Friday, May 21, 2010

Ladder confession

I was going to cheat.

I love me some industrial junkin' style

I was going to use old pictures of ladders as is in my house for this weekend's ladder linkup on SNS. And then Songbird came up with her versionS

 let's go to the beach! style

Yes, that's a capital S people! She came up with 3 looks for the price of one for tonite's party.  How smart is that!!

quaint cottage style

Yikes! Must get moving! I have a photo shoot to do before tonite. Thanks Marianne!! I think... :) xo You've sooo inspired me!

Get your fav ladders all dolled up for the themed link! SNS starts tonite at 7pm pacific!


  1. She came up with 3?! I can't even come up with let alone 1 intelligible thought about anything these days. Much less a ladder. I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. Those are some really cute ideas.

  2. Marianne's ladders are decked out wonderfully, all 3 versions! I just wish I could find an old wooden ladder! I'll just be watching this week.

    How about a watering can linkup? I have lots of those ;)

  3. OK...I want to go out and get a ladder now!! Love all three looks ~ great job Songbird!!!
    Have a great weekend, :) ~ Jo

  4. I know. Three. I've already finsished revamping one. On to #2... but it's leading to other unintended pitstops. Now I'm developing a rustic picture frame BESIDE the ladder. Good grief! There goes my gardening day. boo. hoo. :)

    Elizabeth, never say never! Thanks for the idea! In fact, I'll encourage ideas for themes this SNS. Thanks!


  5. #3, hurry! Go shopping! Steal one from the neighbour! Come on out and play. :)


  6. I am sad, I have no ladder, and lately no "funky junk" just "junk"!! But I love the pictures and the inspriation. Thanks for sharing them
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  7. Oh, my "boring" ladder is singing for joy! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

    Great idea!!


  8. Hi, Oh nooo, now I'm searching for an old ladder. I love what Songbird did with her's and can't wait to see what you and everyone else comes up with, woo hoo!!

  9. Oh wow! these are gorgeous! I love the cottage style one!

  10. Wow, you are so clever! Great look! Now I have to go out and shop for a ladder too!


  11. LOL Thank you Donna! Great to see my ladders, on your site. Good luck with the photo shoot. I am honored to be your inspiration for a change, you are so often mine!

  12. I just happened to have bought an old ladder while at my mom's in Ohio two weeks ago. Now to find some spiffy way to use it. I hope something comes to me so I can play. :)

  13. Oh how I wish I had an old ladder! :o) Adorable ideas...thanks for sharing them!

  14. This is all hubbys fault. He talked me into getting rid of our old ladder when we moved. He new I was stressed out from the move and at that point I was throwing stuff out left and right! My mind was gone, it's not my fault I tell you!

  15. Absolutely love your bedroom ladder. You accessorized it so beautifully. Where did you get all your ladders from?

  16. Joselyn, I get my ladders from the thrift mainly, but also a couple came from a friend that knows how much I adore old stuff. I might even have to admit I may have too many at this point. But I can't quite yet. :)

    FJ Donna

  17. You have some wonderful ideas and I can't wait to come back and really look at all your creations! I have to tell my daughters about your blog. They will love it!
    I am following you so please come visit me @

  18. I showed my husband those ladder photos. We have a very similar ladder, paint stained and all, leaning up against our little barn. I said to him, "see, women use these for decorating", so I guess he thought I meant outside. I said "well I was thinking of putting it in the living room" and the look on his face was one of extreme shock... as if I was going to put a dead skunk in the house!!

  19. i have old wooden ladder in the basement~would love to re~purpose into something beautiful and perhaps functionl.

    TOTALLY AWESOME's a lifestyle thing~


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