Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pallet Farm Table Desk ~ Part 3, the reveal

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pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

At long last, my pallet farm table styled desk is up!

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

This desktop is LONG. Measuring at 12 feet, the desk is prominent, yet proportioned with the sun filled picture window it faces. I LOVE that the windowsill provides a perfect spot for my little buddy to watch for those killer birds. :)

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

Warm woods against black accents create a pretty cozy office environment!

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors


Cedar planks for the top, pallet 4x4 oak posts for the legs, and some 4 foot chunks of reclaimed 2x4's for the framework. The table is rock steady, not requiring additional strapping for the legs, which I was prepared to do. The heavyweight materials, massive amount of screws and sturdy framing created a very sound piece of furniture.
The desk measures 12 feet long, 3 feet deep and  27.25" from the floor, which is the perfect typing height for me. The framework just clears the rolling files perfectly!

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

The desk was created into three sections, to allow for a sitting area in the center.

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

Authentic details celebrated

Pallet stamps here and there are shown off rather than hidden, to offer up a little authentic rustic personality.

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

Chunky wood with glorious flaws are everywhere you look. The desk truly does resemble a farm style table!

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

All is calm....

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

All is... uh oh... killer bird on the loose! Atta girl, Teddy! The paperwork is safe once again. :)

pallet wood projects desk via Funky Junk Interiors

 Plank top

This desk has a secret. The planks on top are actually sitting loose! Intending to fasten them down, the loose board trial proved the planks weren't going anywhere. The wall holds them in place, and there isn't enough overhang in front to flip the boards even when you lean on them. The loose boards make moving corded equipment a breeze!

The planks will stay in their organic rustic state due to this north facing window being a prime area for photo shoots. The desk can be emptied at a moment's notice to photograph all kinds of small projects nearly any time of day.

While the separate planks create desktop divisions, each one is wide enough to take care of writing needs. The computer pad addresses monitor stability and mouse requirements.

unique light vintage ironing board


Since the desk was so long, it yearned for some height. A light was desired anyway, so a funky fixture was formed using a barn lamp and vintage ironing board. Pretty fun!

Loosely stacked baskets offer storage with casual flair. After all, office work shouldn't be THAT serious. :)

office supplies repurposed file holder

And put away that office plastic, because the goods here are homespun all the way! 

The file holder is created from two hanging plant brackets screwed to a wood plank. It's ample, easy to grab, unique, and free. :)

 The coke crate is perfect for all sorts of office needs, plus adds a bit of true blue vintage character and colour.

A few FJI signature (fake) plants are scattered here and there to soften the edges.


$3.00 for new screws. :) All the rest of the wood came from my neighbour's yard, and a pallette storage area. For free.

Desk - check! And I LOVE it.  When I walk towards the desk, I want to sit down as quickly as possible and just soak up the warm and rustic environment. It's so very me, right down to the last splinter. :)

Once upon a time not long ago I use to run away from this space. Now I visit countless times a day even when I don't really need to. :) This change was long overdue, however was a direct result of a power surge knocking out a work computer. The loss of the extra computer freed up the room to tighten things up and revamp the entire space.

And this is only a small start. Now for the rest of the basement. Luckily, the back of my truck is filled with new found wood once again! Whoohoo! Stay tuned... :)

~ Edited to add: ~

Thank-you all for your incredible kudos! I got lost attempting to email everyone so I'm building a pretty large post addressing all questions and some comments. Stay tuned!

 Just joining in? You can check out the rest of this project here:

The Pallet Farm Table Desk

All three parts are HERE.


  1. Amazing! I love the ironing board. So cute. Thanks for the inspiration


  2. That is amazing! And buying something that is that size brand new would cost a fortune! I love this and when I have a room big enough I will be doing this.

  3. Lovely ♥
    I love your working table and the fact that it has a window in front of it...you get natural light and air and a beautiful view outside (I hope)...

  4. I. LOVE. YOUR. DESK. your light is perfect hanging from the ironing board. Donna - you just slay me with your fantastically creative ideas! What's next???
    Hugs ~~ Suz

  5. AWESOME Donna. You sure are a fast mover. Last time I looked, all you had were planks of wood and a pallet or two.
    Enjoy your beautiful new office space.
    Anne xx

  6. Great job Donna! I'm using your incredible 'new' space as my motavation to get my office in shape.

  7. Very cool Donna! I think my favorite part is the light and how you hung it. Are you going to graffiti it up?

  8. So are you moving from the kitchen office to here now? Will give you some options upstairs with the extra space.

  9. Looks awesome! I know I want a desk that long! I love the fact that you put the small stand on top. Would have never thought of that :)

  10. Oh Donna ~ I just LOVE this. You did such a wonderful job and are so inspiring to all of us. I love your funky junky style. You have a real talent for decorating too, and your 'fake' plants faked me out.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  11. You put a lot of hard into this, and it shows!!It looks fabulous.


