Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1000 reasons to throw a FEW parties


You guys are awesome.

I never thought I'd reach 1000 followers, but you're proving me dead wrong. Amazing.

I always said if I reached 1000 followers, I'd do something special. I mean, that sounds like a great reason for a celebration to me!

So guess what. I'm inviting all of you to a party! No wait. Not just one party...

How about a few of them?

Maybe sometimes daily even?

With a giveaway in each one?!?

Wouldja come? :)

But hey.. no party is complete without some games too, right?

Games.. hmmm...

Got it! How about as well as a giveaway, I throw out a DIY tip or tidbit of silly info on myself (this is a party after all), and ask you a related question? Kinda like a big gabfest within the comments?

Yeah, I like it! We can learn, get to know each other abit better, AND have presents!

There's lotsa rumblings going on beneath the party table. We're blowing up the balloons and wrapping the gifts and it is gonna be FUN!

Where are the presents from? Hmmm.. I think every party deserves a few surprises, don't you? You aren't suppose to know what you're GETTING.

So, I guess you'd better watch for when we spring this on you. You know, kinda like a surprise.

See the follower button? It's nearly at 1000. Tick tick tick...

You don't have to be a follower or even subscriber to enter the draws. However, you may want to reconsider, so you don't MISS the draws. :)

But moreso than that, it's more important to me that you follow or subscribe here because you like what you see. That right there, is my true hope for those of you that follow today. This is a celebration of you. For your continued loyalty, support and interest. You make my days a little happier, brighter and give me a massive reason to come online and share my creativity with you.

So this is my little way of saying thank-you to you. :) Then after the parties, I need to get decorating around here again. Big time. I have so much more to share!

See you soon! But shhhh..... it's a surprise. :)


  1. 1000 followers. OMG I don't think I will ever get there. I am not sure I am a follower.I usually don't do the follower thing, but I came over from my reader because I have subscribed. Does that count too? Your subscriber numbers must be going through the roof.
    If you do giveaways will you let me know if I can play along too? I am an international reader so I get mailing might be an easy.
    I am so looking forward to the workshop series!

  2. Help my English got away from me. I either meant to write: mailing might be an issue or mailing might not be so easy. I don't know how that sentence got so mixed up.
    Anyway, looking forward to the celebrations!

  3. Marianne, any and all are welcome to join in the giveaway events! Followers, subscribers and even non followers and non subscribers. :)

    I've tweaked my post to avoid confusion. Thanks for the heads up!

    Funky Junk Donna

  4. Congratulations on your huge following. A party sounds like a great way to celebrate.

  5. I'm in for a party and Congratulations on your followers!

  6. Congratulations on your 1,000 followers! Looking forward to the party and tomorrow's workshop.

  7. Oh I'm so excited! I love parties. Can I wear a dress?
    Congratulations on 1000!

  8. Very exciting, Donna! I'm looking forward to your decorating posts, too.

  9. I've watched your numbers grow exponentially (how do you spell that word anyway?) since I found you...I think you were just about where I am now, and 3 months later you're tipping the scale at 1000!!! So deserved. You run a fabulous operation over here.

    Can't wait for the partay!

  10. Congrats...a PARTY sounds like a lot of FUN...RSVP...I will be there!


  11. I can't believe you're 5 away! And I can't believe I knew you when you only had a couple hundred. Good for you Donna. You rock.

  12. Congratulations on your many, many followers....and lucky me, I am one of them.

  13. Congratulations!!! How cool... I am jealous :) I would love for you to throw a party! Sounds fun!

  14. I always love a good party. A well deserving congratulations is in order! All the best, Lori

  15. This is great, Donna. I am excited to have just reached 30 followers, myself, I can't imagine 1000!

    Getting ready for the party, are jeans okay??

  16. Congrats Donna! You work hard on here and you certainly deserve it. I'm in for the party thang!

  17. Congratulations!!! I hope this just keeps growing for you! You do such an amazing job!

    Took me 55 minutes to download my first pic!!! I have just 3 followers and I'm tickled out of my mind!!!! (and I don't really have a blog yet!) People are so grand!!!

    Can't wait for what's coming up here!!!! Love your blog!

