Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Followers Giveaway Event - Draw #5, Living Life Creatively

Draw #5!

 Each day until Sat Jan 23 we'll feature a giveaway along with a comment of the day to make things a little more interesting! So check back daily in comments so you don't miss lots of fun banter and tips galore. This IS a party after all. :) 

All the draws are open until Sat Jan 30 midnight Pacific time. One entry per draw per person please. You do not have to be a follower or subscriber to enter, however feel free to join if you like what you see. :)

So, let's party!

~ Comment of the day ~

"What's your newest favorite find?"

The other day while rampaging the local thrift yet again, my eyes locked on this sweet little compact wing backed chair. It was in perfect condition! $45 later, it was all mine. Although I had initially thought I'd slipcover it (still may), I'm rather partial to the toned down red tone. I call it my UP chair. (you've seen that movie, right?)

See? (the one on the right obviously!)

Even had the perfect pillows to match! Only one problem.

THEY like it too.

Sheesh. Could Teddy Bear look any cuter?!? Ok ok! It's the UpCat Chair. Say that fast 3x and it sounds like a cat... you know... never mind. Teddy, will you share?

Uh... I'll take that as a NO. Grump. ( isn't it weird that cats can't smile but dogs can?)

 You're turn. :)

What's your newest find you (or your cats) officially can't live without?

Tell us about it in the comments! And the story behind it. Don't forget to include your url if you have it online so we can go take a peek. :)

But first, how about a little party present? :)

Like this little cutie pie?!? Meee toooo! LOVE rather! But you can't have mine. This Logo one's staying put at my house, because it's a gift from my awesome blog friend...

Not only is Denise the creator of those one of a kind adorable birds, she's a sharp shootin' DIY crafty chick in many other areas as well.

I'd totally give up chocolate if I could make bird tassels like this. Not coffee, but definitely chocolate! (white only, disclaimers apply here because it's my blog)

And how fun is this wall in her staircase?!? LOVE it! Her decorating ideas are fabulous!

Denise jokingly told me after learning I had 1000 followers, her ultimate goal is having 112. She's at 110 now. LOL See where I'm going with this? I'm not gonna arm wrestle with ya or anything. But when you're at her pad, take a glance around. And you know... I'll leave it up to you. But I wana make her dream come true as a thank-you back. :) Know why? She doesn't sell these birds. She's doing this just because.

Today, Denise has a very special (one click) post waiting for your visit. She wants you to come on over and pick out your own tweet giveaway item should your name be drawn. You will LOVE this.

Please remember to give her abit of bloggy comment love for her generosity while you're there and you know... the other thing too. If ya want.  :) (I'm holding this blog hostage until she gets 2 more followers, got it?!?) xo!

How to enter the giveaway

1. Visit Denise's blog HERE to choose your giveaway item if you won.

2. Come back to comments HERE and let us know...

- which item you'd choose if you won, #1, #2, or #3. (mandatory to win)
- your comment for the question of the day reply if you wish; we'd love to read it!
- include your email if it's not on your blog/don't have a blog (mandatory to win)

3. Make sure you enter each giveaway listed below!

and all our wonderful giveaway sponsors,

Draw #1 - Creations from My Heart
Draw #2 - Jaz Creations
Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean
Draw #4 - Treasures from the Heart
Draw #5 - Living Life Creatively

See you Friday for Draw #6!


  1. Oh my gosh........I would LOVE to have a logo bird....Isn't she creative?

    On the favorite find front? Yeah, I just posted about my thrilling find that I promptly ruined. I'm now on a quest for another one....

    Warm blessings,

  2. OOOH those little birds are so adorable! I love all 3, but I think that I would love to have the MAP bird #2 the most.. so unique! I am following her now too!

    I have a lot of wonderful thrifty finds because I went to an antiques auction and at the end things went for ridiculously low amounts of money! BUT I think my favorites are this gorgeous gold mirror, very ornate, and so beautiful that I cannot even bring myself to paint it (I usually always paint my mirrors black, silver, or burgundy)! I got it for $19! And my other thrifty find is this adorable little bird from a thrift store.. he is silver and his head is turned back behind his wing.. I got it for 50 cents!

