Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2000 Followers Event - Last Draw #6 for a unique apron!

Welcome to the 2000 Followers Event Draw #6!

Thanks for helping me celebrate what I consider a major landmark. That there are at least 2000 of you that think this little blog is worthy of a visit THRILLS me! Watch the blogroll over the next few days. You'll see lots of festive happenings around here.

Games! Food! Presents! We have it all! 
Be sure to visit the sidebar to enter any draws you may have missed, or click HERE.

So let's start this party already!!

~ Games ~
What's your fav tool?

Today's giveaway sponsor is infamous for her DIY work aprons, so it  seemed suitable to talk tools on this one!

I can't live without my tools! No tools would be equivalent to painting with no paint. Once you get productive with them on a reg basis, you simply can't do without.

My fav and most used tool ever is:

... my cordless drill and AAALLL the fittings.

Scary factor - 0/5. These are FUN!

Used for - predrilling holes in metal or wood, screwing in stuff, making bigger round holes, etc etc.

Oh my word, I could not breathe one day without my cordless drill. I personally love the lighter weight styles plus those that come with lithium batteries, resulting in a loooong charge.
If you buy this thing in a set, it's MUCH cheaper. My set came with two drills as well as two batteries. Always have two batteries!  Oh oh! And this one has a little LED light that comes on when you use it too.

Ever wonder what all this stuff is?

I use all the doodads that are in the matching case. The premade kits like these don't have all the options and aren't the highest of quality, but they get the average DIYer by, and I like the fact that you can tote the necessities around with you.

The gold drills are to predrill wood holes so you don't split fussy wood when pushing screws through it. I use them all the time.

The aluminum looking drills are to drill holes through metal. And those funny things on the right side are to drill bigger holes in wood for electrical cords and such.

And all these fantastical screwdriver type tips at your fingertips is like a jewelry box. :) I'll admit most of mine are stripped. I've used this stuff hard while renovating my home the past 2 years and I'm due for a new set, however you can replace the fittings separately. Doncha love that lovely rust patina that took over when I left them outside for a week? (oops)

Interested in more tool talk? The above info is part of a larger post on  must-have tools for an upcoming Workshop Series post, so stay tuned! I'll educatecha. :)

What tool do I wish I had?

I totally want a panel saw! Yeah, I don't mess around. Unlike a table saw, you work this thing vertically and to me, is a much safer route than a typical tablesaw. My own table saw scares me and sits dusty in a corner. For longer straight cuts, in my little DIY dream world, this would be the tool for me!

What's your favorite tool of choice? What tool do you wish you had?


~ Food ~

Oh my. Caramelized apple waffle pastries with cinnamon and whipped cream is a creation from Cottage Sisters. This is from SNS #29. I could totally go for these... I need to quit posting these amazing food creations when hungry. Gaaaa...

~ Presents ~

Miss Polly is at it again! Something brand new has just hit blogland and here it is...

Ohhhh... what does this lovely grainy fabric and sweet embellishments belong to? Should I keep you in TOTAL suspense? Hmmm.. nahhh... I'll show you one. :)

Although Polly, from Make Mine Beautiful  is blog famous for her fantastic DIY work aprons, she has something brand new to show you!

 This new apron shown is from the new "Free to Be Me" apron line. These unique, one of a kind aprons are made from vintage/upcycled skirts and clothing!  This one is a cotton linen blend skirt with added embellishments. The value on this apron line is between $25 - $35.

Your choice of one of the two aprons is up for grabs! Polly has a 1 click page set up and ready for you with a choice of the apron of your dreams for today's giveaway! Aren't they cute?!? I just love the lower discreet ruffle and the neutral look to this one.

Polly's Boho line in her Etsy shop is loaded with samples in  all styles galore, so check'em out!

And be sure to check Polly's blog, Make Mine Beautiful often. Polly is a professional seamstress and offers sewing and decorating workshops, as well as crafting tips, photography delights and so much more!

Thanks Polly, for this amazing giveaway!

~ How to enter the draw ~

1. Please visit Polly's blog HERE.

2. Select which item you'd like it you won. (out of the last two shown on her blog)

3. Come back here to comments and let us know which one you simply must have!
Please enter your tool comment (if you wish to do so) in this same post.

Want more chances?

Follower or subscriber of Funky Junk? Enter again!

Follower or subscriber of today's sponsor? Enter again!

Twitter, Facebook or blog about the draw? Enter for each one!

That makes up to 6 chances to win!

Draw will be held by random.org at the end of all the draws held.
Your email must be in either your profile or comment area in order to win.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is the last draw for the 2000 Followers Event! Thanks for taking part and enjoying this celebration with Funky Junk and all our generous giveaway sponsors!

All the draws to date will be open until Sunday May 16, 11pm. Check the sidebar to enter them all if you haven't already! The draw winners will be announced early next week, so stay tuned!  


  1. Oooh! I love those new aprons.
    I'd have to say, I'd take the first one with the straight hem (no pleats, please) and the little curvy pocket!

    As to favorite tool?
    I'd say, the little gun-thingy that attaches to a spray paint can for easier spraying.

