Sunday, July 3, 2011

A 5 min front door redo thanks to my new junk.

After church one fine sunny Sunday, I couldn't resist following a garage sale sign. I don't have very high expectations for Sunday sales as stuff is generally pretty picked over, but figured you never know... plus, I wasn't ready to hibernate in the house quite yet, kwim?

I've been such a good purging girl lately! I found a wonderful temporary home for my piano just down the road, plus gave them a table and chairs set I had, and sold my pile of hardwood flooring to another neighbour. The extra space is making this place feel like a real home again rather than a storage unit.

So, it's no surprise that the little voice inside me screamed DANGER. I don't need more stuff sitting around!

I'm so weak when it comes to junk. :) So I brought home just a tiny truckload. (is there such a thing?) I have some intentions of selling and some keeping. Wanna peek?

Vintage ball jars and medicine bottles of all colors and sizes. Some were even purple.

A set of two old ancient chairs. It was a 2 for 1 deal. The other is falling apart, so it's perfect for a garden arrangement or something.

The unique lines and shape of this chair really caught my eye. See the wide oval seat? It provides a really nice sit! I can't say that for all chairs. I'd love to do something really cool to this one.

Loved the coffee tin. You don't often see a black one!

Very nice oak thin frame with a wonderful patina. Love the blackish edging.

The ever present troops inspect for Funky Junk quality approval. 
It all passed. :)

But this one was iffy. The handle is broken so it would make a sweet bird house/nest thing on it's side (that I showed you on THIS post) , vase or outdoor feature of some sort.

Ohhh... and what do we have here?!?

A 5000 ton solid wood vintage door that was VERY dirty but cleaned up pretty sweet. I won't be touching this one with paint as the faded white is perfect.

And it provides a little trick. Wanna see?

It's a 'change my mind' door with a warm brown coating the other side. 

I decided I liked the idea just fine but it needed some toning down.

With a little black coffee toned oil based paint I had, I just swiped it on,

Then wiped most of it off with a rag loaded with a thinner of sorts.

That's better! Now what to use it for? I have 101 ideas or so...

Which led to me hating my front door even more.

Ah... brainstorm.

Well lookit that. I only hate it 80% now instead of 100. Not bad for 5 minutes of fussing. It'll do for now.

(LOTS more to come for the front of the house! I have no idea how some have nothing to blog about.. I can't seem to run out!)

So.. which piece would you have wanted to take home with you?

I'm sharing my new junk here. Bring yours over too!


  1. Thats awesome!
    I gotta get myself some of that great junk! ;)
    The more rustic look the better!
    You have an adorable blog btw!
    Glad I stoped by!


  2. I think I am most in awe of what that stain did to your front door! That's simply inspirational!

  3. Great junking finds and I love your quality assurance crew! Have a happy 4th!!

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Front door is much better toned down.

    LOVE your door find, and the rest is fun stuff too.

    barbara jean

  5. Love the junk you found. And the glaze on the front door looks great! So funny you and I both posted about front doors today.

  6. I don't know if I really call that stuff junk - You really got in a good haul!
    All from one place? - you ARE good....

  7. Awesome door and your front door looks so much better now!!
    I would love the ball jars...esp. the purple one!
    Very cool!

  8. yep, definitely would have brought home the door - though I hardly need another! but the glass doorknob is great...and I'm very impressed with what you did with your front door - great job!

  9. The glass knob on the door is gorgeous.
    I'm also envious of the mason jars, I have been searching for a good deal on a few of those with no luck yet. I saw a small purple one at the local antique store and they wanted $75!!!!


  10. Love that Windsor chair and the purple bottle!!

  11. great finds. I usually skip the sales on Sunday, but may need to rethink that.

  12. Terrific finds! Love that door, and I probably would have brought home the little broken teapot, too. Your front door looks so much better now. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wow, you found yourself a good sale! I like all your new treasures! Especially the pretty vintage door and the purple glass bottles.

