Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2000 Followers Event - Draw #1 for a beautiful tote!

Welcome to the 2000 Followers Event Draw #1!

Thanks for helping me celebrate what I consider a major landmark. That there are at least 2000 of you that think this little blog is worthy of a visit THRILLS me! Watch the blogroll over the next few days. You'll see lots of festive happenings around here.

Games! Food! Presents! We have it all! 

I'm not getting reimbursed for this event. This is simply my way of treating you to some fun, a chance to win some wonderful things, and to advertise for the generous giveaway sponsors! I'd consider it a special thank-you if you'd share the event with others during the short duration this will run. Feel free to grab the button above as a 'picture' if you wish to do so! It's designed to be sized at whatever size you wish. Thank-you!

So let's start this party already!!

~ Games ~
What's in your purse?

I'm embarrassed about something. I own an ugly purse. I mean, it's black leather, smallish and I've had it like forever. I honestly don't think much about it until I see a cute one. Then I wanna go cute.

How pathetic am I? It use to have a long strap, but it broke on one end and not realizing it, I was dragging the thing behind me. Some guy laughed at me and asked what happened to my DOG.  I go strapless now. ;)

Because my purse is rather ehh... I don't bother with much inside it. It's built like a wallet type. So if you asked me what I had in my purse, it would be... hmm.. I'll go see.

$10, a Tim Horton's roll up the rim tab, a coupon I'll NEVER use, lipstick, (that's where it is!!), Canadian Tire Funny Money, a toothbrush (huh?!?), and a bazillion shop type cards that fall out daily when I tip my purse the wrong way. (that is my exercise program btw)

BUT I'm proud of one thing in my purse. It's something that tells you something about me and the way I think and operate in my world. It's a little on the girly side, but for inside a purse, it's ok. :)

Ohhhhh yeah! Let's go measure out and buy a brand new spankin' 28 3/4"  2x4, girls! Cuz I got me a cute little measuring tape!  :) I'm always BEGGING for a measuring tape to borrow wherever I go, so when I spotted this little gem in my mom's junk drawer, I knew it was meant for the likes of DIY ME! Thanks Mommy. :)

Your turn!

Tell me about your purse. Love it? Hate it? Got lots of them? Rifle through it, and tell us in comments about a must have in your purse you'd die without!


~ Food ~

But wait!! No partay is complete without food! So I went snoopin' around SNS #28 in the recipe area and mah oh mah... are you ready to drool?

Say, anyone in the mood for homemade Twix Bars?!? The step by step on this post is soooo easy to follow! This sweet recipe is by Hoosier Homemade and she always has the most amazing photos, so you are in for a double treat with this one!

Ok, now totally pretend you can reach out and take one. Ready? Go!..... now bite ever so slowly, savoring that chewy crunch alongside the luscious chocolate rush... wahhhh! Know what I mean? Liz! Where are you when we need you most here?!? :)

~ Presents ~

GIDDY! Wait till you see one of today's presents! Those of you with an ugly purse no longer have ANY excuse! Brand new to the net, I present...

Christine, also known for her amazing fractal art over at Jaz Creations, has a brand new line of gorgeous totes, built for a busy gal on the go! What makes these totes extra special is the fact that their dimensions are abit smaller than most, making them a less bulky option and more like a purse. 

The totes are fully lined, padded and have loads of handy built in pockets inside. Plus, they're gorgeous!

The value of these totes range from $30-$35 with a special launch price now until the end of May for only $25! (plus shipping) So even if you don't win, they are also beautifully affordable!

The above sample is just ONE. Christine has built a special 1 click post waiting for you, displaying two choices of Tangerine Totes! Visit her blog, select the tote name you can't live without, then come back here and let us know your choice!

Dear Christine, thanks for ending the ugly purse crisis that has hit our DIY nation! :)

~ How to enter the draw ~

1. Please visit Christine's blog HERE.

2. Select which item name you'd like it you won.

3. Come back here to comments and let us know which one you simply must have!

Want more chances?

Follower or subscriber of Funky Junk? Enter again!

Follower or subscriber of today's sponsor? Enter again!

