Sunday, July 31, 2011

The new FOLK article name, a winner and giveaway #2!

This giveaway is now closed.
A winner will be announced soon.
Thanks for entering!

It's official. Tune in to FOLK for your regular Junk Fix, folks! A trash to treasure how-to or a junk haunt will await you. :)

Your brainstorming for my new column title last week was awesome! And really helped me land the name JUNK FIX. Lesley Litrento's suggestion was The Funky Fix. Thanks Lesley and to the rest of you! Ben at FOLK did a nice job on setting that crate like logo up, so it looks like we're ready to roll.

~ FOLK Gossip ~

Did you know each edition of FOLK will have a running theme? The Premier issue is deemed, "Classics to fall for." 

With the short time frame of landing the column assignment, I did submit something I've done before this first round, but with a little more info than I've previously offered online.

Can you guess which of my how-to projects I would consider a true classic? You'll find out Sept 1st. :)

~ FOLK winner! ~

Winner to last week's FOLK 1 year subscription is....

Congrats to Beth over at Under A Pile of Scrap!

I'll have FOLK get in touch with you for your mailing address. :)

~ Buy through FJI ~

New magazine budgets are tight, so to help fund my new 'writing career', the kind folks at FOLK have offered me a sweet deal. If  you purchase a single copy or subscription of FOLK through my blog at any time, (same price as elsewhere) I will receive a small commission. 

I can even offer wholesale deals on the mag. So if you have a storefront and wish to do a trial run on FOLK coming out Sept 1st, please email me and I'll get you in contact with the right person.


Put FOLK WHOLESALE in the title and send to:


single issue


~ Giveaway #2 ~
Win a 1 year subscription to FOLK
Name your own favorite American classic in comments and you're in! :)
(meaning, anything you like)

New LIKES or just a friendly hello over at  WE ARE FOLK on Facebook gets you another comment to enter!


Blog, tweet or Facebook the giveaway and comment to enter again!
(1 entry)

Order the premier copy or a subscription through my blog this week, and comment to enter again!

(if you win, you can get an extension OR reimbursed)
Winner must have email in profile activated. 
If you don't have a blog, please leave your email with your comment.

This contest will end Sat night Aug 6 and a random winner will be announced during giveaway #3.


  1. I ordered the premier issue today'

  2. My American classic is the good old American Flag!!
    A little worn and tattered is the best

  3. My classic is a vintage photo of my Grandparents, I never got to meet them. I see a big resemblance to my Grand Mother, and I cherish it with all my heart!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have so many classics, it's hard to choose a favorite! I love my classic family keepsakes and antiques. Coming from my own family and past they have such a story in every dent, crease, and faded paint.

  6. Donna, my "current" classic favorite is vintage Pyrex. They are a great way to bring color and graphic design to your kitchen and have uses all over the house. Love to find it at thrift stores and estate sales.

  7. My favorite American classic is the good ol' Ball Jar. So versatile, so pretty and so functional! Congrats on the new column--looking forward to checking out the debut issue!

  8. Just "liked" Folk on Facebook.

  9. Just commented on Facebook to send all my junk lovin friends to check out Folk. So excited to know you'll be a contributor. Love your blog.

  10. Just bought the first issue, Donna!

  11. I liked Folk on Facebook, too. :)

  12. Hi! So many American apple pie with ice cream on top of antiques..for some reason recently admiring old Pyrex bowls..they are so colorful & pretty...weird huh...thanks again, Linda

  13. Hi again...just read someone else is into already have liked Folk on Facebook..thanks...Linda

  14. My American Classic would be huge farm table that would fit at least 10-12 friends around it. . .with another American Classic as the center piece. . fresh flowers

  15. Its hard to pick a classic! I love old wooden advertizing boxes, large crocks, antique furniture, hand pieced quilts. I think those are my favorites! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  16. My favorite American classic? Farm benches and tables. I don't have the benches yet, just tables. Still looking!

  17. My favorite 'American Classic" are things that are geographically labeled... like a milk bottle or crate that has a local business name on it. It combines Americana and your own history.

  18. I really love old farm implements that are left outside in fields, all rusty and forgotten with flowers and grass growing through them. Such a great reminder of all the people who came before us..

  19. Donna I'd be willing to bet your classic involves rust and lots of it. I can't wait for my magazine, it looks soooo good.

  20. my favorite american classics are old country baskets. thanks for the opportunity to get a subscription to this great sounding new mag.


  21. Handmade raggedy quilts are my classic favorite.

  22. We have lots of old hunting & fishing things that have been passed down to us from my husbands father...really love those.

