Sunday, March 27, 2011

Farmers Market sign reveal with a story

The Farmers Market - A Story

(sign reveal below)

Lacy sat down on the floor with a deep sigh. Crumpled up paper was strewn in every direction. Selling her father's beloved Farmers Market had turned into quite the project!

But she refused to put it off any longer. The Market had finally sold and it was time the back stockroom was emptied out so the new owners could finally claim the place.

Standing up, Lacy winced from the cramp in her leg, but resigned there would be no excuses this time. She had become somewhat of a master at delaying tasks that involved tieing loose ends ever since her father Ned passed away. But not today! Determined, she hobbled over to where her keys hung, grabbed her warm wool coat and head for the old Market.

~ ~ ~ ~

Greeted with the familiar jingle of the brass bell, Lacy pushed open the squeaky shop door that wore many rich layers of patina worn down from many happy customers. The sound made Lacy's heart lurch. The bell reminded her of many afternoons she spent with her dad as she stocked the grocery shelves after school. "I need to remember to hang onto that bell," she reminded herself.

Shuffling her way across the creaky wooden floors, dust motes swirled into the neighboring sunbeam as if to halt her progress.

"No. I have to do this. It's time. I have to let this place go."

Lacy walked past all the tall vintage display racks and head for the back stockroom. Hesitating, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed the swinging door forward.

As her eyes refocused to the dimly lit surroundings, her eyes traveled up and down the tall racks that housed everything under the sun. Old tools, vintage tins, and stacks of soda and food crates appeared to be a passion of Ned's. As her head swung wearily to the left while taking it all in, something caught Lacy's eye.

What?!? It can't be! They're here?!?

Against a far wall, half covered with an old white cotton tarp, peeked out hundreds of old authentic signs. Lacy's eyes grew wide as she gazed over her father's vast collection. A smile lit up Lacy's face.

Before Ned ran the Market, he use to be a well known sign painter.  However when Ned's dad fell ill, the Market was handed down to the only son in the family, which left Ned with the task.

An artist always finds a reason to sneak back to his roots though. While Ned ran the store, he'd whip out a new sign whenever the need arose. And always searching for an excuse to paint, he'd create signs for most anything he sold, even if the item could have sold itself.

Lacy had no idea Ned had held onto all the signs. This was indeed a windfall! And that's when Plan B came into effect.

~ ~ ~ ~

The auction house was full to the brim. Everyone knew and loved Ned so they were all excited to claim a small part of him any way they could, one last time. Lucy had hung onto the nearest and dearest signs that were now mounted to her own walls in her home, however was so very pleased to be able to share the wealth with her father's friends. And so the bidding began.

~ ~ ~ ~

Walking through town had become a very different experience. It seemed as if every store or home Lacy walked through housed one of her father's precious signs! What a wonderful way to honor and remember someone that had touched so many hearts.

~ ~ ~ ~

And it gives me great pleasure to announce, I was able to capture one of Ned's infamous signs!

(you do know I made this story up, yes?)

 Ned loved old hardware and hinges and had buckets of them on his back shelf.


The hinges are a fun element which allowes one to hang up anything desired.


Old hinges can be held in this position with a quick touch of a welder.

 I took it one step further and added a shelf bracket under the sign, which the clay pots are attached to.

This gave the wall art a little more extension and dimension.

 Ok, so why the story?

A good friend of mine says every project needs a story.  I'd like to create more vintage market type of signs on boards and other creative things, so they had to all come from somewhere. :)

farm sign I grew up with

And for the record, Ned is my dad, and I'm Lacy. 

The Farmers Market sign is very simply a tribute to my dad. For you see... walking out into the yard and barns was a virtual Farmers Market of all things farm, cows, machinery and rusty trinkets galore. Dad's farmland WAS his market, and he tinkered endlessly with all the things he loved.

And when he passed on, so did his treasures. I have many of them today and I love him even more when I glance their way.

The Farmers Market sign is an old board coated out in white ceiling paint with no primer prior, lettering was created with a computer cut decal used as a stencil which I made with my own pro signmaking equipment (it's my day job), distressed with a palm sander, then the works glazed with a mix of paint and water to slightly tone the bright white down.

The sign is all decked out for spring today. :) 

It'll be fun to change this one out from time to time.

One more thing...

Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad. You are missed! xo

(video is from THIS post)

music: Remember When by Allen Jackson; thanks for such a beautiful song!

The Lettered Cottage


  1. Give it a few years and you'll probably forget you made that'll start to believe the story you made up. I truly have almost forgotten that I made my fireplace. I catch myself thinking...I'm so lucky to have such a great vintage tile fireplace in my home. And then I stop..and think...oh..yeah...I made that fireplace. I've almost forgotten it isn't original to the home. Thanks so much for featuring my glam bathroom on Saturday. I got tons of traffic from it and lots of new followers this weekend.