Twitter, Facebook or blog about the draw? Enter for each one!

Purse comment?

Oh go ahead and enter it separately for another. Figured I'd better put this in here because it may happen anyway! :)

That makes up to 7 chances to win!

Draw will be held by at the end of all the draws held.
Your email must be in either your profile or comment area in order to win.

Pretty purses unite!! Good luck all. :)


  1. congrats on reaching 2000 followers! These purses are adorable, I like the Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern.
    sarah.currence at gmail

  2. Love the Fuscia Scribble Tote! How adorable! Thanks ~Marcy

  3. What can't I live without in my purse. Ummm...possibly the hidden kit kat bar. If my kids ever discover it I'm a goner for sho!

  4. LOVE the fuchsia scribble

  5. Yay for reaching 2000! I really like the Teal Tangerine Purse. Super Cute!

  6. I follow you, you know that. You see me hiding behind bushes and slinking around late at night.

  7. I have the same tiny tape measure in my purse! My reading glasses I can not be without. Otherwise these tired eyes can't see the price tags! I am already a subscriber! And I think I'd choose the Fuscia Scribbler Tote, fun color for the summer. Wait, am I supposed to do separate comments?? Ahhh, I don't know!

  8. I LOVE the Teal and Brown paisley! IT could hold my essential cell phone, chapstick, and random minature measuring tape (never know when u are going to find that perfect piece of furniture for that corner in my living room!!)

  9. Oh how cute! I definitely would want the Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern tote if I won. Super cute!

  10. I'm an FJ follower, too! Hope I win! :)

  11. Congrats on 2000 followers! What an accomplishment! And might I add a great giveaway! Lately I've been using a small bag, with I can throw it on my shoulder...very girly. I can't like with out chapstick! ...Or the Fuchsia Tote! ♥ how bright it is! Thanks for the change to have it!

  12. I love the paisley purse...the brown/teal combo is divine!

  13. I shared this giveaway on Facebook. Super fun!

  14. My must-have in my purse: homemade Twix bars! J/K

    I would have to say my Aveda Lip Saver lip balm!

  15. Congrats on the 2000 follower mark! What an accomplishment!

    Hmmm.... what is in my purse? I am afraid to find out! I can always count on change on the bottom though. My large Franklin planner that I use as a wallet is a must have. I am so unorganized! Unfortunately so is it. There are probably a few toys and unwrapped candy in there too. Everyone here is under the assumption that is what is mine is everyones! The weirdest thing I ever found in my purse was a set of teeth. My husband's grandmother broke her hip and I went with his mom to see her. She wanted her to take her teeth home. My MIL thought she was putting them in her purse and slipped them into mine. There I was at the Meijer checkout, three screaming kids hyped up on sugar, a cashier with a look of horror on her face and me with a set of teeth in my hands. Yeah, don't you wish you were me?!

  16. Opps forgot to talk about my purse. All I really need is a way to pay for things. Must have cash or a credit card in my purse!

  17. 2000 followers?! That is awesome! Congrats Donna!!! :)

  18. Teal and Brown Paisley! My purse is a mess! It is full of old receipts, my wallet and a ton of pennies on the bottom (thats usually all thats left when the kids are done)

  19. Wow, 2000 followers that awesome. But I'm not surprised, you have one of the best blogs on the block. You keep the bar set high. I'm really picky about my purses. I took an hour in the purse dept picking out the one I have now, and I'm still not happy with it. Must have item? Avon moisture therapy lip balm & hand cream. Not that my hands look like I keep them moisturized. I'm one of your loyal followers, too!

  20. I love the teal and brown paisley tote. CUTE!!

  21. And I am one of your awesome 2000 followers!! ;)

  22. Guess what? I ALWAYS have a tape measure in my purse too. Great minds... I also have a caculator, mostly to figure out yardage for material and such. Size 4 diaper and zip lock baggie of wipes, lip gloss, pepper spray, a few pens, a travel lotion, and my wallet. Nothin' too special. :)

    Congratulations on the milestone!!!

