Thursday, July 14, 2011

Landing a magazine spread through a passionate loophole

I've been in the sign industry for approx 20 years now. And one thing I never even ATTEMPTED was to be in a popular sign magazine that everyone but EVERYONE in my trade collects.

This mag is called SignCraft. And it's a big deal in my sign world. Let me fill you in why I felt I never had a chance to be in this publication.

My "I think I can" career.

I was an independent type. Right after high school I bolted for the back door from home with my mom's borrowed pots and pans wanting to make a life of my own.

I had just landed a full time job at a major department store which was a BIG KAHUNA deal in those days. So I knew I would swing the rent and started making my own path. I knew I could do it if I worked hard. No doubt entered my mind.

I remember this day clear as ever. The first night I was in my apartment, I went all out. I made a wonderfully massive meal of meatballs and all the fixin's and smiled, thinking to myself, "I never wanted to do this at home and here I am in my own kitchen doing it. THIS IS COOL!"

The department store paid great! I was raking in the dough. After payday I'd walk through the store at the end of my day and knew I could buy this or that with my money IF I wanted to. But nope! I was into SAVING now. :)

It was fun for awhile. But then the store started shuffling, tossing me all over the place. I was in ladies wear, children's wear, men's wear, shoes (which I HATED except for the decadent leather smell in the stockroom) and luggage of all things. (eyes roll here)

I wasn't loving it any longer, but it paid well, remember? 

The best days I had were when I spent time in ladie's wear. I'd display the clothes on the floor in a way to guide your eye towards the back walls. You did this with color. 

But my very best days of all were when the store had warehouse sales. We could wear jeans that day and hand draw the signs. I'd make splashy graphics on all the tags and had a BLAST.

Well, it was a good thing I was saving all those coins because that full time job didn't last forever. I was put down to part time.  Store restructuring. I was DEVASTATED. 

But I knew I could make it so I started selling Mary Kay Cosmetics on the side.

I did REALLY well. My parties were only suppose to be approx 8 people and I always booked in about 20. :)

And then I got rear ended.

I was off work for about a year, battling with lawyers. I fought every day I was suppose to be healing but that's the way that game is played.

When it was time to come back to work, I wasn't doing all that well. My injuries played a big part in taking it easy, so I stayed on part time and did the best I could. 

But there was something funky going on with that store and they weren't saying much. I had a bad feeling it was going under, so I started looking for other work. But this time it wasn't about the money. I wanted to be happy.

Dare I look into a sign shop?!? I told myself why the heck not, and did it not knowing squat about the profession.

I took a drastic pay cut and went to work for my first sign shop. I hadn't even touched a computer before but they taught me the basics I lit up like a Christmas tree and proved to be a real go getter.

And the department store? It went under.

And then the sign shop let me go. 

The reason they gave me was my 'work ethic." Trust me, the description didn't fit. It's pretty impossible to be told daily that they're blown away with your work and then you're gone the next.

But no matter. I was determined to find something else right away. And did. I landed working in another sign environment that same weekend, but this time on vehicles. 

It was the strangest job I've ever had. With very little training, I was sent on the road to stripe vehicles! I worked on commission so if I worked hard, I earned. So I sorda taught myself and became pretty fluent at it. And did really well.

And then they let me go.

It was a husband and wife team and the wife admitted to feeling threatened by me due to my appearance and go getter work ethic.  Rather than make a fuss about it, I chose to walk away after I said my peace and resolved to rethink my chosen career path. Sheesh.. maybe I couldn't do this after all.

And then I saw an ad in the paper. It was for a graphics class for half a year. Really?!? Well, I can do this! I mean, who'd fire me from school? :) I signed up and got in while drawing in unemployment. I bit the bullet and purchased my own sign equipment and learned by day and practiced at night. I read every manual I could get from the library and eventually surpassed the sign class. I ended up teaching the class what I learned myself at night.

