Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pantries you can't help but fall in love with

Pantries for the most part are all about a hidden place to stash your surplus of goods. My pantry happens to be a little hallway closet with bi fold doors. Not very romantic or fun, just designed for function.

However, pantries CAN be fun! And so wonderfully charming to the point of making you smile when you glance at them!

Here's what Country Living says about pantries...

"Before the days of built-in cabinetry, most of a household's dry foods, dishes, and linens were kept in a pantry adjoining the kitchen. Unfortunately, from the 1950s on, "modern" kitchen design often did away with this great storage feature. But every kitchen, no matter how fully outfitted with standard cabinets, can benefit from the addition of a pantry -- if only to corral the super size packages of paper towels, pasta, and snacks many of us buy at warehouse stores. Place frequently used items on the front of the shelf, at eye level. Group like foods and ingredients for favorite dishes together."

(all photos are linked to their originator)

How sweet is this?!? Ultimate organization, with such incredible personality. You just about know what the outdoors to this home looks like through the pantry alone.

So fresh! And spotless. Wow. This one can truly be recreated from any nearby closet available! The fun chalkboard simply takes the transition from a yawn to a smile.

Here's another variation of that special little message center you can create out of a nearby pantry door. Don't you love the tall narrow tiny feel of that vintage door style? I'd think turning that antique doorknob would transform going into the pantry from something you just have to do to a travel in time. Fun!

So cute! This one can truly be recreated from any nearby closet available! The trick is to find that magical door that will fit. The pop of colour simply shouts, "I'm worth glancing at!" However, this one is a little daring as well. Your goods are in full view. I don't know about the rest of you, however my pantry is meant to be hidden!

Layla at The Lettered Cottage has a wonderful solution! This is a little room off her kitchen/eating area that she will be turning into her pantry. She simply replaced a typical door with a charming little slamming style screen door, painted it up to match her personal decor, and will eventually stow away her kitchen treasures. What I love about this one is, if something on a shelf is slightly amiss, you won't see it head on. YET she can still enjoy the quaint feel of what a walk in pantry offers.

If you're anything like me, I'm now eyeing my little bifold door in my hallway that is hidding my dry goods. I personally also store lots of pantry items inside my kitchen island with the pull out drawers. It's very handy and has proven over and over that if you don't have that extra little room off your kitchen to create a full blown pantry, at least having your things nearby can save you many steps.

Tell me about your own personal pantry. How do you store your Costco bulk buys or grocery store runs? Are you fortunate enough to create a special place for them? Or are you abit like me... the more I can completely hide that stuff the better? Tell me I'm not alone here in wishing I had a quaint little pantry!


  1. This may sound crazy - but I chose the model home that I did because of the pantry. Silly, I know. But there was no pantry in my first house, and I couldn't wait to finally have one. There were other pretty and larger models, but I didn't like the pantry space so I chose this one - and I've never regretted it!

  2. Ok kimmcl, I've gone to your blog in deep dark search for a glimpse of that pantry that stole your heart and I came up empty handed! Double drat! :)

    Thanks for the visit!

    Funky Junk Donna

  3. * Delightful Donna~ I think you just MAY have another "source of income"... "rent" for time spent at your blogs!!!

    Yes, I read ALL about the wonderful privilege you had of assistance by your church, & it was not ONLY an interesting read, but a FUN one, too, as you interjected your delightful personality into it! And everything looks just WONDERFUL!!!... Then, I came HERE to read even MORE (loved the pantries, of course!), & decided I just MUST put you on my FAVS, as I so enjoy your writing style, wit AND sense of humor!!!

    Sooo, thanks bunches... And as Ahhhhnold sez, "I villlll be bacccckkkk!"~~~

    Warmly, Linda in AZ *

  4. What cute pantries!

    My pantry is really just an oversized part of the kitchen cabinetry. It's tall and has two doors and lots of shelves, but it matches the cabinets. It definitely comes in handy.

    I'm fortunate to have a fair amount of closets in my house so I store some big items in the hall linen closet, some in the hall cleaning closet, and some in the master bath closet. The rest are stored in the basement. The pantry itself really only houses food.

  5. I love the magical door! But I seriously thought your title was "panties"!!

  6. LOL Jill... you made me look at my title like only 3x to ensure there wasn't a typo!!!

    Linda, sweet words, thanks! Just for that, I won't charge you a cent for your reading pleasure. :)

    Bonita, you are blessed with loads of space by the sounds of it, lucky girl!

    FJ Donna

  7. In home remodeling VA nowadays, this is how homeowners want their kitchens to turn out. More and more people are starting to see the essence of a clutter free pantry. Thanks to blogs like yours:)

  8. I have an '80's style LA apartment. My pantry is just a small, shallow cupboard. To perk it up I wallpapered the back with blue checks. I used rubber cement so when we move out I can pull it out and not be charged any fees.

  9. I turned a small office off my kitchen back into a pantry. It came out lovely and we are thrilled with the result! I did a post on it with before and afters. Here is the link:
    Great post!

  10. We turned the pantry into a small mud room that leads to the garage, and then built a walk-in pantry in the garage. It's not as pretty as those you've shown, though I've dreamt of making it that pretty. However, it's big, and that counts quite a bit:


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