  23. They are both so beautiful but I would choose the teal paisley!

  24. Congratulations..what a milestone!!

    If I was to win..the Teal and Brown Paisley would do the Texas gal proud.

    Thank you for the chance.
    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  25. Why of course I am a loyal Texas follower. Why girl we have old tin laying around everywhere in in the

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  26. Woohoo!!!! Congrats Sista!!!! Awesome!!!

    I follow you around just a little. (I'm weird I know! Don't hate me. I get bored easily!!!)

    Those purses are amazing. I'm going to buy one 'cause I also am VERY impatient!

    In my purse: There are certain things in my purse (which I only started using when I became a mother) that if I do not have these things I CANNOT LEAVE THE HOUSE. LIFE WILL BE HORRIBLE, OTHERWISE!

    1. au natural lip balm!!!!
    2. reading glasses
    3. tissues (I like the cute ones that come in the small packages)
    4. my other glasses - to see the road
    5. mints - never know when I'll run into someone I know
    6. wallet - for obvious reasons
    7. tape measurer (yes! even I use one of those)
    8. tiny notepad/fun looking pen
    9. sun glasses
    10. granola/power bar

    And I always carry a bottle of water! Always!

    Thanks for doing this for us. Really, you are awesome!

  27. i love the teal purse, i dont even have a purse!!!! and congrats on 2000!!

  28. They are all too cute, but I acutally like the red textured lightweight purse the best. It's more my style!

  29. The purse comment...hmmm..okay I am a fanny pack girl when really shopping..I hate to have to hang on to a purse..My hands are my window for touching items and exploring texture. Purses tend to get in my way. The bag that is being featured is more my style..casual..and sooo cute.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  30. oh I would like to win the teal one here in the pic!

  31. I LOVE purses and like to change them OFTEN!!! right now I have a small hot pink shiny one!! The only thing in my wallet I can't live without is my carries my money! ;)
    With 5 kids my purses generally become a good place for garbage and anything they no longer want to carry!! again...I am a purse junky!!

  32. I LOVE these totes!!!! My favorite one is the brown and teal one...mostly because I am REALLY loving brown and teal right now!! Thanks for the chance at this!!!

  33. I became a follower of Tangerine Totes!!!YAY!!

  34. I am a follower of your wonderful blog!

  35. Congratulations on 2000 followers! I think it's great that you are supporting a fellow blogger and friend by having this giveaway. I love the teal and brown purse.

  36. I'm a happy follower too of FJI.

  37. I just jumped into following Christine's blog. I forgot to mention in my purse..can't live without..chap stick..medical card..and pen and paper..I am always writing down #'s ect..

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  38. I've had one cute purse. It was red and I always got compliments on it. Until the first time I took it out in the winter and the entire handle cracked! I still used it for the rest of the season, but sadly retired it when the cracking got out of hand.

    BTW, I carry a tape measure in my purse too!

  39. I am a follower - I LOVE my Burt's Bees Lip Balm! I've carried to China and back with me 2x!

    Not to copy everyone else, but I really like the brown and teal tote, also!

    I am kind of liking my own purse right now - picked it up off of the free table - cheap, cheap, cheap!

  40. I became a follower of Christine's cute is her stuff!!! I can't live without my Avon Dew Kiss lip stuff, sunglasses and money for yard sales!!!

  41. GO YOU!!! Congrats... not surprising with your fab blog. I LOVE the teal & brown tote... super cute!

  42. I love the Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern with removable Flower Pin!
    Congratulations on your 2000!

  43. Oh I get an extra entry for the purse comment so let me say kiss, sunglasses, money for yard sales and I forgot an emery board! Also kleenex and keys! Oh and my phone! See I really need this tote for all my stuff!!

  44. 2000 followers! You rock girl! You have the best blog though, so I'm not surprised. (and you were so helpful via email!)

    I like the teal paisley tote, perfect size too!

