Friday, October 23, 2009

Saturday Nite Special brings you.. vignettes!

Welcome back to Saturday Nite Special linky party #2! This weekend's theme is all about vignettes! I cannot wait to see what everyone has in store!

No vignettes to share? I'd bet you do too! I use to call them displays before blogland. Most anything constitutes a vignette. We all have stuff sitting on tables, windowsills, mantels etc. So fluff, arrange, click and come out and play!

TIP: take a pic of your vignette and view it in your camera first. It's weird but if it doesn't picture well, rearrange and try again. This really works! The eye of the camera is different than your own eye taking it all in.

The party ends Sunday midnight and the prize to the chosen winner is a feature of your project and blog!

 *Revised: you no longer MUST be a follower to win.* (more on what Sat Nite Special is all about HERE)

And here's a vignette post that can help you on your way! So grab a button if you wish, link up your post and come on down! If you have no vignettes to share and you wish to link up a non related project, feel free! But this round I will be voting on the vignette entries to celebrate our topic.

Here are a few from my own home. Right click/open new window on the bold text to visit these posts.

See how simple this mantel is? Because of the massive size of the objects, it does work. Nowhere is it written you have to jam your ledges FULL.

Build up those items like building blocks, creating interesting layered visuals.

Take one last look at that glass washboard. It's now a wooden glassless frame. Sigh....

Yes, I totally consider this a vignette! And the tap is even part of it. Consider what's standing in front of your arrangements and make them a part of the picture.

Vignettes should marry what they're on top of. Rustic underneath = rustic on top.

Must play well with others ~ This display is open for the entire upstairs to see. So I placed things that go with the entire upstairs rather than office depot plastic weirdness.

Laundry room fun! Where else to try an old sewing machine?

Create a story ~ This is a mantel I did for my mom just for fun. I didn't spend a wadful of time on it but felt it was on topic too well to pass up! This mantel is chalk full from memories past. (No I didn't think to take a before pic!!! But the mantel was full of cups, cards, and vases. She was due for a fresh new look.)

 The iron and white crock belonged to my grandma. The old wooden thing is my dad's milking stool.

Here is the entire mantel area. My mom is such a good sport. :) All the things she had on hand. And each item contain great meaning to her.

I totally got a kick out of the red paint on the window pane! Window is from my parent's barn. Rogers can is from the farm kitchen.

The china cow I scooped up from the fancy china cabinet area and is a precious gift to my mom from my dad. (miss you dad!!) The pussy willows I believe are still from the farm. The green plant is REAL. If I had a plant like that, it would be rust coloured...

The cow pic was taken by my niece. Funny! And the chain on the window? I yanked the window off her garage wall and left the mounting chain in tact. She was missing some metal in her house anyway. ;)

This little stove is old as well and a gift from the family.

I found the milk can in her garage and is a precious item from her brother's farm.

Enough about me! Let's see whatcha got! Link up,  have fun and good luck!

To link up:

1. Make your post, then once made, click on the TITLE of your post for the correct address. Links simply brought back to your generic blog address will be deleted so if you link is gone, please try again! How-to HERE.

2. Please link back to this party within your post by either the linky button or text so others can join in too!

Weeeee! Fun!


  1. Wow, I'm #1 in the the linky party, this has never happened to me before. I think it has something to do with the baby going to bed early tonight! :)
    Love your vignettes. Your home is so warm and cozy and beautiful. I loved the post you did the other day about layering your vignettes. I'm off to the thrift stores soon to look for platters and trays for my home. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!!

  2. Thanks for hosting! My vignette is really a few vignettes, as I accessorized my built-ins...thought that fit the theme.
    As I was scrolling through your post I was noting the things I liked when I noticed your kitchen sink faucet, hey, I have the same one!

  3. what a bunch of great collections you have! I love your style of decorating. I will have to get a few pictures together and return...

  4. I love your rustic, yet refined style. And that cow picture is awesome! I'm going to be working on my vignette post...

  5. I just found your blog and I am pretty much drooling over all the lovely pictures of your decorating! So glad I found ya! Have a good day! :)

  6. I like how your vignettes look like they are pulled together. They just look so put together!

  7. I stink at making vignettes, so I especially love this party you threw. Thanks for all the inspiration and good ideas.

  8. Thanks for joining the party, ladies! It's so fun seeing what others are doing with their stuff!

    The party runs Sunday as well so there's plenty of time to submit for those that are currently vignette-less. Just think how pretty your house will look by Sunday evening. Do it do it do it, go go go! I wana see! :)

    Thanks for your compliments!

    Funky Junk Donna

  9. Thanks so much for hosting. Quiet Saturday nights are no longer boring in blogland. I love your vignettes, they have so much texture and interest. And your photography skills make mine look sad, very very sad. But, until I can get a new camera I have been playing with the settings on mine and have had some improvement at least. I have the same black beadboard tray and Pearl washboard. Am I guessing that the glass on your beauty broke since you took the pictures?

  10. I just noticed the other washboard is not the Pearl brand, but The Jasper. I love my Pearl because it has the 'Canadian' marking and I guess being in BC the Jasper was a local company. That would be an awesome find.

  11. Oh I love them all! Especially your laundry room! Thanks so much for hosting this fun party!


  12. Thank you for hosting this party! Every single one of your vignettes is perfect. You have a real eye for gathering and layering. I have to give a shout out to your niece for taking that awesome cow picture.

  13. Just linked up a couple of vignette posts! It never fails to amaze me that I continue to discover *AMAZING* blogs that were somehow below my radar, such as yours. Fantastic blog, I'm so thrilled to have found you!
    All the best,

  14. What a great party, i'm having my wine being completely inspired by all these great vingettes!

  15. I continue to be nearly speechless with your links. Oh. My. Goodness. You have NO idea how many times I've sat down today when I shouldn't have just to gaze at my computer screen. My son is giving up on me. LOL!!

    Ok, I'm off to do my dishes. It's only 8pm my time... eep. But I'll be back. :) Thanks to all for making this such a wonderful party! Thrilled beyond belief here!

    Funky Junk Donna

  16. No contribution this week, Donna, but I shall enjoy looking at everyone else's vignettes!

  17. LOVE your mantle, girl. And the kitchen window vignette is when I first fell in love with you. I cheated just a bit with my post, but I'm like that. Thanks for hosting...looking forward to seeing everyone else's stuff and copying, er, getting inspired by their creativity. :o)

  18. Great vignettes!!
    Love this for a party.

    Thanks for thinking of it.

    Love the sewing machine, and the office/kitchen ones the best.
    Oh, and the window frame. =0))

    Thanks and blessings

    barbara jean

  19. I love your vignettes! Thanks for stopping by and checking out mine. I will need to look over your blog and get some new ideas for my home. I just found you last night. Thanks for hosting. This is a new thing for me and I just seem to fall into something new. Fun.

  20. Love your vignettes.
    I came by way of Meagan Marie Pretties.
    I just had made a post after coming across your linky party.
    I'll put your button in my side bar.
    Have a wonderful day!

  21. I LOVE those vignettes, especially with all of those layers!!!

  22. These are GORGEOUS! I'm so gonna get in on this party next week -- I need something to look forward to on Saturday Nights!

  23. I am so happy to be a part of this...and have had so much fun checking out some other great blogs.
    Holly @ 504 Main


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