Sunday, May 15, 2011

I get interviewed again... this time Canadian style, eh?

 Most of you know that I'm Canadian.

Not that it matters one way or another. It's just that there are so few of us in comparison to our wonderful American friends, it's rather a proud moment when we're mentioned.

 I'm thrilled to also be part of a new group that has developed for us West Coast Canadian bloggers, called Canadian Design and Lifestyle Bloggers West. It's a group that has banded together to create informal get togethers and blogging conferences. How cool! I've yet to make one but I hope to!

So if you live in Western Canada - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba and you host a Design or Lifesytle blog, come on down!

The coordinators are:

Victoria from  Edin's House
Nancy from Marcus Design.

Karla from Kerrisdale Design.

The other driving force of the new group is Barbara, who incidentally also has a fabulous design blog over at  hodge:podge.

Barbara runs a series called "So Canadian, eh?" that features Canadian decorators.

diamond tufted headboard as seen on 

 revamped chair

And as you can see, she's quite decor savvy!

And then there's little 'ol junker me.... oy!
Yeah, I get a tad paranoid when teamed up alongside 'real' decorators.

So, imagine my surprise when I got asked to be interviewed!

 I somehow qualified as one (who knew?) so she drilled me but good with loads of thought provoking questions, some I've never answered online before.

Find out all the dirty details over at

So, ya think I fit in? :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

other interviews:


  1. wow, I don't think I did know that, I am Canadian too! so great to see you ladies out west band together! it's great

  2. Oh congratulations!!!! Such an honor and so well deserved. Off to see the interview. Hugs, Marty

  3. fit in??? a resounding YES! You make the rest of us REAL PEOPLE feel like we do too! You are not intimidating. You are FUN. You make us LAUGH. And you are talented enough to make 'cast-off's' look GOOD! Who else can do that? Again, I so WISH we lived near one another. -sigh- And you know what? You make it so us, with so little $$$ can do it too! Thanks, Donna!

  4. I am still A CANADIAN but have lived in the US since I was 3. My dad was a pro hockey player and thats what brought us to Sunny San Diego many years ago. Love your new group and really love when I visit back to Trail BC and see all the beautiful gardens and yummy food! I am so sorry for your loss, we just lost our sweet dog, Abbie two weeks ago. Way to soon...

  5. I too, think it's great that you are recognised as a decorator! You have a very unique style that appeals to a lot of folk in blogland. Congrats on the recognition! Proudly Canadian, Pamela

  6. Congratulations. You deserve this honor. Hope you make it to one of the blogger gatherings some day. Thanks for sharing.

  7. "Fit in" you ask? YOU my Canadian friend are my favorite "decorator". I love your funky junk style and there are no better decorations I'd like to have in my American home. So you go girl! Congratulations on your interview!

  8. A fellow Canadian but an 'east coaster'...I think that it is a fantastic idea to get bloggers from an area together...How thrilling for you and 'ahem, sistah !' you are a 'real' decorator.....

  9. Donna, why wouldn't you think you are a decorator. You are far too modest my friend. You are fabulous! Thanks for that intro!!! I am deeply flattered :)

    EEK, I need a new profile pic, stat!

  10. What a fantastic way to introduce our new network, Donna!! We're getting together again in early June so you'll have to join us! As for belonging... you're a perfect fit!
    Looking forward to meeting you soon...

  11. You are the best, most original decorator I can think of.

    I'm also a proud Canadian... Go Canucks Go!

  12. What a great interview Donna ~ loved reading it and still loving those stairs as they are still my favorite!

  13. Hey they are lucky to have you. Trust me, you do not have to have a degree to have interior design savvy. You either have it or you don't! And you have it in spades!!

  14. Girl, you need to give yourself the credit you deserve! Why do you think you have a gazillion followers? Just like Amy says....don't need a piece of paper to fit in with such an inspiring group of people! Nice work!

  15. Of course you do (fit in). I prefer your style of decorating. The other designers have some very nice work but I like using my old stuff to decorate with. Perhaps there is a way to marry the two. Congrats on the interview.

  16. You fit in anywhere!!! Canadian or not! lol Don't we just love everyone's differences?

    Thanks for the facebook feature and for FOLLOWING me...I feel so honored!

  17. That interview was Funkilicious! I think you will get a kick out of that group. We need to get you a sponsor so you can travel North America in an Airstream trailer teaching women how to make things!
    I think your bigger success is showing women how to never give up. Ann

  18. YAY Canada!! I'm in our nation's capital :)

  19. totally nice to meet you! saw you at Jeanne Oliver's blog!! :)

    xo+farm blessings,
    Anne Marie

  20. I absolutely LOVE that the blog world is a driving force in design and marketing. It's like it's the biggest think tank ever! Thanks for your
    inspiration, Donna!

  21. You fit right in girl!! Never you worry about that!!

  22. Fit in?? We are honored to have you!! Thank you so much for the West coast shout out, and I so know what you mean about that little swell of Canadian pride! I loved your interview on Barbara's blog, I adore your work and your blog and will be thrilled to meet you one day {soon hopefully} :)
    Nancy xo


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