Friday, January 22, 2010

Followers Giveaway Event # 6 - The Old Post Road

Draw #6!

 Each day until Sat Jan 23 we'll feature a giveaway along with a comment of the day to make things a little more interesting! So check back daily in comments so you don't miss lots of fun banter and tips galore. This IS a party after all. :) 

All the draws are open until Sat Jan 30 midnight Pacific time. One entry per draw per person please. You do not have to be a follower or subscriber to enter, however feel free to join if you like what you see. :)

So, let's party!

~ Comment of the day ~

Which (non giveaway) post created the greatest reaction?

For the most part,  I sort of think I know the reaction a given post may receive. But then those odd times, the comment numbers go through the roof!

This one started out meaning to be a simple profile piece and morphed into my life story. (told you I was wordy!) I debated if I had gone abit too far, however, for some reason, I knew I had to do it. And by the reaction I received through both comments and personal emails, I'm so very glad I did. Many are hurting right now, and it appears this little story helped quite a number.

This post opened up the door to allow bloggers from far and wide to express their views on what they liked/disliked about blogs. Shortly after this post aired, dramatic changes were made everywhere you looked. Music was turned off, snow removed, widgets cleaned up. Be sure to dig through the comments. You will learn alot! And the reaction knocked me on the ground. I was banging keys for 2-3 solid days to regulate and having the most fun ever!

Your turn!

Which (non giveaway) post of yours created the most reaction? (comments)

How to check:
dashboard / edit posts / scroll down

Also, down below you'll see a MckLinky. If you'd like to share the link to your most popular post, feel free to link it/them up! I felt the link feature would be easier for visits rather than sending us into a cut/paste frenzy. The link will be open until Jan 30th, the same time the draws end.

But first, how about a little party present? :)

Welcome, Trish from the Old Post Road! See the gorgeous illustrations in her blog header above? Yes, she hand painted them. I'm not even kidding.

Here's one from her amazing Etsy Store collection. Trish sells the originals (if not sold out) as well as prints of those originals. They are all so colourful and just make you smile! If you want to stay on top of her latest creations hot off the press, you know whatcha gotta do. :)

She also knows her way around DIY land. Her house is decorated beautifully in lovely happy colours. And here's a fab tutorial on how to make that adorable ruffled cushion for a bench.

Trish has a special (one click) post with 2 options to choose for your giveaway should you win! So cross your fingers and hop on over, and don't forget to give her abit of comment love for her generosity. :)

How to enter the giveaway

1. Visit Trish's blog HERE to choose your giveaway item if you won.

2. Come back to comments HERE and let us know...

- #1 or #2. (mandatory to win)
- your comment for the question of the day reply if you wish; we'd love to read it!
- include your email if it's not on your blog/don't have a blog (mandatory to win)

3. Make sure you enter each giveaway listed below!

and all our wonderful giveaway sponsors,

Draw #1 - Creations from My Heart
Draw #2 - Jaz Creations
Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean
Draw #4 - Treasures from the Heart
Draw #5 - Living Life Creatively
Draw #6 - The Old Post Road

See you Sat for Draw #7 alongside

Now link up those Greatest Hits so we too can see what all the hubbub was about! :)


  1. I chose "The Joyful Hydrangeas"! So beautiful! Her work is amazing! Love her ruffled cushion too!

  2. #1 Hydrangeas in a vase would certainly be nice to win. New to the blogworld, I unfortunately can't answer today's question. Happy Friday!

  3. I have been admiring her work for a while and would love to have Hydrangeas in a Vase. I love this party, so glad your are hosting it.

    Cha Cha

  4. I am loving Be Joyful Hydrangeas!! Thanks so much!

  5. Her work is great! Love the first painting!

  6. I want the joyful hydrangeas, it's so lovely.
    I also agree with you about some of the irritating things that people put on blogs.
    I really don't care for the music nor the snow.


  7. Oh her work is so pretty. I choose #1 Hydrangeas in a vase, it would go in my bedroom!!! Not sure what post of mine got the most response? hmmmm
    i'll go look and come back and link up but I think it was one of my Silver Sunday posts.

  8. Be Joyful Hydrangeas
    I love Hydrangeas! :)
    My most popular post is probably due to the fact that you featured it here from SNS. So I didn't want to link that one. I linked another popular post that has never been linked to your parties.
    Great giveaway!
    thanks for the giveaways, and for hosting this wonderful party!

  9. The Hydrangeas in a Vase are really neat! But I REALLY love the original water color house portraits. This has really got me thinking I'd like one!
    Thanks for sharing your story too!

  10. Both of them are so pretty, makes it hard to decide. Should I be lucky enough to win, I would choose #1 hydrangeas in a vase.

  11. I am new at this blogging thing, I only have 14 posts and 33 followers. So far the biggest response has been for the first post about my buffet hutch that I made from rough wood. I put it in a few link parties and got one mention at another blog. I'm really trying to get women to see that they can make quality wood furniture the right way.

  12. I love Hydrangeas in a Vase! I used hydrangeas for my wedding flowers and the colors in the painting match my colors exactly! The post I had that generated the most feedback (besides giveaways!) was the microwave stand redo that I did. I added it to your linky!

