Thursday, June 25, 2009

Character Outbuilding - Part 3

Who wouldn't love an old weathered little gate up against old weathered wood? The gate will soon serve a purpose as well. Hurry up sunshine, I need you here!

This long box was not originally a planter box. It was a means of shipping firetruck parts into our country. Really. I stripe and letter firetrucks for a living so when I saw this shipping box in their burn pile, (after screaming and stamping my feet in total glee!) I got someone to help me shove it in the back of my truck. FAST like. And I put it right to work. I'm such a garbagemaniac.

It's been waaaay too long since I've done some real work on my character outbuilding. I'm still on the lookout to collect wood I need to complete it. However, I painted out the trim to match up to this planter box. It adds just the right amount of brightness to the little building, yet still has rustic appeal. And that is Jenna, my ever present shadow in the form of a dog. Where I go, she goes. Easy to please, ohhhhh yeah.

And this is what I want the gate to do one day. Hold up some gorgeous sweet pea flowers in full force bloom! I have sun on order. Hopefully before they get flooded out...

I just love this little bent up weathered gate! I scooped it from the dump while a guy was throwing it onto the pile. It went from his trailer right into the back of my truck. Gotta be quick while the going's good!
My intent for a garden around the character building has morphed. I had big intentions of cutting out a nice curvy bed to hug the building and add a ton of full bloom full grown perennials of course. (right..) But as luck would have it, my back and bank account spoke to me and requested to stick with the free planter box and free soil from the garden idea for this year. Ok, ok...

Some good news! I reclaimed some old shake shingles! I can either tinker with them on the building, or... I have a bazillion different ideas for them. Hopefully this summer (soon) I'll get busy and share what I do with them.

Have you used anything unusual for planter boxes? When I went to pick up these flowers, the nursery had old toilets sprouting full blooms. Hilarious...


I'm gettin' there!!
Check out Kimm's Reinvented Trash to Treasure Tuesday, July 7 2009 edition to see what others are making out of those 'special finds'!


  1. Oh how I ENVY your character outbuilding!!!
    And everything you add to it makes it even more charming.

  2. Like the new finds. I have to start driving the truck more often. I just drove past some great finds at the end of someone's driveway, but had to pass them up. There was no way that I could fit them in the car!

  3. Thanks Joy! It is so fun to tinker on!

    And Gwen... oh Gwen. I could never ever in my life drive a car ever ever again. A truck is a MUST.

    If I had a car, it would have a dented top and lotsa rope in the backseat.

    Funky Junk Donna

  4. I love this idea!!!! I just ripped our trellis out because it was ugly. Now I know what to replace it with!!! Love your blog by the way! Very inspiring! -Kelsee

  5. You are simply amazing and I have no idea how you find such great stuff. I wouldn't know where to start.

  6. I love old gates. And I love finding things to make things with. Your idea is great.
    Bloom sweet peas bloom!

  7. I have a 1930's washing machine tub as a planter. Then all the normal galvanized and rusted enamelware tubs. I have a gate just like that and my clematis is climbing on it.

  8. Donna,I have so enjoyed you blog since I started this whole blog business, I just found today your other blog, I spent over an hour reading, looking at pictures and just pretending "what if" I was fortunate enough to live in a place like that. I too am a single mother and totally understand the "1st" time away at camp. Enjoy that bond you have with your son, it only gets better. My son is no 15 and we are still so close. Thanks for the wonderful connection to other wonderful people's blogs. Valerie

  9. Your little building is just the cutest thing. Love it and your dog is really sweet, too!

  10. Donna you are a treasure yourself. You have such good ideas. I am like you- I will screech to a halt and pick up some lost lonely trash knowing I can make it shine again. At auctions the more falling apart and peely, chippy painted it is the more I love it. My mom and husband say it would be great if stripped and painted and I always say - no leave it as is - it has been through a lot to look this good.
    I use anything I can think of as planters - I have chicken feeder boxes on my railing on the front porch filled with flowers. I also have a round chicken feeder planted with flowers on the porch.. Keep on making your place beautiful - I will keep on watching to see what you do- Wish I had a building like yours.

