Friday, June 4, 2010

SNS #33 brings you - old windows AND a giveaway!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #33!

If you're new here, join in! There are now three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the themed link! Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
~ This weekend's themed link ~

old windows

I've loved old windows for a bazillion years. And I think it's because of their versatility to become anything we wish. They are compact, can be mounted easily, and changed out to match any decor. Their rustic woodsy lines get me every time. :)

This is an old window I staged for a friend at Christmas. It was a neat way to mount a wreath so you didn't have to damage any walls. Great for those that love to change things up frequently!

Here's an oldy from my archives. I called this one the Funky Chicken display. I just liked how the glassless frame gave some height and interest to the fireplace.

The Back Porch in Harrison Hot Springs, BC Canada

And how cool are these old window greenhouses?!? What a fabulously productive way to utilize these old gems. I'll take three like the little white one, please. :)

And then there's my character building.

The windows were first mounted to the greenhouse framework, then old fencing wood was installed around the windows. It was so easy to do! And so very much fun! I remember working on this when I couldn't afford camping last year. And I ended up having one of the coolest summers ever, creating this.

Oh oh! I have to show you this one too.

Isn't this the sweetest dreamiest canopy?!? Adorable idea. The sheers really make this one extra heavenly.

Inspired? Me too! I sure hope you brought your old windows along because the themed link is below!

~ Upcoming themed linkups ~

old crates/boxes
old doors
garden features/art

There! Now you can preplan some projects so you can join in easier! I'll post them in the order you see here.

What other themes would you like to see on SNS? Let me know in comments! 

~ A Giveaway! ~

 Please welcome FJI's newest sponsor, The Pleated Poppy! 
Come on over for the celebration at the brand new
Sponsor Store 

for a Pleated Poppy giveaway on right NOW!
(giveaway event ends 1 week from today, so don't delay!)

Lindsey, thanks for sponsoring a chance to win a pretty gift!

 ~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and within 1 month old. The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Let's party!


  1. I'll take three of the mini's and your shed, please =)

    Those greenhouses are in my them!

    Thanks for hosting! Can't wait to check out the sponsor store {I like your new buttons}

    Have a great weekend, Donna! {I'm going to be making my gitter done lists!} ~ Stephanie Lynn

  2. Love the windows - so many fantastic uses! I have one that I turned into a mirror. Love the green house idea and the wreath.

  3. Donna,
    I think I will have one of each please! :-) They are all super!
    smiles, alice

  4. Great window ideas! I love that wood shed you built. How fantastic! I'll be posting my window tomorrow since I forgot all about it and can't take pics now. No light. See you tomorrow. I will link up under home decor for now.

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the greenhouses. But that canopy scares me!

  6. Hi Donna!
    I love how you displayed the wreath on the old window, so pretty. The greenhouse picture has been a favourite of mine for awhile, it is so pretty and practical too! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I so want your shed! I can never get tired of seeing it. It is just so freaking cute! I want to build the bitty one a playhouse like this. Love that white window greenhouse too. I may be on the hunt for old windows this summer.

  8. I love the old shed and the canopy is just a wonderful idea!! I found some more old windows and so want to make one of those small faerie greenhouses with them!

  9. Oh my goodness! You party is heaven sent for me! I just aquired some old windows and have been contemplating on what to do with them. I cannot wait to see all these entries! I know... I'm so selfish! But I need inspiration! :) Thanks again!

  10. I'm gettin' in line for the shed! Have I told you lately that I love you? I mean, I love your linky parties...even though I don't often link?

    ps, how about "rust" for a theme?

  11. When I used to live in the country (in Illinois) I found old windows all the time. Now that I live in the city (Las Vegas) I never see them. I wish I would have brought a couple with me when we moved! I saw a really cool project on a blog where she put an old map behind an old window. It looked awesome!

  12. Oh, I love your shed and the greenhouses are adorable. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful party every week.

  13. Thanks for hosting Funky Junk.. Especially old windows. Hope you don't mind I'm sharing an older post... too rainy to get outside to take an updated photo! I'll update tomorrow! Have a great weekend.

  14. Donna,
    Great party!!!

    So glad I could join in.

