Friday, February 17, 2012

Sat Nite Special 121 - antique / old tools link party

Antique / old tools link party!

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Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #120, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

My character building woodshed

This is my little greenhouse turned character building out back which now holds firewood.

The outside was built from reclaimed fencing boards and the windows are from a barn. And it's become my favourite backyard focal point to display a collection of old antique tools.

(more pics can be found HERE)

LOVE decorating with tools! :) In fact, one of my last thrift store runs was just rusty garden tools. Like, REALLY rusty. I was scared to make eye contact with the sales gal. :)

Do you have a project or collection of old antique tools?
Please link it up in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Upcoming themes

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you on the blog,  Pinterest, or FJI Facebook with no additional permission required.

Other events currently running:

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!


  1. Hi Donna! Looks like the food link up is set for Sunday. Thanks!

  2. Donna,
    Your shed is fabulous - love all the fun signs and great tools you've planted among the plants!

  3. Have a great weekend! Thanks for hosting!!

  4. Thanks for hosting Donna- have a fantastic weekend!!

  5. I've always loved your shed, Donna. Still one of my favorite posts. Thanks for hosting.

  6. I love your shed and all the funky junk treasures. The picture with all the snow and the light in the background is amazing. Thanks so much for hosting Donna.

  7. Love the old tools, Donna! Also loved seeing pretty Teddy! Regards to her from my feline staff! Thanks for hosting...hugs...Debbie

  8. Hi Donna! Just linked up and grabbed your party button for my blog. Thanks for hosting! I am your newest follower.

    I love your shed and the flowerbox too!

    Please come visit my blog and say hello. I love visitors and comments! :) Lets keep in touch with GFC and LF!

    Have a great weekend!

    Heather @

  9. Thanks for hosting the party! Love that photo of the hoe in the flower bed. It's making me anxious for Summer or Spring at least.

  10. Thank you so much for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  11. I adore your yard!! Thank you so much for hosting my favorite party of the week ;-)

  12. I love your shed. I especially love your flower bed with the old hoe in it! Thanks for hosting!

  13. Your shed and the WONDERFUL WARM SUNNY day we had here today makes me LOOOOOONG for spring, even though it sure hasn't felt like much of a winter here! Have a super weekend!!!

  14. Donna,
    Thank you for the party! Have a great weekend!

  15. Your shed is so beautiful! Spring is coming. I'll get there. You are SO raising the bar for me. Decluttering inside is all I can handle right now though.

  16. Today, I linked up my DIY Organic Dishwasher Detergent. It works great and smells good. I hope you enjoy! Have a rockin' great weekend!

  17. Thank you for hosting! BTW: I am following you on LF...hope you'll follow me too! Little Bit from

  18. "Scared to make eye contact with the sales girl"...LOL!! Been there :)
    Thanks for hosting...I linked up my candlstick and finial angels in Home Decor. Can't wait to peek around! Laurel

  19. Just linked up my junky tool bin planters too :)

  20. That is the cutest wood shed. I love what you've done with the outside! Fun link party looking at those awesome rust tools. There is a junk collector that lives next door to my daughter's dance studio. He told me I was welcome to come by and take what I wanted in the way of junk. I just need to make room in my garage, because it is already full of junk waiting to be transformed!

  21. Hi. I am a first time linker. Love this linky. So many diverse projects. Thanks for hosting. Love your woodshed.

  22. OMG - my father-in-law would absolutely LOVE the old tools linky party. He's quite a collector himself! I'm forwarding him your blog now, just to peruse.

  23. Donna, wishing I had a space like this- to decorate and think of as only mine! I love your shed!! Thanks for hosting! ~Lori

  24. Donna I love your shed with your flowers and ladder. Girl you have got the {{{VIEW}}}.
    I have a lot of old gardening tools on my back porch. Some of mine were my daddy's
    and some I have bought. I use hoe heads for plant shelves and a rake head for holding
    my vintage children's gardening tools. I have several very old cross-cut saws, and
    plow tines I use as hooks for my birdhouses to hang from. I love your idea for your link party.

  25. Thanks for hosting!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  26. That is the cutest building! I can't believe you found that great fire hose nozzle! You definitely have "the eye" and ability to put things together so that they intrigue and invite a closer look...

  27. Thank You for hosting..

  28. Thank you for hosting a great party!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!