Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pretty and practical poolside pallets

I needed salt today. Bad.

"You can buy the chips ya know."

"I can?!? I just had them yesterday!"

"Yeah, that's ok. If we were at the beach, you'd get them. So we may as well put this summer on the map. Get the chips."

We were at the corner store we visited yesterday. My truck came with some bad news. The transmi$$ion fried. So looks like summer will be at home this round.

The place that will be doing the work can't take me till next Tuesday so I had to drive Rent-a-Wreck home. I was able to get up to 20 mph,  revving at 2nd gear top notch. The cure? My boy handing me ketchup chips all the way home. It took the tailgaters and curious looks off my mind as we drove home like I was 110 yrs old with the flashers going. Sa-weet.

So once home, we walked to the library, kicking a little green apple all the way there (it's actually rather fun), loaded up on loaner videos and a ton of books, went home, and I continued my new mystery project, PLUS jazzed up the pool area abit. May as well bond with the joint. We'll be around. :)

Ah, right. POOL. Wanna see?

What can I say. The pallet was too heavy to get rid of so I put it to work so it could earn it's keep.

Gotta love all those pool noodles all in one place.

Weird galvanized somethings were bent to hold poolside toys in place and off the sidewalk. It works!

Simple screws hold the water guns in place just fine.

A book I took out that I have to read in 7 days... HAHAHA. Trust me, that's hilarious. I'll no doubt be bringing it back without a word read. Looks nice for the photo shoot though.

Not sure I'm loving this new low resolution I'm using on these photos. I think I need to up it some... I dunno. What do you think?

Aaaand, we needed a nice place to hang towels.

So my old barn gate came back outside for the season once again.

I dolled it up abit with a plastic plant pot, wire hanging basket and real hydrangea cuttings. I LOVE these flowers. They make such an incredible impact with so few and they really do last quite long. I'm going to attempt to dry these after they've had their day.

Know what? We are going to have a GREAT summer! We've already carved out a few new routines we really enjoy. Nightly walks (kicking that little green apple), evening coffee and slushie on our front bench encouraging neighbourhood conversation, a little DIY while the boy reads, sleeping in, going to bed late... we are enjoying ourselves!

But I need to do something tangible to pay for that blasted truck. So I plan to fire up some real writing and get busy with selling some real stuff.  Was this truck breakdown part of a bigger plan? What's He up to now... :)

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  1. Ahh you have such a good attitude. I love the hydrangeas too. Did you make the wire cage thing that the pot hangs in? I do love it!!! Hydreangeas are much much easier to dry later in the summer when they kinda turn a bit crispy on the bush. If you feel the tops of the blossoms now they are pobably pretty soft. And as they age, they sort of dry themselves on the bush so they are much easier to hold their shape as the summer progresses. Cute ideas chica!

  2. Hey Zelda, no, I didn't make that wire basket. I found it in someone's dump pile. :) Bet you could make something similar with a simple tomato cage though.

    And thanks for the tips on drying! Awesome!


  3. I should be in bed... BUT where am I? HERE. Love it!

  4. We are also just waiting to see what the bigger plan is..Not stressing..just waiting..:)

  5. My daughter and I have a family code word for living on the low-down. We call it "going pathetico" and for some reason all our best memories with the kids are pathetico. You will have a great summer! Our big treat this summer has been our discovery of cold-brewed iced coffee. We feel like we are living the life of luxury as we sip our iced coffee on a hot summer day in our Funky Junk inspired outdoor living room! Why? Because we are learning to count our blessing and follow the bigger plan too.

  6. And here our truck needs all 4 tires replaced and a oxygen sensor...to the tune of $1300 minimum!! Sigh! Gotta figure on how to cover this one for sure. So I feel your pain.
    Wish I had a pool; but we do have a hot tub which is great for our cool evenings...yep you heard right. Up here in the high altitude it gets cool at night...90's during the day and 50's at night. Gotta love it!!
    Good luck

  7. I love it!! I have a pool and lots of pool Noodles what a great idea!! I think the pictures came out fine, they look very real like your right there, they don't look touched up or edited. Your blog is amazing, your such an inspiration to me!! =)

  8. ouch...sorry about the transmission!! But you've hit on a perfect way to make the best of the situation...and I love the conversion of the pallett and the gate...brilliant!! So have those chips, swim, stay up late, sleep in and just spend quality time with your son. The 7 day loans always make me laugh -- sometimes I manage it, sometimes I don't but I see it as some sort of weird challenge!

  9. Read your book! :) It's bound to be a good one.... at least every one of his that I've read are good. Haven't read this one though. I definitely feel your pain with the transmission ordeal! We're there ourselves right now. Ouch!
    :( Van has been in the garage for a week and a half now and it's a real handicap going without a vehicle that long. (Hubby does have a truck for work.) Anyway, great attitude! I'm sure you're disappointed but like someone else already said, quality time with your son will mean a lot to him. Cheers! Rachel

  10. Donna I love the gate with the hooks! It is functional and fabulous!

  11. Love the pallet idea. We have one of those that's been in the back of the truck since my daughter's wedding in May.(you had a little blip of her Arkansas farm wedding on your blog)I'm going to heft it out of there and add noodles. on second thought you are right, that sucker is heavy, think I'll call my new son-in-law. :)

  12. i have a couple pallets around here to use and that would be perfect!