  23. I think the American flag is number one in my book! Thanks!
    lavenderdreamstoo at gmail dot com

  24. Frogs...vintage flower frogs that is!

  25. Anything cottage green. I've always been a green person. Don't know why.

  26. liked folk on facebook. Thanks for sharing. I love magazines.

  27. I just "Liked" FOLK magazine on facebook!

  28. My favorite "classic" are the Ball jars. Everything can go in them.

  29. Just shared your link from facebook. this is fun.
    Love your blog just became a follower.

  30. I think old pieced quilts are my favorite. I have several, would love more.

  31. Mine would be my wall of portraits of our grandparents when young people, their ways of making a living (sawmill and gravel trucks), as well as our parents when little kids.

  32. My fav classic is an old crock bowl that belonged to my great grandmother ~ I use it all the time.

  33. I already "like" Folk over on Facebook!

  34. hello! I have some old crocks, which I just love. also think that gardens are classic whether flowers, veggies, or both! thanks!
    Angela from NJ

  35. Vintage coca-cola bottles say classic America to me.
    flgirl1987 AT yahoo DOT com

  36. So many favorites to choose from - but probably the first and longest enduring one for me is a Good 'ol Family Quilt.

  37. My favorite classic is my bed! It's one of those old cast iron beds with the swirly flowers and weighs a TON! I found it when I was 16 and helping a family friend clean out an old barn for extra money. It was in horrible shape..and cruddy with layers of paint that had swelled and split and rusty plus moldy. I saw it's inner beauty and drug it home and my Dad and I cleaned it all up and it's been mine ever since. I can't imagine sleeping in any other bed every night :)

  38. I have two favorites: Hardwood floors and BARNS! They 're fabulous as their original intention and when that purpose is done, the weathered and distressed wood has potential for new life in oh so many ways! Picture Frames, wall covering, art, furniture, crafts.......gotta love it!

  39. I will comment in FB. Would rather not have my email address so exposed, ya know?

  40. My American classic is also the American flag.Thanks so much for a chance to win a subscription. I will be ordering the first issue soon.

  41. I just order the premier issue. When I clicked on the link, did that show it was through you?

  42. My American "likes" are small town festivals, recognizing either heritage or local industry or crops, food. In my area we celebrate all things dairy - have Ice Cream days, Cheese Days, cow festivals, etc. And of course we celebrate bratwurst.

  43.!/profile.php?id=100000689420419 shared on FaceBook Laura dogsmom

  44. My favorite American classic is baseball! :-) Have you seen how to turn the old ones into flowers to hang on the wall?

    Also, got a photo into the first issue of FOLK! Can't wait for it to come out...and I've bought some license plates for the big boy room! :-)

  45. Anything barn red screams American classic to me!

  46. A friendly "hello" on their Facebook page (actually an ironic question about the list being completed for the month)! So excited for the premier issue!!

  47. And once again, a blog post proudly advertising you and FOLK at

  48. Old vintage quilts are my favorite!

  49. My favorite American class has to be the US Flag. Worn, tattered, hand sewn or brand new, I get teared eyed each time.

  50. I shared a link to your giveaway on the Choose To Thrive FB page.!/pages/Choose-To-Thrive/163134450386345

  51. Just ordered the premier issue...can't wait to see it!!!!

  52. My favorite American classic is an antique commode that came to the Midwest from back East in a covered wagon...and my daughter is equally happy to inherit it from me someday, which really makes it special.

  53. And I just "liked" you on Facebook, too!!!!!

  54. I just ordered the premier issue!

  55. my favorite classic is the mason jar!

  56. Just liked you on Facebook and also tweeted you on Twitter. I would love to be able to get the Folk Mag. but I am on a very limited income w Soc.Sec.and no other income so this is the only way I can obtain extras in my life. I truly feel blessed though just to have my computer friends and a little blog on blogspot.

  57. My favorite American classics are old toys. I am always drawn to the simple, handmade rocking horse or doll, especially if it has been well loved. I always wonder what games they played and secrets they were told when they were loved by a child.

  58. My favorite American classic is several things, the flag, a red flyer wagon and a ball canning jar. I just can't choose :)

  59. So excited for you about this! My fav american classics are things like adirondack chairs, old barns, flags, that kind of thing. Thanks!

  60. My favorite American classis are the old blue jars, picnic baskets, and sewing machine drawers. Of course, I love most everything old.

  61. My American Classis is anything patriotic! My Son just returned from Iraq after a year of deployment, my flag flew the entire time.

  62. Old quilts they can be used for so many things my favorites are tablecloths shower curtains and folded on a old

  63. This giveaway is now closed. Thank-you for entering! A winner will be announced soon!


  64. So excited! I just ordered the premier issue through your blog... Can't wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!