Tuesday, May 3, 2011

'Difficult to let go of' things... FOR SALE

I have a problem. I find it hard to let go of certain things.

But what's one to do if you have a special attachment to things with no room to store them?

This is the saddle my dad gave me. I grew up with horses and this has incredible meaning to me. But every time I yank it out of my way once again, my neck and back scream at me. I have no room to display nor store it. :( I'm on the fence with this one...

See that round table over yonder? And those black chairs?

They're going to go up for sale in this weekend's neighborhood garage sale.

My intent had been to finish them really neat like and have a fresh outlook for this little patio. But I stalled because I really didn't want a table and chairs on this patio. I wanted to do something to it that would have us using it more. And I do believe I've come to a conclusion! So now I can let it go.

In a nutshell, I find it really hard to relinquish until I come up with a new plan. So I'm busy mentally planning each space I'm getting rid of stuff from so I'll have the nerve to heave it.

 Quite honestly, I'm getting really antsy for change and productivity. There are so many dead end streets in some corners of this place and I need every square inch of this house productive.

 Right down to the last sticking non usable dresser drawers! :)

( amazing vintage dresser with a natural crackle finish one cannot duplicate, hardware all different and to die for. BUT drawers do stick. Good for stagnant type of storage. anyone know how to unstick drawers?!? wax them perhaps?)
It's just that some of those things I need to let go of I'm have a really hard time with. REALLY hard.

( are you local? This piano rocks. some ivory missing, but is in excellent shape, finish is gorgeous. I might cry if you take it though so bring kleenex, k? )

I had thought of refinishing some stuff up really cool like for resale much like Miss Mustard Seed does, however I don't feel it's the right thing for me. I lack the workspace, storage area, and the muscle to get it to a new possible destination. I have to come up with a plan that's a little more tailor made for me.

Use it or lose it... deadline for decision... Friday this week! Doh!

(faux wood white blinds for large picture window, as new, two side by side, plastic, very heavy duty, can be cut to size)

So excuse me while I go gut and make this pile ALOT higher. And buy a carton of kleenex for when I watch my precious beat up wood walk out of my driveway. It'll feel like my kids are leaving home! :)

Garage sale is Saturday, May 7th. Location, Chilliwack-ish, British Columbia.

If any locals are interested in coming, shoot me an email and I'll give you the address. ( after you've proven to me you aren't a bad guy of course. :) The whole road is invited to set up shop, so it should be fun! And pretty please pray for no rain. I'll even take clouds, but I need my driveway to spread out!

After the garage sale, the DIY projects will fly full tilt again. Among the big plans... get your tools ready... I have a cool workshop planned where we can build something together! :)

So... how to get motivated to purge? Book a garage sale. Go on. You know you want to.

Gee... then you'd have room to buy my stuff. Win-win for all! :)

Do you have lots of non functional areas in your home due to 'storage?'
Any suggestions for others that can't let go of their precious wares but really should?

Edited to add: Sorry I can't hold things for sale. It's only a one day sale and all must go ASAP. I'm undecided on some of these items and there's more to come. 
I will showcase what doesn't sell on facebook after the sale and will hold at that time.
Thank-you for your interest!


  1. Hey! I am having a garage sale too this weekend! I have so much stuff to get rid of since we are moving.
    I say get rid of it all (except the saddle). I would have to keep that because I am a daddy's girl. You might regret that one...but all the rest must go, go, go.....!

  2. i have an old saddle, i display it on a quilt stand... (just in case you can't let it go)

  3. I speak the cool cubby thing in the back! {Do you ship to Utah?} I didn't think so... :( Have a super yard sale!

  4. I never let sticky drawers stop me from buying a cute dresser. My husband uses a wood plane to shave off the part that's sticking and that usually does the trick. Hope that helps.

  5. Ugh I have the hardest time! I am in purge mood right now. And things are MOVING!! But I agree it is so hard to let somethings go!

  6. Rub the runners on the drawers with a bar of soap(dry). Helps them slide. Wish i lived in BC.

  7. Great. Now I want to fix the dresser, put the cubby thing back in my garage and hang my saddle on a who knows what. I'm not sure you're helping the cause here... LOL


  8. We are in the process of putting our house on the market and am having the same problem. To take with us or not. So hard on some things! You can rub wax on the bottom of those drawers and they won't stick anymore. It works on the pieces of furniture I have.

  9. I've been doing the same thing 'round here. I'm with Traci. Let it all go...except the saddle. It seems like such a special piece. Work your magic, Funky Junkess!

