Friday, May 6, 2011

How and why I use white

It's rumored that my favorite color these days is rust.

That would actually be TRUE.

But I have another color that I'm particularly partial to.

Are you guessing what it is yet?

Yeah. You're right. It's white.

But my twist on white is a little different than the traditional. Why this works for me is because this room holds many SHADES of white. And that helps to warm things up.

I've never had a 'white' room before until I created my bedroom, so I had to give it a whirl.

While I certainly don't have an all white house, there's alot of white influence sprinkled throughout.

White is a magical highlight trick. Even two of my beloved steps got it with it. :)

My house tends to have a cave feel, especially on a cloudy day. This little white coffee table helped to lighten and brighten the center of my woodsy livingroom. It acts as an ever burning light.

 And I make absolutely no apologies for not slipcovering my sofa. Instead, I throw on whitish pillows to get the feel I'm after. This makes the pillows stand out rather than blend. And creates a very non fussy kid friendly sofa to boot while still achieving 'the look'.

If you look up in the livingroom, the antiqued white screens greet your eye.

Do you think if I removed the screens from the room, there would be the feeling of more room?

The answer is no. I did just that not long ago to try them elsewhere and know what? The room became SMALL without them. The screens appear to widen up the sunlit picture window, therefore brightening up the entire room. So they stay.

Even my dark faced fireplace got lit by our little white friend. The brightness made an amazing difference.

This little table is PERFECT for any dark corner. It's like an instant sunbeam. With style. :)

Another reason I like white is for enhancement factors. It's the perfect backdrop for darker objects, like my other favorite color, rust. :)

A white light makes the white light appear to shine even brighter.

My kitchen is actually on the darker side. Black countertops, woodsy cupboards... yet it doesn't feel dark. I compensated with not only lots of windows, but lots of white.

And when I replaced the darker sign with this lighter one, it made me even happier.

There's something I always try to avoid when decorating. It's the dark cave syndrome. Dark cabs, dark backsplash, dark floors would have this area looking like a black hole. Add a white simple board and batten treatment to the backsplash and you suddenly have instant sunlight pouring in. High contrast is the key to avoid dark hole decorating.

Decorating with many shades of white is an easy way to play with the white trend that's taking over blogland. Even if you don't THINK you could live in a white room, there are all kinds of ways to pull it in to your decorating to help with problem areas.

And... it just looks nice. :)

Why am I nattering about white today anyway?

Because my friend Marianne over at Songbird is hosting a white party to celebrate her 1000 followers! Now THIS girl knows white!

And if you join her white party, she's offering THREE giveaways! Well, I want one! I want a Marianne original all the way from the Netherlands thankyouverymuch!

Want a chance to win something pretty and white too? Pull your post together quick and tell her why you like white. Then join in!

And considering following her. You'll love her thoughtful musings and her delightfully decorated home. Her photography is simply outstanding.

Celebrate your whites today and come on out to play. ;)

Could you live in an all white room?

(you can find links to all of the above photos from THIS post)


  1. Okay... three things:
    1. I love the white TV stand... is that the old one or a new one I missed??
    2. I think the thing I like most about your wonderful home redo is those three kitchen windows. I would LOVE to be able to look out on my back yard and have all that light flood in. I didn't realize that was part of the work done until that recent post.
    3. Noted that only the kitty with white fluff makes this post.

  2. I love white too!
    Love your kitchen!!
    Pamela :)

  3. I think I couldn´t live in an all white room. My house is colourfull, with a lot of things.
    But I realy love your house... your staircase is amazing! (and so your cat is :)


  4. Tracy, the dresser holding the TV is older. And it's up for sale in my garage sale too! LOL

    I agree. My kitten rocks that photo. :)


  5. I love your home! I was excited to see your sofa, my sofa is very similar in color and has the wood accents. I love the light pillows; I didn't think that look would work w/ my sofa, but I LOVE how yours does. I am definately going to whip up some pillows for my sofa!


  6. Wow!! I love your decorating!! LOVE all of the white mixed with natural woods. Very fresh and cozy!I also decorate with lots of white...come see! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous home!
    Bless you!
    Branson, Missouri
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  7. If gas hadn't jumped to $1.21/litre I may have hightailed it over the mountains.... and if your amazing faux snowdrops happened to 'disappear' during the sale I would know where they went. :)

  8. I am always so amazed at the wonderful things you do, how you put things together and how welcoming everything looks! Awhile back you talked (I think it was you!) about doing a sign making class. Is that something you would still do??? I would be very interested and I live quite close!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Yup your house looks great and it has the white vibe without the sanitarium look!