  3. OOH, Map birdie map birdie! How eccentric! LOVE IT!!!!

  4. As I told Denise...Spring birdie has my heart...that is the one I choose!
    How about a fav find that you didn't get? I spied a stack of very old cigar boxes and I went back to get them and found out they were sold. Isn't that the saddest story ever? Sniff!!!!

  5. Ohhh-I am loving the map bird! How neat! As for a fab find, I actually found laying on the bottom shelf of Goodwill, 4 parts of PB's organizational system, $4.99 each verses $50 each! Right place, right time! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Oh WOW, I love your chair! I love the logo birdie. I guess I better figure out how to make a logo button. I'll have to put it on my list of many things to do with my blog.

  7. I am choosing number 1 the spring bird. My favorite find lately was not used but new. I had been looking at a picture in a local shop for a few months that I thought would look great in a newly painted guest bedroom. There was a winter-fest going on in our small town this past weekend and if you wore an ugly sweater that shop you got 30% off. Got my picture!

  8. OH MY WORD - how stinkin cute! They make my heart smile! I LOVE it! The traveling tweet (map) would have to be my pick, but how do you just choose one! Thank you Donna for introducing Denise to us!
    Can not wait for construction to be done so I can get creating... my creative juices are flowing. My find, well I am picking it up today.
    So excited about it. Will be back later to share. - Laurie

  9. How cool! I'd go with my blog button on one. My recent "I love it" item is something I got at Goodwill on Sunday. It is a little plastic clock with a pendulum {mini version of a grandmother clock}. It was $1.49 and it makes me happy every time I look at it. Plus, it works!

  10. I think all of these birds are super cute!
    As for my favorite find THIS week? funny, how you mention. I just update my blog yesterday w/the complete story. What a fun time I had! all made better w/some super awesome finds!
    Off to look at those birdies again!

  11. I am new to giveaways so I hope I am doing this right. I went to her page and I would like a logo bird. I favorite find was a POTTERYBARN Kitchen Table with two leaves and 8 chairs for $200.00 at a garage sale. My husband painted it black for me and I LOVE it. Check out the photos of it in my Organized Kitchen post. Thanks for the giveaway! What cute birds!!!
    p.s. I am a follower, great blog!!!

  12. I've been waiting for Denise's birds to show up! Aren't they awesome! I love ANY of her birds.

    My new favorite find? Hmm...can it be a blog? I LOVE It's like TOTALLY awesome dude!

    Otherwise, I "found" that I can actually use a sewing machine, sorta. That's cool. (grin)

  13. Her list of followers just went up like BAM, lol! I love them all, but the map bird (#2)is calling me to all the places he might have flown! ;-) And my fave find isn't an old/retro thing but my new cloche (large one!) at Hob-Blob for half price at 20 buckaroos! SCORE! Your blog keeps getting better and's NOT possible but you do it anyhow, lol!

  14. wow, such a hard choice, it's a coin toss between the logo bird and that cute little map guy! Happy Thursday!

  15. I like all three! If I had a blog button...I'd want that one, but I am in the process of a blog makeover and don't have one.

    So, I would probably pick the spring bird,cause I love to decorate with birds in spring. BUT, I really love the map bird too.

  16. Those are too cute! I love #2 the map bird!

  17. That IS an UP chair! So cute! I don't know that I've had any great recent finds. I did buy a little step stool for $3 at Goodwill that I want to paint and add a monogram to for my granddaughter. She's only 2 months old though so I have time. :)

    As for the giveaway. The birds are seriously so cute...if I have to choose, I choose the spring bird. Love it!

  18. ohh i adore the map bird!!! and that chair is so from UP, i love that!!

  19. I'm definitely digging the blog logo bird!
    Great giveaway!

  20. Eenie Meanie Miney Moe! All 3 birds are truly sweet tweets. The logo bird is too cute. I am currently recovering 2 Craiglist chairs that coincidently are "wing" chairs too. Do I sense a aviary theme?