  10. Oh my goodness I just noticed the cubbie thing. I have one similar and I love it!


  11. What I wouldn't give to come raid your driveway this weekend!
    Please don't get rid of your saddle. Please. Have you ever thought about hanging it? I don't know, I just feel like you would regret it down the road...
    I'm actually known as "the queen of organization" to my inlaws. A few summers ago, I helped them clean out their PILED HIGH 2 car garage. It's completely full of stuff again, so that's a summer project. Again. Too bad I don't have a garage for storage! ;) Hope all goes well this weekend!

  12. Donna, I have a few saddles too that hubs bought on his cowboy spending spree (we don't have a horse)...ummm, anyway, I was thinking wouldn't it be great to make stools out of a saddle? Like a bar stool with one center pole attached to a round base...I am thinking you are the one that could figure it out and it would look cool at your house somewhere...

  13. I had to downsize last year at this time...my mom passed away and there were so many things I didnt have space for that she had kept for so many years that they are part of my memories growing up...what I did is take a photo of them and they are all in a special folder on my computer so I can look at them and remember them and my mom at the same time...

  14. Are you selling that red folding table? (at least I think that's what that is...) Do you have a price on it yet? I can come to the Wack! :)

  15. Oh sweet Donna, I am getting on jet plane on my way to your house...
    It's sad to let go of certain things yet the memories will remain in your heart. After the initial shock, I'm sure you will feel a little lighter....(I know its easier said than done) good luck ! I'm sure you will have a tremendous turn out! xo

  16. Yup, the soap trick works on wood sliding on wood or metal really well!

  17. Oh my! I wish I lived near you. If you rub a bar of soap on the drawer runners this will do the trick!

  18. My father gave me all kinds of great things growing up. I couldn't keep them all. If you have other things that are of sentimental value, I'd get rid of the big stuff that gets in the way. One can only keep so many things for sentimental reasons...although that saddle is really neat. I felt terrible getting rid of my stuff from Dad, but relieved after it was gone. I still have little things from him everywhere.
    I'm having a huge plant sale this weekend. Keep the rain away from Pa, too! :)

  19. that dresser could bee turned into shelves a little handy work and more storage at that, drawers wouldn't have to open any longer, and you could display things or use baskets for more storage :)

  20. Oh, You can do it! It's going to feel so good to get rid of some of that stuff. My opinion, though...keep the saddle. That's really special and worth storing.

    Yes, you can rub a candle over drawers where they rub to get them to work better. You can also do some tweaking through sanding. I've had to fix a lot of sticky drawers in my line of business!

  21. I'll take that red table! Oh why can't I live in Canada :( Good luck with the sale. You will feel so much lighter after it's over!

  22. Yes, I agree with Marion. Keep the saddle. You will have a spot for it when other less meaningful items are sold. It is all about choices...and narrowing them down. Enjoy the sale and have fun. Rememberer once it is out of the house, it doesn't come back in!

  23. If you don't play the piano or ever plan to it's a total waste. It's worth selling to someone who will love it and play it. I would probably keep the things with huge sentimental value but you can't keep everything your dad ever gave you. I would pick the most meaningful and pass on the rest. I too have a hard time parting with things. I think you can live your life better if you have some breathing room in your home.

  24. Ban, I do play it but only like 2 songs by heart at this point and time. :) I just enjoy pulling out my old books on occasion and plunk away. A keyboard is not the same thing. Not even close!


  25. Hey, I think we have the same piano. Wouldn't be a Mason and Risch would it? I too am dying to get rid of mine, then I get this twinge of regret that I wouldn't be able to play it again. Mine doesn't even sound good, the previous owners did a hack job refinish on it, and it's taking up precious real estate in my living room. It needs to go! Good luck with your sale. Here's to sunny days and letting go!

  26. Donna, I will take the cubby things..both of them!!! I live in Surrey...can come and get them this week...e-mail me if thats OK?
    surich at shaw dot ca

  27. Oh and I am not a scray freaky person LOL. I am redoing my studio and would LOVE those cubbies!!!
    **crossing my fingers**

  28. I want all of it! Especially the saddle! What size & can you still use it. 15 inch would be nice.

  29. I have an art studio filled with "precious supplies" that I will never get too! I need to purge in the worse way!!
    Good luck on your sale!!

  30. If I lived closer I'd be all over that cubbie thing in your driveway, though I don't think I have a wall big enough to hang it... Anyway I love it!

