Thursday, April 16, 2009

Taking care of windows and music

What's behind the cow? Can you guess? If you guessed screens, you're only half right. The deal is, what am I using the screens FOR?

I've yet to get some curtains hanging in this newly renovated home. When I came across these used screens for $20 a pop at Value Village, I had other ideas for them. However, when I placed them in front of my very naked massive picture window, they FIT.

What's really cool is, the rice paper/fabric allows light to penetrate right through by day, while offering you total privacy at night! The wood on the screens gives architectural interest in a very large and bare room as well.

And the possibilities are really endless. I thought of painting out the screens white and throwing burlap inside once I get the curtains of my dreams to drape on either side of them. But I'm not doing a thing to them until my one day curtains are installed. For now, I'm enjoying the screens just as they are.

Here's an extra for you. See these old boxes situated in the middle of the screens? They do more than hold that cow.

They are hiding the technology in this room. My stereo. The main black box (which is a black trunk on it's side) holds the woofer thing and main unit and the smaller box besides has two speakers stacked one on top of the other. No, I haven't hooked them up all yet. I imagine the sound would be slightly muffled through the boxes. I had planned to simply open and lift if that proved to be a big deal when used.

So there you have it. Unique no sew no painted (so far) curtains, plunked into place and easy to open and shut at will. Think of the possibilities with all sorts of lightweight screens!

And no typical ordinary stereo prefab stereo cabinet.

Hey. Just say no to normalicy. Think of what you need, and start looking for those unique solutions. You'll be glad you did!

What small things enhance your day?
Check out A Beautiful Life April 17 2009 Edition at
The Inspired Room to see what others are up to.


  1. oh wow, what an amazing deal! and what a brilliant idea using them in front of the window, looks fantastic!


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