  12. That's no desk, that's a runway!! I love the massiveness of it. The lamp is adorable! It's the second thing I noticed after the here-I-am-in-all-my-glory "desk". So what's happening to the old desk?

  13. I'm sorry i meant to say you put a lot of hard work into this!!


  14. You are the queen. I bow down to you. You are truly a woman who can see outside of the box..I love how you came up with the file folder..unique.
    That is why you got a book offer- you are a one of a kind woman- wonderful.

  15. I love it Donna! The ironing board is a nice touch for the hanging lamp, so is the coke crate. Your imagination runs while..and we love it in blog land. Mel's Cabin

  16. ....I meant...Your imagination runs "Wild"...and we love it in blog land...lol..Mel's Cabin

  17. That looks great!! Love the ironing board lamp. You mentioned "splinters"...how do you keep them away? My FIL made me a 60" round table top out of old barn wood (2" thick, huge and heavy). Found an old base on the side of the road. I want to keep it rustic but my husband hates getting hung up on rough edges. Any suggestions?

  18. Donna it came out sooo nice! I think it came out perfectly for your funky junk style! You have a great eye! I love it!

  19. Donna, this is sheer genius! It's always fun to finish a room, and then you can't stay out of it ;) The size is perfect for the window too, and so much room to spread out. Such clever accessories too! Lovin' the file holder out of brackets. And well, the cost, who can beat it? xoxo tami

  20. I am going to be showing this to my husband. I love it. I want to something like this for my backyard and then add really modern chairs. Do you think this type of wood can withstand being outside?

  21. Donna, the desk is marvelous, and so YOU!! So smart of you to leave boards loose to accommodate cords. 12' of working space, how wonderful!

  22. If a person can have love for a table...then I am in love. Trying how and where to fit one in my house!!!! Excellent job!

  23. As usual, a true funky junk original! It has your name written all over it. Perfect in front of that big window, what a great spot for working or daydreaming. Love the authenticity, the way you embrace it, rather than trying to make it look like something else. It's beautiful, functional and thrifty! Love it Donna!

  24. WOW!! I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  25. It's simply beautiful and so very rustic. My favorite element of the whole project (other than the cost and talent behind it) it the ironing board with the lamp. My eye went right to it first thing.

    I remember when you did something similar with the ladder project (maybe it's the same lamp?)

    Did it turn out just as you had imagined it would? because it looks as fabulous has I thought it would!

  26. Donna,
    Your desk is way COOL...soooo many neat ideas you had here! Come by and show it off at my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS PARTY...my friends will love it too:)


  27. Donna ~
    That came out awesome !!!
    You amaze me girl !

  28. awesome! And I love that the boards are loose, what an amazing feature, your lamp is really clever too! Great job!

  29. I love this table. I'm actually thinking of fashioning one for myself. It's beautiful and costs close to nothing. Great job.

  30. Your hard work paid off! This is one AWESOME desk...I Love the ironing board on top. Perfect touch...Great Job!

  31. what an awesome work space! i was just at an auction yesterday where they sold an ironing board just like that for only a few $. i don't have space for it tho so i let it go, but your use is so very cute! a cool statement indeed!

  32. I would have never given pallet's a second thought in home decorating. I love everything you've done with them. So creative, so functional, so inexpensive. Perfect....

  33. So much to love here! The room looks fabulous and the desk is amazing but I find I'm really drawn to all the fun accessories. The ironing board turned lamp and the file folder holder were just my kind of projects (I can only handle small projects right now....haven't made the leap to big pieces).
    Have fun working in this space!

  34. Wow! That is amazing! I love it!

  35. It is an eye catcher! Love the use of the ironing board.

  36. perfect. Absolutely perfect. My favorite part :hanging a light from the bottom of the ironing board. You are a repurposeing queen!

  37. exquisite!!! and oh, to sit there at that view! Just lovely, I am envious!! Bravo

  38. wish i had a smidgen of your talent for building! fabulous!

  39. It ALL looks fabulous. The iron board light was sooooo clever... a Funky Junk original for sure.

    Another amazing job, good for you. I really like the price tag on this one.


    Hugs, Deb

  40. I'll take ! Do you deliver?!?!?
    Love it
    d e n i s e

  41. You make me want to jump up off the couch and start making my house our home!

  42. This is great!!! My husband used the pallets that were sitting around his base while he was stationed in Iraq to make benches, tables, picnic tables, and even a surround for the port 'o potties to make it look like an old two holer.

    Currently there is a pallet bench sitting in front of my house. I've so far been hesitant to let him make anything for inside the house, but after seeing this I might have to change my mind!!!