  21. I love all of her little birdies!
    Since I don't have a logo, I would love the map birdie.

    Favorite find- no doubt is my $5 glass top table with white/chippy/rusted wrought iron legs. It sits outside next to my entry in the back... and is currently under snow/ice. :(
    I pulled it from a home that was full of bachelors. They used it as their 'grilling' table. In fact, there might have been a beer and a hotdog sitting on it when I yanked the price tag off of it. (as some other lady was eyeballing it)
    I use the table EVERY DAY when the weather is nice. I use it to pot flowers, we eat at it, sometimes it holds my treasures from thrifting...(before I figure out where to hide them from the hubs) LOL I LOVE that table!

    Another great giveaway!

  22. What cute little birds!! I'm seriously in love with the spring birdie!

  23. I love the logo bird.

    My newest favorite find. Well, not really a find is the kitchen island my husband made for me at the end of last year. I JUST LOVE IT!!!

    Pamela Adams

  24. Favorite recent find -- another scale to go with my others! Only this one is sooo different! Someday, a picture will appear on my blog. And the birdies -- how to choose? #1, no #2 . . . #1 please! Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. Thanks for letting us know about your friend. What sweet little birds. I choose #1 so springy!
    She now has over 125 followers and well deserved.

    And my fav find: a really sweet telephone bench I found on the Longest Yard Sale last year. I love that $15 find!

  26. Ohhhh - I love them all but how about the Logo Bird! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!!

  27. Isn't that little map birdie the cutest! I'd love him - and I think the place of choice would be Ruidoso, NM to remind me of my goal of moving there after we retire.

    My latest find. Hmmm. Sounds kinda cheesy, but I found animal print pillows at Anna's Linens, really cheap. Since my daughter is at LSU and we're huge Tiger fans, I got the tiger print. They look great on our brown leather sofa!

  28. Love the chair! I just showed my hubby your video of purging. I am under strict orders not to follow your ways. He also said I am not as cute as you to get away with it. LOL. He's a sucker for a woman in a ski mask. Just kidding.

    I need 2 up chairs. So if you find a match to yours could you purge it and bring them to my doorstep. Guaranteed not to be returned!

  29. I would love the map bird!!! Cute idea.
    New thing I can't live without - Design Blogs!!!

  30. I seriously love that little map birdie - he is too cute and since I'm in NC (where it looks like the map was used) it would be perfect for me! I'll just take that one please!

    My fave new find are my suitcases I'm using as a sidetable - I just bought the base one at the Flea Market this past weekend and it is so gorg - here is the link - I really hit the jack pot on this trip!

  31. Good morning Donna,

    I just loved Denise's birds!

    Hope it is OK I am entering for these prizes.
    If it is, I'd love to win that logo bird. Clever idea!

    Hope you are having the greatest time with your party.
    I know everyone else is having fun!


    barbara jean

  32. I love those brids! I entered the last contest you had for these little guys too. I guess if I don't win this one I'm going to have to suck it up and make one myself! ;) I love the little spring bird.

    My newest "aquisition?" The Holy Grail. Well, that's what my Hubby calls it anyways. I have a little flip top note book that I write everything down in. Measurements, drawings for new ideas, to-do lists, shopping lists, or just random thoughts. It even has its own special pen that I use for it. Anytime I'm out shopping I always take a peak at it to see if I might be able to cross something off--or to add a new idea!

  33. Those birds are adorable! I would pick the spring bird (#1). He's so cute!!!

    As for my new favorite find? I aquired a small three paned window. I'm going to put Live, Laugh, Love on each pane with sticky vinyl (go cricut!). It's going to hang in the baby's room when I get it done.

  34. I love the birds. I would choose the map bird because it would be a neat addition to any room.

  35. #33 Barbara Jean, yes it's MORE than ok for you to enter! All are welcome!

    #30 Maggie, you are a total riot! You could get away with it ya know. All you have to do is act like a kook (ask me how I know) and they all smile and wave. (and feel sorry for you maybe even? dunno)

    I think I've entered the 'weird artist next door' zone so I can get away with pretty much anything.

