Monday, May 17, 2010

Whadda party that 2000 was! Did YOU win?

Once upon a time we were waiting for a party to get started.

The morning of resembled waiting for a volcano to erupt.  There were only 4 more followers to link up to reach the magical 2000 goal, and I had to leave for work. Nail biter! And then Kolein was in comments counting down like every 3 seconds FREAKING. ME. OUT. In a good way of course. :)
And then the meter flipped... DINGDINGDINGDING

And then all mayhem broke loose! Bloggers dashed in a crazed fashion into the streets chanting, "KO LEEN! KO LEEN!" Why I don't know! Who left her in charge ?!? Must have been her crazy countdown that caused sheer pandemonium. But she was so on it! She roped off the entryway to the party room, got things back in control, and turning my way, yelled, "LET'TER RIP!"

"No no NO! Not THAT kind!" (Ok, that was a bad joke.)

And so I did. (not the bad kind)  :)

Draw #1
Draw #1 was a choice of a beautiful tote by
value - $30-$35
On sale during May for only $25! Check out Christine's Etsy Shop for other fabulous items!

And the winner is...

Heather, from Pixie Dust!


Draw #2 for real

Draw #2 was a custom painted  grain sack replica by
value ~ $15-$30
Please contact Miss Mustard Seed if you desire one for yourself! Or you can also check out her Etsy Shop for antiques and other hand painted items for sale!

And the winner is...

Jennifer from Studio JRU! 

Draw #3

Draw #3 was this gorgeous acrylic original painting by
value - $40
There are soooo many other like minded beauties in Trish's Etsy Shop so check'em out!

We had a little trivia contest in this one, and

Nikki was the lucky chosen that got all the answers right! However, sadly, the 6 extra chances to win the big kahuna didn't pan out.

And the winner is lucky gal

Draw #4

Draw #4 that was chosen was an original handmade purse designed and created by
value ~ $35
Missy's Etsy Shop has loads of lovely other purses, totes and so much more!

And the winner is...

Denise from The Painted Home!

Draw #5

Draw #5 chosen was this custom pin cushion by
value - $30
Sherry takes custom orders on these as well as has many other lovelies in her ETSY SHOP.

Ohhh, and this is where the POT PARTY was held!

If you haven't visited this mini link party, oh you must go see! It was sooo hard to choose!

However, Tracy's Trinkets got my vote for the most unique use of clay pots I've ever seen! A bird bath, folks!

The selection gave Tracy 6 more chances for the draw. Unfortunately for Tracy, we have another lucky winner of that amazing pin cushion ...

Connie from She Dreams Big!

Draw #6

Draw #6 chosen was for this unique Free To Be Me apron by
value ~ $25-$35
Polly is the queen of many types of aprons so be sure to check her ETSY SHOP out!

And the winner is...

A special thanks goes out to all the giveaway sponsors for their generosity and wonderful creations!

And thanks to you, for comin' on over and sharing the fun!

Winners, congrats! Sooo sooo lucky you are! I'll have my people call your people.
(the sponsors will email you for shipping info!)

It would be awesome if you would blog about your giveaway item once you recieve it. We'd love to see it in your own lucky duck hands. :)

Oh.. and whatever happened to Kolein you ask? She decided to retire from this gig. Apparently my junkin' ways is dementing her fine no rust ways and she's actually gone lookin' for trash here and there. She doesn't recognize herself so she says. She's flat out kinda sceeeeered to hang with me me thinks... fraidy cat!!!


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations to you, Donna, and to all of your blessed winners!!!! (Yeah, Connie!)

    What fun!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! I love your blog and am very happy for you & your winners! =)

  3. Congratulations! You are alot of fun.

  4. Congrats! The party was a lot of fun. And yes that Kolein chick is a crazy one, I have seen her hopping around in my backgarden too.

  5. Congrats to all the winners!! What a wonderful party!!

  6. Thanks for picking my pots and having a great party. It was fun.

  7. What a fun party - what a fun post! The cat wig did me in! Congratulations to all the winners and thanks again for a fabulous party. Hope Kolein recovers! Too funny!

  8. Congrats to all the winners!!! I love your blog and all the creative things you do, thanks!

  9. You do host a great party! Thanks so much, looking forward to the next one! Congrats to all the winners :) I've been wondering where Kolein's been hiding....

  10. oh my gosh!! I can't believe I won!! How exciting :) Donna, thank you for hosting such a fun celebration - congrats, your blog is amazing :)

  11. Congratulations to all the winners.
    I think Kolein went into hiding.........

    I see we'll be celebrating the 3000 followers event very shortly too.:)

  12. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  13. Can't I just sit here and comment? *mew*

    Probably not. Cuz, now something's stirring in me again. Thank you very much.

    Anita's right. I am hiding - behind all this junk that sits in my house now - thanks to YOU!!!!!!!

    I will be coming up for air in a day or so...I didn't think anybody would notice!

    Love you to bits, Donna!!!!

    Congrats to ALL the winners of those lovely (I so wanted the TT bag!) and precious works of art. You gals have such talent and endow such inspiration - on all levels to this scaredy cat, here!!

    Oh and Marianne, I love to virtual hop in your's such a lovely place!!!

  14. Congratulations to all the winners! This was such a fun party!

    And I LOVE Koleins comments! Kolein, you can always get a TT bag! The special pricing is through the end of May ;)

  15. Woo Hoo!! Thank you, thank you... I am so excited! Congratulations on reaching such a great goal!

  16. Congrats again Donna on another Great Party--
    Well Done!

    It was a blast watching and participating and yes! just coming to the party to read Kolein's comments was a treat in itself!
    Who'd have thought Donna would reach Super Hero status so quickly and Kolein's claim to fame would be as your DEVOTED SIDEKICK!

    had a blast!

  17. Congrats to all the winners! How fun this party was!

  18. Wow what a day! smiles.

  19. Great party! Hope you're getting in a good, long soak in a vintage tub in a little corner of the garden under the stars.....

    You SO deserve it!!! (and it gets the paint out from under the fingernails!)


  20. DEVOTED SIDEKICK!!! Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screaming font*

    Donna, that's it!!! We could go on the road...or start something totally off the wall - (pun intended) What's ya think???

    Polly I was hiding. I do that from time to time!

  21. LOL - you are too funny! Congratulations to all of the winners

  22. Congrats to all the winners! Lovely prizes - I'm so jealous!


  23. It was a great party--lots of fun and laughter and creativity-gone-wild!

  24. It was a wild and crazy party but I enjoyed every minute! Thank you so much for picking me to win the nest pincushion! I'll definately be showing my little corner of the bloggy world this fantastic prize!

    A faithful and excited follower ~~ Connie

  25. What fun Donna ~ congrats to all the winners!!

  26. Yeah for the winners.

    If you have a moment please stop by and enter my French Basketeer tote giveaway.

  27. OMG Donna - I just read your blog and am so grateful to have won. I have emailed Trish already.
    Blogland is so awesome, I have been away on business due to major changes at my Company and was so down for the past several weeks. -What a pick me up this is !!!!!! You've have taken me out of my funk.
    Thanks so much and oh I love your blog.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!