Sunday, June 7, 2009

Unique patio table

Welcome to my patio! (as is... surely more morphing to come as always)

I use to have a standard schmandard patio glass topped table with metal chairs with big thick sumptuous padding. I sold the works at my garage sale a few weeks back. The set was less than a year old. Why did I do this you ask? Because I didn't like looking at it.

You're forced to look at a patio table nearly 24/7 because it's generally right outside your kitchen windows. So I put my need for all things rustic into action and salvaged this old workbench from someone's garage, into my new fun thing to look at.

Last night the table top was still a deeper shade of mocha with black distressed accents from where I had it sitting last. (I've had this thing for awhile!) Today, the top got a fresh coat of white.

The chairs are a rescue from a used furniture store. I scooped them up for $80 a pop which I thought was alot at the time, but I knew I LOVED them. A lady stopped me in my tracks on my way out and asked me if I knew what I had. I told her simply, pretty chairs. She then proceeded to tell me how they were made, where they were made and they were worth $1500 each. WHAT?!? Giddy, I took them home and have used them here and there over the years. They are comfy as is with no padding to boot. Strange but true. I love the lines. And they were already black.

Oh. By the way, I reside in China in an unmarked area not even on the map. Way too far to come and steal my chairs so don't bother.

This little doodad sits on the table. The flowers are fake and always in perfect bloom!

Here's the view of my little character building coming to life, from the patio. So I indeed have encouragement to keep going on that thing because I look at it. Alot. I know. I have too much stuff on the go. Like you don't... (snicker)

And there's that ever present honkin' big bbq. It is what it is. What I LOVE about this table and chairs out here is they now match that big honkin' big bbq. The last set of chairs was really a beautiful rustic deep brown, but it always bugged me that I didn't chose black. Well, I didn't have the bbq then and the bbq didn't come in a beautiful rustic deep brown. Whatever. It now matches and I can breathe much better, thank-you!

Here's what I did last night when I needed to escape from my messy house (due to too many projects and downtime). It was a lovely quiet evening with me 'n the dog.

I also strung up some white Christmas lights along the front of the patio for a nice night glow effect. It was wonderful! To kill the brightness, I unscrewed most of the bulbs to achieve the ambiance I was after. Easy fix if you wish for more brightness. Worked great!

A patio table does not have to be what Walmart carries. You can create your own! And I'll be honest. I LOVE looking at this stuff. When something makes you smile, you know you're on the right track. Buh bye to thick padded cushions with palm fronds.. hello to my little quaint world of all things distressed!

My mom will never figure me out.


  1. Just beautiful. I so agree. I cannot get into the patio furniture I see every where. Way too new looking. I nab any wrought iron patio stuff I can find while thrifting. I have sprayed some white some black and a few pieces red and aqua. Much more geared to my taste. I did find a fake wicker set at Target that gives an older look but is easier on the rear than wrought iron and sturdier than wicker. That appeases the family. Tee hee.

  2. Hey ..I bin to China...that ain't China...LOL

  3. Love those chairs Donna!! Your finds have so much more character than some set at wally world ever will. I would like to find something interesting in the way of furniture for my patio once I'm in my "new" house. I just want the neighbors to keep wondering "what is he doing now?"

  4. I love your table! Next year will be my mission to complete my covered deck. It will be budget friendly and all well-loved, old pieces salvaged to make my ultimate outdoor escape. For now, I will just dream about it, and scope out my neighbor's junk. Maybe they will want to clean out stuff soon!


  5. Thanks all!

    Misti, I have a big confession here. The patio needs powerwashing BADLY as well as paint touchups. But I was using it anyway as is, so I decided to paint the table top as is and just get to enjoying it now regardless. But I did hold myself back until now when I realized that was just kinda silly. Dirt doesn't show up in pics anyway. LOL

    One item at a time, and eventually, you'll be done before you even realize it!

    And I have LOTS of future plans for this patio, but I have to 'find' the stuff first. :)

    Sue, you have so busted me. I'm in the deep dark jungles of Brazil, yeah, that's it!

    Funky Junk Donna

  6. That looks beautiful...what a great spot to enjoy the nice weather.

  7. I'd take that table and chairs over a walmart one anyday,, love it.

  8. So cute and innovative! I would love to have a covered area so I could set out my potting bench and wood table- alas, I settle for my 2 small sets of wrought iron tables and chairs that can take the weather. But I can continue dreaming and maybe, just maybe, I can venture into the deep dark jungles of Brazil... :-) Sue

  9. I've been to Brazil, it's only 20 minutes from my house, and I have sat on those wonderful, looking good Donna, and I had ants this year too, I don't know where they went, they just left, I hope.....

  10. Love, love, love it, is Brazil close to Houston? I'm on my way if it is.

  11. Donna, you are going to be so proud of me, and it's just because of your inspiration that you gave me, I finally ripped our that horrible green shag off my staircase going up and the one going down, wow who knew old wood could look so nice, so I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me.

  12. Anon, you rock, girl! Can't wait to hear what you do with those stairs!


  13. Thanks for visiting me today. I love your outdoor area!! Very cool table. :)

  14. OK, if you've read around my blog you'll know I'm looking for a dining room set with windsor chairs! Your chairs are exactly what I'm looking for. I was hoping you'd say what company they came from!! I don't think I'll be as lucky as you to find them at a sale. Anyway, I need 6 of them. They don't even have to have the arms. Boy, you got a great buy!!!! Love your blog.

  15. Perfect! Great character and totally my style. I was wondering if your porch is covered? I dislike the mass produced patio sets and have been unable to make myself buy one, for two homes and over 17 years. I presently have 2 Adirondack (Muskoka) chairs in our backyard but would love a rustic wood table and chairs. Alas, no lovely large back porch, just a small grassed backyard. Wondering how the wood table would hold up open to the elements?

  16. Hi Elizabeth,

    The picture with the bbq in it shows abit of the covered portion of the patio. It has a lightweight roof. Some days I curse it as I'd love the full sun streaming down, and for more viewing pleasure from the inside, however as it rains 11 out of 12 months in our region, I'm generally ok with the roof then. LOL

    I wonder the same about wood and outdoor elements. If you were to make a wooden set yourself, you could always use treated wood. For those finds here and there, just prime and paint it well with a good outdoor paint, do that yearly and it may last awhile. If you set something on the lawn, I'd ensure you hike up the wooden legs off the ground somehow (encased with metal?) to avoid the wood rotting. You could always incorporate an umbrella in the middle of your table to in order to help with the elements.

    Honestly, the pretty stuff isn't made for long term outdoors. That's why they invented all that weird stuff from Walmart. Sigh..

    Funky Junk Donna

  17. That looks great! Spacify offers wide range of Patio Tables

  18. Picture caught my eyes, so I wondered over to this past post. I too have an unusual new (old) patio table. It is my old kitchen table. Do you remember the golden oak round extenda table so popular as a kitchentte? mine is now a gray distressed beauty that is waiting patiently for my patio to be finished so she can have her rightful place in the sun.
    Shine on:-)

  19. Are those the real deal Windsors?
    I aced a Goodwill deal when I found an antique Winchester kids rocker for $30.00!! Gotta love it!!

  20. I love it when people come up to me and tell me that I just bought something valuable. It does not happen very often, but I am extremely happy when it does. I just bought a new patio furniture set that matches your colors almost exactly. I love your chairs a lot better than mine though.


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