  14. Awesome finds! I would have taken it all home! Although, the only reason I would have wanted the door was to take the knob off. I am collecting that type of knob to do on my daughters closet doors. I am one set short! Gotta tell you, ever since I participated in the copy cat challenge, my hubby is totally loving Funky Junk Style! He keeps bringing home rusty goodies for me to use in our house, it is so much fun! I love how it can go with any decor style! Thanks for "introducing" us to funky junk!

  15. Hey Donna! That door would make a great table top! Put it on top of some saw horses with glass on the top... Each of those panels would make a great place to hold little treasures under glass. I made one like it for my office :) Great finds!

  16. GETOUTTATOWN!!!I-HAVE-THAT-SAME-STRAIGHTBACK-CHAIR!!! I kid you not, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the picture...I had to run out to the front porch to make sure it was still there. ;) Been thinking about paint it- any thoughts?? Yea or nay??

  17. Omw, SO love the glassware, I have quite a few old bottles that I have placed on my windowsill and fill with cuttings from the garden, love to bring the blooms insides!! Thanks for sharing your great junk!

  18. Those doors look so gorgeous! Thanks (AGAIN!) for the fabulous tip, I'm so going to wipe black paint on all the doors in my house that are stained a dark cedar (and I have a love/hate relationship of my own with that...). You are so inspirational!!

  19. Wowww that was a killer garage sale! Ours here are completely not like that at all ~
    If you want kids used toys though it is the place to be ~
    I love your front door too ~ It looks great like that ~


  20. Don't you wonder if the people having that garage sale thought, "What is this crazy, Sunday shopping lady going to do with all of our old, broken junk?!" But we love it....perfection to us. :) Lisa~

  21. I have a door fetish! I love old doors! I went through a phase where I couldn't pass one up! After we had over 50 doors in the building I had to stop! Hahahaha! You think I'm kidding? I've sold off several of them, but still have 20 or more!

    I love your toning down method! Looks great on the old door and the front door! I've been think about painting my front door red, but don't think I would like it when I have my door open. The front door opens right into the living room, not foyer! So I just can't make up my mind!

    Have a happy 4th!


  22. Love all your "junk" Great finds for a Sunday!!

  23. Love it Donna! That is a pretty neat black coffee can too. Have fun!~

  24. Oh my goodness! I love the box of bottles. They'd be my first pick. The chairs are nice but I have too many 'odd' chairs now. I love the door and especially the glass door knob. And, I know where there's a kettle. I have one in my flower garden painted yellow! That stain really toned down the colour of the doors. Amazing! Great junk finds Donna!

  25. I'd take the well rounded chair TY very much. U just can't find chairs that sit well enough anymore....the same with car seats....don't get me started. Love the door too. And, I love what you did to the front door....awesome.
    Thanks for sharing.

  26. I want the jars and the teakettle! I was at Goodwill just the other day and was in the mason jar aisle. Oh goodness, too many that I wanted. Good thing I only went in with 10 dollars cash. But I hope come my next purge that the awesome ones will still be left! And although that kettle is "broken" it would look great in my kitchen above the cabinets! :)

  27. Fantastic door, Donna! My fave of all your finds...well, those chairs are pretty sweet too. Way to go!

  28. I. Want. That. Door. Perfectly white, beautiful knob, who could ask for more? I need to stop at more garage sales....your finds would be perfect for my Tuesdays' Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva Party going live later this afternoon. Hope you'll stop by!


  29. Wow! All that on a Sunday? You done good! I love the toned down doors. Why do you not like your front door? It really looks good now with the antiquing. Sometimes I have nothing to blog about, but I think it all depends on my mood. If I'm feeling down or in a funk, nothing comes to mind.

  30. #29 Wanda, I'm just not a burgundy fan. I'm still stumped on what base color to paint the front door as I don't know what to do with the surrounding brick as yet either. I'm too busy elsewhere to think much about it right now so the glaze will hold me over for awhile. :)

    #15 Anon, I personally really like all the tones on the chair as is and wouldn't have thought to paint over it! I chose paint colors over where it's going if I keep things. But if not, the chair wears masculine lines so a strong deep color os the direction I'd take it I think.