    My purse. Wallet, Burts Bees lip balm, keys (too many!),
    phone, tiny composition note pad, pen, magnet (for junking with!),
    mocha punch card (Weds double punch day!), paint chips,
    lotsa receipts (mostly work, but probably more second-hand
    store ones than I care to admit), 1 foil wrapped chocolate egg - cheapo
    chocolate - hasn't melted a bit! (Was a freebie with restaurant breakfast!),
    stress relief roll-on aromatherapy Eucalyptus/spearmint from bath & body works (gift from hubby - must think I need to stress less), hands-free ear bud, packet of coin envelopes from second-hand store for mixed media art (I was wondering where those were), clean wads of Kleenex (no cute little packs),
    my seeing-eye-dogs (my new bi-focals!) and an alligator hair clippy on the strap.

  45. Forgot to mention I'm not following Tangerine Totes!

  46. 2000 followers - UNREAL! I really like the fuscia purse! Count me in!

  47. I have LOTS of purses cuz I don't know if I like one until I actually use it! Unfortunately, many fall short on my requirements! Necessities include chapstick, mints, pencil and paper and MONEY!

  48. Gorgeous Totes!! Congrats Donna on your 2000th! No one works harder for it. I simply MUST have the Fuscia Scribble Tote! It's sooo me!
    I too travel with my tape measure. I also have one in the glove box in my car and several at I could never be without my many shades of lipstick, (ok I carry far too many at a time since I have only one face with lips) oh, and a tiny bottle of hairspray for those days when I'm feeling a little limp.

  49. I'm also a following fan!!!! Who wouldn't be???

  50. Yay Donna,, 2000 followers! Amazing, I hadnt even hit 50 yet, lol. I really love the teal and brown paisly purse.. oh soo pretty!

  51. Also following Christine's blog.. cant wait to see new purses as they are added.

  52. What's in my purse.. oh soo much, but two essentials are my little notebook that i keep all my blog inspirations in and of course my lip color. Always have a purse with me,, and it is almost always a jumbled mess which is why i really love the pockets in Christines totes. HOpe I win. Thanks Donna

  53. Hi Again,, I gave you a shout out in my latest post and also shared my procrastinations.. Hope you have time to check it out..

  54. I love the teal/brown purse; I'm not really a pink-kinda-girl.

    My purse if fairly under control. I got one of those organizing things from QVC and it works pretty great in my little purse.

    Congrats on the your following!

  55. I have a one strap over the shoulder red gucci bag...I know impressive. My hubby got it for me for my birthday last year. It cost $10 at goodwill. :) It has a few pen marks on it and the handle is starting to fray at the edges. Inside is a bunch of junk...receipts, gum, tampons, loose change, cards of all kinds, and lipgloss.

    I love the turquoise and brown bag too!!!

  56. Wow, that was fast! You still had 14 to go last night so I'm glad I checked again this morning.

    My purse has three photos of my puppy, cell phone, lots of aspirin, keys, Puffs Plus tissues, my wallet and lots of loose change rolling around in the bottom of it.

  57. 2000 followers and I'm sure many more to come!
    The teal and brown is the tote I covet!

  58. All Christine's totes are cute. Her floral tapestry fabric is mouthwatering.

  59. Follower! 'Cause you're the best, Donna!

  60. Congratulations.2000 followers is quite a feat.I can totally relate to your purse situation here.Same situation here.People in my office have actually told me that it's high time that I changed my purse but I hardly bother.I love my big bag which is stuffed with junk like gum,cell phone,notebooks,pens,coins which have slipped through the torn lining and keep jinglng but I can never find them when I need 'em and even more junk.

    Anyway ,I loved the fuschia bag.Nice and pretty.

  61. My bag is actually gorgeous, but it's red. I would love to have something in more muted colors like the The Fuscia Scribble Tote.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  62. I follow your blog on Google Friends.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  63. Hurray for you! I remember when we each just had a couple hundred followers. :) You're so awesome, Donna.

  64. Sooooo fun to read your purse comments! Welcome to the party, all! And thanks for the kudos!

    FJ Donna

  65. Holy Cow it's only 9:12 and I feel like I've been left in the dust. I love the brown and teal Paisley. I need it! I want it!!! Pier One sells little tiny colorful tape measures. I have one in my purse. In the glove box of the car, in the ash tray of the car and usually in my coat pocket. Along with my chapstick :) Can't leave home without it.