  10. Hi Donna! Your house is so much fun! I love it....xo kelley

  11. You decor is exactly what I envision for my day when I don't live in this bitty mobile home with 2 kids under 5 who destroy things lol!

  12. I went over to Songbird's page, but I couldn't comment. It didn't feel right. It felt dishonest. I don't like white. Lots of all white things make me cold. Except for my first apartment, even when I have rented, I have painted the walls. Anything white in my Colorado house would be blinding because I am up at almost 9000 ft and the light is very strong. White things I like: sheets, T-shirts and collared shirts and blouses (almost a trademark for me), towels, but not to own, they get dingy, white vases and pearls. Do I need to go into therapy? Is this related to my pillow obsession? Ann

  13. All the time I've been visiting over here, I have never once thought of you as a "white" kinda gal. I guess when I would look at your photos I would see more of the wood tones, tans and creams. And rusty stuff, of course. So until you mentioned it and pointed it out in photos, I never noticed the white going on. But you do use it well!

    BTW, I want that twig bench on your porch. If it's missing one day, you'll know I got on a plane, flew out there and brought it back to Ohio.

  14. Always love looking at your decor ideas..they are so beautiful and inspiring!
    Can I say..your decor has such a free spirit?! :)
    Love that Donna!!
    Im on my way to visit whites!
    Have a sweet weekend hun!

    Deborah xoxo

  15. Ohhh how I wish that party was just a few days later. I have several "white" projects coming up! And I didn't used to think that I could live in a white room, and maybe not even now, but I am desperate for some more white in my cave of an apartment.
    Your decorating style is amazing, and I am LOVING your house! All of the details are so unique!

  16. Long time lurker, first time commenter, Luuuuuuuuv your blog, luuuuuuuuv your funky junk projects and your creativity! I am traveling from the interior to be with my mom for Mother's Day in Chilliwack and will definitely try to make it to your garage sale!!!! I'm sure I will be fighting through crazy crowds (Do your neighbors realize how much traffic you will be bringing to them?! Is your little neighborhood ready?!!! LOL)

  17. I love that twig chandelier (among other things)! Did you do that?

  18. First let me say, I'm a fairly recent follower, and I love your blog!

    I don't think I could live with mostly white. I love looking at how others decorate with it. I love how it really provides a great background for other colors or objects to shine through. And I love the Shabby Chic feel it gives. Having said that, I don't have the time nor the energy it takes to follow two (soon to be 3!) toddlers around the house, cleaning up spills, messes, etc. to keep my house white. We live in a rented house, so our walls are painted white, not our choice. They've become quite dingy (we have a wood burning stove), it just doesn't look nice any more and the landlord won't spring for new paint, even though we're willing to put the work in. :P I do like white accents, however. I love how white grounds a space with a lot of color in it. So, while I couldn't live with an all-white space, I'm not opposed to white accents. Plus hubby hates white and since he has to live here, too, there has to be a compromise. :)

  19. You have just exactly the right amount of white in your decorating. Love it all, especially the living room. Also, I believe you and I are the only people left in the blogging world with wood stained cabinets. I made mine myself and I love them and yours too!

  20. WOW. I LOVE your decorating. Seriously, can you come to my house. I used to be a dark brown only person but seeing your white and how you have it - I think I have been turned.

  21. I'm with you all the way, Donna! If I had MY way, everything in this old farmhouse would be creamy white! But hubby loved the original wide oak molding and baseboards and doors left au natural....but everything else got a splash of my fav white. And it's true about the contrast. I've become to love the white against the oak. The light against the dark. It's rich and historical and interesting. :)

    xoxo laurie

  22. I love the way your natural textures and tones play nicely with your whites, Donna. I think contrast is key--I enjoy the classic look of wood furniture set off by light colors. It allows me to play with pastel or bright accents depending on the season. And I never get tired of my rooms!

  23. Beautiful home filled with light and it! And you are so right...white puts in the pop!! The bling!!!

  24. So I'm using Pinterest now and I had to stop myself from pinning every picture in this post! I love the mercantile table & the frame w/string continues to be one of my favorite ideas. :-)

  25. I LOVE the white!! I am going to add the frame with string to my house I am also going to repaint some of my kitchen walls, you inspired my I need a change!!!
    Thanks for the ideas!!

  26. Love your whites and always enjoy visiting your blog! Marcia

  27. Donna,
    If I missed the post, I'm apologize ... but I'm dying to know what you used to trim out your kitchen ceiling. It looks like rusted and riveted steel panels ...? I LOVE it. Do tell!

  28. Gosh I am only now making my second round and leaving comments! I really should do this more efficiently. But then again I am enjoying taking my time and really go over these posts again.
    I love your post. As always beautiful, inspirational and informative.
    Thank you again for playing in my We Love White linky party!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!