Friday, April 2, 2010

How we're doing and event changes

Beware. This post is LONG, but is filled with upcoming changes you may wish to know about. :)

hiking at Harrison Hot Springs, BC Canada

How we are.


Guys, I just have to say, I'm completely overwhelmed with your prayers and thoughts of kindness that have been extended to my son and I. I can't possibly respond to each of you individually at this time, so I'm hoping this post will reach you and let you know how much I've been appreciating your incredible support!

My siblings and I are hooking up and working towards our final goal of honoring my mom the best way we can. For that is what she deserves. It's difficult when going into my mom's home, however I believe the busy tasks involved in funeral planning is what keeps you SANE. The missing and the heavy mourning is sure to follow, however for today, I'm feeling pretty good and still productive.

The announcement of the passing of my sweet Mom is HERE.

Off Topic Blog

The announcement I created of my Mom wasn't planned quite the way it happened. I wanted to bury the announcement so I backdated it, BUT then it came up on the blogroll. OOPS. :) I'd like to avoid that happening again, so if anyone desires to keep up with the goings on of the more personal aspect of my life, I'll now invite you over to my poorly kept up and neglected off topic blog HERE. There's bound to be alot of soul searching type posts to come, so if you like the wordy type of posts that carry the potential  to make everyone cry even (sorry!), this may be of interest to you.

Upcoming Scheduled Post Changes

To free up some time required for family events and lots of duties to come, I've made some decisions I hope you can appreciate.

I love to blog and I won't NOT blog. It just can't be done. :) It's therapeutic and I can see diving into a passion will be helpful. But it has to work a little smoother in conjunction to other things that MUST be done. The rescheduled events are the difficult ones.  So here's how I'll change things up abit for the time being.

Workshop Series

These are oh so fun to produce, but they take ALOT of prep. For next week, I'm going to give the photography series a week's rest. For now, I'll continue the series on a more sporadic format to better work around life. So know, it will be there, but just not on each and every Wednesday. I'll change it back to each Wednesday as soon as I feel I can. So, simply watch the blogroll for a new entry.


Ok, my baby. Sigh.. I love hosting but I won't have much time to visit. What say you? Are you ok with me hosting and not making many visits as well as highlighting for the time being? Know, hosting is easy! Lack of time for personal visits is what's at stake here.

Have you seen the new link parties where you can view your project in a thumbnail? Perhaps we should try that one weekend and see how it works out. That would sorda take the place of all my personal highlights.

SNS continues this weekend with a wonderful giveaway and a little fun surprise, so you won't want to miss that! And the dual linked themed parties was a complete hit, so that will also continue.

Shall we try the new link with pictures thing  next weekend?

HERE is a sample, hosted my Tracy over at Beneath My Heart. Great topic, Tracy! She's hosting a brand new linky party you may wish to check out too! I'm thinking the pictures would create ALOT of scrolling with two link parties, however I'm willing to give it a shot if you like the format.

So You Think

I'm going to try my darnedest to keep this one up. Reason being, not only is it a passion thing, it's pushing me to do new things I've never done before. There's incredible value in this and I fear without the looming deadline on this one, I'll just... stop. And, when your mind stops creating, you think too much. I don't want full time thinking right now. :)

I'm also hosting a Studio Tour as part of a town wide open house hosted by local artisans at the end of April, so the more I do, the more I can show what I'm capable of. So You Think is hugely responsible for a boatload of new things I've taught myself. This is career building type stuff! So I will try to keep up for now.

Sidebar Sponsors and advertising

You may have noticed I've temporarily dropped my sidebar sponsors. Having the sponsor bar up drew in more questions I don't have time to address or requests to join up which I can't accommodate time wise at this time.

I've been making plans for something new and exciting sponsor related that hasn't been done yet, so when time allows, I'm going to start fresh, invite the gals back as well as anyone else that wants to join up, and do it right. I'm excited for the new changes so stay tuned for some fun upcoming unique sponsor twists and new advertising opportunities!

And there it is in a nutshell. Thanks for your continued interest in playing over at my place and I'll attempt to continue to throw in unscheduled posts when I have something to share.

Any and all comments and suggestions most welcome. I love hearing what you have to say.

