Friday, January 8, 2010

SNS #12 brings ~ ALL a chance to win! No DIY entry required


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #12!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a *DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts, so make sure you check after the party to see if your blog is in lights. I sneak in some features in my sidebar widget during the party too. :)

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About the giveaway
This weekend, it's easier than ever for a chance to win the giveaway. This one is open to all those that comment! No DIY mandatory! So now there's really no excuse to not go for it. :)

 On with the show!

I am sooo excited about this giveaway. I've long admired this artwork...

from one of my fav blogs, The Old Post Road!

The artist is Trish, who started painting to fill in time while the kids were in school, eventually turned her love into her profession. I'm glad you were bored, Trish. :)

I just can't get enough of her artwork. The vibrant images and colours flat out make me happy. :)

She has a full blown Etsy shop chock full of her wonderful works of art so be sure to snoop around. She also does custom work as well.

More on Old Post Road

Trish isn't only known for her wonderful artwork. She's actively involved in our DIY blogging community and is one mean decorator. Check this out.

Isn't this entry amazing?

You may remember this bedroom DIY from the window treatment SNS. Decadent.

Oh. And as if that weren't enough, she can sew chaircovers too. LOVE the ruffle.

Trish is really good at finding a ton of inspiration photos on any given topic too so you're missing out if you aren't following her. :)

Pick your own giveaway!

And the good news is, Trish is giving away one of her infamous prints for all those that comment today. However, she wants you to pick one of your favorite prints yourself. Whoohoo!!! No DIY entry required for a chance to win, however I sure hope you throw in a DIY for the link party anyway. What would a weekend be without our beloved SNS? :)

 How to enter the giveaway:

1. Visit Trish's blog HERE, and choose which item you'd like if you won. Only one click will get you there, so it's fast and easy! No DIY entry required for a chance to win.

2. Come back here to the comments  and...

- let me know your gift choice if you won
- your email if it's not on your profile nor blog

(this way will allow you to enter as many DIY posts as you wish, while keeping entries one per person)

That's it! The winner will be chosen through The first one chosen that has left the #2 criteria, wins!

Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

1. Please link up your intended  post, NOT your blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. I've allowed 75 characters in the link title area, so go ahead and tell us you blog name AND project description. Go ahead. There's room. :)

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Did your link up disappear? No prob. Please reread the rules and try again.

Thank-you Trish, for hosting this awesome giveaway!

Please make sure to give her lots of bloggy love over yonder for her generosity too.

Good luck and happy inspiration to all!


  1. Donna,
    Great that you opened this up to everyone. =0))

    I love #1, with the little bird in it!

    I'm working on my post so will be back soon.


    barbara jean

  2. Donna, Thanks for opening to everyone. I really like the Hayfield reminds me of home.

  3. I love the one with the little bird on it, but it is hard to choose.....I love them all!

  4. I love them all, but I'm pulled toward the Hayfield print. I think it is because we're under snow, and I'm craving green. :)

    I'm hoping to have a project to post soon.

    Great giveaway and party!
    Thanks to you and Trish.

  5. Are you kidding me? We have to pick? That's like saying do you like your left hand or right hand better? Her stuff is FAB!!! I love the scripture prints. I love the hayfield print. They all have a way of speaking to me. But I made some "peace on earth" Christmas ornaments this year, and I guess I would go with that. I need to show her my ornaments! She would love it....and make it look so much better!! I also loved it when she painted the Santa's in the windows. Be still my heart! I so enjoy your blog too. I love your creativeness and the fact you stepped outside the box long ago and never went back in. Kuddo's to you!!! Keep up the great work. Lori L

  6. Thanks for hosting this party, Where else could I find people who appreciate the fact that when I set out to bake a cake I get out my skilsaw, and drill.

    Hayfield takes me back to my days as a kid, helping my Grandpa on his farm.


