Friday, April 23, 2010

SNS #27 brings you - a dream studio!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #27!

If you're new here, join in! There are two categories to link to, Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, so feel free to post your DIY project in the applicable area below.

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

~ This Weekend ~

I'm sorry I won't be around much to play this weekend. The townwide Studio Tour is taking place Sat and Sun. I'll indeed pop in when I can!

~ The Link Party Critique update ~

Thanks to all that took part in discussing what you love/don't love about link parties HERE. The info was VERY helpful to me!

I'll be doing a follow up post on this topic. I'm just needing abit more thinking time to sort out a few ideas I have in store. Until that time, we'll continue on with the two catagories, which really acts like two broad themed events, so everyone can continue to be included. Watch the blogroll for some fun additions with some special focused themes coming soon!

~ Spotlight Feature from SNS 26 ~
A dream studio

I totally dream of having a workshop in my backyard one day. Honestly, you just can't do a whole lot in a single car garage if you also store your bikes, air compressor, power washer, blah blah blah in the same space.

Did you happen to see this SNS entry last weekend? Brace yourself on this one.

This, my envious non studio friends, is a studio out in the backyard of Ann Marie's residence. A STUDIO. A separate building from the house. To do your thang in. All by your lonesome  Dreamy! Isn't this adorable?!?

Ann Marie's blog is called La Maison La Fortune and you can find her studio post HERE.

They picked a spot in the back yard, and got right to work.

They did the work themselves, bit by bit. I can just about smell that fresh pine being cut. And don't you love that sound of wood being cut?!? You KNOW what I mean, right??? If you don't, I guarantee, have something brand new built and you'll feel it pretty fast.

Oh my, it's adorable already. They got to the roof at this stage and hired help from thereon. Don't you love the tall overhead trees framing the building? 

I am just in LOVE with those tall windows. Goodness.. it looks like it's been there forever with those trees!


Have a good look at the pathway and rock trim around the garden perimeter. So cottage sweet! I'm also adoring the soft hues of the colour scheme. The tall shutters are just adorable with the equally tall windows. And two rocking chairs on the little front porch?!? Looks like coffee time to me! With a laptop on my lap of course. :)

Ann Marie uses her studio for her custom linens and drapery business, and promises to show the interior once she's got that in full swing. Right now she's still playing with the layout and such. So Miss Ann Marie, we're all watching you now. :) Can't wait to see what you have in store!

I did find a post with a sneak peek to the colours that'll be used inside. Ohhhh such a tease! Aren't they cheerful?

My dream studio/workshop would be just like this, but probably with double barn style doors so I could swing them wide open while I worked. My studio would be for the sawing wood variety no doubt. Or maybe I'd decorate it to display my furniture line to sell. When I make my furniture line, that is.  Oh gosh. I want it yesterday now. BAD. Ann Marie, whatever have you done to me??

Thanks for allowing me to highlight your lovely studio!

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. Please link projects up that are new to SNS and within 1 month old. If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Happy party and weekend inspiration to all!


  1. I think the 2 links are the same????

  2. I'm having trouble adding my link. And I'm seeing 2 for Home Decor. Is it just my dinosaur computer?

  3. i CAN'T link ITS NOT LETTING ME.. BOO HOO! i KNOW HOW TO LINK, i HAVE DONE it tons of times. sad face! Jenn

  4. Glad you are still having this!

  5. Still having trouble...guess I'm not the only one.
    Here is my link...
    Hopefully I can add it later. I will keep trying!

  6. There are definitely two identical link areas and it won't take my entry. Here it is:

  7. I haven't linked b/c I tried last week and it never took, then I think I made a nuisance out of myself. But this wasn't the only blog giving me issues. Turns out I didn't have my third party cookies enabled. Well see if this posts if so, maybe I'll give it another try. And no, your not seeing double (but you are) as there are two Home Decor areas.
    Hope this this want that studio...sobbing right along with everyone else.

  8. Hello sweet Donna - thank you for hosting! Here's my link:


  9. Oh dear... Glad I checked in. I'll fiddle with things now. Doh!! :) Sorry, this was a rescheduled post.

    FJ Donna

  10. Looks like it's working ok for me. Please try again, all! Sorry for the mixup!

    You can't preview this linky so it shows blank until the post goes up. Grr... will try on my test blog next weekend first.

    FJ Donna

  11. Good luck with the studio tour this week-end!! Sounds like fun!

  12. Amazing studio space...I really want a peek inside! Thanks fo hosting Donna! Hope you enjoy your weekend! Have fun!

  13. donna,

    i can totally see you building up a studio in "no-time!"
    that studio is amazing. and the tease of the fabric at the end, has my total attention!!!
    can't wait.

    have a great weekend!