See you tonite for SNS as regularly scheduled. :) And for a very out there downright scary world first type of submittance for So You Think Sunday night. I mean, you expect that at this point, yes? :)


  1. As a mom of 5 grown need to hear this young lady...;-) Be very careful..I repeat be very careful...buried feelings that need to be expressed..mainly with tears and some moaning..and some fist need to grieve. don't overwhelm yourself with other stuff..we can wait on you!!! We are in no hurry..we need you to be allright. Your son is watching how you you handle things..this will come back later on in His life.
    Don't make hasty decisions on your mom's stuff..if you can put it in storage..and wait ..and have a celebration of her life party..down the road.I hear all the time as a counselor in Grief Management..We got rid of everything..I can't smell the person any her pillowcase..her gown..they are her..The scent will then you will be ready.Cry girl..go to your closet and cry..but also know that Our Heavenly Father has her in His arms..and oh what a place to be..pull yourself up out of the closet and go on..and if you have to do it again be it..God created they tears!!!
    Now I won't lecture you any more..I just hope someday someone will talk to my girls this way..hugs from an Old Mama in Tx

  2. Donna, I'm so glad you're making these changes for yourself. I'm sure your other readers will understand your decision and respect your choice to open up more time in your life.

    You have been a most gracious host to all of us. Sometimes when your blog is so popular and fun to visit (like yours :)), it has a way of taking on a life of it's own. Many of us cannot fathom the amount of work that goes into keeping it on top for everyone's viewing pleasure, and having been a part of many of the things you've offered on your blog, I know how much time you personally devote to yours. It certainly does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

    I always enjoy grabbing a good cup of coffee and settling in to view your link parties each weekend. The talent you've drawn to your blog is incredible.

    I love the idea of the pictured link parties. I've seen a few of them this week and it makes it very nice to be able to see what the project is before you open the blog.

    You take care of yourself and your family, and when you're ready to come back, we'll all pull a chair up at the table and join ya for a good talk.

    Hugs, Prayers, and Blessings you and the family.

  3. Take the time you need to do what you need to do for yourself and your family. I'm sure we can make do until you return to your normal schedule. Sincerest condolences on your loss.

  4. Anything you decide to do will be wonderful! I know that about you!

    I'll be here visiting no matter what the blog looks like! You've kinda grown on me!!

    Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your son and your prayer or in heart.



  5. Donna, I was amazed that you were able to respond with sweet notes as much as you did! So, keeping up with any blogging at this point is pretty spectacular...and totally unexpected. God bless you! Julie M.

  6. I have no suggestions, but we're all here caring for you, wishing you the best, and hanging on your every word.

  7. Donna, change is a good thing and for you right now it's the only "right" thing to do! We will still be here to support you in any way you need us to!

    Kat :)

  8. Donna-

    This is your blog- you're the leader, we follow.
    Anything you decide to do, we know first and foremost is in the best interest for you and your family...and your peace of mind.
    I think I can say on behalf of most of your followers- We want that for you. Peace of mind.
    You have a lot on your plate taking care of final details and Honoring your Mom.

    Never fear- you are always going to have us, the bloggy friends.

    I'm like you in the sense when I'm faced with something that is life changing...I do well to keep some of the same ol' things going helps to bring balance.

    Just know this;

    In whatever it is you're doing during this time of your life...Do it all to the Glory of God.
    You CAN NOT go wrong there.

    God Bless you and your family-
    Peace, Comfort and Joy to you as well.

    Your bloggy friend- Pat

  9. Wow that's a lot of info :) I'm so excited for the workshop series!

  10. Donna I think it is a very smart thing to do as you can when you can. It was nice of you to let us all know what is going on and the changes. Some things are worth waiting for and I happen to think you are one of them. So when you are ready to get back into the swing of things I will be a faithful reader. I lost my mom 10 years ago. It took me a long time to get things back in order. I am glad you are able to spend time doing what you need to do. Thinking of you.

  11. Donna, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Your blog about her didn't show up in my blog roll for some reason. You need to spend time with your real family and leave your blogging family for awhile. Take it slow, no one expects you to blog everyday. You have many fans who will be happy to read whatever you have the time to write about.

    Big hugs to you and your son...
    Your online friend,
    P.S. A few days ago I was going to send you an email suggesting you try the party links with the photos!

  12. Donna,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Donna, My heart hurts for you and your family. I lost my Mom 21 years ago next Wed. You have such a wonderful support group of blog/friends/followers. You will be and continue to be in lots of prayers.