One day I remember the instructor holding up SignCraft which I had heard of. I glanced through those glossy pages and felt, "Wow...  that's quite something to be that good!" But I told myself I could do this.

Remember that commission job I had previous? I visited each client and won them over. It wasn't hard. They were frustrated I just vanished and were told I quit. No matter. They became my new clientele. I also  pounded pavement for 3 solid months and then the return work followed. (and I've never looked back) 

My biz led to eventually me teaching at the college that taught me, plus a storefront and employee. It grew so quickly I remember my accountant's eyes when he saw the numbers. It gave me a feeling I'll never forget. And yup, I did really well.

I eventually did some travelling, meeting up with a group of great sign folks just like myself. I became part of their fray and made a lot of life long friends. And most of those friends landed in Signcraft.  I really was among incredibly talented people! And I remember thinking there was no way I could ever rank high enough to land in that mag.

Know, lots more water went under the bridge at this point and others, however the most vital is when my marriage ended and I had to move with young son in tow. I was scared we wouldn't make it. My total focus became about my son and his well being.

To my astonishment, the phone kept ringing.  Work kept coming. I did what I needed to in order to survive but being a single parent was a big responsibility I took seriously. So I didn't try and win awards or anything. I just did my work so I could parent my boy.

Then the big year long renovation happened to the house. After that was complete, I started playing with decorating and fired up Funky Junk.

It was then I started to work part time for friend Dan.  Dan is in SignCraft every month so it was rather fascinating to watch over the process of writing and photography and so forth.

While Funky Junk grew, so did my confidence. Dan taught me how to work with tools and I learned to play with my camera and honed my writing skills to the point where Dan noticed all the sign related things I was making, and encouraged me to submit to SignCraft. 

I laughed and put it off for a good long time. But I started getting in other magazines at this point. So all I could do was try right? 

What they hey... I think I can...

And did I?

YES I DID!!! I landed in the July/August edition. But not really as a true blue signmaker.

 I got in as a signmaker that used signs to decorate her home. :) The passionate loophole that created the "I know I can" magic.

To read the article, you can view the actual magazine PDF HERE.

And not only did Tom give me a two page spread, they also featured an online tutorial of my Grocery sign. 

With a place to comment... ohhhh.. VERY blog like indeed. :)

So how do I REALLY feel about this major feat?

No pride here. :)

It's a total honor and privilege to be among such talented signmakers in SignCraft! Thanks Tom! 


You think you 'can't?'  I challenge you to think differently. 

I mean, how much more proof do you need?

To be continued... :)


  1. Congratulations!!! And it's not a loophole, it's a sign! *pun intended* lol...when someone is as good as you are, "someones" like me want to see it, and magazines like Signcraft know they must show it!
    It's all about inspiration! Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Congratulations dear Donna. What a wonderful story, one of encouragement and inspiration.

    This was just what I needed.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. It's so exciting to see your name in print. Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations from one sign painter to another! Pretty impressive!

  5. Just fabulous...a rags to riches kind of story! Love it. You worked hard for it...enjoy it! Love those cute pics of you at the end!!!

  6. Wow that is great Donna! What a story, you must have been reliving the highs and lows...and it all leads to where you are now. Congrats!

  7. Congratulations! You should be a motivational speaker too! You're a natural at changing perspective, Thanks for such an uplifting story of your journey!

    (ps-love the photo shoot!)

  8. Congratulation, Donna! You are a true inspiration to me.

  9. Great Job! I am proud of you. God has brought you so far through a lot of hard times and His schooling. You have done well! God bless you in all you do for Him and His glory!

  10. Hello Donna,
    Congratulations! You should be very proud to be published in Sign Craft magazine. I am second generation in the sign business and owed my own sign shop for over 16 years. For the last 10 years I have been working in the graphic design and loving it. Your work is Fabulous; you go girl. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  11. Wow!Proof that reward does come to talented people! No one can say you didn't earn your way to fame! Congrats!