    Thank-you thank-you all for supporting the Follow Denise Fundraiser. No more hostage taking. I have apparently made (we all have diff needs, eh?) ALL her dreams come true. A proud moment indeed. :)

    You guys ROCK.

    FJ Donna

  36. I would love #1, a logo bird with my little mustard seed logo on it. What a special thing to have perched in my office.

  37. Hey Donna - had to come back and ask - have you seen the new PB catalog? I think they've been snooping your blog out - they have a couple of beds in there that look just like YOUR'S - pinky swear! All the layers and textures, I think they've been over here reading (and totally copying you)!

    Just wanted to give you a heads up - just in case they need some pointers, they may need someone else on their payroll - hey, it could happen! {{Smiles}}

  38. I would just love the LOGO bird for The Whispering Creek House office! it would have a nice home there!lol

  39. Great giveaway!!

    I would choose: Spring Bird
    Come on over to check out my latest find:

  40. I would so love a logo bird, but the spring bird is adorable too! Such cute stuff. I am voluntarily following her! :)

  41. I love the map bird! It would look so cute in the school room.

    My favorite find? I have lots of favorites :) but we will go with the one I just got today. A "new" china hutch with diamond patterned wire instead of glass, solid wood, doesn't really need anything done to it but will look lovely when I get around to fixing it up. As soon as I break the news to my husband that he has to go pick up a piece of furniture I'll post some pitcures!

  42. I love those little birdies and would love a map bird, no a spring bird, no a map bird...If I win, surprise me.

    My latest favorite find is an old, maybe potato bin, keeper, thingy. Anyway, It was just a perfect storage solution for my bathroom. I am going to show it off tomorrow on my blog, come see!

  43. Well although I love all three, I'm gonna have to go with the first one, the Spring Bird! It is adorable!!!

  44. I love birdie # 1! My favorite find lately- another sweet little bird perching on a rock- so cute!


  45. I'm already a follower of her. . .remember you re-introduced us? I would like bird number 1.
    As for my favorite thing lately. . . .I could say my craigslist couch I'm sitting on! I haven't bought myself anything in so long. . .well, I did buy a cute pair of shoes the other day. Anyways. . .my email is on my blog! tootledoo!

  46. Neato chair! Looks very like your style...I think it adds some 'worn elegance' to the funky junk. :)

    I went to 3 thrifts stores, 4 furniture stores, and 2 antique shops today and found zilch. I did, however, purchase to antique dressers from craiglist tonight, so I'm happy.

  47. The Spring Bird to so adorable! My favorite thing right now is a free dresser that I painted (will share it on the Saturday Night Special and Miss Mustard Seed)

  48. They are all so adorable. I'd have to choose the Map Bird. Thanks!!!!

  49. Those birds are too cute! I would have to pick the little map birdie if I win!

    Denise has smashed her own record and I was happy to help by becoming a follower!

    My favorite thing right now is a big pottery mixing bowl I found yesterday at a thrift store for $10!! She was beckoning me from across a river, a whole county away so I heeded the call and rushed to rescue her! After a nice bubble bath she is feeling right at home!

    Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful bird!

    Kat :)

  50. I love this giveaway and what a sweet gal for doing this! I am a new follower to you both! I love Logo Bird, SO creative! But Spring Bird is definitely my number two, followed closely by Map Bird. They are all just so darn sweet!

    My newest find that I am in love with is my new kitchen table! I just posted about it, it's made from re-claimed lumber and we got 2 little "Long Island Boot Benches" to go with it. The gentleman who made them does it with his son as a hobby (he's an ex-cop, no comedian from NYC). I am in love with all his work. And I am using every excuse I can think of to sit at that table!