  7. I love the humble rooster! ~Rebekah

  8. Hi Donna,
    Thanks for the opportunity to be in your give away this week. I hope to soon join one of your fun Saturdays here. I'm up to my elbows in paint right now, but I'll get there.
    My fave is #1 with the bird. There are times I tell myself to just trust in God so this is perfect for me. Every little bit helps. :)
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  9. I love them all, but I can narrow it to two the hayfield or the rooster, if I win I will spend hours agonizing over which one I want. Too much stress to handle this early in the morning.

  10. Fantastic artwork! The Hydrangeas would match my kitchen/dining area perfect! I also love looking at everyones links, such wonderful talent and inspiration!

  11. I love her artwork, so colorful and pretty.
    My pick would be #1

  12. Thank you for opening this up to non- linkers. I am still working on my projects! Just getting back into crafting again. Maybe I can link up next week.

    I love the Be Joyful Hydrangeas!

  13. I really like her paintings and would like the one with the birds.

  14. I love them all, but I especially love the hydrangeas in the urn. Trish is so talented, I've been admiring her work for a while now. Dying to try the slip covered chair.

  15. all the paintings were great, it made it hard to choose.
    i would love the hydrangeas one.

  16. Trust in the Lord would be my first pick... never mind that I would love one of each, I must be choosy, snicker.

  17. Thanks for hosting, Donna.
    I've entered my DIY in #24
    and I would pick #2 "Hayfield".
    It's a gorgeous print!

  18. so fun to just be able peruse, enjoy, comment & then WIN!! You make everything so much easier!

    I'd choose the Hydrangeas in Vase version as I have a vase just like that one & love it!

  19. Hey,
    I would like ANY of them, but really like the little bird #1. Thanks for the giveaway

  20. I think the rooster is calling to me!

  21. I like the #1 and will also be back to post a link in the party. I am too busy working around the house getting my stuff done to blog now. I know, so sad. I think I might get a bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be blogging." Come to think about it, I should get a sign for my desk and at the kitchen sink as well. hehehe

  22. I would just love to have the Hydrangeas in Vase painting. I have the perfect spot for it and her paintings are just soooo charming!

  23. I absolutely LOVE her work. So bright and cheerful. I love the "be joyful" one. Simply put.
    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  24. I am in Etsy Heaven! Her work is so Meaningful!
    I would be so happy to have any of them. But I can't get the Don't worry Birds out of my head!

  25. Hydrangeas in Vase!! I saw that one on Nester! I've loved it ever since!! Oh please please please let it be me!!

  26. I would live the first one...I've already forgotten the name of it, haha.
    I also think that the colors in the Hayfield painting are amazing too though! :)

  27. Thanks for telling us about her, I love her work.
    I would choose #1, it makes me 'flat out happy' :-)

  28. I love all of them! Too cute! I homeschool and one of these babies would look awesome in our classroom! I think my fav is the little birdie that has the scripture... trust in the Lord and do good!

  29. Amazing site...I like "Be Joyful Hydrangeas"

  30. My favorite is the humble rooster. I love her work!

  31. Oooo, fun giveaway, her stuff looks great! Thanks for the link party too, getting some good ideas over here :)

  32. All so cute.... I think I'd pick Do Not Worry Birds... love that verse. Thanks ladies for a great giveaway.

  33. I love the Trust in the Lord one! So cute!

    Thanks so much for the party and the giveaway!

  34. Hi Donna :)

    I love Trish and her work! #6 is my choice :)

    Have a great weekend!


  35. I love Old Post Road Blog! I would really love the hydrangeas painting. It would go great in my house.

  36. looking forward to all the inspiration! and i really like #4, the hydranga's!

  37. Her artwork is all so beautiful! If I win I will definitely choose the bird print. I'd hang it in my kids' room. Thanks for the chance!

  38. Her work is so uplifting, I think that Hayfield is my fav.

  39. Humble rooster or hayfield? It's hard to decide!

  40. hydragea in a my fav..perfect for The Whispering Creek House barn bathroom!

