Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flannel Shirt meets Big Black Beast (new comfy office chair)

comfy quality office chair story at Funky Junk Interiors

Getting a comfy new office chair was on the agenda. Since we were heading into town, that meant I had to get out of paint clothes and put on something clean.

(story about a simple casual girl buying a BIG FANCY CHAIR)

... continued ...

I wasn't all that pleased with what I saw in my closet... nothing spoke to me. (meaning, everything was in the dirty laundry) But well... we had to go. And that's when I spotted it. My mom's old school flannel shirt.

flannel shirt

Would I look like a complete dork if I wore it into town I pondered.... Hmm... I threw on a tank, tied it at the waist and called it good. Who cares. There is nothing but NOTHING that feels better than a well worn old school flannel shirt, especially when it's your mom's. :)

flannel shirt and jeans

Whaddaya think? Should we bring back the flannel shirts tied at the waist again?

Anyway, I'm starting this story with the flannel shirt because that shirt is everything I am. Just... casual. And what you're about to read next is the total opposite and totally out of my element.

So we head into town with one other thing in mind. I needed a real computer chair. My half a century old neck was demanding upper class treatment, so ok, OK! I finally listened.

office chair shopping

We waltzed into Staples, and tried many. MANY. All of them. 20 times over even. And then I was down to three. My poor son, bored out of his tree... because I take a long time to make a decision.

I finally handed him my phone and told him to go play... but instead he took pics... great. Can't you tell I'm impressed? Be prepared for some blur.. he doesn't stand still for long.

(check out those dirty knees.. nice try being clean)

I kept trying to bypass the price because I wanted the RIGHT chair. So I ignored the tags and finally decided on... The Big Black Beast. I mean, they're ALL black anyway (what's up with that?!) but you'll see what I mean soon.

We wheeled it right outta the store off the floor. No more waiting or trying to make out install directions. PAY, TAKE AND GO.

Staples black quality office chair

"oooooo aaaahhhh"

Man oh man this is about the ritziest thing I have in the house. It's not funky and there isn't an ounce of junk to it. It's just a VERY. NICE. $300. CHAIR. Yes. You. Heard. That. Right. Ouch. But. I. Had. To. Do. It. Right. This. Time. Yup, it was the most expensive one in the store. Figures! But it fit like a glove and that's all that mattered.

(I just checked online... it's on sale for $100 off until June 27th! Back I go! Glad I wrote this story)

I just told myself it was the same price as a round of grocery shopping but this will last. :)

black office chair

It must be a standard. Check out those gears! (it does everything I tell it to)

Staples black quality office chair

It's made out of 'bonded leather.' ( a mix of real and fake)  Looks like the real deal anyway.

The beast sits in THIS office and is a tad softer than those gorgeous Windsors. (*sniff*)

Flannel shirt meets office chair

Flannel, meet BBB. And get use to each other, because I'm now officially a little bit country and a little bit non funky non junky... beast?

What kinda office chair are you spinning around in?
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  1. it looks very comfortable. I have been thinking of changing desk chairs also as I am sitting on a vintage french chair. Not very comfortable but it looks lovely!. don't know if i could do a BBB though!

  2. yes, we should bring back the tied-flannel-gorgeous-hair-dirty-knees-barefeet look again... as it is quite a nice look!

    me? ..what i wheel around in at work?
    why yes... another bbb of course... what other choice is there? (yeah... what's up with that anyway?)

  3. Im actually sat in exactly the same chair right now! Spooky! Feels as though I'm in control of a fighter jet rather than at my desk!

  4. The chair looks so comfy!! Congrats on your new comfort!!

  5. I have had a "nice" office chair at my computer for several years...then I added another for sitting at my sewing machine...and now another that is even more comfortable to sit at the machine I use for quilting. They are hideous and huge and black but sometimes comfort must prevail!

  6. I have a smaller black office chair that I use at my sewing desk and I hated the black material (not leather) so I slip covered it in a bright, colorful fabric. Now I love it!! I wouldn't suggest covering your leather one though, unless it got really worn, then you could slip cover it in a funky junk material :)

  7. Love it! We need to treat ourselves to the best once in awhile! Good job! Love the flannel too!

  8. It is comfy. my daughter bought the very same one last dec. She falls asleep in hers:-) You deserve a good chair, so enjoy every moment of it.

  9. Comfy is the key! "Those two" were destined to meet and fall in love ;)
    <3 Christina

  10. I still where flannels w/ tanks. I love the look and really don't care if others don''s all about comfort!

  11. I have one of those cheapy secretary chairs with no arms and it has an old pillow on top since it's a tad too short and won't adjust LOL But what I REALLY want is a chair that I sat in once that looks like it's made of bungee cords. Most comfortable chair I've ever sat in! One of these days.

  12. That chair look really comfy, i would love to by a chair like that one day(if i have more space). You look gorgious, even in a flanel shirt.

  13. I sit of the sofa with my laptop, but my half century old back is begging me for a BBB. You are totally rockin' the flannel. Flannel will never go out of style! Enjoy the comfort of BBB.

    Mary @

  14. The Shirt is just fine. The chair is awesome. Don't beat yourself up about the price tag, either. You spend time in this chair and your back will thank you for this later. I currently use the 50 dollar version from Wally World and as a consequence, I spend most of my desk time at the dining room table. You did great!