  31. The door if only for the knob and back plate, but I love old doors too. Those chairs are fabulous and I just know you have something brewing in that creative brain of yours.

  32. Such a simply perfect fix for your front door! Love the troop inspection.

  33. I would have brought home the coffee can, because you can never have too many places to hide stuff in. And the chairs. I can't walk past a chair without buying it. Great finds for a Sunday.

  34. I love that door! I want it! =) Living in Ireland for 8 years now and just starting to try to learn where to find things of this nature. You figure they gotta be somewhere, it's an island after all. Sadly no garage sales here but I'm not giving up. LOVE that door!

  35. I would love that Windsor chair or the old door as there is so much you can do with that! It is beautiful! Nice find! Funny how we find what we like when we aren't even looking!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  36. I love your front door and porch, yet I know whatever you do to it, then it will look wonderful as well :) PS- dont know why I cant post ... im signed in on blogger dash board.

  37. They're already here! The door is uncannily the same old white on one side and the brown on the other side.The panels are divided with a middle raised board in between each panel. Yes I agree this is a very heavy door. I have lugged this one around for over 10 years and will not let it go when my children try to dispose of it. Grrr. Love the old stuff and how you make it look worthy of being called home decor today.

  38. I would not have been able to pass up the bottles. Those are great! And your front door looks amazing....

  39. I will try again. Lost my original comment, could not post, nor Preview. Please do not ever stop blogging. I love your site, and enjoy the way you write, sooo much. Your finds at the Sunday GS are fantastic, my fav. being the white door...and I must agree with another poster...add a glass top, and put little finds and treasures in the recessed areas. Your front door does look so much better. I am curious as to why you have not painted it black? The friend that you introduced your readers to, "Beneath My Heart" recently painted the front door of their new home black, and it is such an improvement. By viewing on my screen, the brick on both homes appears to be very similar. Ha!! Look who is telling who what to do!! Must have lost all common sense there for a moment. Keep up the good work, and please know that your posts are a highlight in my day. Linda S. in NE

  40. Donna you are a busy gal that's for sure. I love what you did to your door. It does tone it down a bit. We used to buy antiquing kits in the 80's that had the same effect. I did my kitchen cabinets and then in the 90's ended up having to strip them. Love all of your good junk, you lucky duck.

  41. loving the door writeup...where I live is governed by HOA rules and we aren't allowed to paint our doors unless approved in advance...I'd definitely have to wrangle the bottles from ya though :)

  42. love the 5 min front door fix. that's the way i like to craft between the longer ones :)

  43. Laughing when you said you only hate the door 80% now. But then I am thinking, heck yes, why hasn't she painted this door if she hates it? This seems like an easy no brainer Donna!! What about a mossy green, or stately black? I love black doors! A grapevine wreath with some white daisies poking out...yeah...

  44. ...oh! great!...Loving the sun!

  45. I have that same coffee tin! Love the old door and the glass knob. Great finds!

  46. Great finds! Love your front door, what a differance. I want the old teapot! My kind of junk!! LOL

  47. I pretty much would want all of it! LOL

  48. Well, I would have wanted to take it ALL home! LOL! I love everything, but my weakness is for old doors! My grandmas' house had doors with the glass knobs, we used to pretend they were diamonds when we were kids! I have several old doors, and windows, and lots of other stuff! LOL!
    I am trying to purge too, it's hard to do isn't it? I LOVE what you did!
    Have a good one!

  49. omg i love your blog, i love your ideas, i love you... hehe..


  50. I love your front door! front door is just about the same "before" color, and I am seriously thinking about what you have done there.....if you change it, please post about it!....smiles.

  51. Um....Your front door is fabulous!!! Oh my sake...I love love love it!!!


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