  66. LOVE the The Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern....teal and brown is one of my all time favorite color combos!

  67. of course I'm a follower! hit that button on my very first visit here.
    Please include me in this fabulous giveaway!

  68. I made a facebook post, too :)

  69. And I'm now following both funky junk and tangerine totes... :)

  70. I have a single small brown purse with very little in it...chapstick, my business cards, and a glasses case...I most often end up putting my stuff in a pocket of the diaper bag I'm taking.

  71. I too have a black leather purse - owned for at least 4 years. I carry just the basics - cell phone, tape measure, calendar, wallet and some chapstick.

  72. I love the Fushia Scribbler tote. I love your blog. Your style appeals to me more than any blog I've read. I'm always shocked at the amount of crap I have in my purse.

  73. Congratulations! I LOVE that bag!! My purse is great because my hubby gave it too me, its brown w/ wild colored flowers. Contents.... Black & Decker 5' tape measurer, leatherman micra, my sunglasses, hidden starbucks and panera bread gift cards, my inhaler, the cutest little lime green swiss army knife covered in eidelweiss and bandaides (I am the mom of 3 boys so they are a must!)

  74. OH, I am a follower and a subscriber (don't ask... ha ha!)

  75. If I won the brown and teal paisley would be my pick, hands down. But if not, I think I may just have to buy the turquoise flowers.

  76. I love your site! Have been a subsc for awhile.
    I always carry a purse I UpCycled myself. (selfless promotion?) But...always have a tiny tapemeasure for sure. What I wouldn't do without is my "debit card" I never carry cash. The weirdist thing would be many strands of yarn. Never know when I have to match up a color! LOL

  77. wow 2000 followers!! Congrats!!!!!!I just can't even begin to think of all the emails you must get! I love the purses put me in.. I am your follower!!!! Marlene

  78. Love the teal & brown tote..super cute! Well, my "purse" these days doubles as a diaper bag, so I have LOTS of stuff crammed in there. I'll spare you the list of standard diaper bag contents, but my purse-type contents that I carry are; Burt's Bees chapstick, hand lotion (I live in the desert!) powder/mirror compact, iPod, phone, headset, wallet, full size tape measure & water bottle. I just found a key chain size 3ft tape measure at Michael's the other day... for $1! I have to check out the ones at PierOne. Those sound like fun.

  79. I love her purses! My fave is the teal and brown paisley pattern.

  80. Teal and Brown Paisley for me...I want to win..i want to win...thnks for this great giveaway!

  81. I would love the Fuscia Scribble Tote, if I were to win. The colors are ALL of my favorites. I have always heard that people decorate, chooses accessories, and dress, with the same colors. So true. My house, closet, and purses are ALL these colors.

    Are yours the same way? What about all the others reading this? Do yours all match like mine do??

    Too funny!!

  82. I must have the Island vacation Tote..I live on the coast and it would be perfect!!! Marlene

  83. I am now a follower fo tangerine Totes!!! Love all her creations!! Marlene

  84. I am following your blog. Can't wait to get it each time. You have some really great ideas that I look forward to making for my own home and for gifts. Keep up the good work and keep your brain humming!

  85. WOW! 2000 followers! I am so jealous ( I have only 1 follower - lol). Both totes are gorgeous but if I had to choose one, I would pick: The Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern with removable Flower Pin

  86. I am following Tangerine Totes. LOVE her bags and wonderful ideas. If I get to make all the things on all these great blogs, I will not have time to eat. I wish, I wish!!!

  87. You have been tweeted on Tweeter!! Tweet, Tweet!!

  88. I simply must have the teal & brown paisley tote with pin! Christine does beautiful work--thanks for clueing me in!

    The Twix bars look awesome!

  89. I know what you mean about purses. I love it when I find just the right one but it's rare. I won't spend ridiculous amounts of $$ on it either!

  90. I LIKE you on Facebook. Fun, Fun!!

  91. Tweeted about Tangerine Totes!

  92. cute bags. love the teal and brown one! and congrats on the big 2000!