  14. Thanks for hosting Donna.

    Have a super weekend.

    barbara jean

  15. How great would it be to have a studio and one that's so beautiful too. Thanks for hosting the party again. Have a great time this weekend!

  16. Have a great time on the studio tour! Love all the linked projects...having fun visiting!!
    I have so many favorites already!!
    And that cottage style studio is TDF!!! I am drooling here...all over my keyboard!!

  17. Wow...what a darling little cottage! It would be so fun to start from scratch for a studio...sigh!

    Can't wait to see what she does on the inside! Kim

  18. Hi Donna,
    Wow what a perfect studio. Such a wonderful place for Ann Marie to create. I hope your tour goes well this weekend!

  19. I want my own studio! Oh the things I could do in there! It would be momma's lil' escape~!! thanks for sharing, really looking forward to reading opinions on link parties. I just started on of my own called "Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays" It has been great fun so far, but I am sure I could use some tips!

  20. I'm glad I had a minute to check back in. Looks like it has been working for a bit.
    Thanks so much for hosting and for fixing the linky.
    That studio is to die for :-)

  21. Awesome I think it worked for me this week..thank you for hosting. Linked in my blog and shared with all of my facebook fans.

    Showing this studio project to hubby...we have room!!! :)


  22. Oh dear, you can tell I'm new to this - I put my name not the name of my post on my link, d'oh! Looking forward to checking out everyone's projects :)

  23. Ok so I just realised I could remove and correct my link. That's better! btw I am also sooo envious of Ann-Marie's studio, I dream of just having a space to call my crafty-own, that studio is wonderful!

  24. The studio is awesome. I can't wait to see the interior when it's finished. Great title "dream studio" because something like that would only be in my dreams!

  25. Thank you so much for hosting!

  26. Love-Love-Love your blog, SNS, everything I have had the pleasure of seeing. My,my what a studio! I am very new to the blogging scene but decided to do so because of your blog and its info and content. Still struggling building my blog. Any suggestions? They would be greatly appreaciated.


  27. Ann Marie's studio is fantastic! I'm loving the windows... I bet it's nice and bright inside, perfect for her sewing projects!!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  28. What an amazing studio. I'm just drooling over it imagining something similar for day anyway. Just have to say, I'm so thrilled you have featured my project in your sidebar! I find you soooo totally inspiring and am absolutley estatic...just ask anyone in the room with me now - I nearly jumped on top of the table when I saw it!
    As a new blogger I'm also incredibly grateful for your easy to follow tips about photography and blogging in general - you're so graciously helpful - will follow you always!

  29. Hello!
    I posted a comment yesterday, but I don't see it here. So, I'll try again!
    Thanks so much for the wonderful post on my studio. I love it, and it's such a difference than my last workspace. In our other house, I used the 2 car garage as my workroom. No windows. No view whatsoever to the outside unless I opened my garage door. That was not practical because it faced due west and I'm in Texas. Now, I'd almost rather be in my studio than the house! A dilemna I don't mind having. I'm working on the interior as we speak, and hope to post updated pictures soon! Again, thanks so much.
    ann marie

  30. Donna,
    Just saw you got voted out from SYTYCD. I can't believe it, I was so sure you were going to win the whole thing! Loved all your entries and in my eyes you are THE winner.
    Hope your open house went well this weekend!

  31. Hi Donna,
    Beautiful studio! I was pulling for you on SYTYCD. You were definitely my favorite!

    Thanks for hosting!

  32. I just practically jumped for joy when I saw a picture of MY house on your sidebar!! Thanks for pulling me out of all the great ideas people link up each week. I'm so going to miss you at SYTYCD, but it doesn't take a competition for you to come up with great projects. I'll just keep visiting you directly and soaking up the inspiration! Thanks so much for your time and creativity!!

  33. You guys sure make it hard to choose which to feature on the side bar. The quality of projects just increase each week! Thanks for helping make my blog look grrrrrreat! :)

    And thanks for the empathy over So You Think. I was pouting when I first heard for certain, but I made it long enough to do ALL the entries which is cool in itself too! New post as regularly scheduled tonite so I don't mess with SNS too much.

    Thanks for your kudos. You truly inspire me to keep pushing ahead!

    FJ Donna

  34. I was excited to see so many comments on my white lovely dishes and noticed many hits coming from Funky Junk. I clicked over to check out more posts and was pleasantly surprised and very honored to see my photo featured on your side bar. You are very kind - thank you! BTW - I love your table set up in So You Think! Thank you for hosting.

  35. The contractor sure did a pretty good job on the roofing there! I like how he installed the side gable roof. My favorite part of that studio is the pathway and rock trim -- very clever. I would recommend this to my cousin in Miami.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!