipping crate flat out got me the moment I laid eyes on it. Loaded with rustic charm, by Whisper Wood Cottage.

Aren't these crazy?!?!??

SNS blah blah linkup rules -

1. Please help keep this a DIY themed party.  Tutorials get bonus points. :) Items linked for sales only intent will be removed. Sorry.

2. Please link up your intended post, not your blog home page. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

3. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

Did your link disappear? No prob! Please reread the rules and try again!

Go ahead. Try and blow me away. I'm ready. :)


  1. can't wait to visit all the other links. you always have great d.i.y. party go-ers!

    happy weekend!

  2. Oh these are all fabulous!!! I really love the zipper bracelet...heck...I love them all!! WTG! Now for some visiting!

  3. Thanks for hosting the party. It's great to get some inspiration from others.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! You always have such great inspiration!

  5. Can't tell you how much I enjoy these SNS. Makes me want to hurry up and get some of my projects done, so I can participate. As a new blogger what a fun way to find great blogs... Thanks for hosting and finding such great talent!

  6. Donna, thanks for hosting again. You always have amazing parties. I love that zipper bracelet.

  7. These DYI projects are amazing. I adore repurposing! It is about as eco-friendly as you can get.

    Hey, I wnated to invite you to my new link party beginning February 2nd ~ Timeless Tuesday. The theme is all things classic. I think you and your readers would fit in quite nicely!

    Here's the link so you can see what it is all about. I hope you see you there! And thanks for hosting this great party!

    Paula Grace ~

  8. Can't wait to see everyone's work! I love my sister's keys! Would love to win something - anything - throw me a bone. HA! =)

  9. Your gift took a long time to get there.
    Thanks for letting me know.

    If I had known you wanted it for magnet, I could have put one on. (but I guess you did not even know what you were getting so how would you know you wanted a magnet on it!) =0))

    Have a super weekend.


    barbara jean

  10. Wow...was I surprised to see my Ballard Knock-off project highlighted this week. Thank you so much and I am very honored to be included with these other fantastic DIY.

  11. I, too, LOVE the Ballard knock-off project by Sherry ... I'd love one of those for my study. Just "might" have to try !! Thanks for hosting this fun party while our weather is icky outside ... white chicken chili is simmering on the stove ... time for a glass of wine, too. Have a great night (and thanks for letting me share my guest "loo" re-do). Take care, Becca

  12. Thanks for the shoutout, Donna!
    Real rust! :)

    The Ballard knockoff is so cool, and on my MUST DO list.
    Thanks for hosting this great party.

  13. oh i love this! I posted my office cuz its my favorite thing i have done so far! thank you for this chance to get in one place and meet so many creative people! its wonderful!

  14. So many great projects! Thanks for including me in your highlights!! :)

  15. Lovely party, am having the time of my life!

  16. I have loved your blog for a long time. You are so creative and inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and THANK YOU for highlighting my project. I am humbled and honored.

  17. 132 entries so far. WOW!!! You guys are keeping me hopping! Sorry I can't comment on every single visit I make, however I'm working through ALL the posts. Awesome.

    Great party, all! I love weekends. :)

    FJ Donna

  18. Donna, thanks for highlighting my shabby but chic hutch
    As always you have the best party, thanks for hosting!

  19. Hi Donna - Thanks for hosting! I tried to add my link (#89) but it is not forwarding correctly. I just tried again (#136 - changing the html to blogspot but still won't link ~ Sorry for the dulplicate) Can you help me - I can't seem to figure it out) =(

  20. Darn it, I hate that I miss this fab party every weekend! I usually take a bloggy break for the weekends, but I REALLY hate to miss this! Can't wait to check out all those links.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!