  15. Good for you! I blog on a kitchen chair too and long for something much more comfortable! Your back will thank you later and I think technically it's a tax deduction right? You blog about home decor/DIY and technically it's a supply ;)

  16. I'm all for bringing the flannel, tied at the waist back!!!

    Oh, the chair looks like a dream to sit on while doing your work.

    Take care,

  17. I had to have a chat with myself. "You CAN roll this thing out of photoshoots you know. It has wheels." That was good enough for me!

  18. Did you try any mesh chairs? I sat in a friends and it was so unexpectedly comfortable I am thinking of ditching my old secretary chair (though I like having no arms). What did you see as pros and cons on mesh?

  19. not one but two....of those big black beast sit in my office/ for the computer desk and one for the sewing machine desk. And many times I have thought about switching them out for something pretty. But after seeing this post, I think I will keep them. But how do I change them to match the white French furniture? That is the question. :)

  20. Congratulations for treating yourself. You do know that it is tax deductible, right? You own a business that necessitates a home office and you have to have office equipment. If the Canadian tax code is similar to the US code. We have the Aeron chairs. They come in two sizes A-B and B-C, based on a person's height. Both my husband and I are average height, but he bought the B-C chair to fit my fat butt. That's what he said. Now you have no excuse for not sitting in your professional chair and professionally writing a book. Ann

  21. I have the same chair...from staples...and I too tried every single one out 3 times each...and it took an hour and a!!! will love it!

  22. I have a beast but I have now office ... I could make one in the basement (that was the plan many, many years ago) but I'm not a basement dweller. I need windows and sunshine or I wither like the plants I'm known to kill.

    So this nearly half-century-old hunches over her laptop on the coffee table while sitting on the couch with a beagle leg pushing, pushing, pushing me over!



  23. Love the chair but the flannel shirt is so much cooler! I used to wear my dad's long John shirts under his flannel shirts tied at the waist..........I think you should bring it back!

  24. ...well well well...good for you!
    Well I am not a professional blogger or researcher like your professional self...I just sit in a very french chair...that only allows for sporadic blogging!
    I am so glad you bought this one.... you look great in flannel checked shirts & corporate high powered geared chairs!

  25. you're spending money; you can look any way you want and they would love you.

  26. Mine is real similar, but brown. If you're online as much as we are, you have to take care of your neck and back! It's worth the money, huh?

  27. I have an old flannel shirt that used to be my fathers. I stole it from him back in 1978 to be exact (I was in 10th grade...where does the time go?). I still have it. It's so worn and fragile now I don't dare put it in the washer. I'm afraid it will come out in tatters. But I still love how soft and snuggly it is so I can't bring myself to do anything but take it out once in a while and just "gently" wear it around the house when I'm not doing anything that will get it dirty.
    They just don't make flannel shirts like that any more.
    And congrats on the new comfy chair. I know it's really hard to commit to those expensive items but sometimes they are just worth it.

    1. i like hairstyles i want to say that i can serme whole life to the hairstyles i hairstyles can easily do this i like it.hairstyles are a primitive one and often linked with the popular and demanding styles in 60s and 70s both in men and women. A parallel hairstyles approach is still followed for girls and women in modern hairstyles amazing hairstyle with a hairstyles for prom little untidy that confers a rock & roll look to your hair. This curly hairstyles. style has gone through slight changes over the time. Unlikely to older styles.

  28. I think Funky Junk should design a comfy chair that doesn't look like an office chair. There must be a way to combine the comfort with your style. I know I would want one. I sat in that same chair and it fit my hinder like a glove, if hinders wore gloves that is.


  29. Comfy is important! There's no escaping the big black beast! Actually, when I saw the title of your post, I thought you were going to share how you upholstered an office chair using fabric from a flannel shirt :) But then you'd have the big plaid beast :)

  30. You should check out the flannel shirts by Plantanitis.....they are fabulous. They take men's old flannel shirt, cut them down for women, they are so soft, beautiful colors and have the most glorious smell....I have three.

  31. I used to sit in a big manager's chair too (from Staples of course) but after a while my back couldn't take it. Now I sit on a stability ball and I love it. And my back loves it. Plus when I'm bored I play around seeing how long I can balance without touching the floor.

    The room probably looks funny to others with tables and shelves and then a big old (pink) plastic ball in the middle.

  32. Your office is gorgeous! I love how your using items with REAL texture. It catches my eye and holds my attention so much more than cheapy particle board furniture. Love your style!

  33. The flannel shirt looks great - Plus it's the best thing to wear against leather! At first I thought the post would be about recovering the chair with flannel shirting - mmm...THAT would be heavenly!

  34. You wear it well...all of it. The flannel tied at the waist, the dirty knee jeans and the new chair!

  35. Looks like a wonderful new addition to your home. I have an old Windsor chair in my office and I can tell you it's not as comfy as I'd like. I've put off buying a non-junky chair because it wouldn't fit in but now I may reconsider.

  36. You look adorable in your flannel shirt. I never wore one. I always looked goofy wearing them. Should have wore them while was slim because I sure don't want to think what I'd look like being heavy. ;o/ I like other people in them just not me.
    Love your chair. I need a new one along with a new mattress. One day

  37. Always been a sucker for a pretty woman in a flannel shirt. Love the chair and your site!


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