    I was happy to see it on your blog when I went to add my latest project to your link party.

  2. Donna, you made an amazing sign, but the story was the best part! I love it. You're a great writer with an awesome imagination. Thanks for sharing about your Dad and your talent ♥ ♥

  3. What a lovely story & love the sign, you are good at creative writting got me pulled in there. I love the water can hanging above the door its a really lovely touch

  4. You should write stories amazing sign...

  5. Love the creativity in both the story and sign.

  6. And what a great story it is! I'll have to remember that...every project needs a story. My project for the weekend was creating an homage to one of my favorite artists who, without knowing, was one of the first to show me that art is all around us...and it's not perfect. I'll make sure to post to my blog this week and hope you'll have a look. Thanks again for the story.
    Michael at Blue Velvet Chair

  7. Loved the story!! And what a nice way to pay homage to your dad! Love you sign as well!!

  8. Great story...waiting for more!!! The sign is the best, I hope to do this someday when I retire or at least get my studio cleared out so I can find an empty table!!

  9. Ok the video definatley teared me up. Wonderful tribute to your parents.

  10. I think this is sign is beautiful! I love the way farmers is in a different font than market.
    Great project Donna!

  11. I loved the story! I'm just going to tell myself that it really happened!

    The sign is amazing. I love the idea with the brackets.

  12. I'm playing like the story is real. I loved it and now WANT MORE !!
    I am so in love with the sign that I am going to see if Mr. Sweet would make me one, too. I love it. I have to figure out how to get the fonts...You did a fabulous job on yours.

  13. Donna - I loved the story, it was wonderful. The sign is awesome of course, I'm still trying to come up with one more for my kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Did you cut your stencil. That's the part of sign painting I really don't understand. Love yours & want to paint signs so bad but have trouble with the letters. Thanks, Jan

  15. Love the new sign and the story too. I bought a bucket of rusty hinges for $10 in an old pail last summer. Now I have a few ideas, thanks!

  16. What a lovely story! And yes I am a sucker for a good story... even one that makes me a bit teary. And your sign! Truly wonderful!

  17. Creative and lovely! So enjoyed reading!

  18. Donna you are one of the most special women I've ever met..honestly, you are precious!
    Thank you for this beautiful testimony of love and sweet memories!
    You just bless the socks right off me friend!
    Thanks for this lovely post to begin my day..Im off to the vets with 5 puppies this morning, and Ill be still smiling from this post when I get there!!
    Love your sign and thanks for always making the "how-to's" so available and do-able for us!
    Blessings to you this morning Donna xo

    Deborah xoxo

  19. This sign is just fabulous. I love the addition of the hardware! One of these days I will get off my rear and make my own! I am featuring this at Extreme Personal Measures this morning.

    Extreme Personal Measures

  20. That sign is such a beautiful tribute to your Dad.

    I must ask, where did you get the stencils?

  21. Donna-Sigh....I love a good story and you had me at "Lacy lay down on the floor with a deep sigh". You should give up everything else you do and take up writing! xxoo Diana

  22. I loved the story too - Dad's - what would we do without them? Mine used to tinker with his his favourite things like yours. How I miss him.
    Love your sign so much I am now inspired to make one of my own for my tiny kitchen! Thanks!

  23. I love this sign...and your story!!! Making signs like that is SO MUCH FUN! Great job! :-)

  24. Great story and love that sign..

    The Shabby Chick

  25. I am so busy painting signs for others I have yet to do one for my own home. I have tons of ideas and have yet to carry them out. I was just thinking I needed to scrounge up some old hardware to use on a project I have going, love your accessories on the sign. I need an old pipe right now...

  26. Hi Donna, I love your story about Ned and Lacy and the signs. You are so talented! Your sign is great over the kitchen window. Thanks for sharing your story with us ;-) Pamela

  27. That video blew me away. Crying like a baby.

  28. What a fantastic story Donna and I adore that sign. xo

  29. Thanks everyone! For those that asked, I created the stencil myself with my own signmaking equipment. I just updated the post to better explain that.


  30. I was really believing your story and felt as if I was walking into that old building full of treasures! Love it and your sign is so awesome especially with all the things hanging off of it!

  31. Of course I love it sweet girl!!

    barbara jean

  32. Que lindas ideias !
    Ierei copiar algumas!!!

  33. oh my goodness......I am so copying this! What a wonderful look Donna! You have really (again) inspired me!

  34. What a great story! And I love that sign! And I love what you did with it! - Karen

  35. Happy "tear-filled-eyes" Monday!!!

    So, your story was SO telling, that even though I knew it was fiction, when I read "And for the record, Ned is my dad, and I'm Lacy." and saw the photo, tears came! Yeah, I'm crying at work...AGAIN!!! LOL

    I'm sure the guys think I'm crazy...