  93. Congratulations, Julie
    You are now following Tangerine Totes

  94. I'm a subscriber of Funky Junk.

  95. Love the fushia one! bethey12 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  96. I love the fuscia scribble tote. Cool blog too!

  97. I love and follow you on FB! Beth

  98. Love the fuscia scribble! Congrats on 2000!

  99. I have a digital camera in my purse that goes with me everywhere!

  100. I love the paisley one!
    My purse is a mess!

    I looooove your blog!
    lachniet at msn dot com

  101. I tweeted about this awesome giveaway!

  102. Posted to enter on my Facebook (

  103. I posted this on my blog...

  104. I really love the turquoise and brown one shown, but the fuchsia one is cute too!

  105. Congrats on the 2000 followers! What a wonderful giveaway, thanks!

    I have a cute little Vera Bradley purse, my only VB! I don't own many purses, and I have to say that I ALWAYS carry a bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion in my purse.

    I love both of the Tangerine Totes, but my favorite is the Fuscia Scribble Tote!

  106. and congrats! what a fun idea!

  107. LOVE the paisly and brown one :)

  108. I am a follower on facebook and have posted about the giveway/blogs

  109. I'm also a follower now of Tangerine Totes. Thanks!

  110. in my purse? I feel weird to say that i am a 35 year old woman who doesn't own a purse! haha I keep my bank card in my back pocket and that is it. oh and my library card. i guess that says a bit about me ;)

  111. And now for my purse.... sunglasses, tape measure, book THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, planner, coin purse, gum, receipts, bandaids, 2 pairs of scissors, neosporin, keys, keys, keys....too many lip glosses, make-n-takes, driving glasses, bottle of water, pens, pencils, markers, small flashlight, notepad, meds, camera, camera cable, prayer cards from recent memorial service, emory board, wet wipes, nail clippers, cuticle cream, sinus tablets, comb, one clothespin, glass cleaner, buttered popcorn jelly beans... just to name a "few" things. As for my actual person.. I am a Kathy Van Zeeland fan. One day, not too long ago, I was gone for the day and it was KVZ day on QVC. My hubby heard me mention I was disappointed I would be missing out. He then watched one of her shows, heard last call on one of her purses in the blueberry color. He hurried to order and surprised me with it.

  112. oh purses. I have fabulous purses. They are ALL collecting dust in a closet though as I rock my diaper bag. I went from carrying a whole purse of stuff I thought I needed. after having a kid I learn I only need my wallet and gum.

  113. I visited her blog and I love the teal bag! great for summer!

  114. Congrats on reaching 2000! Visited her blog...and i love The Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern with removable Flower Pin.

    Thanks for the chance!

  115. Oh yeah, I guess I'm supposed to say I also follow TT!!!

  116. I love the teal and brown paisley pattern

  117. Congrats on your 2000 (and counting) followers! I love your style and talent of giving Junk some happy Funk! I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I've been a follower for several months now. Many blessings to you!

    s h a w b a b y n o 3 A T y a h o o D O T c o m

  118. Christine is quite talented! I really like the Black Swan purse. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

    s h a w b a b y n o 3 A T y a h o o D O T c o m

  119. I have a toddler so I mostly use a diaper bag with a side pocket for my wallet and phone. My purse gets used mostly for church or the occasional pedicure trip, so other than the basic hand lotion, mints, and loose change, I have Shout wipes, OPI Nail polish (lincoln park after dark!), expired coupons, a KILZ paint swatch ("sprig of sage", if you must know), a mystery key that I have no clue what it goes to, and bright pink little girl hair clips. pretty boring. no cool tools here :(
    Thanks again, Donna and Christine!
    s h a w b a b y n o 3 A T y a h o o D O T c o m

  120. The Fuscia Scribble Tote is the one for me!! I change my purses around and some I hate some love- depending on which one but, hey, as long as it looks good with the outfit!! I hate my wallet though! I am always spilling the cards all over as it doesn't hold them in very well-Congratulation on all the followers!!


  121. Of course I follow you!!!

  122. I'm so there! I also have a tape measure in my ugly ol' purse... who doesn't? OK, so I'm not girly... but I'll take spray paint over nail polish any day!

