Thursday, October 29, 2009

Feature Winner of SNS #2! Introducing...

.. someone that's perfected turning everyday objects...

... into works of art.

We are talking about Kim at Twice Remembered!

(Kim is currently taking abit of a blog hiatus, however I will be letting her know she's been featured. I'll sprinkle a few quesitons here and there through this post, and hopefully Kim will have a few moments to comment and add any of her own personal thoughts!)

When Kim entered her kitchen vignette post, on Saturday Nite Special #2  on vignettes,  each picture had me in utter awe. Not only are her photography skills the ultimate, her vignettes and staging are simply high end magazine quality.

According to my findings on her blog, Kim started blogging in 2004.  She moved into quite a fixer upper and utilized her blog to journal and document the progress of the renos.

Now in 2009, she's still hard at it, currently taking abit of a blog hiatus so she can put her efforts into the renos. I can't wait to see the eye candy that will no doubt be forthcoming!

So let's take a little walk further into Kim's blog.

You already know about her exquisite kitchen. I never tire of looking at these gorgeous pictures. The first time I saw the red cabinets, I was in total and utter love.  The red creates such a unique feel you don't see every day.

"Kim, you've put red cupboards on the blog map! They are exquisite! How do you feel about the red today with the world currently revolving around neutrals?"

And then there's her creative livingroom. In her words, "The more I researched the many different cottage styles, however, the more I realized how much I loved (and needed) a very simple, soft, and romantic color palette."   She certainly has achieved that. Make sure you look at her mirrored wall.


These curtains are white sheets.  In this post she tells you how she does it. One of Kim's Tips: don't iron them. Awesome...

Kim is also busy building a studio in her home. Have you ever seen prettier stairs before? This link will take you to her studio during the process of her renovation.

And what is her incredibly beautiful studio being used for you ask? Not only is she a decorator and great photographer, she has another amazing talent.

She creates faux treats! You read that right. These delectable morsels are not edible.

Kim says, "As you may know, I'm starting my own little business. I've always wanted to help out with the family budget in some way, especially from home and preferrably doing something I enjoy doing. Because of the great interest that has been expressed by many folks, I've decided to mainly specialise in making and selling my faux candies and other confections."

She also creates whimsey with her treats. Isn't the gumball machine the cutest idea for a display on your counter?!?

"Kim, will you be selling your faux creations online anytime soon?"

Let's step outside for a moment now and enjoy her 'garden dresser located on her sunny porch.

In her words, "I thought it (the dresser) would warm up the front porch - it along with the red chairs, so I gave it a good coat of primer and have applied one of two coats of exterior semi-gloss paint. Our front porch is covered but I do want to give the dresser a little added protection. I plan on opening the drawers and inserting various, colorful potted plants, and letting ivy, etc. cascade down and around." What a lovely idea!

As you can see, I could go on and on. Feel free to investigate Kim's blog on your own. If you take the time and read her writings in depth, you'll gain loads of wonderful insight on what inspires her towards her dreams.

Kim, I just want to say, it was a pleasure featuring abit about you and your blog! Thank-you for inspiring us to


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See you all on Saturday, for your chance to be featured!


  1. I follow Kim as well and she is amazing! I love your blog, too!! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Kim does great work, love all of her stuff! Great girl to feature.

  3. Kim was my very first follower. :o) I've copied several of her craft ideas her blog and LOVE her house. Great feature!

  4. Great feature. I enjoy Kim's blog very much! Thanks also for listing my sack art as today's hot find!

  5. I absolutely LOVE the words on the stairs. so creative. so darling!

  6. Everywhere you look is pure creativity at it's best.
    She has amazing style and decorating sense!

    I am having my very first giveway so hope aver and get entered. :)

  7. What a wonderful feature. Very inspiring,

  8. Oh my goodness gracious! I've been featured on your lovely blog! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I'm finding this so late...You are right, I'm on a break now and have found myself so behind in my reading...ugh! None-the-less, I very much appreciate this honor!

    "Kim, you've put red cupboards on the blog map! They are exquisite! How do you feel about the red today with the world currently revolving around neutrals?"

    I can honestly say that our red cabinets STILL make my heart sing! In the mornings, they just glow in the early sunshine and by evening time, they're still glowing in a warm and cozy kind of way. I think, though, that I am partial because I absolutely love red and I'm finding that I just want to paint everything the same shade. It's almost an addiction!

    "Kim, will you be selling your faux creations online anytime soon?" I had actually wanted to begin selling my faux treats a couple of years ago. But I soon realized that to make a genuine business out of it, I needed to be a lot more organized and to have a good space in which to work. I've had to overcome a few challenges over the last couple of years but can finally say that my new home studio will be complete by the end of 2009 and that I can then begin creating my faux treats in earnest. I've been keeping my studio remodel progress a bit of a secret but hubs and I have been very hard at work in there for I don't know how many weekends {more painting with red - a terribly difficult color that requires myriads of coats!}! I'm very excited about getting it finished up soon!

    Thanks again so very much for featuring my blog! What a thrill!


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