  11. So I found your blog (checking out Savvy City Farmer) and I cannot remember when I have had so much fun reading a blog. Don't get me wrong, love the photos, and the ideas are fab but your writing style is such FUN! Love your honesty and humor. I want MoreMoreMore.......

  12. LOVE IT!!! Just darling!! I can't wait to see the uses for the roofing!

    Blessings to you!!!

  13. I love the planter box and the white detail around the windows. It's looking great!

  14. Wow your little shed is coming along nicely, now get that wood out of it, I want to rent it for the summer, it's so cute.... Lol..Oh, and can you put a shower in it...

  15. I am a big fan of wheelbarrows....rusty old ones are great for flower planters! And they can be moved (if the tires aren't flat) when you're mowing the lawn or you just want to move them to a different location.

  16. A for effort ... girl, this is magazine worthy!!!

    It beckons me to come and sit.
    what's the next phase ... it looks "perty" done to me

  17. Ah, you creative types sure know how to make another feel worthy!

    The next phase could be oh so many things! My eyes are wide open wherever I venture because I have a cordless drill with PLENTY of screws and it's eager to play with me! I can envision homemade shutters, finishing the sides, a little broken rocky pathway phasing out to nowhere, cool doodads to hang on the building. But it will very much depend on what I find. Doncha love a good hunt?!? But I do promise, I will have a final part to this one day. :)

    Anon, you have my wheels turning! I could have turned that thing into a little overnight cabin and camp in the backyard. How cute would that have been?!? Don't even encourage me to do something more here..

    Funky Junk Donna

  18. Beautiful! It looks like a picture straight out of a magazine. And those red geraniums are gorgeous...and my favorite flower!


  19. Oh, I love your character outbuilding. So adorable! And I love your blog! I'm signing up to follow right now!

  20. Donna, love your little shed, it's adorable & all your finds just complete it. I love that huge shipping box, now a planter. You're so clever. I also love your horse gate hook thing in the earlier post.

  21. You are one talented girl! I absolutely love your blog!

  22. It's looking awesome! I love the character. I am so jealous! I am still trying to come up with a way to "organize" our wood pile that my husband will agree to. I want your outbuilding! ;)

  23. Hello Donna - I love all the cool inspiration I get when I visit your blog! Thank you for sharing. I really love that gate! It looks so cute in the planter box.


  24. Hello Donna, I found you through the comments on Messy thrilling life blog and came over for a visit as your comment sounded very interesting to me. We do have alot in commom, right down to living the single mom life and a son named Cody. I am remarried now and have another home to fix and love as well and believe me, there's not a day goes by that I'm not fixing or dreaming or scheming whagt to do next. I really enjoyed my visit here, you are an inspiration to all who reads.
    Much love,

  25. HI
    I just love the old shed~!!
    My son is working on ours today and putting in an old window I had..we store our fire wood in ours too the yard tools, lawn mover..etc..(:)
    yours is really cute ~!!
    hugs, Patty

  26. I keep meaning to ask you and I always forget! Where did you get the lovely cow painting that used to be on the side of your shed? I LOVE IT!!! Melaine

  27. Hey Melanie,

    The cow mural was done by an artist friend visiting from California. She's now in Washington.

    I had a cow calendar that inspired her. She origionally painted the mural for the side of a barn I use to have. It was really cool on a bigger building. The cows are painted lifesize so it was created so 'they peered out of the barn.' The mural is a tad big for the little greenhouse. :)

    Here is the inspiration poster she got the idea from.

    Funky Junk Donna

  28. I think it is a SUPER cool job that you have to stripe and letter fire engines. Thank you for the part YOU do in keeping us all safe and serving the community! Kelly

  29. Love this post and love your blog! Keep bringing that eye candy! Great ideas. :o) Have a wonderful week!

  30. I LOVE your blog and the shed is fantastic!! CAUUTTTTE!!

  31. That building is just precious! I love how you're making it so beautiful with treasures. Thanks for linking up!

  32. Hi-

    I just discovered your blog and I love it! I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the big wooden box from the firetruck plant turned into a planter! I too worked at a firetruck manufacturer and drooled over those beautiful boxes they threw away. I did however manage to take truck loads of discarded wood home that I've made things out of over the years.

    Your home and garden are beautiful!

    Lauren from Florida


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