Sunday, April 29, 2012

How does blogging increase your own happiness?

Me - "So, what do you think?"

Son answering in well rehearsed monotone voice , "yeah it's great mom whatever you like."

What a smart guy. :) This is the perfect comeback to nip a current topic right in the bud and move onto bigger and better things. 

Can you relate?

So when BlogHer asked me to answer this question, the answer came pretty easy...

"How does blogging, journaling, writing and connecting online 
help to increase your happiness?"

Sharing my passion with like minded individuals does indeed increase my happiness. To listen to your feedback, an opportunity to interact with you through questions, and just general friendly banter online has become such a highlight in my life. Let me put it this way, if the net went away overnight, I'd be at a total loss.

Creative people seem to have a need to spread the love of what they create and require a way to express themselves. Whether it be through writing, photography or blogging, it all does the same thing. It's an outlet that is precious to each of us in our own way. However, putting your efforts online can bring something new to your life rather than doing it just for yourself. 

I live in the smallest town ever, in BC Canada.  A beautiful mountain backdrop, one 3 way sign as the 'busy' intersection, a small library, and we even have our own little bank. :) And it blows me away daily that someone across the world emails me about their excitement over some pallet creation I've made.

Bloggers already understand the magic of online and what it can do for your own potential careers. But what if you aren't a blogger?  

I don't feel you need to blog in order to be happy by any means, but here's something to consider if you've been debating. Building a 'place on the map' for your passion has the potential to take you down a very different road.  Putting yourself out there can open doors that you ever knew existed. You may think NOW that you're just doing it for a hobby, but here's the deal. Dream up your perfect passion and imagine being asked to write a book on it. That can't even possibly happen if you don't share.

How you enjoy your passion is totally your call to make. The most important point here is quite simply to do what makes you happy. All I know is, sharing my own passion online appears to make others happy and has easily tripled my own happiness, bringing forth amazing opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise had.

I still ask my boy on occasion what he thinks of my creations. And I laugh every time, for I know, with his standard answer, he's too busy with his own passions to dare be interrupted with mine! 

And that makes me happy too. :)

How has going online with your own passion increased your happiness?

You can also visit the main BlogHer post HERE and join in the comments.

And be sure to enter the Life Well Lived Moments sweepstakes HERE for a chance to win an iPod Touch!


  1. I love everything you said!! Dare to dream!!

  2. "Creative people seem to have a need to spread the love of what they create and require a way to express themselves."
    I think you hit the nail on the head to why I love blogging as much as I do. Even though my husband and many others in life enjoy seeing my projects to a certian extent it is just fun to be able to share all my wacky projects and ideas online and find so many kindred spirits who think they same way I do.
    I also love seeing all the ideas shared on other blogs. Though I could live happily ( I am sure) without the internet, I to would be at a loss if it disappeared.

  3. Great post Donna. I have been blogging for almost three years now and it is sooooo much FUN.


  4. I have been retired from teaching literature and creative writing for about 12 years. I continued to journal all those years, but missed the daily discussions with my students about what we had written. I discovered blogging several weeks ago when my nephew pulled me out of the stone age and built me a new computer. Blogging has filled a hole in me that I did not know existed. It is gratifying that there are people that enjoy what I write, but I think I would still feel fulfilled if there were just a few. It is the connection within that is satisfying.

  5. Am I allowed to use your poster that you have posted in this post? It has captured how I feel about blogging. I've been blogging for 5 years now, and I don't think I will stop any time soon. I'm grateful for the possibilities assessable to me. Blogging helps me to enjoy & appreciate the life I have.

  6. Blogging is a way to share our ideas and views about different things. Sometimes we do not speak much but we can write better and express our feelings. And Blogging provides us this facility.

    Property Cover

  7. I love the real connections, support and encouragement that I am able to give to others, as well as what I receive. I feel wonderful about being able to give praise to fellow bloggers on their talent as much as enjoy getting feedback on my latest project. I have had a blast the last several months and I'm so thrilled I was encouraged to start blogging.

  8. Blogging helps me to be more positive and encourages me about the little things that we "achieve" everyday. So much so, that I encouraged hubby to start blogging too! One week and he is already hooked! It's great for me personally, and sharing multiplies the benefits.

  9. I have been blogging since 2006. My three blogs cover the majority of my passions - My home, my garden and my new found love - ice hockey. My favorite part of blogging is the connections to people around the world. I love reading about other people and their passions and lifestyle and I love blogging about mine. I sometimes look at is as a way for future generations in my family to know what it is I loved to do and who I am. It still amazes me that some people do not know what blogging is when I say I love to blog. By the way, I love love love this blog of yours! You inspire me!