    What tool do I wish I had?
    An air-hammer? I have an electric nail gun, but it is light weight... I need one for heavy duty projects.

  2. Of course I follow FJI...that is where the inspiration comes from.

  3. I also follow Polly, she is teaching me to sew, ...indirectly of course!

  4. Gosh, those aprons are drop dead gorgeous, all of them!
    My fave tool is a hammer. Yeah, I'm a low-tech kinda gal.

  5. That's a hard one. I will have to go with the first one though. They are all so adorable! I love the bright button one.


  6. I follow your adorable blog.


  7. I am now following Make Mine Beautiful's blog. Thanks for letting me know about her. Oh and I forgot to tell you my favorite tool. I think that would have to be my sewing machine. Although, I have a scroll saw waiting on me to have a place to put it. It is my dad's but he bought a new one lol.


  8. can u say CHEETAHHHH PRINT!!! luv luv luv
    and my fav tool....HaMmEr....u can build and yet u can demolish with just this simple tool :)
    BEYOND Great Blog!! luv it

  9. I love the off white one with the paisley pocket!! My fav tool is my band saw and I would love to have an air compressor with all the attachment. Especially for sanding. Ah perchance to dream!!!!!

  10. I am a follower of Funky Junk!! Yahoo!!

  11. I am also a follower of Polly at Make Mine Beautiful!

  12. I follow both and I love my cordless screwdriver and a hammer. I plan on expanding the tools I use in the near future.

  13. I follow Funky Junk, and I keep bugging my Hubby for a nail gun!!! I love my Makita drill but I can also use a nail gun!

  14. I would definitely have to have the one that you have pictured! Those are awesome! Jackie

  15. Love those aprons. I think I'd choose the first one.
    My favorite "tool" is my kitchen aid mixer. teehee Does that count???

  16. I wasn't officially following (I am now!) but you've been in my Google Reader for a looooong time. I'm following Polly's blog now too! I love the first apron, the leopard is so much fun!

    My favorite tool is my paint brush. Simple, yet effective. I'm always amazed at the impact paint has. I wish I had an electric screw driver that wasn't so heavy. I use my husband's, but it weighs a ton, so it's "easier" to do it by hand!

  17. I like the second one with the leopard print! I love my drill with the attachments that fit on and off easily.

  18. Love the apron with the leopard pocket.

  19. I'd choose #2 with the leopard print pocket,, my most used tool is my cordless drill but I dont have all those little doodads with it,, need those.

  20. I also follow Polly,, love her sewing tips.

  21. I am going to have to say #1 for my choice please! And can I say that those waffles are making me so hungry!! They look delish!

    Can't live without the power drill. Do you know how long it would take me to put something together without it?

  22. I am now a follower of Polly's. I think I might learn a thing or two about sewing from her! ;)

  23. And I am a subscriber of yours Donna! Oh and the tool I wish I had would be a router or a spray paint gun!

  24. Love both aprons. Am already a follower of you (a new follower) and now a follwer of Polly's.

  25. Hmmm.... what tool would I want. I think in my husband's vast artillery he is only missing a router table and it is the one thing that I could really use. I can't draw a straight line to save my life much less router one!

    Love the aprons! I have found that as messy as I am an apron is my best friend! These are very cute!

  26. Wow, those aprons are just beautiful! I would LOVE to own #1!

    The vertical saw looks a little intimidating at first, but I'd love to have one of those! I'm a little afraid of table saws too.

  27. Congrats, that is one BIG number!!!!! Janell

  28. # 2 would be my pick. Every DIYer has a little animal in her! Favorite tool? When in doubt, go with the glue gun!

  29. I'm one of your followers, my dear!

  30. And I have followed Polly for a long time! Such a sweetie!

  31. I also like the apron that you have pictured. The other is a little too girly for this lovely. ;)

    I have so many tools that I really couldn't do without, but am really enjoying my newest tool, a jig saw that I got for Christmas last year.

    I would really like to get a dremel tool.

  32. oh, i'd love #1.

    as for tools. i usually use what's nearby. sometimes even a knife will do.

  33. I love this giveaway. I would pick the 2nd apron if I won...and I really want to win!

  34. i would choose the latter apron- love the colors in it and the little brown flowers and lace! my tool of choice is my orbital sander- could not live with out it! (though my neighbors could live without me having it as it is a little loud!). and the tool i want.... hmmm, there are so many- i want an air compressor, or a drummel tool- those are fun!

  35. I love those aprons...Very Domestic Goddess!

  36. My favorite tool are my hands (I use them everyday) LOL!

  37. I visited Polly and she dies have a great blog and her aprons are just great! I love both but since I have to choose...it has to be the second one. So please enter me and I am a follower. Thanks!

