Sunday, September 27, 2009

New upcoming stuff!

Dear ads,

Please start working for me so I have the time and the means to implement all I want to do on this here lil' blog along with my blog friends. I'm far too busy to lead a normal life.

Sincerely and passionately yours...

too excited to eat and sleep and garden and clean the house and even work for a living, but my 10 yr old is still being fed, Mommyhood will always come first, FJ Donna.

Would you like a sneak peek on what crazy fun I'm brewing up?

Interviews from blogsphere!

- Rhoda from Southern Hospitality will soon be here to do a guest interview! I cannot WAIT! If you haven't met Rhoda yet, you are in for a treat. A southern gem with a glorious flare for her thang. I can't wait to ask her what her favorite metal tone is... Ok, I'm totally not going to do that, that weirdness appears to be mine, all mine. But I can't wait to hear what she has to say with some questions I"ll throw her way!

Themed Linky Parties!

- with a twist! The Linky Parties here will have a theme, such as...

Your current fav project?
Best find?
Worst flop?
Best ever post?
Newest find this week?
... plus I'll be inviting you your input for topics! Doesn't that sound like fun?!?

MORE bloggy how-to's

- buttons with scroll bars (yup!! as soon as I make mine, I'll be a pro)
- headlines that grab attention
- how to write good articles
... etc.

Passion Series

- next, on finding your niche

A before and after series on a real friend's place! I start Wednesday.

and in between all this, I'll still be creating and posting my own stuffola of course. Nooooo sweat. (cuckooo! boing...  cuckooo!)

Now, I actually have a business to run on the side of all this fun, so I'm going to flash this stuff out spur of the moment when I can get it out there. So you need to just be ready to roll, k? So, to make sure you keep up with all this new riff raff, if you aren't a follower yet, best to jump on that bandwagon.

You ARE utilizing your blogger dashboard to follow your chosen blogs, yes? If no, tell me so I will do a session on that. If you are following your chosen blogs by visiting your blog page itself, you are in for a BIG BIG  TREAT. Following another blog is so the way to go. I couldn't live without that feature.

Anyway, see you Monday AM with the new Passion Series install - Finding Your Niche. It's important!!!

I'm off to play in my garden while the sun shines. May you be doing much of the same. Just remember, your housework will not give up on you. It'll wait... so go on. Play. Guilt free!

Now... here is your chance of a lifetime.  I invite you to let me know what other things you'd like to see on this here funky little blog. All those headings above? I have them written down and I add to the lists so I remember to cover them. So please feel free to add what you desire in the comments and  I'll see what I can do with my little 'ol metal magic wand, other than NOT putting it in the microwave.



  1. On the matter of good blogs, maybe you could talk abou blog etiquette. For example, when you're doing your first giveaway is it bad to go to people's blog and invite them to come over for a gander. Cos that's what I'm doing. Now. So come over if you like and excuse the bad manners.

  2. Yes, all of the above, you busy busy funky girl! And how great that you are doing an interview! Can you stop by my blog when you get a second to see if the way I have my blogroll of favourites is set up right, pretty please? I listed some favourite blog buttons followed by the blog roll so I can easily access them from my own blog. Is this what you meant or am I missing something? I got my signature to work too, and gave you a little shout out on my latest post hooked up to a linky party. Scroll to the end of the post, near my signature if you want to see it. And I think you said it was okay to grab your blog improving checkerboard pic. Thanks, Elizabeth

  3. Thanks for the shout out Elizabeth!

    When you visit Blogger DASHBOARD,

    - open your blog
    - go to customize along the top right
    - select dashboard along the top right
    - scroll down and look at the lower left

    You will see an automated blogroll of your blogs you follow. It's the same place you add more blogs to your blogroll. THAT is the prime place to watch who adds what. You can even select just one blog and scroll down on the right and see all their latest updates. It's a very VERY cool feature.

    Esther, that is a very good topic actually! I personally only bring up my blog and even a possible link in a comment IF I'm asked by the inital post to do so, OR I actually have something to offer that ties into the original post. Great topic, so I'll jot that one down. Thanks!

  4. I am so excited for ALL of these things!! Can't wait to see what you are up to!

  5. I loooooove your blog new look and all the ideas you are going to implement in the future! I can't think of anything to add or change, your blog is perfect! Also, I wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!

  6. Being a new blogger I am so grateful for your blog advice and expertise. Thank you Donnna!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!