  123. Adorable! I'd have to pick the The Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern!

  124. Hubby would say everything but the kitchen sink is in my purse!!

  125. Oh, yes1 I am a follower of Funky Junk Interiors!

  126. and I am a follower of Tangerine Totes also!!

  127. Once I find a purse that fits me, I carry it forever! You know it's just so hard to find the right size and shape. the Tangerine Totes look like the perfect everything!

  128. Must have the fuschia scribble! Jackie

  129. I am a follower of Funky Junk. Jackie

  130. Am a follower of Tangerine Totes. Jackie

  131. The totes are great, and love the fabric patterns that she has posted on her sidebar. I use them a lot when I am substitute teaching. Great for all of the extras I carry. Jackie

  132. I really like the teal and brown combo bag!

  133. In my bag I carry a new wallet. Really excited about getting one of those new ones that snap shut at the top and do not take hardly any room in your bag. A cell, lipstick, check book, work/office keys, a lot of punch cards, lists, a lot of lists, and I also have a tape measure. But mine was originally a key chain and is not a very long one. But it does the job!

  134. I am something of a purse addict.. I have around 30 of them. And I can't honestly pick the one thing I can't live without - cause I truly need it all!!

    I am also a follower

  135. My "purse" looks like a camera bag. I like how people ask why I brought my camera... As for what's inside, it's the usual. Just no lipstick. I'm a satisfied follower! And I love the bag you featured here.

  136. I would love the The Fuscia Scribble Tote!!

    My must in mr purse is my cell phone, diaper, chapstick!

  137. Great first giveaway! Must have the brown and teal.. the removable flower is awesome!
    As for what's in my purse... well, what isn't?

  138. Those are extremely cute. I would go for the teal and brown jobbie. I am really loving me some blue right now.

  139. Entry numero 2...I am a follower thank you very much. Love your style and your creativity!!

  140. I am a follower! I must have that teal and brown bag!!!

  141. Entry number 3....hmmm I wonder if I should have spread these out a little more to increase my odds? Who knows, I neva win anyway, random generator doesn't like me. As far as my purse goes...I have my wallet, some random receipts, hubby's credit card, $100 bill (an auction fund that we didn't use because we ended up spending MORE than we had the cash for), lipgloss, seashells (for real, I do, want a picture?), and a Barbie notepad minus the pen.

  142. Ooh, I love the fuscia tote. That one is definitely my favorite.

    Congratulations on the 2000+ followers. I truly love your blog, and think what you've done in your home is amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  143. I'm also a follower here. In fact, I think I was #1981!

  144. How awesome is this Party!!! COngratulations!

    I simply adore the Fuscia Scribble Tote. Having it on my arm would be the WOW for me. It is beautiful!

  145. So many hoops to jump through Donna, I'm not sure I can follow the directions! But, my small black purse is too small, so I need a new one, and the The Teal and Brown Paisley Pattern is the one for me!

  146. I am also a follower! Yea...

  147. My purse is too small for what's in it. I have a small 6' tape measure hooked on the side. Inside is my camera (when it's not in the workshop), my wallet, which often falls out and of course... colour samples of some of my rooms and accessories, painted on pieces of wood! And the usual, cheque books, pens, old receipts, gum, etc...

  148. I LOVE the teal and brown paisley tot - I must have it!

  149. The one thing I have in my purse that I cannot live without is.....


  150. Not sure if I can include all the entries in one post or not. I'm a follower, of course!
    And I love the teal & brown paisley tote.
    I also keep a tapemeasure in my purse only mine is very girly and has teapots on it. My youngest nephew bought it for me at his santa's workshop store at school and was sooooo proud of the fact that he bought Aunt Rose the perfect present! I've carried it ever since and use it often.
    Also in my purse, asst drill bits, screws, philips head screwdriver, at least 10 pens, a gazillion old receipts and my current favorite gum: Green Apple & Golden Pineapple Trident Layers. Yum!
    Congrats on your big milestone!

