Choosing the right job opportunities is tough business. But you can bet these nature photos will help to show you why taking walks helps tremendously for me during such times.
I'm absolutely without question, blessed to live in an area that's a little bit country and a little bit suburban. It's a little community smack dab in the middle of nowhere, so circling around the residential areas are plenty of wide open spaces.
So when the weather is half decent, you can bet I get on my walking shoes and take in the neighbourhood.
Walking is way more than exercise to me. It's also my therapist.
And lemme tell ya, I'm overdue for a good LONG walk.
I like to take in the walk until I have my 'stuff' sorted out. Sometimes that can mean 20 minutes, other times 2 hours.
I don't quite know why it works but it generally does. It's as if the quiet crunch of gravel and gushing water of ditches lull me into forgetting my concerns for a short while, persuading me to enjoy what nature has for us to enjoy.
Two more day job days, then I'm going for a walk!
See, I need to sort some stuff out.
So here's the list I generally ask myself...
The List
Should I go with plan A first or jump to plan B without giving A a full swing at it? A B A B A B...
Can I deliver in time?
Is it the right season to take this on?
What will these decisions effect?
Will they take too much time away from other important things?
Where will these decisions ultimately take me?
Are they part of my goals?
Or do they guide me in areas other than what I had in mind?
Is it good to switch gears or am I being distracted by shiny objects?
Will these decisions still sound like me?
Because I want to stay me. ME. Otherwise, what's the point?
Long term vs. short term...
What's coming up that I need to take care of now?
Will the long term goal work mess with what I need now?
Will the short term goal mess with the long term goal?
Can I figure out a way to do both?
Is the next step something you really desire at this season of your life?
Who or what will it effect?
Are you set up with a good support system to carry you through?
Stopping everything for something big can be worthwhile... but what about the small things you need to do? How will you accomplish both?
Will these opportunities help my family?
And now for some gravel crunch time with no words.
Here's the thing.
Opportunities are going to come your way when you put yourself out there.
What to accept and not to accept are super tough decisions.
Do take something on if:
It's where you had planned to go.
You're prepared for what comes after if applicable.
You can stay true to your own voice.
It helps your family.
Your priorities are in line. Are you taking this on because it's a good fit or to delay what you really should be doing?
You have a good support system around you.
The season feels right.
Don't take something on if:
You think it'll never come again. It can and probably will. And maybe even better suited next round. But I know how hard that is to believe. Trust me, I know. But for every one thing I've turned down, interestingly something new has slipped into its place.
It's not sticking with your plans.
It hinders your family more than helps.
If it's just a time filler. You can be so full of wrong things leaving no room for right things.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks for those of you that have helped me with some recent decisions. Many of these insights have come from you. And they were worth sharing. Many thanks!
More to come!
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Wow. I'm laying here in bed, way too late, needing to go to sleep but my mind is racing wondering if I really can take on an opportunity that just popped up for me. It's a HUGE step down a road I've really been wanting to take and I do think its something I should do!! I love that you said not to do something if you think it'll never come around again. I had to re-read that to let it sink in. While I don't think that applies currently to me, that's an important thing to remember since you might jump into something they really isn't worth your time just because its a once in a lifetime opportunity!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I refreshed my google reader and saw this post. I think I will definitely sleep better. Ok. Maybe not because my mind is already racing at the possibilities with this opportunity but I at least feel a little more confident in myself that I can step out on a limb here that could potentially lead to a career in my passion! Thank you so much for this! Hope it helped you decide too to get it all out here in the open! :)
This sounds so exciting, Stacey! Sleep well and always sleep on it! I forgot to add that to my list. :)
ReplyDeleteWhatever you decide I am sure you will be ridiculously good at it. You inspire me and I love to see your take on things. Even in your sharing with these beautiful photos.. I love the angles and different perspectives they show. I won't wish you luck in your deicision.. for you manage to always come up w/the just right spin on the infinitely forgotten. Thanks for sharing what you do. Peace~
Karyn Mc
KD, you have no idea what your words did for me. I'm humbled... thank-you!
DeleteOh and if by chance that choice has to do w/The Round Top/Warrenton Antique/Junk show in Texas.. then by all means get your ever lovin' butt down here. Seriously, I can seriously see you w/your own TV show. The Junk Gypsies & Rachel Atwell are settlin' roots down here. Seriously Donna, one day you have to visit.
DeleteI can't wait to see what the next adventure will be for you.
I loved these pretty photos. The one of the holly bush was amazing...especially...but they were all beautiful. Oh...I think about this sort of stuff all the time. I know in the past I have done things that I realized later were fitting someone else's expectations and not mine. I have vowed not to use my art and creativity to further along other people's ideas. This includes...NOT volunteering my design skills for organizations that take advantage of them. If I want to work for free...it will be to further my goals and dreams...not someone else's. That said...lately...I'm trying to figure out a more stable financial way of life for myself without losing my dreams. Currently...I'm happy with my day to day...but financially...it is really a struggle. But I know I've made a lot more money in the past...with nothing to show for it but being miserable. I hope you figure out what your next thing is. I know whatever it is...you'll be a success at it! Because you will put the effort in to make it so.
ReplyDeleteYes! Yes yes yes! I get that! Picking and choosing wisely is paramount. Let the world know your value, Nita!
DeleteDear Donna!
ReplyDeleteYou are an AMAZING photographer! I loved this post. It is very late at night and I wanted to visit your party again, but you had written this post and that's where I "landed"! I will definitely come back to it, next time I have a BIG decision to make!