    Great job on the sign. I have another one I just am finishing up painted on old wood. I'll post it on my blog soon.

  36. I just watched the video....Now I really have red eyes....VERY classy way to honor your parents!

    I love how us country-girls just always have it under our fingernails, in our lungs, and in our hearts!


  37. Oh that's a great one ;) Alyssa

  38. The sign and the story are amazing. The video tribute to your parents is absolutely beautiful and so heart felt. It brought tears to my eyes and a warm glow to my heart. You are so talented in so many was and we are blessed that you share those talents and loves with us.

  39. What a beautiful story...i almost cried. Such a sweet tribute. Your sign is pretty awesome too!
    Love It!!


  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Loved the story. I knew it was about you and your dad, right from the get-go!!! *smile*

    The sign is WONDERFUL, hanging pots and all!!!!!! You make it look so easy...well, except for the decal cutting computer thingy!!! (don't think my exacto knife would work as nicely)


  42. wellllllll, I was on the edge and ready for the tears to roll......I so enjoy your blog and the idea of adding a story with a project is Daddy's market happened to be stonework, and I so treasure all of his handwork....and love the smell of limestone that draws me into a world of memories....thanks for all the things you share & by the anniversary is shared with your parents...we just celebrated our 40th.......blessings~Denise

  43. you know we're all expecting a novel now. you're such a tease!

    the sign is fab (of course) and the clay pots are adorable.

    what suggestions to you have for those of us that don't have the sign making equipment?

    i love the hardware...when i go to flea markets that is my favorite finding, the old hardware and things you can use for accessorizing. :)

  44. Thanks for sharing such a special part of your life with us. Your story had me in tears and then I watched the video and lost it. What a precious sign and tribute to your parents.

  45. Such a great story and a fabulous sign!


  46. My favorite part was seeing the signs all over town. Showing respect, admiration, sharing memories and paying tribute. The comments on this post are all signs of our respect, admiration and appreciation for you.

    And I look forward to seeing the sign decorated for each season.

  47. Beautiful!! The story, the sign, the video tribute...Breath-taking!! :)

  48. The sign and the story are amazing and the video is a amazing display of your memories and love you share. I am crying here because I know it brought back memories of our own lives. xo ~~Sherry~~

  49. That last shot of your parents is so wonderful. Love how happy they look.

    The sign is so great. It fits that spot so well and you aged it to perfection!

  50. You had me going with that story...good one! But anywho...when you're tired of that sign, just send it on down to ME!!! My Mama did't have a store but grew a HUGE garden and hauled a carload to town once a week for Farmer's Market. (no lie!)

  51. Loved the story and the sign is awesome..You have a great blog..

  52. Okay - Now that I've wiped the tears from my eyes (from that video), I can type. Your sign is beautiful but the story and inspiration behind it make it shine. I enjoyed this post (as I do all of yours). Happy Anniversary to your mom & dad.


  53. Thank you for stopping time in my crazy day and allowing me to breathe....

  54. Wow, that sign is just amazing Donna!!! Love everything about it!

  55. True story or not, it got me all choked up. Love the sign.

  56. Oh my! What a wonderful story. Your sign is so awesome! I admire your work.

  57. Oh gosh this made me tear up a bit!
    That sign turned out so wonderful.
    I do want to make one for my bedroom but can't figure out what text to put on it. Any ideas?
    And do you make those vinyl cut outs for anybody else?

  58. I love all your things but that sign has a new place among my favorites. The story you wrote really made my heart smile. I could see the old store in my mind's eye. You are very talented, thank you for sharing.

  59. What a great post!!! Love it and you've totally inspired me to make my own sign. I don't know what it's going to say yet, but I'm totally going to give it a try.

    PS - thanks for stopping by my blog today to leave a comment. I really appreciate it!!

  60. You're just full of creativity Donna. That was quite the story you wove together to go with your sign...I loved it. Love that sign too, I like your idea of adding bit of this and that to it so that you can hang things from it!


  61. let me add my happy anniversary wishes too! Good work, Lacy! Don't you know you're making Ned proud.

  62. I miss my Mom and Dad soooo much. This made me think of them. Thanks for that.

  63. You may have been asked this a million times, but how do you create your stencils and lettering for your signs? Is it a combo of special software and printer? I'd love to know the

    Thanks! Holly

  64. Donna,
    You are an amazing writer! You continually astound me with your talents!
    I absolutely love that sign, and it's given me an idea for something I might like to try for my home. Thank you!
    Your love for your parents is so enduring. I love that video. It brings back such warm memories from even my childhood. Oh to go back for just one day....

  65. Hi Donna :) I've put together a round up of awesome sign projects on Craft Gossip today and included your post. :) You can see it here

  66. Beautiful :)
    I Love It
    Love from
    Mette in Norway

  67. Very sweet photo at the end of the video!


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