  41. awesome party.. it is my first time linking up!
    what a beautiful giveaway too!
    many blessings

  42. Be Joyful Hydrangeas

    Because not only is it beautiful, it is so completely true that we should give thanks in ALL circumstances, no matter what.

  43. Thank you for hosting!! I have a new blog to visit-Trish's!
    I love the bird but Hydrangeas are my most favorite flower, so that would be my pick!
    Now to look at the goodies from your party!

  44. yeah!!!!
    i love the rooster. . .i think it would look great hung above my stove!!!
    thanks so much!

  45. Oh, they are all so pretty it's hard to choose! I would love #2 Hayfield since I live in the country!

    Thanks for the contest! And thanks to Old Post Road for her great artwork!! :-)

  46. Howdy,
    I really like all the art, but I would choose the Trust in the Lord. I like that message and love the little bird. Thanks for the contest!

  47. Thank you for hosting this and for introducing me to The Old Post Road. I love "Trust in the Lord" and would love to have it hanging in my bird-themed bedroom. Thanks again!

  48. Oooh, I love her work! It's a tough choice, but I would choose "The Earth Is the Lord's . . ."

    Thank you for the link party, once again, and for a terrific giveaway!

  49. I love the first print with the bird and tree branch on it. You can't help but smile at the fun images she paints. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  50. This is my 1st time over. What a great blog. I'm following you as well.. Can't believe I didn't find you before. What a great giveaway.. I love Hydrangeas in Vase. I also linked to your party!!! I just love parties...

  51. Be joyful hydrangeas!!!! I love your blog!!!

  52. Love the Trust in the Lord. Beautiful!!

  53. I do not have anything to share this week. Nothing finished. But I do love the Humble Rooster print and would love a chance to win it. Actually it was a hard choice. Thanks!

  54. Trish's artwork is just lovely. I'd love to have either one of these but I particularly like #4, Joyful Hydrangeas! By the way, I've really been enjoying your blog and plan to join in on the party fun before long! Thanks for such a neat contest. :)

  55. I'm happy that the fabulous giveaway is open to everyone this week, no DIY entry this week but lots of ideas and projects in the work.

    Love the Old Post Road, and my favourite, if I were to win, would be Hayfield. The colours used are so beautiful and bright and would suit our home well. Thanks to both of you for hosting and offering the giveaway.

  56. Since my front yard used to be a hayfield, I would like number 2 please if I were so lucky to win :)

    Beautiful prints!!

  57. I've just discovered your blog, and what a neat giveaway! (and all the SNS, what a FUN way to spend this Saturday night!)

    Vistited The Old Post Road blog & #4, the Be Joyful Hydrangeas...this is one of our family's life verses! What beautiful prints!

    Thanks for offering such a neat giveaway!


  58. I love the "Be Joyful" hydrangeas! I always try to give thanks in all circumstances because there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for!!!! (

  59. I love No. #1, too! "Trust in the Lord and do good!" Soooooo love that message!


  60. Oops...forgot to include my email and it's not on my blog...since I'm just sure I'm going to win! *grin*

  61. I would LOVE "Hayfield" for my home. My kids and I have a little joke about "hay" that keeps us laughing! This would be perfect!!!!

  62. I love the paintings! My fav is the Be Joyful Hydrangeas! Super cute!

  63. All of her prints are great. I really like the Trust in the Lord and do good print. I couldn't believe she is from GA and so glad to have found her blog. By the way your entry is beautiful. You are one amazing and inspiring lady! Jackie

  64. I became a follower of Trish...I haven't seen her blog before. Nice artwork! I really like the "Trust in the Lord" piece, with the bird and the tree.

  65. Thanks for hosting another fabulous party! I look forward to it each week! Trish's art work is amazing - I love her style. My favorite is the Earth is the Lord's...adorable!

  66. I LOVE your SNS parties! So much great talent out there. I just can't quite figure out how to copy your button and put it directly on my post. Maybe when you get a free minute you can shoot me an email? Thanks!