At the moment I am re-thinking my business and all the pros and cons, like you did in this post... sometimes we take paths we did not initially meant. I keep trying to "re-align" myself with my initial goals. Anyway, it is late and I feel like I am rumbling... I hope you have the wisdom to choose what is best for you and your son.
Thank you for the insights; I will take these in consideration, too!
Such a timely post for me, thanks for taking me on your walk. I myself am currently at a cross roads with making the plunge to "put myself out there"... and it really is a struggle. Reading your words has helped me realize that my focus is true and right for me and the questions you ask are very poignant (don't use that word often but it applies..lol).... Anyhoots, I have been following you for years and I recall your firsts posts and was so inspired at your courage. Was has been so clear over the years is the common bond we have with rusty junk and your mentor status in my heart has always helped validate me. Now here you are again giving me courage and inspiration at just the right time. BarnCandy is ready to launch and yes I am scared to death, but it's all coming from the right place. And yes it Will help my family because nothing is better than living your true life.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are fabulous! You live in such a beautiful area with so much to work with!
Great post and wonderfully thought provoking. I need to rethink a few things, this was very timely. Hugs, Marty
ReplyDeleteThis is why I follow Donna. She inspires me and mentors me. I cannot wait for a book. Thank you so much for sharing. ME
ReplyDeleteThank you! Because we are all IN THIS TOGETHER....this post was most timely for me!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder to use that lovely time outdoors to get a fresh perspective. The artist's heart is a sensitive and caring one. You will be honored in whatever decision you choose - just for taking the time and serving everyone's needs in that process.
Your photos are deep and rich, truly speaking that therapeutic process.
Let me just say wow! The pictures are beautiful. Great advice too!
ReplyDeleteVery nice post Donna. Always remember you really never know how a post may appeal to someone. I've sorted through many opportunities in my life, but right now I'm in a "Steady Eddie" mode and in not much need for your reflections (don't get me wrong; they were great reflections). However, your photos got my day off to a great start. As a photographer, I truly need inspiration as the days/weeks/months go by. To me, photography is a MOOD and I loved what your photos conveyed to me. Have a happy day!
ReplyDeleteHow fortunate for you, Jodi! The post was intentionally written to fill two purposes... offer something useful to those that needed it (most of us appear to!) and for pure eye candy for those that didn't. Glad the photos spoke to you!
Deletethanks for the walk Donna, I need that!
Such great advice and tips. And your photos are stunning! Thanks for the post, Donna.
ReplyDeleteDebbie :)
Thank you for the food for thought! I've been pulling into myself more and more lately (as evidenced by the lack of posts and interaction with those around me...)! Its time to quit holding myself back and to take a step back for an honest look at our life. Thank you for the encouragement!
ReplyDeleteI know that feeling. I do the same thing when at a crossroads!
DeleteDonna....your photos are getting "awesomer!" ;)
ReplyDeleteMeant for me today! I have a pending job offer at a pharmacy as a shift supervisor in the store section. I really had hoped to get an office job and out of retail. But, it promises good pay.
ReplyDeleteI have a month to find a job, as I am currently working full-time at H&R Block as a receptionist. I love it! But sadly, it ends April 15th.
As a single mom, I must have a full-time job.
This post helps. :)
I stumbled upon this post completely by accident (or by divine intervention?) but it really spoke to me today. Life has thrown me a curve ball recently and I am struggling. This post has really given me some great insight. Thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteThe photography was awesome. I love the area that you live in though I can't feel the cold that I'm sure is there (I dislike being cold). Each day of our life is a stepping stone and when we come to the end of that path, there will always be another set of stepping stones. I know you will make the best decision for you and your son in this phase of your life. Just remember that your son will only be this age once and that he will soon enough be out of school and onto other things. Enjoy the today. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI love the way you think. Maybe I should get out and walk, too! :)
I loved the post and even though now retired...I am not tired...and I am having the best time redoing,repurposing items that have been retired....your post makes me think of how far I want to take this...and what are some of the steps I need to improve my blog!and how far I want that to go...again loved the post and the pictures...I love nature and I love architecture and I love rusty, Something about the back end of the truck with the huge chains...I really stopped on that pic! I think you and Bliss could have a Gallery showing....and a lit art via Art is Beauty....so much talent in Blog land and so glad I found it...
ReplyDeleteHow in the world do you get rusty barbed wire to look so fabulous? I hear you...but the LORD says my sheep hear my voice....He will not lead you wrong...for all things work for our good....blessings to you and your son! (I agree with Kathryn....you may want to think about selling your artwork/photos....)
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me say that your photography is awesome. I walked around my block tonight with my dogs and nothing in my scenery compares to your walk, although it is a way to clear my mind.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, this post came at just the right time. It's so scary to go in a new direction. I've been in the same comfortable job for 11 years, but this may change. I decided to fight for something that might jeapordize my job, although it's possible I could be helping others through my fight.
This got me to thinking about whether I should stay in my job or to take the leap and train for three years as a midwife. I'm no longer a young woman, but I still have life in me and midwifery would be soul-satisfying.
well friend...thinking of you! seems there's lots to pray about.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pictures and the thoughts!
Wow. This is probably the most thought provoking blog post I have read. I have been trying to start up some type of home based business can't seem to get past the planning stage. When do you know which path to take, where to start, how to start, if you should start or take the safe option?
ReplyDeleteThank you
Great advice (as usual!) and nicely timed as I'm pondering the future. A walk is an excellent way to move forward both figuratively and literally--and even better with a camera in hand to spark the creative juices. I think I'll take me a nice spring walk and see what I come up with!