  38. I'm back! I said the second one but I meant the first one...so hard to choose ;-) Thanks again!

  39. Love the new aprons! I would have to choose the second apron.

  40. I'm a follower of funky junk.

  41. I'm also a follower of Polly's blog.

  42. I am loving #1! She has some really adorable aprons!

  43. Now following miss Polly, I told her that everyone needs one of her aprons...one for everyday of the week...think she can keep up with the demand? :)

    I choose option #1 although it was tough...i love them both.

    my favorite tool...my needle nose pliers
    my dream tool...a new drill...mine died :(

  44. I am a happy follower of Funky Junk!

  45. I am a subscriber to Make Mine Beautiful!

  46. That's such a tough decisions because they are both cute, but I really love option #2. So cute!!
    I haven't worked with too many power tools in my time, but I love my little sander and I have a drill just waiting to be used in New Jersey. Those are my only tools so I would have to say I couldn't live without 'em!

  47. Thank you for all the great comments.

    I'm definitely a tool gal. I told my hubby if I kick the bucket before he does, for him to spread my ashes in my tool room so a part of me would always be in there!

    I really scored big on tools over the weekend. I was rummaging through my mom's garage and came across a table mounted router, an orbital sander, a scroll saw, and a table saw (but have yet to find the saw for it) -and mom said 'Take it all home!'. And I will as soon as I clean out my own garage!

    My dad had tons of tools that are still in the barn and garage at my mom's and she told me I could have it all since I'm the only one that uses them.

    How lucky am I?!

  48. What a cute apron! Count me in. I's also love to know what that fabric is...

    My favorite tool? It's gotta be my paint sprayer. No surpirises there.

  49. I love both of the aprons but I would take #1.

  50. I am a follower and subscriber :)

  51. The "Panel Saw" would make me happy,, very happy!
    I'm a follower for some time now and love your blog!


  52. Love... the apron ! Burlap, who would have thought?

  53. I have to say I'm new to the world of making things myself. I'm just a single girl living in an apartment but what I'm discovering from your blog is that I can still make cute things that won't give my landlords a heart attack! The second apron is definitely my fave, but how great would it be to win either?! You can bet I'm a follower now. :)

  54. I love the last apron with the lepeord pocket.It would be so much fun to wear:) lucyshirk@yahoo.com

  55. Difficult to choose which apron. I think #2 . . . no wait #1, um no, well, I can't decide they are both so cute. Does that count as an entry?
    Fav tool? Like you, my cordless drill. My sister & brother-in-law gave me a Dewalt cordless drill with 3 batteries as a house warming gift. I nearly cried. I think I did cry the first time I used it. It has made my life so much easier - my house has plaster walls.

  56. Still a happy follower here, too.

  57. Love the aprons! I would pick #1 if forced to choose! My favorite tool is my little hammer with the screw drivers inside from Restoration Hardware!

  58. Oh, I love Polly's blog and her aprons. Oh, and her craft room too. Both aprons are pretty, but I would probably choose number 2. Thanks for the opportunity, Donna.
    My favourite tool would have to be my palm sander, but I would love to have my own compound miter saw instead of borrowing from my nephew and bil all the time.

  59. I'm a follower of Funky Junk Interiors.

  60. I'm a follower of Polly's Make Mine Beautiful too.

  61. I follow MMB! Thanks for thr introduction!

  62. I absolutely LOVE all of her designs. I really like #2...I am always wearing aprons, and this one adds just a little sassiness to everyday, mundane chores ;P

  63. Both of the aprons are adorable but my favorite is #2! The tool I wish I had is a jig saw. I have all kinds of projects in mind using this tool.

  64. Andrea, both aprons are adorable but I mainly popped in here to tell you what a FANTASTIC bargain you got when you STOLE that Fostoria cakeplate. I paid well over $100 for this antique. You better wash it REAL carefully!!! Lucky Dog!

  65. Marvelle: I love Apron #1

    Favorite tool - hammer

  66. Marvelle: I am a follower of Funky Junk

  67. I pick #2. It is just too cute!

    I don't think I have a favorite tool yet. I'm still experimenting.

  68. And I'm a follower and a subscriber!

  69. I like the first one with the floral print! It looks like a great thing to have around! :)

    My favorite tool... do my knitting needles count? hehe If I had to pick a construction tool, I'd have to say my fancy picture hangers. Love 'em!

    I'm a follower too! :)

  70. Polly makes such cute aprons! I love them both, but I'll pick #2 because of the neutral colors. And my FAVORITE tool has to be a pair of scissors. And not just one pair. Oh no. I have over 3 dozen!

  71. I'm a follower of Make Mine Beautiful!

  72. I'm a follower of this blog too!

  73. I love Polly's aprons and would choose the first one, should I be the lucky one. If I could have any tool I think it would have to a router and the confidence to use one. I don't have a table saw, but thank goodness the big box store will cut wood for me, so I just need a way to give those boards a pretty edge.
    Thanks for the chance!

  74. Oh apron #2 to be sure.

    My favorite too is my exactomatic picture hanger. Perfect placement every time.

  75. The aprons are adorable. I love the second one with pleats.

    My favorite tool is my sewing machine.

  76. I follow your blog. It's so inspiring!!!

  77. I follow Polly's blog. I'm learning some new sewing tricks, like the recycling of thrifted clothes into aprons.

  78. I have posted this this giveaway on my Facebook.

  79. Thank-you for all of your entries! The contest aspect of this post is now closed. Please stay tuned for the announcement post of all the winners for the 2000 Event draws coming soon!

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!