  10. What a timely post this is for me.
    I still very much enjoy visiting other blogs but for now I feel " Lost" in blogland and like I dont have much to offer. I'm sure in time this will pass and I'll get back in the groove of things.

  11. Donna - it is apparent from reading your blog that it makes you happy - that comes through in both the projects you do and the praise you give to others - it all furthers that creative vibe - which I think needs nurturing on a regular basis - which is the main reason why I blog...and why it makes me happy too!

  12. It is a big thing for me for sure. Blogging has led me to connections where i am now opening a retail store that shares the name of my blog...never would I have thought I would have come to this place in life...and it no longer surprises me how much blogging has given me opportunities! I love to blog and will keep doing it as long as it feels this good! I love your blog Donna ~you have kept it real, and continue to inspire me with your leadership and intrepid nature! xo

  13. This really is wonderful article ! I simply love’d it !

  14. This was especially timely for me, too. I just started blogging about a month ago and have found it invigorating and taxing at the same time. I also live in a very tiny town in Montana and it means a lot to connect with other creatives near and far who can appreciate what we do. I peruse a lot of blogs, but yours is definitely in the top 5!

  15. Well said!!! After starting my own blog...I was disappointed at some of the more dear people in my life questioning my motives. "Why don't you just write in a journal? You just want attention?"...and so on. It's not often I find myself at a loss for words. Thank you for this entry. I plan to quote from it!!! All people who enjoy creating and sharing..UNITE!!!*:)))

  16. Blogging allows me the ability to share with others my works of art and poetry. Not only do I get more art work done...I get wonderful feedback which I wasn't getting before. Love it.

  17. I love blogging and reading blogs like yours because it inspires me to begin(and complete!) projects, and also I know I am not alone !!

  18. Donna,
    Thank you soooo much for sharing that. I've been blogging for one year (today is my anniversary) and have enjoyed every minute of it. However, I've been contemplating the possibility of "closing shop" for various reasons. But you've reminded me of why I enjoy it and given me new food for thought. I enjoy your blog and your very creative creations. You are so open about your life and your feelings. In a nut shell..."you are real!" Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. Well written. I get those same replies from my daughter when I ask what she thinks. I'll be glad when she graduates in 11 days then I'll ask her to help proof my blog. She really loves doing that. not! You I've tried the journal route and it didn't work. I couldn't share it as easily. Thank God for Technology.
    thanks for sharing

  20. Thanks Donna for expressing it so perfectly! Creative people love to share! I have been procrastinating moving forward with a dream. You and Tony Robbins have addressed my uncertainties and I am looking forward to moving outside the box!

  21. Since my family has shrunk dramatically and my mom is in the Alzheimer's ward, reading blogs has filled a big void in my life. I have several really good friends from blogging. If there was no internet tomorrow Donna, you would be getting tons of mail. Blogdom seems to be a place where like meets like. I can find the same kind of kooky strange person that I am and we can relate. I have also learned a lot about many things like carpentry, etc. And I have continued trying new painting and refinishing techniques. It is a great inspiration to me. Ann

  22. Thanks SO VERY MUCH for this blog post. It helps me not feel guilty about loving to blog. I am an empty nester with the baby birds (mostly) far from home. Blogging is now my hobby...I get so much enjoyment from it. My family thinks I spend too much time on blogging but it has given me so much personal satisfaction in many ways. I think it is OK for me time to spend time now doing something that I enjoy...even if it means I am not at everyone else's beck and call.

  23. Enjoyed the post and am grateful every day that creative people blog. By the way, that reclaimed lumber/branch tray is AWESOME!

  24. After years as an author, I let go of the literary life (well, loosened my grip for now at least) and found blogging. It gives me things that 'professional' writing couldn't. I'm a better writer and a better person for it. Your blog is one the first ones I began to read when I stopped only reading writer's blogs, btw. Great encouraging post.

  25. I agree with everything you said! I am a pre-k teacher, mom, grandmother, wife, crafter, seamstress, photographer, chef, and I adore reading, writing, and posting on my blog. I love to find new ideas and share them. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without this creative outlet!