  43. So cozy! Love the looooong desk at that fabulous window. The kitty perch is my fav' part! Enjoy!

  44. *swoon*

    I simple adore that desk.
    The fact that you sectioned it off - so you can site in the center and use different sections for different purposes is brilliant. And, the vintage ironing board for height and light...and...and...wow.

    Breathe, must remember to breathe.
    Love that desk.

    "Oh, honey! Grab your tools!"

  45. ok, remember how I reacted to Kirsty's (a little bit of sanity, a lot of chaos) barn wood table? (you thought I was crazy, I might add, and even wrote that I was scaring you)



    can I have a little piece of your brain? please.

    I'm so in love with your file holder made out of plant hangers. It's like one of those ideas for me that is so smart and clever that I'm almost jealous that I didn't think of it!

    LOVE Teddy, too!!!!!


  46. Gosh what a great idea! I really love the Ironing board lamp. How do you come up with these things?

  47. You have a gift. That's all. :) You are truly inspirational. Congrats on another beautiful success.

  48. I love how your desk turned out. It's a true one of a kind. The use of the barn light and antique ironing board is pure genius.

  49. Donna,
    As always ... AMAZING! I love everything about this project, especially the fun wooden ironing table turned light/plant hanger. Beautiful!

  50. It's great...especially the fabulously funky desk lamp!!

  51. SUPER COOL! But hands down my favorite part is the light!!!

  52. Thank-you all for your incredible kudos! I got lost attempting to email everyone so I'm building a pretty large post addressing all questions and some comments. Stay tuned!


  53. Love it.... can see something very similar going into my new office/studio that we will building this summer.

  54. Donna, your desk is wonderful....you never cease to amaze me. Your inspiration is priceless!

  55. Love your new desk and the ironing board with the hanging light is just wonderful! Your always such an inspiration with your creative mind and talent.

  56. I enjoyed looking at all your photos of your new desk. My eye was drawn to the ironing board lamp holder right off the bat. Very creative. I'm surprised your kitty isn't laying on the ironing board for an even better view of the birds.

  57. It doesn't get any better than this!!! OMGosh

  58. Love Love the light hanging from under the ironing board...so cute...so creative...you are always such an inspiration...thanks again Donna...
    blessings, julie

  59. Love it all...I'm just green with envy!!! Clever idea to put the ironing board on there too!

  60. Well done, Donna! The ironing board with the barn light is my very favorite. Maybe even my favorite thing that you have done ever. Seriously. I love it!

  61. You are amazing! What a great table, and I love the ironing board lamp stand... I bet PB or Restoration Hardware will be thinking they need to find a way to mass produce Donnas table! Love it , thanks for sharing! xoxo

  62. Fabulous! Love every little detail!

  63. Love It! Great job...congrats!!!

  64. So Cool!! You and the desk! Amazing job. I also like the plant hanger file holder and the ironing board with the barn light :-) Brilliant! Pam

  65. This is so freakin awesome, I can't even stand it.
    It's amazing and hard for me, a non-builder, to see how in the world you, a little lady, can build something like this.
    The ironing board...a stroke of genius, for SURE.
    xoxo bj

  66. I love love LOVE IT!!!! Have a bunch of pallets waiting for a useful purpose, will be following your tutorial and have one sweet pallet farm table when I'm done!

  67. Fabulous as always Donna. I'm in love with that light! I need 2 for some pendants in my kitchen!

  68. Wow, wow, wow!!!! Brilliant use of materials! I love every little detail! You are so clever! Thank you for sharing!! An office to love!!! xoxo Beth

  69. Very cool Donna! I love how your desk is so huge and positioned right next to the window. That light is pretty great too. You are such a smarty :)

  70. What an amazingly creative mind you have!!! I dream of having a desk that long with a window to match! And your coke case is brilliant as a pencil/pen holder.

  71. I love it!!! The ironing board and hanging light are perfect and I love the ivy!


  72. Donna, that room is so great now! What a desk you have built. A destination desk I'd call it. With the inviting sunlight it couldn't be better. The lamp is my favorite accent piece.

  73. It came out so nicely and it really works well in the space. I also love the caption, "authentic details celebrated." I'm a sucker for good writing ;)

  74. Donna, That is the most absolutely coolest office table I have ever seen! Great job! Wish you could ship it to me! {smile}

  75. LOVE LOVE LOVE the desk, great job!

  76. Donna, I think I have looked at this post 30 times since you posted it. I have two places that I can use a table like this. I LOVE it! I hope you don't mind me copycatting. Your style rocks.

