Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog gets a new gritty outfit - for today anyway.


Bet this blog looks a little rough and tough this fine AM, eh? Here, allow me to soften it up abit with a doily...

LOL!! Ah... too much fun. I think the final look came out abit too gritty perhaps... blame it on the background rock music I had going tonite. I'll be doing some tweaking again soon. But at 2:40 AM, it's time to shut'er down. I'm sure you totally understand.

I'm off to slumberland. Hope I didn't scare you off. I'm not nearly as tough as the metal portrays. LOL

And as always, your comments are ALWAYS welcome! A designer doesn't mind critiquing. Even a very tired one. Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. I love the banner! I think it suits the whole "funky junk" thing you've got going. :)

  2. I like it!! I always enjoy your blog, and am continually inspired. I have to know one little detail though, if you don't mind, please :) Where oh where did you get that adorable checkerboard mousepad? Just one of many details I admire here! -Tammy

  3. I love it! Too fun! You are a blessing!

  4. I like it Donna! I think using the script fonts adds some "softness" to the "metal" edge. You're having a lot of fun with all these things! Thank you for the signature tutorial ~ I did it and added one to my blog.

  5. I'm loving the grittiness of it. I think it was all that power that went to your head LOL Of course the power I refer to is all that heavy metal cutting and grinding from your fabulous new staircase. Rock music-heavy metal, close enough ;)

  6. Nah - I think it ROCKS! The doily softens up the industrial edge - so fitting for the style WE LOVE!! Love your blog -- I'm a newbie so if you get a chance to visit - BRING on any feedback!

  7. Good morning! And how weird is it to step foot into this new little weird blog house. I don't recognize the place. :)

    Thanks for your kudos! I'll admit I felt like tearing the whole thing down last night, but that's that silly thing called fear that gets in the way at times, know what I mean? (if you're reading the Passion series, you'll understand)

    I'll do some minor tweaks to lighten things up abit (meaning the metal bitmap came out abit too dark, easy tweaks... riiiight). But wow... thanks for the approval. I truely did NOT expect that. Perhaps my 'flavour' has a market place after all?!?

    Tammy, that checkerboard mousepad is an actual checkerboard. Really. Only thing it's not good for is a wet cup as the wood leaves a ring and wants to swell up. I'll have to put a coat of something or other on it for better protection.

    Maybe not.. right now that very checkerboard is in my living room on my stereo/trunk cabinet. And before that on top of a stool for my bedroom sidetable. I might need two more maybe.. cannot stop. I need help.

    Thanks again gals!

  8. I love it - I think it fits your blog totally! And it's your blog anyway - we'll read whatever your logo looks like because you have such great idea's and projects.

    Happy Sunday!

  9. I think it's fun to change things up and play! I am just impressed that you can do it yourself :) I can do a little with code- with good directions, but I wish I knew more. Oh well. These days it seems I barely have time to blog, let alone redo mine, I just stick to header re-dos at this point, LOL!

  10. Thanks for the info on the "mousepad." Very clever :) -tammy

  11. Lovin' the look ... but must share a chuckle. Your note by "post a comment" states "your comments basically confirm that I'm NOT crazy after all" .... Here to say "not necessarily so" .... but you have LOTS of company! LOL!
    Hugs and cheers to celebrating that which might be called crazy by some, but JUST RIGHT by the rest of us!
    Keep on keepin' on!
    Betty :)

  12. You gals are hilarous. And you kinda seem to even 'get' me! I'm totally in love with my bloggy friends. xoxo Thanks for the encouragement. But I already have another idea. I may have to change it monthly to keep up with that craziness that some call normal. You know. Until I get it right. :)

    Ponygirl, if I EVER figure out the html poetry of it all, there's a chance I may dabble in blog design. I've done logos/cards/brochures for years but just not web stuff.

    This passion obsession is taking over. Check in Monday for a new installment. I think I'm gonna have alot to say this round. You don't even know the half of what's going on. Yet. :)

    FJ Donna

  13. I love the new look--I think it suits you!


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