  18. SWEET..I love to party! Can't wait to see all the fun that's going to happen. Count me in. Great job on the almost 1000 followers! You are definitly a fun person to keep up on. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  19. I just started following your blog, so your followers number just went up by one! Congratulations on reaching 1000 followers! :)

  20. Woo hoo!
    Congrats to you.
    I'm in for the party!
    And I'm ready for the workshop!


  21. Hey Donna,, i've followed your blog for a while now but never actually clicked on the follow button,, I'm a true follower now,, and you're at 1000.. congrats.. I havent even made 30 yet.. ha ha..

  22. Aw man- I wanted to be #1000 but I am just 1001! Dang it! Too slow with the clicky clicky!

  23. Congratulations on 1001! Very well deserved. Here's to 1,000 more. :-)

  24. You so deserve all of the blog love you're getting around here. You've really gone out of your way to make your blog a great place to come to each day. I look forward to everything you post, as I'm sure we all do.

    Congratulations on your growing followers list. I see you have more than double that in the readers already!

    See you at the party!

  25. Congrats and I can't wait! I am one of the 1,000!!

  26. Conrats! I love your blog and have been subscribed for awhile. Let the wild rumpus begin!

  27. And to think, I was excited when my blog counter showed 1000 visits!

  28. Congratulations Donna! Word is spreading fast on how FANTASTIC your Funky Place is!

  29. AWESOME!! I am a follower and so GLAD I am!!

    Waiting with anticipation!

    Lou Cinda :)

  30. Wow! 1000 followers is something to celebrate! Can't wait for the festivities to begin!

  31. So glad I found you at the start of your workshops (and they haven't even started yet) and not the end!!

    Congrats on the 1,000th - I just reached 100 and I know exactly how you feel - like throwing a huge party! Bloggers and blogging is just so much frickin' fun!!

  32. I can't help but follow your blog! It is amazing! I love it when I see a new post from you! I am in awe, constantly! Of course I will come to your party! Yay!

  33. PARTY ON! You better be careful, you're going to reach 2000 before you know it!

  34. Holey Followers!!! You guys are killin' me!

    Welcome aboard, one and all! Have I got some happy surprises up my party sleeve... :)

    Wowed Funky Junk Donna

  35. wow! I noticed just the other day you were almost at 1000, way to go! Yep 2000 i'm sure is just around the corner for you.
    I've almost reached 100, so I only have 900 more to go :) lol

  36. Congratulations on reaching 1000, Donna! Your site is amazing and inspiring. I'm always excited to see what you'll do next.

  37. Well this is quite a milestone isn't it. You are doing such a great job. Be very proud of the work you do. See you at the next milestone.

  38. Hey girl.
    I see you have already gone over the top!!
    Great job.
    Thanks for the party and for having such a great place to visit.
    barbara jean

  39. I am readying my party hat. Congrats on, now, 1011 followers!

  40. Congrats Donna! I knew you would hit 1000! I can't wait for the party!

  41. Donna, congratulations!! I am so happy for you.. you've truly earned it, girl. Can we say we knew you when? :) -Tammy

  42. I cannot imagine ever reaching 1000 and I thought that a little over 100 was a good thing!
    Congratulations and I'm looking forward to the parties.
    I love your blog, it's the best.

  43. wahoo! congrats to you! and this party thing sounds like loads of fun! cant wait to party with you!

  44. A Huge congratulations to you! I'm anxious to see what you have in store with the next 1000 :) You have a totally wonderful and inspirational blog, inviting, helpful, full of encouragement. I'm happy that it has REALLY taken off!!!

  45. You are just way too fun! Congrats on 1000...err...1021 when I came on your blog. Excited for the party!

  46. Are you all kidding me?!? Are you doing this on purpose to stun me wordless?!?

    Me. Wordless. I don't think it can be done but thanks for trying. :D

    My son is racing around and exclaiming, "1025!!!! Are you FAMOUS???"

    We don't get out much it appears.

    You guys are the greatest. :)

    FJ Donna

  47. Congratulations!! You are such an inspiration! I really enjoy how you communicate and your creativity and style! Simply amazing and wonderful!

  48. I love a party. And parties is even better. Congrats on 1000 followers. Wowza!!! But I can believe it. I love your blog! I want to be you when I grow up. Wait, I am grown up. I guess I'm stuck being me. Oh well, I can still enjoy what you share with us. Thanks for being you. And lets get the parties started.

  49. Donna, I am so happy for you! A party is definitely in order - you've put in a ton of hard work since I found you in August. You amazing me every day - I seriously don't know how you do all that you do! Congratulations!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!