  26. Love that you call your blog, Funky Junk. That's quite an apt description as it depends on who's looking as to what it would be called. I so agree about blogging. I don't yet but I've gotten such pleasure and inspiration from all the awesome projects I see on the many blogs I visit almost daily. I feel like there's somebody out there that "gets it" with the crafting and things I like.
    My husband complains about all the time I spend in here at night reading and writing down what I don't want to forget and how to make the projects. ( I have to write them down and put them in my favorites when I'm out of ink and money.)
    I live on the western slope west of Grand Junction, CO, almost to the UT border and nobody here seems to get the rustic things like your incredible tray. They ask what they'd want that for. Groan to myself. I've been making rustic signs for a craft show this Saturday and it'll be interesting to see if we sell any.
    I love your blog and the things you say. To me that's one of the best parts, reading what you say.

  27. Donna very well said. I don't blog but I am so inspired by people like you. Your writing capability is equal to your creativity. I am so grateful for all the people like you that blog.
    People like you make me happy ";0)

  28. For me, blogging fills a special void. My husband and I make a wonderful creative team and we both come from DIY bacrounds. We are both driven, and let nothing get in the way of what we set our mind to. Sadly neither of our families have been supportive of either of our accomplishments:-(
    Envy, jealousy, or the product of, are what we are met with after the fruits of our labor.
    When I began blogging I only shared the fact with two people, my lifelong friend and my sister-in-law. One has no interest what so ever (funny since we share so many passions and hobbies) and the other makes infrequent condescending remarks in emails to me. It's a sad fact a lot of people don't want to see you thrive.
    I don't need validation, we do what we do because we want to and enjoy it. Blogging about it, just makes it more fun.

    An unexpected bonus is all fun things I am learning about web design!

    Sharing and finding like-minded fellow bloggers makes me happy!
    I would be happier if I could find more like minded people locally, though.

  29. It is due to bloggers like you that I started a blog..few others(miss mustard/graphic fairy)I myself realize time to really learn what the ..I am doing. The creative no prob. thinking out of a box again not a prob. Yes I take the time to correct my pics...but still see lots of improvment needed. Thank you for the post you do on how to...s. I love the area you live in so very pretty. The comment from your son....yea I get it to,my grown sons kinda do the same. thank you

  30. Love your blog!

    Keep on Junkin',


  31. I have made some great friendships through blogs and feel a special kinship with many of them that I don't get from my local friends. I have waaay more blog friends than I do face to face friends. With my blog friends, I'm surrounded by people who like what I like, so we connect better.

    And even though your son doesn't express high appreciation for what you make, he's a boy and at that age. My son is the same way. He doesn't verbally express his appreciation for what I do, but I can tell by the way he looks at the things I make - he's impressed (especially when I make something for him and I "nailed" it). I bet your son appreciates that you're not into all the glitter in pink stuff! ;)

  32. Couldn't agree more! I started blogging back in January and in just the past few months, I met some really great people who share my passion for decorating and antiques! It also opens new adventures and fuels my creativity. Never thought I would enjoy as much as I do! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and creating such a great blog!

  33. I started blogging after reading so many blogs and being inspired by others.I wanted to share my love and passions too.Having a blog and reading so many I have made so many friends.And lucky enough to meet other bloggers too.I will be meeting up with more next week.
    LOVE this project you did in your kitchen.It looks amazing!!!!

  34. You said it perfectly, Donna. All of it. And what I love about you and your blog is that I get it. Sharing creativity with others who share the same passion is happiness. It's not something we have in real life. My family and friends don't have the same interests but I'm so thankful and so happy that my DIY friends do. :)

  35. I love the opportunity to share my junking and repurposing passions with others--with people who get what I do and are just as passionate about it. And yes, while may family is supportive and give me the, "That's cool mom." it is not the same as inspiring others!

  36. Blogging and other crafting (rather than "social") networks have opened a world of friendships for me. I have been amazed by the numbers of kind, intelligent, funny, caring women I have come to know and care about. As others have mentioned comments from these excited women looking for a "new" fullfillment can be very rewarding and can fill me with enthusiam to try something different....because someone I don't even know honestly believes I can!! We also have the opportunity to give that same encouragement back to others, perhaps younger women facing the daily pressures of raising a family in a time that I consider challenging in some frightening ways (prevalence of more drugs, violence, fractured families and economic stresses). I am deeply moved when made aware that something I have done/said/written has influenced or encouraged another woman; ultimately, I am again filled with curiosity and desire to expand and share. I also have found several opportunities to "pay it forward" by providing supplies to new crafters and remodelers. I think the general message that I have taken from the above comments is that sharing our passion with others with like interests brings a new level of fullfillment that probably fits nicely into Maslows hierachy of needs!!

  37. I don't want to be "unknown" the comments above are from Jan Shore

  38. oh, i just want to tour your home! it looks adorable.

    jordy | jordy liz blogs


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