  12. You GO girl! Great accomplishment!

  13. That's awesome, congrats! What an inspiration.

  14. Congratulations and such an inspiring story! "She thought she could and so she did!"

  15. What a wonderful inspirational story.. I am going to share it with my 19 who launched herself into the world.. (taking my pans) about a year ago :)


  16. Ohhh Donna your story bring tears to
    my eyes!! I am so very thrilled for you!!
    Your work is truly AWESOME and the article looks wonderful!



  17. Good for you! You totally deserve it! Thanks for sharing your story and reminding us all that persistence pays off!

  18. Congrats Donna! It makes it that much more worth while when you know you had to work toward your goal. You are a "go getter" and that is why you succeed!

  19. Whenever something crappy happens, there's always something better waiting around the next corner. That's been my philosophy for the last three years and the more I say it to myself, the more it happens (and the crappy stuff isn't happening as much anymore either!!).

    Congratulations Donna, you so deserve it!

  20. Such a great story, and a well deserved honor!! Congrats!

    Kat :)

  21. Congratulations Donna! What a great story! Isn't it amazing how one door closes and another opens!

  22. Congratulations! I happy that you've had your hard work and creativity recognized. You're fabulous!

  23. Very cool, Donna! Congratulations :)

  24. AWESOME DONNA!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You got a wonderful spread in that magazine. You rock girl!!!

  25. You SHOULD be so proud! Thank you for sharing the whole story and letting us see the long road you have trod! Many Many Hugs and Cheers to you!

  26. congratulations! I know it is a thrill to get into other publications but to make it into the one you admire so much is a real accomplishment.
    I also think it is no loophole, just a different perspective. You are inspiring others to think off the wall.

  27. Yay! Donna, I'm so proud of you.I love this story and your post. It has made my day! My week. I am so thrilled to read from start to finish your wonderful story. Navigating through rough glad you took the time to tell all this. I agree with the poster above loophole...just a different and wonderful perspective!

  28. Awww, that's great news! Congratulations!!!

  29. Great story, Donna. And congratulations for being in that magazine, I'm sure it's not the last time you'll be in there!

  30. fabulous story - great accomplishment!
    amy of four corners design

  31. Congratulations You've certainly earned it. Thanks for the encouraging word

  32. Congratulations Donna! I'm so excited for you!

  33. That is SOooo Wonderful!
    I'd be proud if I were you... Heck! I'm proud OF YOU...FOR YOU! lol...
    Take care, Pat

  34. Congratulations! A much deserved honor - you've worked your tail off, and your creativity is always a step above. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Big Congratulations!!!! You deserve it cause you "Got the TALENT!"

  36. What a lovely story! I am so happy for you! Thanks for sharing and giving me a big smile this morning!

  37. So encouraging. Brings to mind the scripture from Phillipians..." I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Thanks for the reminder of that promise.

  38. How exciting! I love your story and it is quite inspirational. I try and tell myself every day that I can do this, too. It's about time I do something that I actually love doing.

  39. Donna, it's great to hear (read) the story of a real live person! Congratulations on the magazine feature. Very inspirational!

  40. Congrats! It is so inspiring to see someone work so hard and be validated in such a way. Bloggers like you are such an inspiration and motivation to try things I have always been too afraid of failure to try. Thank you !

  41. Congratulations, Donna! What a major accomplishment for you!!
    Eat it up, girl!! :)

  42. Congratulations Donna - both on getting into the magazine and on going on that life-journey to get there. It's an inspiring story and thank you for sharing it (and, although I don't consider it an acceptable or even rational reason for firing someone I can totally see why that woman was intimidated by your looks! I will now aspire to be canned for being too attractive - keep your fingers crossed for me)

  43. Oh Donna, what a wonderful and inspirational story to start my day! You really should be so proud of yourself, and I'm sure your son's proud of you too. You are setting such a good example for him. No matter how rough the road, it's believing in yourself that makes you an all-terrain vehicle to take you anywhere you wanna go. You truly are the little engine that could!