  31. HANG ON TO THAT SADDLE! YOu can make a frame for underneath and use it as a bar stool or accent piece. The frame is Easy easy to build. I think if you could get the saddle out of the closet and into use it wouldn't be a PIA for you storage wise and you could keep the memory piece. :)Here's a link that would give you an idea of how to build the frame. Just add 2X4 legs (doubled up for strength) legs to bring the saddle to the sitting height of your bar and you have a stool!


  32. Regarding the saddle, I found this on YOUR blog. lol

  33. Take a peek at this link - I know you can make this. http://www.crowsnesttrading.com/product/4413/6

    Good luck with your sale - they're a lot of work!

  34. We bought a saddle in the Smokey Mountains and hung it on the wall in our western room....My dad gave me an upright piano when I graduated from nursing school in 1974...It was too heavy to move to FL..I feel your pain....Have a great g-sale!

  35. Keep the saddle for your son...stick it in the attic if you have to...try a bar of soap on the drawers or just sand them down a bit. Good luck with the sale, hope you don't have to use too much tissue while you get rid of the not so funky junk.

  36. WAX THOSE DRAWERS BABY! I have an old kitchen with the original HANDMADE cabinets. The drawers were the ones with NO runners, wood on wood. A pain in the neck. I took an old candle, rubbed the crap out of the bottom of the drawers with it, voila! No sticking and smooth like BUTTAH.

  37. Golly, I wish I lived there so I could buy that round table or the red table! Maybe I'll send my sister over as she lives in your area! But then, how do I get to the other end of the country to my house??? I hope you sell your big items and make lots of moolah! Have fun. Pam

  38. I, too, have a saddle from my first horse, long gone, and a good friend of mine gave me her saddle stand which is antique and wooden. We have a spot in our bedroom loft overlooking the living room where I keep and display the saddle. I have had it since my teens and I am now 58. I could never get rid of it. You might really regret it once it's gone. 8>)

  39. Donna, big congrats on the RC feature, it was wonderful!!!

    Good luck at your garage sale, make lots 'o moolah.


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  40. Donna,
    Sometimes, it just has to GO!
    U could build a saddle rack to put the saddle on and then U could sit it on the deck and sit in it when U were outside. Saddles R always good sitting for the most part. U could take it apart & use the leather pieces as in decorations....stirrups etc. Hate 2 C U give it up cuz UR dad gave it 2 U and U R not going to get anymore gifts like that.

  41. Since you are "on the fence" about the saddle, why not literally put it on the fence? I think it would look great straddling the bannister, or you could put it on a rocking horse or jumpy horse. As good as you are with a jigsaw, you could saw your own horse or mule silhouette and add wheels for a stand you could move from spot to spot on the porch. :)

  42. Of all the things you are considering, the saddle makes me cry a little.

    It is so full of personality - worn and loved the way a good saddle should be! Find a FUNKY way to display it! It's too great to go!

  43. Donna,
    I went & looked at this and low & behold there is a saddle bar stool.
    Take a look!

  44. That white crackled dresser is to die for! Yes, I use Johnson's paste wax and wax the bottom of each drawer, plus the runners on the inside. Works like a charm!

  45. I wish I was close enough to come to this garage sale with your goodies!

    Sometime I give myself the ultimatium to either use or transform the piece in a few day or by the end of the week or it has to be passed on. Afterall if I've had it for months and didn't use it I guess I really don't need it.

    Also - the magazine arrived earlier this week. I'm sure I'll get lots of great ideas, I usually go through those types of magazines dozens of times and see something new each time!

  46. Hey, if you are going to sell your saddle, I would be interested to hear how much. :) I am currently an avid rider and it would look AWESOME decorating our rugged western and hunting decor. But if you cant part with it, I understand as well.

  47. Gosh, I hope you don't have to get rid of the saddle!! Do you have a corner in which it could be hung from the ceiling? Or, could you hang it in a stairway as a really neat point of interest? It would be out of your way and off the floor. When you said your dad gave it to you, my heart went out to you. My mother recently passed away, so I'm still hugging sentimental objects that she either gave to me or that were her's. You should keep it.

    Good luck with the garange sale!!


  48. Only if you want to keep this saddle...hang it from the ceiling somewhere seems a pretty good idea to me. I'm just thinking your boy might love having it someday.

  49. Drawers - old candle rubbed on it works...or glue felt on the bottom of the drawer and use it as incredible under-the-bed storage.

