Monday, June 4, 2012

The little blue couch that changed... everything

You won't learn anything spell binding with this post. No fancy junk reveal this round. This is really a roll with the punches kind of writeup that just left me in awe and so very thankful.

blue couch in teen boy's room makeover

... continued ...

blue couch in teen boy's room makeover

So, remember the little blue couch I landed at the thrift last week? It needed to come inside the house. Sadly, I didn't have room for it. What I did have in the way were big oversized furniture pieces that have been sitting in the hallway for MONTHS.

Confession. I really REALLY hate asking for help. Honestly, if a strong handyman or 10 knocked on my door every single day, I'd keep them running. So let's just say, I do way too much silent suffering just because I'm a little stubborn and feel silly 'asking'. 

blue couch in teen boy's room makeover

I actually laughed when the thrift store loaded the couch because I was thinking, "I sure have a whole lotta unloading to do before this thing gets near the front door!"(really meaning, asking for help.. augh!)

So my son was really tired today after a full unexpected cadets run. But when he saw the couch in the back of the truck, he sprung into action. He needed to make money NOW for his new gaming system so he can use the couch in his room!

He decided to mow the lawn down the road which meant we needed the back of the very full truck for the lawnmower. (groan...)  So both of us heaved the thing out of the truck and let it CLUNK onto the driveway and sped off. (sorry neighbours... all we were missing was the sunken treasure toilet on the front lawn)

I returned and scratched my head... how on earth would we get this thing upstairs ourselves?! 

Well, we couldn't. So I eyed up the neighbourhood wondering who the unlucky chosen would be this round. (yes I do rotate requests for help but don't tell anyone) H and G ( I'll ask if I can swap out their letters for names) were nattering with some friends outside, so I bit my bottom lip and head their way.

So the two guys come over and see the couch on the driveway. They lift it and start to throw it into the back of the truck...

"Uh... wait! We just took it out..."

*blink* "You didn't say it was going INSIDE. How many flights? 8?!"

Whoops. Close. :) 

So they stuff it into the room without issue. I'm ecstatic! Except for the fact that all that huge stuff that was in the house was now clogging up the living room. 

"So, do you guys need anything here? A massive giant armoire? An 8000 ton TV?"

Negative. Ah well. Plan B now in effect, whatever that is.

I go and mess around with the new couch when I hear a knock on the door. Turns out the neighbour WAS interested in the armoire after all! No way... no way!! I just think neighbours wive's make the most amazing choices. :)

(poor) H comes over with the dolly, I run out to pick up my son, and once I'm in the driveway, we swap out the lawnmower for the 20 trillion ton TV Hank also brought down for me. YES YES YES!

My son sees the couch in his room and is over the MOON. So now he's  REALLY antsy to earn his Playstation. "Mom, I want to work. LOTS!"

I ended up with our lawn mowed AND trimmed, and my truck vacuumed out. He was going to wash it as well but just ran outta gas. But wants to continue tomorrow... (I reward him for over the top help and I have plenty let me tell you)

(we are also saving for a bigger flat screen TV)

blue couch in teen boy's room makeover

And here is our perfect little blue couch sitting in it's new home. The one that improved this room,  helped our neighbours and motivated my son. And gave a new landing place for our cat. :)

I think I'll go shopping more often!

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  1. Oh...we are SO alike! I HATE asking for help and plus where I live there is none. I'm 63 and they're all older than me and the younger ones (not many) all have bad backs or "conditions" but can ride motorcycles...hmmm...go figure!
    Thank God you have healthy neighbors! LOL! I think I must be the strongest healthiest person in this town and that's scary!
    You go girl! I'm like you...I have a zillion projects going at once and so rarely do I feel like I'm getting anywhere except deeper into overwhelming. But I'm refreshed this morning and ready to go back at it...whatever "it"
    is for today! Have a great one, Donna! Nice couch scored on that one!

  2. Somebody needs to invent a battery powered furniture dolly that needs only one operator, travels up stairs, and rotates the furniture from horizontal to vertical. Get your son working on THAT and he'll have plenty of money for whatever his heart desires. :@

    Anywho, the couch is lookin' good and love the gameboards! Helpful neighbors with strong arms are the best.