    I paint home interiors (roller, faux, and murals), and according to my clients, I've gotten quite good at it. All of it through trial and error, along with lots of research online. Never thought I'd be getting paid for it, but when that first client hired me, I thought to myself, "I've never done that before, but let's do it!". Every time there's a new challenge, I repeat that line. Thank you for continuing to remind me of the power of self-belief!

  44. Congratulations. Such a great story and I so enjoyed reading it this fine HOT summery day in Arizona. Keep up the good work and always can! Have a great day.

  45. Congrat's Donna! You deserve it!


  46. Congratulations Donna I am so proud of you... hooray for you.

    Good things come to good people. You have worked hard and deserve every bit of glory. Keep on truckin my friend. I have a really good feeling this is just the beginning of a wonderful new adventure.

    Hugs, Deb

  47. Wow What a Journey! Though it made you who you are today.How exciting for you.Congratulations~Cheers Kim

  48. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you Donna! You deserve it and more! I have been a fan of your painted sign stairs for so long now....just thinking what I could do with my wood ones! Hey.....what did you ever buy with your giveaway win over at Jeanne Oliver Designs???

  49. That's awesome Donna! Well deserved and you look GREAT!,

  50. Congratulations!!!!! That is so awesome. I can relate a bit because of things happening with my profession...except they in no way involve my blog. The two things just don't connect as fabulously as yours did. Way to go!!!!!

  51. Congrats , love how
    sometimes God has a better plan
    Love your post

  52. oh donna you are such an inspiration to all of us. i dont need a 2nd job now but when i retire i want to do some junkie decor stuff. i turned sexy 60 yesterday and my husband is going to get me a nikon 5000. store was out of stock so should come in on fri. next is camera classes. i went to all my fav blogs and wrote down all the cameras they know blogs are not just decor they are about life as well ;). you have a wonderful spirit. love ya girl

  53. Congratulations! And does it really matter HOW you got there? You ARE noteworthy and inspire others in your girl-next-door way. You go girl!

  54. That is WONDERFUL, congratulations!

    diy kinda girl

  55. WOOT WOOT!!! Way to go Donna!!

  56. Congrats Donna !!! What a great spread. Very well deserved!

  57. Wow! Congrats! It's so great to read this right now. I just (like a few mins ago) committed to having my art featured on a prominent website and I keep going back and forth between the tears welling up and trying not to throw up!

    Congrats! I so love seeing your success and am encouraged by knowing you're working hard to acheive it and I'm not the only one who has to try so hard to make it happen :) Thanks for sharing your pursuit.

  58. Yay Donna!! That's soo exciting! Congratulations. You deserve the best. ~ Catie

  59. What an inspiring deserve the recogntiion! Love your blog!

  60. Donna, I want to leave my comment first, and then I will read the others. I am so cotton-pickin' proud of you, I could just burst at the seams!! Congratulations on everything you have accomplished. Linda S. in NE

  61. congratulations Donna ~ you ROCK!

  62. You finally kicked your train in its little caboose and did it. It all starts with an "I think I can!" said like the little engine that could. I am so happy for you. If only they could see you now. Their green envy turned into green cash for you and it has just kept going. Way to go! Now you get the last laugh on them.

  63. What a wonderful post - very uplifting and CONGRATS!!!! Thanks so much for sharing the news, but in a very personal way.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  64. You ARE very good at what you do, sign-wise as well as decorator-wise!! Congratulations!!

    I did what you have done, only on a much smaller scale, by having had projects published in a national scrapbook magazine. There was no two-page spread with article, but a huge deal for me none-the-less, since it's taken me 3 years to get published. So, I can imagine the ginormous elation you must be feeling about the Signcraft magazine article!! :D

    P.S. Some of your work (& life) history sounds quite similar to some of my own too.

  65. Donna, I am so, so, SO happy for you!!! The spread is fantastic (with the very stairs drew me into becoming a fan of yours, btw).