  77. This is gorgeous!!! My husband was even oohing and awwing over it:)

  78. I love it, and love the file holder you made!

  79. Gorgeous Donna!!
    Thanks for all your inspiration!!!

    Deborah xo

  80. You never cease to amaze me! Seriously. You are my ultimate FAVE blogger out there! After browsing your blog daily, I go and get busy myself. Now, that's inspiration for ya! You have a God-given gift, my friend. The desk is great. Love how you didnt attach the top; ingenius! The file folder thingy is right up my alley. And the lamp!! Sooo gonna be copying that! Thanks for the superb ideas. Blessings!!

  81. You make pallets look good! Love the ironing board, still don't know what to do with mine! and $3 for the whole project, this is probable setting some kind of record! Love your style!

  82. Just plain wonderful...
    Carol in AZ.

  83. so love this...even if you had to pay for the wood, it's a way cool table/desk!

  84. I love, love, love it! I've been so busy these last months that I've not been keeping up with blogging. What a fantastic project to come back to!

  85. Donna - Job well done and very unique as usual! You have to feel so much satisfaction to have it finished. And what a great spot in front of that window, nice and bright and conducive to creativity. Great job! :)

  86. Really looks terrific Donna! Your "desk lamp" is sooo clever too!!

  87. Well, instead of a Coca-Cola wooden case, you should have a Moxie case. Because, lady, you have MOXIE! (Northeastern American reference) Well done. And I am sure it is not done yet. Ann

  88. This is absolutely amazing! I think your eye in the details is Wonderful. So inspired I will be back often!

  89. GORGEOUS!!!! Donna, I love how huge, industrial and rock solid it is. I also love that is is plain wood, with just the pallet stamps ... perfect authenticity. I (with everyone else) was blown away by the light/ironing board. You never use someting for it's original use ... look at your file holder...Love it!!!

    I know what you mean about building something that turns out fabulous ... I recently built a bookcase and am working on a headboard ... I feel like I can do anything now. Thanks for being a great role model.

    PS ... sorry if I use the verb love too many times .... but really what is not to love?

  90. When I grow up, I want to be YOU!!! Is 36 already grown up???

  91. Donna,
    That table is amazing!!!
    You are amazing!!!
    Your sense of style and the way you arrange things is beyond incredible.
    You've got serious talent, girl!

  92. Speechless. Oh my god, lady you are good!

  93. I was waiting patiently for this post!! It looks so FAB!! Every time I drive by a pallet, I think about this desk!! :) Thanks for the inspiration, as always. I do believe a project like this is in my future! :)

  94. You did such a wonderful job Donna. it's a one of a kind treasure. On a side note, I'm really intrigued by your desk lamp. Very nice. And I noticed your kitty was really intrigued by something on the other side of the window. So funny :)

  95. FYI: I love your pallet desk so much it is getting a mention in my newest post over at the little old blog. Have a wonderful week!


  96. Hi Donna - Love the table. I've got you at the top of a wooden pallet rundown that I posted today at Blue Velvet Chair. Hopefully one day I'll get something done with my pink pallet.



  97. Love that desk! Total inspiration for some building we're about to do!

  98. Wow, I love your office! So cosy. :)

  99. hey Donna

    Thanks You for sharing this idea, very interesting :)
    Plan to do similar desk, I need a big desk like this one !

    bye from France :)


  100. Oh my! That ironing board is a rockstar! You are one talented and creative woman. Hats off to you!

  101. Wow! What an incredible piece. I love that it's in sections and the boards are loose - easy to pack & move if required. You could even rearrange it if a new space didn't have such a great window & length!

    The 'lamp' is just miraculous! I love the idea of making weird things into lamps (I see things a lot, I have never transformed anything yet, thanks for the inspiration!).

    I came here from the "Roadkill Rescue" site because this is such a great idea for our Linky Party too this week. The theme is 'Creative Final Resting Place Ideas' this time.

    I'll have to go read the rest of the story now!

    Would you like to add your post to our site? We're somewhat new, yet getting good traffic already and ranking very well for the search engines.

    We'd love to host your 'link' there this week too! Today is the last day, hope you can join us!

    Pam Hoffman

  102. Completely fabulous, cheap and stylistic. Bravo!

  103. Perfect!! Lots of ideas I can use. Love the cat.

  104. Where, or where to find the rolling hanging file carts??? Thanks!

  105. You've so inspired me -- I've made my dream desk and now am on to my first dining room table, thank you so much for sharing!

  106. Very talented,love it all.....

  107. Just gone and foraged some pellets. Next step taking care of the nails. Thanks for the great pictures and description.

  108. Awesome! Where did you find the 2 small black filling karts?

    Thank you


  109. Think about the impression your office furniture has to give to clients as well as staff. Office furniture for a firm of accountants needs to be different from a graphic design company or a call centre.

  110. I just saw this over on your G+ page (trying to check all my social media stuff today!) and I love it! You did a great job :) Pinned to the BHG board :)


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!