  151. A few things:
    The comment the guy made about where's your dog? That seriously made me laugh out loud!!!
    I can't pick one thing I can't live w/o in my purse, so the two things are lotion (my hands get super dry!) and blistex.
    Congrats on reaching the 2,000 mark! That's awesome and you are obviously doing something right!
    And last but not least, I love the brown and teal paisley!

  152. Oh yeah, and of course I am already a follower!

  153. Ok, I just looked again and see i did my entry all wrong. Count the first one for the purse contents. This one is for the teal and brown paisley tote! Love it

  154. I adore the teal and brown paisly - entrance number one for me

  155. I am also a follower..entrance number 2

  156. My purse- well I have 3 that I use-.
    one is my red that I use for winter..they are all over the arm as I can't seem to keep them on my shoulder- dang it. number two is a green one that is used for spring. and number three is my fave as my best friend made it for them all. I tried to be cool this past week and bought a steve madden leather one with ruffles all over it at marshalls but I just couldn't do it and took it back. :)
    entrance number 3...

  157. Congratulations on your 2000(+) followers! I visited Tangerine Totes and I really love the Teal and Brown Paisley. Just love those colors!

  158. I have been a follower of FJ for a while now! Love your blog and always look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

  159. I am now a follower of Tangerine Totes!

  160. congrats on getting to 2000, I'm happy to be one of them!

  161. I can't go anywhere without my sunglasses!!

  162. I like the teal and brown paisley pattern tote. Very cute!

  163. And I am a loyal ;-) follower!

  164. My purse... I have 2 "everyday". A new black on that I got to replace 2 that I was tired of and a brown Coach bag that was a Christmas gift. Have a couple "fun" purses... one has pirates on it and was a gift from my nephews (I call them The Pirates and they call me The Pirate Queen). Don't carry all that much in it... wallet, calendar, tape measure!, notebook, a bit of low cal candy and some pens. Opps phone and digi camera too.

  165. I like the teal and brown tote. I love that they have metal feet.


  166. I am a follower. wish I had your creativity. I love old things also.

  167. I have a few purses I use for work and then change to something more casual on the weekends. I have been so busy that here it is Wednesday and I am still using my weekend purse! It currently contains a wallet, toothbrush & toothpaste, camera, extra reading glasses, extra barrette & rubber band, cell phone, lipstick & gloss, small hand sanitizer, business card case, small tape measure, a 4.5x3 spiral notebook which contains measurements of windows, doors and rooms of my house and where I can also make notes and my cross pen. Sounds like a lot but everything is in its place. Well, with the exception of a little bit of sand and a few shells from my last trip to the beach two weeks ago. Now that you made me examine the contents of my purse I realize I need to clean it!

  168. First Congrats to you! I loved the fudge too yummy;) Now I adore the fuschia Scribble tote.To cute.Count me in please!

    Oh almost forgot I cant live without lip gloss in my messy purse,LOL

  169. In my purse I have to have my burts bee's chapstick...and as a mommy of 3, one being a newborn, i must have all the necessary baby things, just incase! Congrats on your 2000 mark!

  170. I'm now a follower of Tangerine Totes

  171. Okay, I visited her site, and teal & brown it is for me. And I'm a follower of her too, now! What a fun give away.

  172. #163 Julie, the hoops are totally optional. :)

    All I can say is, I want some of that Burt's Bees chapstick whatever stuff. Seems popular... and I can't miss out on stuff!

    FJ Donna

  173. lovelovelove the The Fuscia Scribble Tote!!!
    Great giveaway! Congrats on 2000!!

  174. Wow, 2000 followers! No wonder it took so long to get to the bottom of this page to leave a little comment. Yes, I follow you. Gonna go look at totes now.

  175. Congrats on 2000 followers...and well deserved. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. The bags are adorable.

  176. I have been a fan and a follower for a while now.

  177. Whats in my purse? Well my husband says he's afraid to go in there...really afraid! Can't blame him though. I just found a receipt from 2006! The things I could not live without are my fabric & paint swatches and my chocolate stash.

  178. I almost forgot to say which bag I would like. The fun and lovely Fuscia Scribble would be my choice.


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