Friday, June 18, 2010

SNS #35 brings you - old gates & "Gitter Done" date


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #34!

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the themed link! Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
~ This weekend's themed link ~

old gates

I love gates! They are versatile as all get out in the world of decorating.

This was my first gate find. I found this horse gate on a farmer's trailer heading for the burn pile. The apparatus created the perfect stability for coat hooks, while offering a fun to work with rustic theme.

My second gate found at the dump first served the purpose of a flower arbor for the newly planted sweet peas. The inside mesh worked perfectly for thriving vines to cling to.

The same gate later made it into the house helping to create a headboard. Being that the wire design reminded me of lace, and the top having such a pretty profile, it has a dainty feel even though it's a fair size, perfect in a shabby chic environment.

 This authentic barn gate gives me two options. At the moment, it's sitting backwards. If I spin it around, it has a weathered red patina. Two very different looks for the price of one! The gate fills up an otherwise vast drywall spot, bringing your eye upwards, much like wainscoting.

Here's another gate headboard I found while browsing the net. Isn't it cute? I like the idea that the entire gate as a pair was put to use rather than separating them.

 Speaking of double gates, I created some of my own in the form of window screens. Pine wood was simply air nailed onto existing privacy screens, and with the addition of a curvy top and authentic gate hardware, they really do look like the real thing.

Next time you come across an old gate, never overlook it's potential, A table top, wall art, fabulous background for art or pictures, anything is possible!

Link up your old gates in the themed linkup below!

~ Upcoming themed linkups ~

old doors
garden features/art
curb appeal

There! Now you can plan some projects so you can join in easier! I'll post them in the order you see here.

What other themes would you like to see on SNS? Let me know in comments! 

  What an event! All the projects you got done totally impressed me. Bet you've impressed yourself!

So I'd like to invite you back again!

And I'm going to listen to you. Gitter Done will be run once a month, on the first Wednesday of each month.

Why only once a month? Summertime! While it's fun to get things done, having abit of a looser schedule would simply work better for this host. I hope you understand. Perhaps we can ramp it up in the Fall if desired. I'll assess things with you again come September.

Next Gitter Done - Wednesday July 7

New to Gitter Done? This is an event that is meant to motivate you to complete procrastinated DIY or non DIY projects! If this event motivated your project, you may link it up!
The only way I can tell if your project was indeed GD inspired is if you mention so in your post. If not there, I have to assume it's a general SNS type linkup and therefore the post will be removed next round. I hate doing that so please check the rules. :) This is simply to keep out general linkups that are more suitable for SNS.

Last GD event is HERE.
Intro post about the event is HERE.

Hope to see you there! :)

 ~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and within 1 month old. The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Bring it on!


  1. Sorry if you can't read Gitter Done info. Blogger is so glitchy with text size. I can't fix it! :P


  2. HA, I chuckled at the GITTER DONE comment..... LOVE ALL YOUR GATES AND YOUR DECOR STYLE... love it!!! I linked up twice. Thanks, Jenn

  3. I wish I had a gate to show off but sadly I don't. I will just admire yours!

    I can see the Gitter Done info okay.

  4. I love your gates and I so heart gates! Wish I had one to share...but all I have right now are buttons. Edible ones.

  5. Thanks for hosting Donna. Seriously there isn't anything you can't make look good. Love your entryway foyer. The size of that gate fills the space perfectly. I love oversized pieces! Hop you have a wonderful weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  6. I love the gates, especially the coat rack and window screen! Thanks for hosting!:o) Already planning out my next Gitter Done project! ;)

  7. Love your gates! I thought of you while working on my little wagon :-) I knew you would love how "junky" it was.
    Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hmmm...I might have to start a gate search. So inspiring!

  9. Hi Donna,
    You know I LOVE all your gates and that you inspired my gate fireplace screen. Thanks girlfriend!! I LOVE that horse gate over the bench in your foyer...awesome!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Jo :-)

  10. I just had another blogger email me tonight for suggestions on linky parties and I told her.... crackle, rust and metallics! Can't wait to see your rust one!

  11. Thank you for hosting! The gates are wonderful! Great ideas!

  12. I love these especially the horse gate. Give me anything rusty metal or with chippy paint and I am happy.
    xo, Sherry

  13. I love those gates, particularly your first one. This is my first link-up, thanks for hosting!

  14. Thanks for hosting. I love gates. Your gate headboards are my favorite.

  15. Donna, You NEVER cease to amaze me. Of all the blogs out there, you are one of my favorites! Your junk rocks my mind! Thanks for the inspiration you give to me! I wish I had your talent and ambition. You are a role model to many (many who you have never met)! Keep up the good work!

  16. I accidently scrolled past this comment section and left a comment for this post in the prior post :P, in case you're wondering.

  17. hello GATEKEEPER diva!!!

    you are simply amazing. your skills & ideas are just wonderful.

    i linking up (2x's) under craft & recipes. hope you have a great weekend.

    wishing i had a gate to link up...maybe one day.

  18. LOVE the gate ideas! Thanks for hosting this week FJ Donna!

    Your blog template is looking good. I've been toying wtih the idea of changing mine since Google has so many more choices now.

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Thanks for sharing my clock door! I appreciate the very nice comment you left on blog. I am so loving those gates!!! Now I need to go out and find 1 : ) Aja

  20. Your house is so incredible. You should have your own tv show!

  21. I think yours are some of the best interior decor shots I've seen on a blog thus far. This set was inspiring to me, as I like a lot of white... CLEAN. =) I would love to learn what real 'bistro' style decor is. I haven't really been able to pin it down in books and magazines etc. That's something I'd love to see you do as a theme. Anyway, back to baking. ~Dawn

  22. Donna! It feels like forever...of course your stuff is as AMAZING as ever! I love your style. Just thought I'd say hello to you my friend!

  23. I wish I had a gate because some of these ideas are really making me drool. Guess I didn't realize how totally charming an old gate is. Yeah for creativity! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  24. This is one of my new favorite blogs. Iam constantly checking in to see what is new. I love all the Saturday Night fun and great ideas!

  25. I'm just thrilled that you liked my wagon! Thanks so much for featuring it!

  26. Oh Donna, how I have missed seeing all your creativity. Been a busy spring and I have not been on the computer in weeks. What a wonderful day back to see all that you have been up to! Love the new idea and would love to participate in your next gitter done! What Fun! As always your projects are amazing!...

  27. Hi Donna,
    Thanks again for hosting such a bang up site filled with stuff to inspire!! I love coming over to your place and seeing all the amazing things people come up with. I haven't had this much fun since I was 21!

  28. So many fabulous ideas! Thanks for hosting! I'm on the look out for an old iron gate to put behind my tub. It's the last piece before I share. You've inspired me to look a little bit harder!

  29. can I have a "rain date" on posting my gate lol...I have the same gate as you , only in black. and it's packed away for the move! I think it's 12 days til the big day, then watch out bloggers!!! Hopefully I'll have a blog chock full of new posts! :) d

  30. Love your site & will vsit often.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!