  13. It's always so hard choosing one of her amazing paintings but I made myself do it and selected #2, Be Joyful Hydrangeas. I have a friend going through breast cancer recovery at the moment and I know she would love it!

    My most popular post so far has been our kitchen remodel so I'll link that one. But my favorite is the one I did about my mother's recipe box I just received.

    Kat :)

  14. Another great giveaway!
    I love the Hydrangeas in the vase.
    Her work is amazing. Oh, to have just one little ounce of her talent, would make me a happy camper! :)

  15. Wish I could really say that I have a post that received tons of comments....the comments I do receive are always sweet and loving!
    What adorable Print #2: "Be Joyful Hyndrangeas"!


  16. I love #2 with the verse. I can't think of a particular popular post, but I think when I share my heart, I get the most response.

  17. I LOVE the vase of hydrangeas! Her work is so unique, refreshing and happy.

  18. I love, Love the Lord Zinnias in Cups. It is so cool!

  19. Donna,

    Thanks for the info on checking what was our most popular post and giving us a chance to link to it.

    I think i know which one of mine was, so curious to go find out. =))

    Your blogging psotsa bout what people like/and not, was very helpful. thanks for ALL the help you have given me, and i know soooo many others. =))


    barbara jean

  20. #2 Joyful Hydrangeas is my favorite. I think I am not understanding the question of the day, or I would respond. Can't wait to see all of the other DIY info that you have for us. Jackie

  21. Funny--aside from my one (and only) giveaway that I did way back when, the post that garnered a lot of comments was just a weekend recap I did and all the projects I completed! LOL. Guess everyone wanted a piece of that motivational pie I was dishing!

    The green hydrangeas has to be one of my favorite pictures Trish has done! So crisp!

  22. I love print #2 - words to live by!!

  23. I too unfortunately am a bit new to blogging and have yet to receive an abundance of comments on one particular post, HELLLOOO OUT THERE, VISIT THE NEWBIES!! LOL
    I adore the Hydranga's in a vase;}(i have the perfect spot for it)

    Thanks for the opprotunity

  24. I choose the joyful hydrangeas (#2)! SO pretty! I received 28 comments once, that's the most on one post.

  25. First, I'm sorry I linked up the wrong post (#13), I will save that one for tomorrows linky. The New Years Eve Countdown Goodie Bags have been my post popular so far.
    Second, I just love Trisha's artwork. I would choose the Be Joyful Hydrangeas if I was lucky enough to win.
    Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!

  26. Her work is beautiful, love it and will be visiting her esty shop. Clicked to follow, she has some great posts. I like the scripture. Beautiful.

    I too am new to the blogging community and have had a few posts. A lot of emails from family and friends whom read but they themselves are not linked to follow. As we complete our home I will be able to share many more projects as I get into furnishing and decorating. Working on my first for this home and very excited about it!

  27. Of course, I love Trish's work and am excited about entering the drawing. I love the hydrangeas in a vase. I am overwhelmed by my numbers and can't wait to visit some of my new friends. Thanks for sharing them with me. :) I love all your posts, but your *story* was extra special. I can see why so many people responded.

  28. I just love her work. I have bookmarked her site so I can keep in better touch with her stuff. I would love to have the "Joyful Hydrangeas." It would make me very joyful to be the winner!!

  29. First of all I love #2 Be Joyful Hydrangeas... I love her stuff and have browsed her ETSY shop a few times.

    I have only been blogging for 19 days and although there are bogs that I have cried writing.. and laughed at the memories as I write them, the one the most people have reacted to is the one about horrible customer service in a fast food drive thru called Stand Off at McD Corral...

  30. What a fun link party. I was surprised that my recent sheet music table had generated the most comments on a post.

  31. Oh, in addition to loving Hydrangas in a Vase, I I don't have my own blog ... so nothing too terribly buzz worthy to report for the comment of the day. :)

  32. i love the painted signs with scripture... you can't go wrong with God's word.

    My choice would be , if I won... would be #2 I like the painting with the words... beautiful talent.

    As far as posts with the most comments... the a moire that I painted for my daughter. I got a whopping 12 comments and it almost frightened me into the closet!

    What was I thinking putting myself and work and my HOME out there for all of YOU to gawk at? But since then... I've gotten followers and am even contemplating... opening up to all you lovely people!

    we'll see...

  33. I like the hydrangas in a vase and I have a place just for it.

  34. I really like the Joyful Hydrangeas picture.

    My most commented blog post was.....

    "Dilemma - the dreaded cable box" and the creative solution I found to hide it:

  35. I found your giveaway just in time. I chose the "be joyful hydrangeas" #2

  36. Print #2: "Be Joyful Hyndrangeas" is my favorite. I am a reader not a writer but my favorite post of yours is your story. Thanks for sharing it.

  37. I like the Hydrangeas in a Vase!

  38. I really enjoy #2.

    Thank you


  39. I really like the Hydrangeas in a Vase. I could use a little more color in my living room!


  40. I love them both, but am really drawn to "Hydrangeas in a Vase." Hope I win!

  41. i really like the Hydrangeas in a Vase.

  42. I love print #1-Hydrangeas in a Vase
    My most popular blog post as determined by the # of comments posted is by far "My Craft Room".

  43. I'd love to win #1. Thanks for the opportunity to make it my own.
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  44. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!