    Oh...and I love #1..Trust in the Lord!

  67. I just love the hydrangea painting -- I work at a little church on the tip of Cape Cod, and would love to have this above my desk!

  68. Wow Trish has quite a talent. If I tried to paint it would look like a 1 year old did it.
    I love the Humble Rooster print. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  69. Donna, thanks for letting us post our Farmhouse Dilemma. We are looking forward to lots of advise and suggestions. As always you have the most fun parties and this one is no different. LOVE the artwork at the Old Post Road. The hayfield is our favorite. Thanks for all your time & talents! Deborah & Hubs

  70. I feel the Be Joyful Hydrangeas calling my name!

  71. super fun contest.. I choose joyful hydrangeas.. I don't publish my email.. but IF I win, just leave me a comment at my place then I'll email you.. thanks!

  72. Thanks for hosting the party...I'm having soooo much FUN! I pick...Be Joyful Hydrangeas...I'm going right over to Trish's blog. LOVE your blog...soooo...I'm going to follow along with you!

    Hope you have a great Sunday!


  73. What a great blog! I'm so glad Trish shared it with us! Thanks for sharing so much fun with everyone!
    -Rebecca, Smelly Rhino Studio

  74. I love #4-Be Joyful Hydrangeas. The verse is so inspiring and the painting makes me smile!

  75. Fun contest! I love all of the anything goes SNS. I'm about to immerse myself in Trish's blog--her bedroom is gorgeous!

    If I won, I'd have to take that print of the "Hydrangeas in Vase." The green is so fresh! Makes me hope spring is right around the corner.

  76. They are all so unique and pretty! I would love to hang the Be Joyful Hydrangeas in my house!

  77. These are great!! I love the be joyful hydrangeas!!

  78. I just adore her paintings! I currently own the flower basket "print" but would love the original. :o)
    - Trish

  79. I love, love, love her stuff. It is so whimsical, yet so inspirational! Because I am a woman of indecision, I am torn between the "Be Joyful Hydrangeas" and the "Trust in the Lord." Hydrangeas are my fav flower, but I love that little bird and that scripture so much! Have a great night and a blessed week!

  80. I like the white hydrangeas--I have that verse on my kitchen wall. I don't always remember to live it, but I do try. Such joyful paintings!

  81. Trying to pick one was very hard indeed. I'm drawn to the Hydrangeas in the vase though. I would love to have that one. Thanks for making the give away available to all..

    Have a blessed day

  82. I love the one with the bird. The colors are amazing! It reminds me of a paint by number school project I once did and won first place on.

  83. Oh yes please enter me into the contest. I follow Old Post Road and just love her paintings. I would love even more to win one!! I like them all, but my favorite is "Trust In The Lord". I love the verse and the little birdy on the beautiful blue background. Thanks.

    Lee Ann

  84. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! "Trust in the Lord and do good" is my favorite. Lovely! ~~Rhonda
    reacoulter at gmail dot com

  85. hydrangeas in vase is my favorite...thanks for the giveaway!

  86. Donna,

    I am so sorry that I entered your SNS two times. The first link didn't work, so entered again. Hope you can take off the first one. The one to take off is #125.

    Lee Ann

  87. Oh my heck! I love them all, but, #4 the Hydrangea one is perfect. I need to see that everyday! What an inspiration. Thank you both! Oh, this is my first time linking up to excited to find some fun ideas.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  88. The contest for the giveaway is now closed.

    Thanks to all who entered! Winner announcement coming soon!

    Funky Junk Donna

  89. I may be too late, but if not, I love the Trust in the Lord print. The hydrangeas were a very close second.
    I'm new here, just found your blog, LOVE it, I will be back...often :)

  90. I commented on Jan. 10, but forgot to include the painting I liked. And now it may be too late. Anyways, I like the Hayfield, and I like your blog Donna!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!