Sunday, July 17, 2011

A special garden for Beethoven

A week ago, I bought out the greenhouse.

 Or so it seemed.
After new soil was placed in all the beds, I was itchin' to get busy with something to look at other than dirt.
Seems if you buy mid season, things are on sale too... so I went a little crazy at one stop.

I really needed to spread all these lovelies out so every bed got a little something. But that left me feeling less than pleased with the sparse effect. So I regrouped them on the pallet pathway to think. They sure did look better all together as a family...
And then it came to me.


See where friend Sento is mowing my lawn? (some friend I am!) It's where my sweet cat Beethoven rests that I lost not long ago.
Beethoven posts: 


White cross no more.

The chair replaced the cross and we made a flowerbed full of everblooming sunshine in honour of a special little guy that made me feel the same way.

Tip for newly planted gardens: Until the plants fill in, junk fill-ins make the space feel more finished before it's time. :)

If you look closely, this side of the birdhouse was made out of an old sign. :)

And the front is heavily grained with real deal amazingly thick wood.

While Beethoven was an indoor cat, he was indeed a bird watcher, so it fit.

ALL the plants promise to bloom all summer long.

Luckily we still had some plants left for the front yard.

The rock garden varieties found a home along the pallet pathway out front. 


 Isn't this black cloverleaf one adorable? Most of them have 4 leaves on them too.

(full yard reveal when we have our Summer's End Garden Party)

This new little forever blooming spot in the backyard will be irresistible to the birds and the bees and even me! And the dog likes it too. :)

The rest of the bare flowerbeds will just have to wait this round.

UPDATE: how it looked full grown HERE... wow!

It was worth doing it up right for this guy. (xo!)

How's your yard coming along?
Getting ready for the Summer's End Garden Party?

Other yard 2011 posts are HERE.


  1. What a sweet sentiment. It looks very pretty and colorful. Great touch with the bird house.

    BTW, this post took unusually long to load. Just FYI.

  2. Beethoven's Garden looks fabulous. This post warmed my heart... just wanted to let you know you got me off the couch to go give my cats a scratch :)

  3. Oh Donna, that's just precious. Gives me a warm fuzzy, and makes me smile. I'm sure Beethoven is delighted with his place of honor. I'm giving my cat a cozy hug for Beethoven right now......:)

  4. I love that Beethoven has a garden now. My old dog Puddin is buried at my parent's. I so wish she was here so that I could create her a garden. I found plants on sale too. I couldn't believe how cheap they were at Lowe's last night. I got a basket full for $8. I've never shopped for plants this late in the year before. I'm going to remember this for next year.

  5. I love the new planting bed. Fitting tribute for sure!! Yes I am getting ready for summer's end garden party!! Woot!!

  6. I would like to be there, lovely:)

  7. What a lovely way to remember your Beethoven, Donna! I just wanted you to know that because of your vet posts, I took my 13 year old Ozzie for a complete geriatric profile...and everything is fine! :-) So nice to know! Thanks for posting about geriatric cat care!...hugs...Debbie

  8. of course, if I was actually awake, that would have said tribute 8-)

  9. How wonderful! We have a 'cemetery' in our backyard also for two of our cats (and a few of their favorite toys). They each have a cat statue, but unfortunately, it's in a shaded area and not any bright cheerful plants there. I covered their graves with sedum ground cover and there are a couple coneflowers and an ornamental grass. Seeing yours makes me want to try to brighten it up more. Thank you for sharing!

  10. I think Beethoven would be proud of his new garden. It all looks very nice Donna. All of
    my garden is just about fried. We have had
    triple digits for the past month and watering
    every over day just don't get it. The flowers
    don't like that Chlorine water. Hope you have a good week.

  11. I am loving all of your gardening posts! Your gardens look so beautiful! I've been working hard in the yard too, but I don't think it's really going to look that great until next summer. The plants really need to fill in (a lot).

  12. I love your new garden and think it's a great way to remember Beethoven. The chair is perfect. I had an awesome turquoise green chair (old!) in the garden for 2 summers and left it out all last winter. Bad!! It pretty well fell apart and all the paint came off. (Mind you we get SNOW here too.) Your garden will look beautiful when it's filled in!

  13. I love B's new garden.... so pretty to look at and remember. :)

  14. very pretty! love the knot in the side of the birdhouse.

  15. Oh I love it - you did a great job for Beethoven - perfect. And got me thinking about the back yard - we have somewhat of a pet cemetary out there and my hubby knows where each special place is. I may have to borrow your idea because our backyard could surely use some loving care!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing! It's so nice to look at some flowers that have not been scorched beyond recognition by the Kansas sun! It's going to be in the 100's all week, so seeing your little memory garden is like a breath of fresh air! Coming to the Pacific NW soon and hope to see some lush green growth for a change!

  17. Donna - so lovely! Here below is a BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS prayer:

    **Bless the Lord, all you his creatures,
    And forget not all his benefits.**
    Let us pray. Most high, omnipotent good Lord, grant
    your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of
    this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis,
    we may for love of you delight in your whole creation
    with perfectness of joy. O God, you have made us and
    all living things. You are even more wonderful than
    what you have made. We thank you for giving us these
    pets who bring us joy. As you take care of us, so also
    we ask your help that we might take care of those
    who trust us to look after them. By doing this, we
    share in your own love for all creation. We ask this in
    Jesus' name.

  18. A beautiful garden for a beautiful kitty! Sweet memories.

  19. What a beautiful colorful garden for your little guy. Your yard looks great. Mine is looking pretty crispy now. :(

  20. Looks really pretty Donna, and what nice friends you have! Take care, Laura

  21. oh's lovely and so sweet. i have a old rusty kettle just like you, love it!
    as for my sad to say it's fried, deep fried in fact. needless to say there will be a ton of "funky rustic vintage" fill ins in for my garden party :(

  22. Oh, how sweet!! I can just see Mr. B laying beneath that chair, waiting for a chirp, and his little paw reaching up for a quick snack. (Oh, I know he wouldn't have really done that!) Your post brought tears to my eyes, and then that final picture, just too much, I'm off for a good bawl.

  23. Donna - you are the best momma ever. What a wonderful way to remember your sweet furbaby. Just love this idea, sweetie. ♥

    xoox laurie

  24. How sweet..We have our chocolate lab in the yard that we lost 3 summers ago..I have coneflowers planted around him..He loved them and would eat everyone of them in the yard..Fitting I thought..Your garden is beautiful..

  25. Hi Donna,
    I've been absent, but finally back.
    And, it's so inspiring to see that you are still busy making junk funky and fun.

    Congrats on the Folk magazine gig and I look forward to reading your ideas in glassy full color pages!

    All the best,
    Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D


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