Friday, March 8, 2013

SNS 178 - reclaimed wood projects

Reclaimed Wood DIY Projects - features galore and a themed link party that never closes via Funky Junk Interiors

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special, the multi themed DIY link party! 

* Home Decor / Gardening
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog tips
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

You are about to get overwhelmed in the most wonderful of ways. If you have non idea what to do with reclaimed wood, this party will convince you otherwise.

There is just nothing cooler or more authentically old looking than working with old wood from the getgo.

From the above thumbnails:

1. Cedar Plank Headboard - You Could Make That

2. Scrap wood feature wall - Pretty Handy Girl

3. Quote sign - Down To Earth Style

4. Random junk LOVE sign - Beyond the Picket Fence

5. Reclaimed wood number sampler - Home Frosting

6. Bedspring candle holder - Knick of Time

7. Old crate side table  - It's Just Me

8. Superstar - Beyond The Picket Fence

9. Junk styled coffee table - Funky Junk

Is Pallet Wood safe? And everything else you want to know, via Funky Junk Interiors

This is my All About Pallet Wood post
that will guide you on how to choose the safest reclaimed wood.

Reclaimed wood projects - Funky Junk Interiors' complete collection

Here's Funky Junk Interiors' complete collection of reclaimed wood projects

113+ Reclaimed Wood DIY Projects all in one clipboard!

And here's an amazing reclaimed wood DIY collection that's located in one clipboard right from Hometalk.

visit direct HERE

Got any cool reclaimed wood projects to share?
Link them up in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Upcoming themes

to be announced

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header. Those that link back will have a chance to be featured.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook and I Love That Junk with no additional permission required.

I Love That Junk
facebook Funky Junk interiorspinterest Funky Junk interiorstwitter Funky Junk Interiors

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~ Home Decor ~
Junk to jewel transformations, room decor, renos, gardening, etc. 

(Linkup closed)

~ Crafts, Sewing, Cooking ~
crafting with new items, sewing, recipies

(Linkup closed)

~ Reclaimed wood projects ~
This linkup is always open!

Add your link

( Submissions are open )


  1. Thanks for hosting the party! Hope you're enjoying spring in your neck of the woods. OK, I'm off to get overwhelmed with reclaimed wood projects now!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! Life to the full, Melissa

  3. Thanks for hosting, Donna! Have a great weekend:)

  4. I came over here to link up and was surprised to see my Bed Spring Candle Holder! Thanks for featuring it Donna and have a wonderful weekend!

  5. LOVE seeing so much reclaimed wood. Inspirational. Thanks for hosting Donna, as always it is a pleasure to have something to share. Have a lovely weekend. Did you see that amazing sunset tonight? (Fraser Valley)

  6. Thanks for hosting Donna! Love the reclaimed wood theme! Little Bit

  7. Some of the slats in our old fence have fallen off and I'm secretly happy...old wood to play with!! :)

  8. Thanks again for allowing me to link up again this week, Donna. I've enjoyed the last couple warm, sunny days getting out in my potting shed.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  9. Thank you so much for hosting every week Donna! Off to see what everyone has been making :) Happy weekend!

    xo, Tanya

  10. Thank you so much for hosting your party, Donna!

  11. Thank you so much Donna for hosting!

  12. Thanks so much for hosting the party!! I was so excited I actually had something for the themed party, I linked up in the wrong category, then linked in the reclaimed wood one and could not delete the other one, so I am accidentally in two places. Just happy to have something to link for a change!

  13. I will be getting to bed VERY late tonight. I am a hoarder......errr...uh collector of reclaimed wood & use it for so many things. Actually 1/4 of my shop had to be specially built to house all of it :) It is one of my favorite materials to work with considering the thousands of creative options available! Thanks so much for hosting another knock-out party! I'm off to grab some cappuccino & sweats....I've got some serious links to hit. Have a beautiful weekend.

  14. This is probably my favorite theme so far! I LOVE RECLAIMED WOOD PROJECTS! Thank you so much!

  15. Overwhelming. Too many cool things to look at! Thanks for hosting, Donna!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  16. What a nice surprise Donna to open your party and see my lil' bench featured ... right there up front : ) Thank you. It's an honor to be featured by you. I wish I had something cool to share this week - it's in progress. When it's done it will be : )
    Have a wonderful weekend ~

  17. Love this weeks theme of Reclaimed Wood. Loving all the link ups already. This will defiantly be one to come back to later to see them all. Thanks for the party!!


  18. Thanks for the party! Hope you're having a happy day! This week's Homemaking Linkup is up and I would love to have you join, if you haven’t already.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  19. Thanks for hosting Donna!! I have to work on my "building skills" so I can do something with pallets and reclaimed wood!! I tired of waiting for my hubby's help ;) You inspire me!! Laurel

  20. Love the ideas, Donna! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  21. Thanks for the party! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Jenna @

  22. Thanks for hosting the party! I love everything that's being linkedup!

  23. thanks for hosting, Donna! I always love linking up here but so often I realize I've missed the party from a busy weekend!! : /
    Hope you're doing well!

  24. Nothing like a junk party to make a weekend complete. Thanks for taking the time to make it so cool, Donna!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  25. Thank you for having such a FUN site and party! It's only my second time linking up, I hope I'm doing it right?!

    A fellow junker,
    Ava Blake Creations

  26. Thanks for the party, Donna!

  27. Thanks so much for the party! Happy weekend!

  28. Donna Thanks for the party!

  29. Hi Donna! Thanks for hosting this great party. Thanks, Helen

  30. Thank you so much for hosting each week! Enjoy your weekend. :)

  31. Thanks for hosting again!!! 2nd time linker!! Newer follower!

    Kate @ Uniquely Undone

  32. Thanks so much fro hosting and for showing off my star and LOVE sign. Is this party a continuation of an old one? I only linked up one new thing this week, but see several of my reclaimed wood projects? At any rate, this is definitely my favorite topic as well--salvaged, reclaimed wood sisters unite!

  33. And fro hosting is sort of like for hosting--just cooler.

  34. Thanks for another awesome party, Donna! I've been spending all morning just enjoying the "decor" linky... I've pinned 18 projects so far...and I still have the other linky collections to enjoy! And I'm saving the themed one for last! :)

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Love these ideas. Reclaimed wood is also great for flooring, cabinetry and so much more. Minimal impact on the environment and a unique look for decorating!


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