  51. How adorable are those little birdies, it is such a tweet giveaway;} I love the Spring.

    Ok now onto my find, I was going to Sonic(during for happy hour) when I looked across the street and saw a muli-people yard sale and found an adorable twin size bed frame that I bought and am going to refinish for my neice. So when I went to purchase this ugly pink bed it only had the headboard, so I asked the lady what are these(white slats)They turned out to be the bed rails;} and not only was there one bed, but it turned out to be 2. So I am sure you can imagine my delight;} I have yet to paint the bed in my desired color, but it is sanded and not ugly pink anymore!(wish I had pics)
    Thanks for the opprotunity

  52. I love her map bird! Not sure which number it is. Love her blog.

  53. Donna... I love Denise's sweet little birds. I suppose, if I have to choose, I'd pick the logo bird #3... but it was a tough choice!

    What a delightful creation! You're doing great... fabulous giveaway!

    Now.. my fantastic had to have it buy... today, after looking at, dreaming of, and getting the approval of my Ricky... after a 2-month long wait to see if it's still there and then it must be mine... I purchased a beautiful crystal chandy from Blue Hills Antique Mall. I'll blog about it when Ricky hangs it in our guestroom in a week or so... but today... I've got a great photo of it hanging in the antique mall where I originally found it last November... today... it is mine... $100. A bargain!

  54. I loved the logo one. Congrats on the 1000 followers:) Something to be proud of:)

  55. Lovin the map birdie! Congrats on the 1000 (plus, 137! Wow!)
    Thanks for visiting me today. It is always so nice to get a comment from such a big-wig blogger like you - especially when my post doesn't even contain a project.
    Have a great one!

  56. I would love to win the map bird - actually, the one pictured (with Asheville on it) would make me swoon!

    Recently, we'd been looking for a dining room table and chairs for a while but hadn't had any luck finding something we both liked that was within our (very low) budget. One Sunday night, I checked CraigsList on a whim while dinner was cooking on the stove and there it was - the table & chairs we really WANTED (but couldn't afford), at a ridiculous price. I screamed and called the number listed, even though my hands were shaking so badly I could barely hang on to the phone. Within an hour, we were carrying our beautiful cherry table and chairs into our own dining room! For $150!! Gorgeous table!! 6 chairs!! Oh my goodness!! I'm still in heaven and still totally amazed!! God is good!


  57. I love bird #1 made from a spring dress at GW. I'm a Goodwill fan and have been for years! It fits my style!

  58. Each of the little birds are adorable but my choice has to be the #1 Spring Bird.

    My favorite find was a fabulous French Country armoire that I purchased at auction. I got it really cheap because it had been given a horrible paint job. I repainted, glazed and distressed and now it is my favorite piece. Check it out at my blog.

  59. So unique, so cute, I'm in love with them! Oh to choose. I love number one for decorating but number 3 would be special because of the blog logo thing. Well, I'm sentimental so I'm going to choose 3. LOOOOVVEEEE these birds.

  60. I would pick the map bird. It's just too cute! My first pick really would have been the logo bird as I love the burlap. But since I don't have a blog logo, the map bird is fabulous as well.

    My favorite find of late would be a set of Moss Rose china, service for eight, that I picked up from GW for $10.00. It's missing some pieces, but I have some spares that I have collected in the past.

  61. I love all the birds, but the logo one is definitely my fav! And my most favorite find at the moment? Must be the one that is just around the corner waiting for me...

  62. I love the map bird. Very different.

    My fav most recent find would be some metal initals for $2.99. Love them and they look great on my collage wall.


  63. I love the spring bird. This blog is new to me and I'm glad I found it!

  64. I would love to win the map bird, too stinkin' cute!!!

  65. Love love love all of her birds, but I think that the map one is really cool and if I win I would really like that one.

  66. These birds are super cute, I'd love to win the spring bird!

  67. Oh man, I would LOVE a logo bird! After all, my blog is called Fluffing my Nest!!
    My favorite find is my sewing machine. I've been having way too much fun with it lately!

  68. Spring bird spring bird! I am living amongst 6 inches of snow right now and the spring bird is calling my name!

  69. I would love the map birdie with northeast arkansas as the print. So cool!
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  70. Map bird... is too cute!

    I have been looking at maps, globes, etc...for decorating. This interests me. So #2 the map bird.

    all these gifts are too cute.

  71. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!