  14. Donna I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Please just know that we all just want whats best for you. I read Cindys comment to you and wish someone would have said that to all of my siblings last year when we lost my mom. I did keep a few of her clothes and so did my kids but some took nothing because it was too painful.But last week when I was helping my 22 year old daughter do her laundry I washed one of my moms t'shirts that she wears now to sleep in. It touched my heart so.
    Take gentle care of yourself and as crazy as this sounds try and eat something healthy everyday to give you strength.
    May you feel Gods love through this difficult time. Theresa

  15. You shouldn't feel guilty about not having time. It happens. Life happens. I am sure that everyone will understand how much of your precious time that all that you do takes. You need to take time for yourself now though.

    I know this Easter will be hard for you. The first one always is. I hope that you and your loved ones have a very blessed Easter!

  16. Donna,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, my prayers are with you.
    As for the new linky, I use it and enjoy seeing the pictures in each post.
    And on a up note, I wanted to say Thanks for being one of my Top Referrers for March! I really appreciate it!

  17. Praying for you at this time. Give yourself grace, time and space to deal with this loss as you need to...your friends and fans will understand.

  18. Donna~ I just this week said goodbye to my dad at a memorial service in Pensacola. It was Sad. but it was Happy. I was so proud to be his daughter, that never goes away.
    You are in my prayers.

  19. Donna, so very sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


  20. No matter what Donna, i will be behind you, you are such a wonderful lady and I am so glad to know you. You are a true inspiration to so many people and I know you mom must have been so proud of all that you have accomplished! Whatever you do here I will continue to read, and follow! You make sure to take time for you and your family and know that we will wait as long as it takes, and will understand that you need time. Big hugs to you!


  21. Donna, I am so sorry about the loss of your Mom.
    This is one of my favorite poems by Carol Lynn Pearson....hope it gives you some comfort.


    Death is ugly?
    Oh, my children,

    If you knew
    The beauty
    That begins where
    Your sight fails,
    You would run,
    Run, run,
    And leap
    With open arms
    Into eternity.

    But sad
    Is a harvest
    Of green wheat.

    So you would
    Cling to earth
    And finish
    Your mortal task,
    I merely gave
    An ugly mask.

    My prayers are with you and your family. Deb

  22. I am so glad that you are taking the time to do what YOU need to do. Please know that we will all still be here when you are ready to come back full force! Take care of yourself!

  23. I am so very sorry about your mom, i cant even imagine -
    I am sure you will figure out this whole blogging thing - you need to take time for yourself and your family - everyone here will wait :) "real life" comes 1st

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  24. Donna I am sure that everyone understands why you are doing this and if they do not - they need to seriously give their head a shake!! Take the time you need and come back when you can.

  25. You do what you need to do right now. You and your family are what's important.

    I, for one, look forward to anything you do, and will be excited for whatever it may be that you have time and energy for.

    God bless you and keep you in His arms.

  26. Oh Sweet Donna, I just came over and found out about your mom. I'm so sorry. I know you will miss her terribly, but you will be amazed at how often you sense her with you. My mom passed 8 years ago, and little things happen all the time, and I just know it's her, with me. I can tell what an amazing woman she was, just by looking at you, and the lovely tribute you gave her.

    The next few days will probably be a blur, but so comforting at the same time. You and your son will be in my prayers.

  27. Donna,
    Having just walked through the loss of my dad on 2/28, my heart breaks for you. Taking time to take care of you and yours is so important right now. We love you and support all decisions you make for yourself and your blog.

  28. Hi, Donna. I lost my mom years ago last week. Her death was unexpected, and we worked through the first week preparing for a lovely funeral service to honor her memory. We took old photos and memorabilia from the different parts and roles of her life...from her baby pictures and shoes to her high school photos, yearbook, and tassel to her wedding dress and early photos of her and my dad. We had a Brownie leader/room mother board with some of the things she made for us (she saved a lot of things in her cedar chest). We covered the lower part of her casket with a special family heirloom quilt and some of her favorite collection of teddy bears. We saw her in so many ways, and we wanted to share that with friends and family. It was a wonderful way to remember the many ways she touched lives.

    My thoughts are with you...

  29. Thanks so much for posting my kitchen knife block and soap pump on your side bar under "Glam up your Kitchen". Wow, I'm so stinkin' excited about this. Thanks a ton!

  30. Donna-
    This is your blog, and we are all faithful friends and followers. Your blog is not only successful because of the content, but also because everyone can sense what kind of person you are. A wonderful, fun, caring person.
    We will be here with you.
    Sending you peace,and thinking of you.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!