    Thank you, too, for sharing your story. I've gone through lots of hard times (financial & more), and have been feeling a bit in the dumps this week - going through more difficult times again, sigh.

    Reading your story is inspiring me - I know I have to figure out a way to pick myself up by my bootstraps - and get going!

    Big <<<>>> to you, Donna!!

  66. oops!! That was big HUGS to you!!

    haha - must remember that < and > is read as html!! :D

  67. You are so deserving of this Donna....Your hard work has paid off and you will continue to prevail. You are an inspirtion....

    Take care,

  68. In Texas we have an expression for exuberent joy..."yeeeeehaw" and if your an Aggie from A&M right here in Texas you say "whoooop" when your excited and if you ever wondered just how amazingly creative you are...Jeff Foxworthy(comedian) would say "here's your sign?"

    This is just so stink'n cool!!!!

  69. That is awesome- CONGRATULATIONS!
    Whenever I hear, (or even think to myself!) "you can't"- hell or high water, I'm going to do it with gusto! Go big or go home!
    Kerry at

  70. How very exciting for you. Congratulations. Your story has inspired me.

  71. I love it love it love it. The story, your hard work and determination, and your great success. LOVE IT! Congrats.

  72. Good for you! I think sometimes we have to go through a multitude of challenges to experience true success!


  73. I love this story Donna, you are an inspiration!


  74. Congratulations on your accomplishment! I love, love, love your blog and plan on making the groceries sign soon.

  75. Congratulations on a well deserved recognition. Your story is so uplifting and real. It is so wonderful to see your talent truly recognized in a professional way. Continued success in all you do. Big Hugs to you!

  76. congrats! that's such exciting news, especially with all your hard work and dedication! it's funny - my summer job while in graphic design school was at a sign shop and it included applying graphics to vehicles too - fun until I had to work on a new garbage truck and I felt like I was hanging like a monkey :)

  77. What an entertaining story! I loved every moment of it. Congratulations. A well-deserved honor.

  78. Congratulations! Just found you this week and am enjoying your blog. Keep up the great work. Continue to enjoy and share your passion. You are a treasure - so happy to have found your inspiring story.

  79. You go girl! What a great spread on you.

  80. I'm late to the party, but CONGRATULATIONS!!

  81. A big fat Yay! You did it!" to you. I'd say a little pride is in order :).

  82. Congrats!!! I've enjoyed your blog for quite some time. Now others can find out about you and your work in a major publication. Yeah for you.

  83. So exciting Donna, you are so cute! You have worked your bootie off and it's all paid off!

  84. Congratulations! How exciting! Proof that working hard at what you love will bring success.

  85. SO COOL!!! Congratulations. You deserve the recognition. :-)

  86. FANTASTIC! Congrats Donna. Well deserved. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  87. Hi donna! What a truly beautiful story! That just shows that we should live by " if one door closes...knock the f***ing door down!"

  88. Wow, Donna, what a journey to a dream come true! I'm so happy for you :)

    Happy creating!

  89. Congrats! Hard work really does pay off.

  90. You SO deserve this recognition, Donna! I hope you know how many of us out here are continually inspired by your gift of sign making! Kudos! Congrats! and BIG HUGS to you, girlie! :)

    xoxo laurie

  91. Hi Donna, I've read some of your inspiring posts over the past few months. Nothing sugar coated, hard working, real life, reap what you sow, genuine...and with an original style.
    Thank you for hosting the party. I linked up the best homemade vanilla extract to make now, for holiday giving.

  92. What a glorious testimony. I love it!!!

  93. You have such a great story Donna! Congrats on all of your amazing accomplishments. I chose your blog to read with my coffee today and appreciate you sharing all of these really important tips with us. xoxo

  94. I love this post...not sure how I missed it before!
    Our paths are so similar, it's kinda eerie!
    Congrats on the Signcraft spread, that is the coolest!!


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