    Great plans for future events too.


    barbara jean

  15. oops!
    Thanks for hosting, and enter my name in the giveaway please.
    Off to check out her place.


  16. love her aprons best.
    Just sweet and simple!!

    I'm a follower too.


    barbara jean

  17. I have an old door project I just did that will be great for your upcoming party. I have really enjoyed catching up on your blog and reading your life story. I'm following now. Blog love! Lisa~

  18. I love all your old windows and I have some around my home as well (as decor!). I'm giving away 3 super chic Sam Moon cuff bracelets that I can't wait to send to 3 lucky enterers! They are so summery and gorgeous. Here's my blog addy:

  19. Oh I love those greenhouses. Perfect! And that chandelier is amazing!!

  20. Those windows are the coolest! I have a couple in the garage that I've been wanting to do something with. Thanks so much for inspiring me!

  21. The window projects are so creative!

  22. Donna, thanks so much for hosting and the sidebar feature {{big cheesy grin}} !!!
    I looked for a window all week...but for some reason they were all out of my price range!! The gall! :)
    I'm still going to hunt one down!
    Love all the window ideas!

  23. I love love love this link party! thanks for hosting another fabulous DIY extravaganza! Drooling over all the amazing window projects :)


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. That does it! I'm going to have to find some old windows to make one of those darling greenhouses! Just found your blog last week and was so inspired by yours and MMS that I started my own! Wish I knew how to put a scroll bar link to your SNS. I'll learn. So many things to learn!

  26. I LOVE old windows... I grew up in a 1920's farmhouse, so we had a barn full of them. I wish I had pictures to share... but we hung a few of them on the wall of the little shed next to our house, behind the hanging herb garden. So cute :)

  27. I think the greenhouse is actually called The Back Porch in Harrison isn't it? It is one of my road trip locations. I go and get bags of $$ garlic every year. It is pricey but fabulous. I have bought a huge wagon wheel, a super long saw (should have seen me getting that home in a car full of people)and a few other antique pieces.
    A few blocks away is the Farmhouse Cheese shop. I have posted about this place too in the past.
    Great road trip location.

  28. i love old windows too - have 3 hanging in my house right now :)
    I linked up a couple of little projects - thansk for the party!!

  29. Hi Donna,
    Just stopped by...better late than never(lol)!! Yay, I'm glad your doing old'm!! LOVE the vignette with the Christmas pretty!!
    Have a great weekend, and thanks for hosting another SNS party!!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  30. Lori E, thanks!! YES! The BACK Porch. I changed my post. It is indeed a fabulous trip. For many years we use to park all season in Harrison to camp so that area totally feels like home for us. I miss it.. sigh..

    Lovin' SNS! But I have been a good girl and since it decided to stop raining just today, have been working on "Gitter Done!" projects. I'm sooo proud of me. :)

    I'll be back tonite!


  31. I love your greenhouse/woodhouse! Can I come over and play?

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  32. Back room for one more old-window-turns-garden-greenhouse? Oh, and I didn't name her "Cassie"....first time linking with your new thumbnail pics!

  33. Another great SNS!!! I just adore old windows. I wish I had more than the one I do have. Love everything you have done (but everything you do is genious!!!) I would love to build a small greenhouse with old windows. Maybe some day.

  34. Oh my goodness. I love the idea of that wreath holder! We replaced all of our windows last year and I saved them. I've made a few simple things, but nothing to rock your socks off. Thanks for these great ideas again! I swear you are the everlasting spring of ideas!

  35. I looove seeing all of the great old window ideas! I have a few in the attic that I've been meaning to dig out, plus like the poster above me, we replaced our old windows last year and I saved a ton. Thanks for the inspiration and for hosting another week of SNS!

  36. Wow, those were some beautiful examples in using old windows!

  37. just realized i never linked back to FJI on my windows sorry, doin' it know.
    :) Denise

  38. Another great party. I linked up a window... I love all the pics you posted~great stuff! Lezlee

  39. Great Party!!! I love the way the topics are seperated.

  40. Very cool! Thanks for the sidebar link Ms. Funky Junk. I love the woodshed idea. I'm going to send it to my father-in-law cause he is the king of shed making. This one will be next on his list!!!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!