  13. Donna you are totally cracking me up!
    Your summer stuff really does look super cool and the flowers look gorgeous!!
    You are making memories that I bet you will look back on and smile ~

  14. Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about your sick truck! I guess HE wants you to have a staycation this year, which can bring many good times and memories to cherish later on. Love the pallet organizer by the pool and the barn door with the pot of hydrangeas! Oh, enjoy the chips. It's vacation!! Blessings to you. Pamela

  15. Hello Donna,
    Sorry to hear about your truck needing repairs. I love what you did with old barn gate; just to so functional and fun. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  16. I am totally loving the pallet as storage for your pool stuff. Perfect for those noodles!

  17. Oh man...how do you come up with this stuff? As soon as I see it I think, "It's so simple! Why didn't I think of it?" I have been desperately trying to think of a way to hold the pool noodles and I have a bunch of pallets lying on the back of the property. Thanks for the inspiration! Lisa~

  18. Sorry to hear about the truck...glad you get to spend time at home (playing) with your son! Have fun...don't read books...create! Ha!

  19. The pallet, the gate just awesome. Smart idea for sure Donna. I am so sorry about your truck.
    I had to laugh about the book, I would be the same and return it without reading it. Not enough time in one day. Your Hydrangeas are beautiful. If you pick them while they have color in them and put them in a vase with about 2" of water and put them in a room with the fan on for about 2 weeks they will dry with the color in them. I dry mine every year. I sure hope your Summer gets better.

  20. I really need to get some pallets. It's amazing all the things you can do with them. The pictures look great to me (but I'm no expert at all and don't know the difference between low resolution or anything else).

  21. Donna - so sorry about the truck...I hate dealing with automotive problems! Your outdoor organizing looks fantastic!
    and to do my part...I just ordered my issue of FOLK from your sidebar
    enjoy your staycation!

  22. Love how you've repurposed the pallet and crate; and the wood color and texture looks great! Sorry about your truck, but good for you for making lemonade out of lemons.

  23. Well, you can just make anything out of anything can't you!? Every time I look at your page it's another "WOW! Why didn't I think of that?!" After you've thought of it, it seems so easy! We just need you to think of all this stuff first, so we can all put all of OUR funky junk to better use! Thanks for the continued inspiration! :)

  24. p.s. your photos look fine to me!

  25. Regarding the lower resolution on the pictures, If it will make your blog load up faster, I am all for it. Pictures look fine to me. Enjoy your site, but it takes a long time to load. I always have frozen pauses and heard my computer cranking up.

  26. I am definitely showing the hubby that pallet idea, at least for the noodles. He's already put those same metal hooks on the side of the deck for the net to hang on. Too bad I already used my left-over barn door for a decor wall by my garden shed, but this is totally cute to have for towels!

    Sorry about the truck...that can really put a damper on vacation plans. I know I can't wait to see what's up your sleeve with your new found down time.

  27. I love the pallet idea and the gate.I am heading outside ( I work by day for my son at a construction co) so I'm going to see if we have a pallet.I have a cheap little pool and this would be great to store our noodles on the patio. I drive a beloved old Suzuki that is paid for and everyday I pray it will keep running. I sooo enjoyed your post and your photo's!!

  28. #26 Drey, it still loads slow?!? Yikes. I can't go any lower in res than what they are or they'll look like total grain. The blog is due for an upgrade so hopefully when that's done the speed will be tweaked too.


  29. Ouch ...transmission problems! Well at least you came up with a positive solution for you guys for the summer... awe a pool ...nice! Love, love your poolside organization thingee. You are one talented lady.

    Jan @ BellaCasa

  30. Oh Dear, I am sooo sorry to hear about your truck problems. Take my word here...I do not know "diddly" about transmissions,...but wonder if all those screeeching stops for junque beside the road, and then those "jack-rabbit" screeching tires take-offs before the cops arrive have anything to do with it??? Just saying, and trying to give you a smile to get you through a long Summer. I also vote "read the book". It's like exercise, that first step outside the door (that first chapter) is the only hard one, after that, it becomes addictive. Enjoy you Son, as well...he and you will treasure it and remember it forever.
    Linda S. in NE

  31. So cute!!! What fabulous ideas:):)

  32. Love it! Now that is a nice thing after having truck problems, which I hope are all now fixed. Hope the rest of the week is relaxing. -K

  33. Oh, Donna, sorry to hear about your truck!
    I fried the motor on my van on Friday, and today I drove my husbands' truck to and from the city and when I got to our hometown, guess what IT DIDN'T START!
    I just feel blessed that both times the Lord brought us safely home!
    Hope you enjoy your STAY-CATION!!!

  34. Wow. You have made a great stuff in keeping your things. I think that it really looks good and it is very nice to see that you put all those colorful stuff and they all looked lovely.

  35. You are very talented ..keep us guessing! As always you seem to have a good attitude so you will still have a GREAT TIME even if it is at home creating your FUNKY JUNK =)

  36. What a wonderful idea to use the pallets!!! I like how skinny they are, that gives you lots of room for storing things and not taking lots of space.

    -Much love, Trashy Crafter Kim

  37. I read that book earlier this summer and loved it. I think it took me about a day and a half 'cause I just wanted to keep reading. Enjoy!


  38. The poolside pallet and gate are SO appealing!! Smart, smart, smart you are. Love how they tidy up and look great in contrast to the brights and white. One thing - that lotion bottle looks a little precariously perched up there - you could sew a little burlap bag to catch a few items like that and it would look great hanging on one of the hooks.

  39. Your poolside pallet...WOW! What a brilliant idea!!

  40. LOL! Jumped the gun! Haha Here's the url http://homeandgarden.craftgossip.com/poolside-pallets/


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