  3. That loveseat looks great in your son's room! If we lived closer I would be willing to lend you a helping hand... actually I have two teenage boys who we lend out! Yeah they just LOVE it but it builds character! Ok now I am going to be nosey... :) You mention his Big Brother was coming to live with you?? Or did I get that wrong? Trust me I've been in a fog... mentally. Henceforth the lack of posts recently... yeah we had out of town company, graduation, & just plan busyness. Its great because so many projects are now done... and my house is at the point where in 10 minutes it is company ready! Woo hoo!! NOw to take some pictures... that is after the pillow covers are made, laundry is done, and the garden is planted.. in other words later this week. :)

    Once again great score on the sofa! And remember Rome was NOT built in a day! :) slow & steady wins the race

    1. Big Brothers is a mentorship organization. A big sponsors a little and they just hang out. My son's big is happily married and will not be moving in, however will visit lots. :)

  4. Don't cats manage to always find a new spot quickly? I'm glad you got help. I'm the same way. I'll go outside and look up and down the street and think: Who can I go ask? I like to do things myself too. But some jobs are just not meant for one woman. Good for you that you're teaching your son such life lessons!

  5. good for all of ya~!! sounds like everyone got what they wanted.. I too HATE to ask for help and often end up hurting myself because of it.. I keep thinking " dang" 15 years ago I did This or That all by myself- why cant I do now.. The mind and spirit are willing but the body is screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL..

  6. The new couch looks great there! And I'm excited that your son was so motivated to help get things done as opposed to expected things to be handed to him.

  7. So nice when things work out that way! I've been very fortunate in my neighbours too. I don't like to ask for help either but it's comforting to know help is there when you do need it. :)

  8. I still can't believe you got that couch for $50 bucks! What a deal!?!
    It looks great there...Can't wait to see the finish. Well, as far as the cat is concerned IT IS FINISHED.

  9. Perfect little couch. Shopping is highly underrated.

  10. The couch looks great in the room, and love how your kitty is snuggling in the new space!

  11. Being at the right place at the right time always helps. Put whatever it is you want/need out to the universe and it will give it to you. You just have to look around. I think someone ought to start a business of big strong boys to help out wherever needed. Sort of like the company 2 men & a truck started...this would be helpers. That blue is so pretty. Is it comfortable? Have a great week.

    1. Joani, YES! Someone needs to start a Muscles For Rent kinda biz for certain! I'd be first in line! :)

      The couch is amazingly comfortable! I'm so fussy where a good sit is concerned. This one my fussy inspection with bells on. It was just meant to be.

    2. Fantastic about the comfortableness. I hate back pain from sitting in uncomfortable sofas, chairs & especially car seats.

      I'd be 2nd in line to use that business.

  12. awesome couch! looks like it was made for his room. I love it when my kids are motivated and I get to reap the benefits :)

  13. That was a cute story Donna...I remember being the single mom and hoping me and my son(s) could move stuff...its not easy, but those boys can really be determined and quite the willing assistants...but even then we sometimes need help from others. I hated asking too. However, it all worked out great and the couch is an awesome asset to a room that will keep him chilling with a smile.

  14. Donna, Cody's sofa looks really good in his room. I knew I had missed a few posts but I
    read big brother and I thought dang I missed
    more than I thought. LOL. That is good he will
    have a big brother to hang with. At his age he
    needs that. Hangin' with mom is great but it's
    just not as cool as hangin' with a young guy that likes to play all those electronic games.
    Cody's room is awesome, love his chalk wall.

  15. love the color,happy- perfect in the room
    yur kiddo is going to be sooo happy,and your talents will play out as you finish the room.

    asking for help,same boat I unloaded a tote full of books,did is say books and books,must have been 100 did I ask for help of course not. My hubby had busted his but all now I will take extra something for the back pain....when will I learn....

    Take a look at my blog and any hints ideas suggestion go for it.

  16. GOD BLESS YOU, I am so happy to hear that people have bought things and have a hard time asking for help (or in the boonies no one to ask) AND have excess furniture ....LOL made my day........Thanks for sharing :)

  17. Thanks for giving me very nice information about beautiful furniture. I really like your sofa. Its looks very nice and comfort.

  18. The new couch looks so comfy - the perfect crash landing for a boy's room. Love that your guy is so industrious. Our teen shovels driveways for spending money, but this year was a dud for snow, and he's definitely looking to earn some more. Thanks for sharing your story.

  19. That couch looks comfortable to sit. And the size are fit for the whole family.


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