    Saddle - throw it on a saw horse and it becomes extra seating! Shorten the saw horse and kids LOVE it!

    Piano - I tore mine apart and made a fireplace mantel out of it. Was going for the strings on it (going to give it to little boy with Fragile X disease for his room to play with and make music)...decided to put it on its back to get to it better and dropped it on my foot (2 surgeries later). But it is worth it!!!!

  50. You should keep the saddle!
    Good luck with your sale.

  51. Keep the saddle!! You can throw it on a saw horse, or the back of the sofa. Wax it when you wax your drawers. I really love those cubby hole things. You can't nail that up on a wall somewhere? Let the piano go. You already have a keyboard, right? You can't use a table on your deck? I wish I could be there. Ann

  52. I wish I was a neighbor! Now, on a brighter note,someone will love and cherish their buys from you. I sold my parents couch last year. No one really wanted it, although all three of us kids had been nursed back to health, watched TV and had good all around wonderful memories with it. I laid on it one more time before the happy couple that "had" to have it loaded it up in their truck. Good luck with the sale! You will make it through beautifully!

  53. Do NOT get rid of the saddle. I let something go and it breaks my heart again every time I think about it. I'd give anything to have it back again.

    Find another use for the saddle, but keep it.


  54. for the drawers....give them a little sanding and rub them with beeswax...you'll be good to go!

  55. I love this little video clip.


  56. My brother made a chair for my sister out of the saddle she used as a teenager. It is gorgeous! And rubbing a bar of soap over the parts of the drawer that stick often helps. Good luck! I wouldn't want to part with that stuff either!

  57. I know how you feel, Donna. Some things are just really tough to let go because of the memories. But if it means a decluttered life and room for some really neat new-found treasures....? Sometimes that makes it just wee bit easier...?

    Have fun with your sale! :)

    xoxo laurie

  58. My sister and I just had our final barn sale at my mom's place this weekend, and tonight we brought home the final "I can't bear to lose it" item, my grandad's circa 1950s table saw. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker who sold crafts at craft fairs all over our region (Arkansas mostly). He built my cedar chest on it, my rocking horse, my kids' rocking chairs... There's not a single bit of room left in the garage and carport after cleaning out mom's house and shop, but we squeezed it in.

  59. I think turning 50 has helped me enjoy letting go. I'll be thinking about you this weekend. Hope you have amazing weather and an empty driveway when done.

  60. I love the stool/chair ideas for the saddle; I vote for keeping it. Dynamite works on the drawers too but the end result is a bit too rustic. Good luck with the sale! :)

  61. Hey Donna;
    I would NOT let the Saddle go. You could always hang it over a stool and stick it in a corner, or else maybe it would fit on a railing in your Beautiful home somewhere?? I am guessing that the Piano is also from your childhood....I would loan it out, to someone who wishes to play a piano and then when or if you are ready to have it back again it is still Yours...If you decide down the road that you do not need it, then sell it. I would keep and use the dressers elsewhere, if I had them but that is just me!! Good Luck with your sale!!! I wish that I lived closer to you!! :-)

  62. If all the girls that posted here tell their friends and they tell their then you are sold out my friend. Wishing you the best sale ever.
    I know what you mean about letting go....geesh it is hard sometimes.

  63. I say, let it ALL go. When it all comes down to it, it's just STUFF. Giving it away won't take away the meaning (that's what memories are for) and might give someone else a chance to love it. I agree with the other comments that the saddle is a special piece but if you don't have room for it, set it free. You can always take a cool photo of it & frame it - preserving that ol' saddle in a new way while freeing up the 'storage' pile. It not only gets in our way but weights us down in other ways too. (And, If I was anywhere near Canada, I'd be snapping up that dresser!)

  64. I want Mandi to makeover my room, and I want your shabby chic white master bedroom to be the inspiration! And I live to far away to make it to your sale--bummer!

  65. Couldn't you just sand the 'stick' off of the drawers, that is, if you could get them pulled out of the chest. It looks really pretty how you've displayed it. Maybe you could hang the saddle over the porch railing? Just a thought. ;)

  66. Donna,

    Oh we are two peas in a pod and I am doing exactly what you are. Kudos to you! I even grew up with horses and totally understand the attachment to the gift from your father. I'm sure there is some creative way to display it.


  67. Sorry,a little late getting to this posting, just trying to get caught up. Please don't sell that saddle, find a place to store it until the right vision hits you, that is too special to let go. Good luck with the sale, Laura


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